JQuery :: Enabling/disabling Input Controls In A Form?

Aug 26, 2010

I am writing a ASP.NET UserControl and I am trying to incorporate JQuery into this.

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Enabling Disabling Validation Controls Using Jquery?

Mar 4, 2010

how I can enable or disable asp.net validation controls using jQuery from client side. It is required to do so that valdiations can be done on button press.

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AJAX :: Enabling / Disabling CascadingDropDown Using Jquery?

Aug 22, 2010

I have asp.net dropdownlist control with Ajax CascadingDropDown control.

I also I have asp.net checkbox control. I want to enable/disable CascadingDropDown when the checkbox checked/unchecked using jquery.

I tried diffrent ways but they did not work and if I want to set enable property for the dropdownlist to false it will not work so I have to set the CascadingDropDown enable property to false to disable it but I do not know how.

this is one of the code I tried:


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Web Forms :: Enabling And Disabling Controls Using Master Pages?

Apr 27, 2010

I am having a master page in which i am having two controls

LoginRegister I want these controls not to be visibled in my UserRegistration.aspx page but should be visible in other pages.How can I solve this problem.

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Web Forms :: Enabling And Disabling Controls On Button Click

Oct 30, 2012

i have a doubt regarding in my project...actually in my web form i have a submit button,cancel button,edit button...all are work fine but only one is not properly working ...if i click the edit button submit button will be disabled and dropdown box  and update button will be enabled..in that dropdown list i displayed the employee code which is stored in the database..when the user select the dropdownlist employee code,the particular record will be displayed in the same page...but when i click the edit button submit will be disabled and update and dropdownlist will be enabled..when i select the employee code in the dropdownlist the particular record will be displayed and update button and dropdownlist will be disabled.i want both the controls should be enabled

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Forms Data Controls :: Enabling And Disabling Gridview Rows?

Dec 18, 2010

I have a gridview with Templatefields checkbox, equipname,rate1,rate2 ,rate3,rate4.The equipname name field is a dropdownlist templaefield and I am populating it with data from datatable.

The equipname are A,B,C,D.

When I check the checkbox the corresponding equipname field of the checked row will be active and I select a equipname from the dropdownlist.

Rate1 is for Equipname 'A'
Rate2 is for Equipname 'B'
Rate3 is for equipname 'C'
Rate4 is for equipname 'D'

Now what I need is when I check the first row and select equipname 'A' only the
rate1 column of the first row should be active.

When I check the secondrow and selected equipname only the rate1 column of the second row should be active
and that of row1 should be inactive and so on.

I was able to do everything except that when I check a particular row and selected equipname 'A' allother fields (ie,rate2,rate3,rate4 ) becomes inactive but all otherrows of rate1 irrespective of the checked row becomes also active.how can I do this

I s there any way for getting that particular checked rowindex so as to compare it with

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Disabling One Control And Enabling The Other

Mar 8, 2010

I have a dropdownlist inside a DETAILSVIEW....now when i select one particular option. a textbox should open up and enable me to enter a value in it and when i click insert button of the detailsview..the value i entered in the textbox shud enter the database and not the value i selected in the dropdownlist...how do i go about it....also how do i access the ID of the control inside the detailsview.

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Enabling / Disabling File Sharing?

Jul 7, 2010

how to disable/enable file sharing as well as the script for the enabling/disabling Printer sharing.

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AJAX :: Enabling Or Disabling Modal Pop-up On Submit?

Sep 8, 2010

I have a page where the user edits information and i want to run a series of checks on the data and then warn the user with options 'Yes' or 'No' and run code accodingly on their choices.

How would i go about doing this?

I am writing if value_changes then modalpop.Show but this does not work if there is other code within the button submit.

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Ajax Code For Enabling And Disabling Dropdown Box?

Feb 22, 2010

How to write an ajax function to disable a dropdown, until its parent dropdown is selected?

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Dropdown List Value When Enabling And Disabling Through Javascript?

Sep 14, 2010

I am using a asp.net Drop down list control which is disabled using javascipt, when I am trying to retrieving the value server side the default value is being set on postback.

It is a Web Project and Iam using VS2008.

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WCF / ASMX :: Enabling / Disabling HTTPGet For Web Services?

Jan 20, 2010

I have a web service project setup to allow only AnyHttpSoup requests though in the web.config. I do not want to allow any get or post calls through. Below is my setup in my web.config.


However, I would like to allow HTTPGet for just one method in my asmx file. This method will be used by monitoring software to ensure the web services are working and available properly. (My monitoring software does not suppoer web services, however, if I am able to do at HTTPGet on the web web service, the monitor software should be able to pickup the response.)

Is is possible to disable HTTPGets for all web methods but just allow it for one web method?

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Web Forms :: Disabling And Enabling Hyperlinks On An Aspx Page?

Sep 5, 2010

I am trying to disable and enable hyperlinks on an aspx page using a button from another aspx page. I have an idea of having two buttons on one page labelled "disable" and "enable". clicking disable should disable a particular link on another page and clicking enable should enable that same link.

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Forms Data Controls :: Disabling Alpha Input To A Text Box?

Sep 7, 2010

how to disable alpha input to text box..??

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Web Forms :: Disabling Required Field Validators Using HTML Input Radio Button?

