MVC :: How To Use Ajax Or Jquery For Partial Post

Jan 3, 2010

I have a form with three filed name city and relation.relation filed is a dropdown and on the selection of relation i have to display list of users in grid.I want here to use Ajax or Jquery so that when i select relation not whole page will post to server but only relation and could display list of users in grid.

inside Html Table i have all these fileds( Name,City and Relation).

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Feb 4, 2010

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AJAX :: Init Function Is Not Working After Partial Post Back?

Mar 6, 2010

im using a init function after partial postback again the init function is not calling.

<asp:ScriptManager runat="server" ID="MainSM" EnablePartialRendering="true">
<asp:ScriptReference Path="~/JS/menu.js" />
<script type="text/javascript">

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<script type="text/javascript">
function pageLoad() {
// Initialization code here, meant to run once.

this works fine when it was postback,but without postback this init function is not working

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AJAX :: Dynamic Image Buttons In GridView Not Doing Partial Post Back?

Sep 9, 2010

watch here:

- Create a gridview with AllowPaging and AllowSorting = true
- On page load, I bind it to datasource (in my case a webservice)
- On gridview's rowcreated event, I dynamically add image buttons on the header of the grid for sorting (up/down arrows). On header I have column name and the image. I removed the Column name default sorting link. So user can now only click the image button for sorting.
- Call sorting method

This works perfectly fine without AJAX. The paging, sorting works fine. Also when I apply AJAX the paging works fine. But the sorting is doing a full post back instead of partial postback.

I have my gridview within UpdatePanel and Triggeres is set on gridview sill it doesn't work.


Code Behind:


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C# - How To Fetch Return Values Between Jquery Functions And Post Ajax Jquery Request To Webservice

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MVC :: Partial View In Modal Dialog (using Ajax/jQuery) - How To Handle Invalid Modelstate

Mar 18, 2010

After wading through quite a few articles on creating modal forms (using partial views and jquery) I got things working fine for my long as you enter a valid login though!

What I did:

Created a partial view containing my login form.

In my action controller, the get action just return a PartialViewResult, which get dealt with by a bit of jQuery in my master:[Code]....

Like I said this works fine. Now the post action of my login check if it's a valid login, and if so send the user to the passed returnurl or the home page.

However, if the validation fails, I now return the partial view again, which work , but the partial get displayed by itself instead of rendering in the modal form that was opened by jquery.

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AJAX :: JQuery MultiSelect DropDownList With CheckBoxes Not Working After UpdatePanel Partial PostBack?

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My previous question mentioned


Now i am having two dropdown one is asp dropdownlist and 2ND is MultiSelect-DropDownList-with-CheckBoxes. 2nd dropdown is populating on selected value of first.On page load it works fine. Now, on change of value in dropdown, selected index change 2nd dropdown (MultiSelect-DropDownList-with-CheckBoxes) fills but i see a list box instead of dropdown.

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MVC :: Jquery Ajax Post Data Not Visible?

Mar 28, 2010

I haven't used Jquery to post Json data to mvc before, so this maybe a Noob issue.

I've got a really simple form, and am trying to post this data async to an mvc action. Within firefox I can see the data being posted, but I can't see it within the MVC action.

This code all runs through correctly, but putting a debug point in the action method will always show the form collection as empty.


<script type="text/javascript">

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May 6, 2010

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Does some one know what's missing or how to debug this issue?

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How To Process Results From A JQuery Ajax Post

Jan 13, 2010

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Client side code


Web service code


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Dec 15, 2010

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Also, how does that change the deserialization of my data? Will I still be able to use code similar to below:


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JQuery :: Ajax Post Always Return Bad Request?

Feb 7, 2011

im working on a MVC 3 webapp where i want to post to a controller function using jQuery ajax. However, every time i post to the server i get a 400 Bad Request response and i can't figure out where this comes from as the site runs fine with the VS2010 devserver.

See the function im using to send the ajax post below:


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JQuery :: Ajax Post Returns Null?

Aug 2, 2010

will get to the matter quickly:

I have a new webpage "smile.aspx" with the web method "GetDate" that returns "current date as string".

I am using JQuery to make a Ajax call to that method, Right now i am using ASP.NET Version 2.0[.NET Framework 2.0,Visual Studio 2005].

The parameter returned by the Sucess function seem to return "undefined" .anyone Techhy, quick look at the ajax request code below will answer my problem.


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AJAX :: How To Add Additional Parameters To JQuery Post

Apr 27, 2016

I am currently using this example [URL]. I am getting errors adding an additional parameter to the data portion.

