AJAX :: How To Add Additional Parameters To JQuery Post
Apr 27, 2016
I am currently using this example [URL]. I am getting errors adding an additional parameter to the data portion.
I want to add this
var value = $("#Hidden1").val();
to this
type: 'POST',
url: '/Sortable.asmx/UpdateItemsOrder',
data: '{itemOrder: '' + order + ''}',
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
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is possible to send an AJAX post with parameters and not querystring information? I have some sensitive information that I am not comfortable sending in a querystring.
Also, how does that change the deserialization of my data? Will I still be able to use code similar to below:
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Feb 25, 2016
i'm trying to upload files by AjaxFileUpload, i have got it done. But now i need also to know 2 parameters, 1 is given on the URL adreess myPage.aspx?parameter=2...the second is in ViewState.
But on event OnUploadStart or OnUploadComplete...i dont have access to these values event when i tried session.
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May 7, 2015
I have 3 Dropdownlist
1-DDlcity 2-DDlRegion 3-DDlDistrict
and below is House_info table
district region city Id can
1 Canada
1 Lon
1 London
2 Ita
2 Canada
Now when I select city from DDlcity after that select region from DDlregion according to my selected item from DDlcity and DDlregion it bind DDlDistrict... before I used OnselectedIndexChange below is SP...
ALTER procedure [dbo].[SelectِDistrict]
@Region NVARCHAR(30),
@city NVARCHAR(40)
[Code] ....
It worked correctly but now I use cascadingdropdown list
public CascadingDropDownNameValue[] GetDistrict(string knownCategoryValues)
string region = CascadingDropDown.ParseKnownCategoryValuesString(knownCategoryValues)["Region"];
string query = string.Format("SELECT District FROM District WHERE Region = N'{0}'", region);
[Code] ....
problem is that when I select city=canada then region=1 I want it bind in DDldistrict =can but here it show in DDLdistrict can and Lon
here it just select district that region=1 it doesn't attention to city selected Item I want it do like SP that I used...
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Sep 24, 2010
After upgrading our project to the .net 4.0 framework (from 3.5), we facing some problems with ajax calls with html in the parameters. As soon as the user enters some html in a text area the ajax call isn't executed anymore. If the user enters plain text only, there is no problem.
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Aug 26, 2010
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Mar 5, 2010
i have implemented custom MembershipProvider and now i would like to use CreateUserWizard to create new users.. the problem is that i want to store in the db more information that normally (e.g. first and last name). There is function:
public override MembershipUser CreateUser(string username, string password, string email,
string passwordQuestion, string passwordAnswer, bool isApproved, object providerUserKey,
out MembershipCreateStatus status)
throw new NotImplementedException();
which i can implement but it won't store first name etc. i found here: [URL] solution that i can overload this function and call it manually but the default CreateUser function will still be called in this case...
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Aug 4, 2010
I am writting an application that displays 3 visable text boxes and 1 hidden text box and one hidden button.
My application sets focus to the hidden text box.
The input comes from a barcode scanning gun which gives the "enter" command after the scan is complete...this essentially clicks the hidden submit button which moves the text from the hidden text box to the currently active visable text box.
To start the application does some verification on what was scanned then gives the user feedback on what was scanned then enters it into SQL.
My problem comes with the last scan...the page does not actually post back to give the user the neccessary confirmation before commiting the info to SQL and resetting the form.
Is there a way to either do somethig after the page has been rendered or do an additional post back somehow before calling the commit and reset functions?
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Aug 31, 2010
It is my code:
How can I get my parameters(category,city) on the server? Request's parameters is always null.
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Jan 3, 2010
I have a form with three filed name city and relation.relation filed is a dropdown and on the selection of relation i have to display list of users in grid.I want here to use Ajax or Jquery so that when i select relation not whole page will post to server but only relation and could display list of users in grid.
inside Html Table i have all these fileds( Name,City and Relation).
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Mar 13, 2012
I'm doing an jQuery AJAX POST call to a webmethod, which is working fine. If I'm passing data from the AJAX call, I normally get the data in the webmethod via webmethod parameters.