Feb 4, 2010

I have an html input control that is a radio button. This radio button needs to disable required field validators when selected. This is my non working code so far. What have I not done?

<input ID="card1" runat="server" type="radio"/>Card<br />
if (card1.Checked == true)
RequiredFieldValidator10.Enabled= false;

this however doesnt disable the control.

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ASP.NET Enabling Form Fields Based On Radiobox Selection?

Sep 14, 2010

I currently have this working somewhat as follows aspRadioButtonList ID="leavingCert" CssClass="radio pc2 top8" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" OnSelectedIndexChanged="includeDaft_CheckedChanged">"But the problem is this refreshes the page is it this possible without refreshing the page

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JQuery :: Enabling Button If Div Is Visible?

Jan 26, 2011

The general idea is that a LinkButton called InsertButton is disabled by default when the page renders and a div called divMainForm is styled with display: none. If a different button is clicked, a jQuer function is called that toggles the visibility of divMainForm. At that time, the InsertButton should also be enabled. I've tried several variations of this function:


The divMainForm toggles with no problem. I can't seem to find the right combination to a) determine if divMainForm is visible or not and b) enable the InsertButton. I've tried the above and also

.css("display") == "block"

No errors but none of them seem to detect the status of the div correctly or enable the button.

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JQuery :: How To Open A Subform Model Form,Sub Window Form Using Jquery That Save The Data Ajex

Sep 15, 2010

how to open a subform model Form,Sub Window form using jquery that save the data ajex

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Web Forms :: Disabling Form Elements Until Page Is Rendered Completely

Jul 20, 2013

How to Disabling the form elements until the page is rendered completely.

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Is There A Maximum Number Of Input Controls That Can Be Used On An HTML Form

Jun 3, 2010

I have an ambitious requirement for an asp.net 2.0 web page that contains a table (gridview), and each row in the grid contains 6 select (dropdown) controls for data entry. The number of rows that will be displayed is dependent upon the user's search parameters, which are specified in another area of the page. Unfortunately, with the default (and even basic) search parameters specified, the grid could contain several hundred rows. I've noticed that the browser, in this case IE8, starts behaving rather erratically once I reach a large number of rows -- no documented evidence for the number of rows where this begins to be a problem. For example, trying to view the source of the page results in a message from IE stating that there was a problem with the page that forced the browser to reload it, and I never get the source. Obviously the page loads and renders rather slowly also.

I know that my solution is probably going to involve paging the gridview such that it only displays 20 or so rows per page, and I'll have to write code to handle the saving of changes in the dropdown values when the user changes pages. I can probably turn off viewstate on the gridview also. However, the question I really want to pose is this -- has anyone seen a documented rule indicating the maximum number of input controls that an HTML browser form is supposed to be able to contain? I could not find anything on the Internet after doing a search, and I suspect the answer may be whatever the browser can handle based on the machine configuration it is running on. Any rules of thumb you use?

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Javascript - Disabling A Button Inside A Gridview Using Jquery?

Jan 17, 2011

I have a gridview and on the 6th column there is a link button. I want to enable/disable the link button according to the value of 7th column.... Iam using the following code. but it wont work...

$('#<%=xgvVisitersRegister .ClientID%> tr').each(function() {
if ($(this).find('td:eq(7)').text() != "") {
$(this).find('td:eq(6)').attr("disabled", true);
else {
$(this).find('td:eq(6)').attr("disabled", false);

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Disabling Button With JQuery Doesn't Send State Back To Server?

Dec 2, 2010

Before I go the route of using hidden fields or something similar, is there any way to send back to the server changes to the disabled state of an ASP.net Button control? I have a Button that is initially enabled and I disable it via jQuery on the client. Works great. The only problem is when I do a PostBack the server still thinks the Button is enabled and sends back a response that changes it back to enabled. Why doesn't the ViewState send back the current disabled status of the Button? Is there a way to force it to postback the changes? Other ASP.net controls, like the CheckBox, do send back the state changes to the server. Seems odd to me.

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JQuery :: JQuery And Custom Attributes/ Find All Input Elements That Will Require Validation?

Jul 14, 2010

to directly get all elements in a form who contains a non html attribute ?

<input .... customAttribute="validateMe">

So I could find all input elements that will require validation.And use this in a loop to add validation to the input's found :

$('input').attr("customAttribute").val() == "validateMe"

I could also write every validation for each object separately, I have only a few elements who uses a required validation but it would be nice that I could do this in one shot instead of repeating the $("input").rules("add .....

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JQuery :: Turn Off All Input Controls Until The Page Has Completely Loaded?

Jun 9, 2010

using javascript / jquery is there a way we could turn off ALL input controls until the page has completely loaded...

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Jquery Dialog Box Increases The Size Of Input Controls Each Time It Is Opened?

Jan 17, 2011

In internet exporer 8, every time the dialog box is opened the textbox controls increase in size! None of the other items do: label and button. If it makes any difference - dialog is created when a certain item is selected within a select list.

Th dialog is themed from the theme roller site and the controls styled using an external css file.

$('#<%= uxSearchUnitDialog.ClientID %>').dialog({
autoOpen: false,
width: 600,
title: "Search",
hide: "puff",
modal: true,


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