Disabling One Control And Enabling The Other

Mar 8, 2010

I have a dropdownlist inside a DETAILSVIEW....now when i select one particular option. a textbox should open up and enable me to enter a value in it and when i click insert button of the detailsview..the value i entered in the textbox shud enter the database and not the value i selected in the dropdownlist...how do i go about it....also how do i access the ID of the control inside the detailsview.

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I also I have asp.net checkbox control. I want to enable/disable CascadingDropDown when the checkbox checked/unchecked using jquery.

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However, I would like to allow HTTPGet for just one method in my asmx file. This method will be used by monitoring software to ensure the web services are working and available properly. (My monitoring software does not suppoer web services, however, if I am able to do at HTTPGet on the web web service, the monitor software should be able to pickup the response.)

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i have a doubt regarding in my project...actually in my web form i have a submit button,cancel button,edit button...all are work fine but only one is not properly working ...if i click the edit button submit button will be disabled and dropdown box  and update button will be enabled..in that dropdown list i displayed the employee code which is stored in the database..when the user select the dropdownlist employee code,the particular record will be displayed in the same page...but when i click the edit button submit will be disabled and update and dropdownlist will be enabled..when i select the employee code in the dropdownlist the particular record will be displayed and update button and dropdownlist will be disabled.i want both the controls should be enabled

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Dec 18, 2010

I have a gridview with Templatefields checkbox, equipname,rate1,rate2 ,rate3,rate4.The equipname name field is a dropdownlist templaefield and I am populating it with data from datatable.

The equipname are A,B,C,D.

When I check the checkbox the corresponding equipname field of the checked row will be active and I select a equipname from the dropdownlist.

Rate1 is for Equipname 'A'
Rate2 is for Equipname 'B'
Rate3 is for equipname 'C'
Rate4 is for equipname 'D'

Now what I need is when I check the first row and select equipname 'A' only the
rate1 column of the first row should be active.

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and that of row1 should be inactive and so on.

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I s there any way for getting that particular checked rowindex so as to compare it with

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JQuery :: Enabling Button Control When User Make Checking Or Unchecking In Checkboxlist Control

Mar 31, 2011

I have a checkboxlist control and a button control in a popup forum. The button is diabled initially. I want to enable the button as soon as the user checks or unchecks any of the items for the first time in the checkboxlist.

<asp:CheckBoxList ID="CheckBox1" runat="server"></asp:CheckBoxList>
<asp:Button ID="SaveButton" runat="server" Test="Save" Enabled="false" OnClick="SaveButton_Click"/>

How to achieve this functionality ?

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Dec 23, 2010

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Disabling ViewState For A Server Control?

Apr 1, 2010

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However, I tried to create an example to show this to a colleague and was puzzled when a textbox on a page would keep is state (in this case its Text property) after one or more postbacks, even when ViewState is disabled everywhere (both at Page level and Server Control level). Please see the code below:


I can keep pressing the Post back! button and every value typed on the textbox is still there after the postback(s). I'm using VS 2008.

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Jan 3, 2010

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The problem with OnClientClick="this.disabled=true;" that it cancels the postback and doesn't continue to a next wizard step.

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e.g. The DetailsView control is displaying the member details.

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- if the memberstatus is changed from Active to Deceased, then the deceased date textbox field should be enabled

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My code works locally but does not read the login name when hosted using IIS 6 on Windows Server 2003 with anonymous access checked. If I un-check anonymous access then in Firefox I keep getting a pop up for username and password which never ends. In IIS 6 it is set to framework 4 and has its own application pool.

User.Identity.Name -returns blank on the server but works fine locally

<authentication mode="Windows"/>
<identity impersonate="true"/>

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It seems that by default, ASP.NET 3.5 running on IIS 6.0 does not do any parallel processing whatsoever. With a quad-core system and a test webforms application that runs an infinite while loop on the server, CPU usage never goes higher than 30% regardless of how many clients are connected and independently running the while loop.What are my options for enabling parallel processing?

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Enabling CLR On SQL SERVER 2005 Is Safe?

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