JavaScript Code:
$.ajax({"dataType": "json","contentType": "application/json","type": "POST","url": "Default.aspx/GetStuff","data": JSON.stringify({"a":"data1","b":2}),"success": function (msg) { console.log(msg.d);}});
C# Code:
[WebMethod]public static object GetStuff(string a, int b){ }
Is there any way I can get the data as a Dictionary or some other object, instead of having to put in individual parameters to the GetStuff() web method for each data param? It's a POST request so nothing is in Request.QueryString, and Request.Params/Request.Form doesn't contain it either.
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Mar 28, 2010
I haven't used Jquery to post Json data to mvc before, so this maybe a Noob issue.
I've got a really simple form, and am trying to post this data async to an mvc action. Within firefox I can see the data being posted, but I can't see it within the MVC action.
This code all runs through correctly, but putting a debug point in the action method will always show the form collection as empty.
<script type="text/javascript">
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May 6, 2010
I was just wondering if its possible to do an ajax post a file in asp.net mvc,basically i have a form with two buttons, one of the buttons extracts images for the selected document and displays them for the user to choose thumbnails for the document he is about to upload. The usee then fills out the rest of the form and then saves the document.With the image extraction, I was owndering if it was possible to do that as an ajax post. The other submit button can work as a normal http post
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Oct 15, 2010
I need to pass a customer id to get some data back for a customer from a webservice. I can't figure out how to get to the webservice, I have a breakpoint set in the webmethod but it's not being hit and the alert box is not popping up either. For a test I am just trying to show some value from the returned data in an alert box. Note I am just hard coding the customer id of 1001. The webmethod takes a parameter of string customerid.
Does some one know what's missing or how to debug this issue?
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Jan 13, 2010
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Client side code
Web service code
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Feb 7, 2011
im working on a MVC 3 webapp where i want to post to a controller function using jQuery ajax. However, every time i post to the server i get a 400 Bad Request response and i can't figure out where this comes from as the site runs fine with the VS2010 devserver.
See the function im using to send the ajax post below:
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Aug 2, 2010
will get to the matter quickly:
I have a new webpage "smile.aspx" with the web method "GetDate" that returns "current date as string".
I am using JQuery to make a Ajax call to that method, Right now i am using ASP.NET Version 2.0[.NET Framework 2.0,Visual Studio 2005].
The parameter returned by the Sucess function seem to return "undefined" .anyone Techhy, quick look at the ajax request code below will answer my problem.
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Jul 28, 2010
I put a break point inside MyWebMethod. When I invoke this call on the page, the break point never gets hit. It works fine when I remove all parameters from MyWebMethod's signature and pass in '{}' from JS as parameters. Once I try to pass in a string parameter, it stops working.
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Nov 6, 2010
Im using jQuery to make the ajax calls to web services. Im not using json, I want the information in XML. If I dont pass parameters and I make the WS parameter less it works but if I want to pass a value as parameter (I tried int and string) it doesnt work. Here is my code:
jQuery: [Code]....
The web service
The error that I get from firebug is an exception System.InvalidOperationException and it says that the parameter region_id is missing.It cant be very difficult because it works without parameters but all the information I find in internet
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Mar 26, 2010
type: 'POST',
url: '..serverices/ajaxserver.asmx',
data: 'lname='+ $('#lastname').val()
}); return false;
if #lastname has a single quote, it throws an error. How to handle it?
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Jan 11, 2010
I have a WCF web service and jQuery AJAX implementation that appears to be working perfectly, save for a single line of code: the AJAX calls to the WCF service only have the correct HTTP header & content information if I use GET in my AJAX calls. Once I choose to use POST, the WCF service response with "Method Not Allowed". The calls are coming from domains such as sub1.domain.com, and calling svc.domain.com. How can I configure WCF to allow the cross domain AJAX POSTs?
Here's the relevant section of the web.config:
Here's the AJAX code:
I have indeed tried these changes to my interface:
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Oct 13, 2010
I have a ListBox on my page, and I'd like to make an AJAX post containing all the selected items. Here's my code:
I'd like to pass in the selected values either as an array, or a comma-delimited string. What's the best way to pass that data, and how can I do it?
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Oct 6, 2010
How can I upload files asynchronously with JQuery?
I have a file upload field, after the image was selected, i make a jquery ajax post to an aspx page's page method. My question is, how can I pass that image via jquery? When I do $(this).val() it only gets the file name. I want to pass the image object itself.
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