I want to add this

var value = $("#Hidden1").val();

to this

type: 'POST',
url: '/Sortable.asmx/UpdateItemsOrder',
data: '{itemOrder: '' + order + ''}',
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',


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How To Handle Single Quote In $.ajax POST (JQuery)

Mar 26, 2010

type: 'POST',
url: '..serverices/ajaxserver.asmx',
data: 'lname='+ $('#lastname').val()
}); return false;

if #lastname has a single quote, it throws an error. How to handle it?

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Jan 11, 2010

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Here's the relevant section of the web.config:


Here's the AJAX code:


I have indeed tried these changes to my interface:


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C# - Passing An Array Of Values In A JQuery Ajax Post?

Oct 13, 2010

I have a ListBox on my page, and I'd like to make an AJAX post containing all the selected items. Here's my code:


I'd like to pass in the selected values either as an array, or a comma-delimited string. What's the best way to pass that data, and how can I do it?

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Javascript - How To Ajax Post An Image To A C# Web Method With Jquery

Oct 6, 2010

How can I upload files asynchronously with JQuery?

I have a file upload field, after the image was selected, i make a jquery ajax post to an aspx page's page method. My question is, how can I pass that image via jquery? When I do $(this).val() it only gets the file name. I want to pass the image object itself.

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JQuery Ajax With MVC Action - Passing Arguments From JavaScript In POST

Mar 4, 2011

I have an ASP.NET MVC controller action with the following VB.NET signature:

Public Function ClosestCities
(ByVal position As MapCoordinate, ByVal citiesCount As UInteger) As JsonResult

The MapCordinate class is:

Public Class MapCoordinate
Public Latitude As Double
Public Longitude As Double
End Class

If I'm trying to send an Ajax POST in jQuery to the ClosestCities action, what should my request look like?

When I use the following code to POST to this action, in the debugger window of VS, position.longitiude and position.latitude are equal to 0.0 (0D):


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AJAX :: Consume .asmx With JQuery (POST Method, Not JSON)?

Feb 4, 2010

The ideal goal is to consume .asmx web service using jQuery like this


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MVC :: Calling Controller Action Using Jquery Post Ajax Call Abondons Session?

Apr 9, 2010

i have a website where i provicde a link. On clicking the link a controller action method is called to generate a zip file after creation of zip file is done, i show the link to download the zip file by replacing the link to create a zip with the link to download the zip.

the problem is that after zip file creation is over and link is shown, when user clicks on the link to download the zip file, they are sent to login. After providing correct credentials in the login page they are prompted to download the zip file. they sould not be sent to the login page. In the action to generate zip file i haven't abondoned the session or haven't not done anything that abondons the session.

the user should not be sen't to login page after successful creation of zip file user should be able to download the file without login. i search internet on this problem, but i did not find any solution. In one of the blog written by hanselman i found this statement that creates the problem with the session: Is some other thing like an Ajax call or IE's Content Advisor simultaneously hitting the default page or login page and causing a race condition that calls Session.Abandon? (It's happened before!)

so i thought there might be some problem with ajax call that causes the session to expire, but i don't know what is happening? it's like this after users click on the link to create zip file the zip file is created successfully but the session gets expired. this is not what i want. Why does the session has to get expired after making a jquery post call to controller action to create a zip file? i hope u understand the problem.

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Data Of Text Box Is Lost After Partial Post Back?

Mar 18, 2011

I have used update panel and in that update panel I have kept ASP Table control in which I am creating rows dynamically which in turn contains 1 dropdown lists and 3 text boxes. My problem is that after partial postback text boxes and dropdown list are found but text property of text boxes is showing empty and dropdown list's selected value is set to the first record in that box. I have also stored entire table in session and retrieve it in(!isPostBack) condition at page_load event.

part of my .aspx page is as below


I want to add one row on every addRowTbn click event there by retaining previous rows.

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MVC :: Retain Partial Data In Model Over The Post Backs?

Oct 12, 2010

I have recently started learning ASP.NET with MVC 2 Framework, I am facing difficulties in the following scenarios.In my MVC application I want to retain partial information in Model over post backs.Following is my scenario,

1. I initiate "Edit" of main record by clicking date hyperlink from left navigation.

2. Amend some data.

3. Save the record.

4. "Edit" sub record of the saved record by clicking another hyperlink from bottom left navigation panel.

The page is divided in to 6 tabs, the first 5 tabs shows the data for the main record and the 6th tab shows data of sub record. Wehn we "Edit@ sub record the previous 5 tabs doesn't have any changes noted, that means there is no harm in keeping their details intact in the main model. So is there a way to access model in the controller on hyper link click action so that I can only load the data for the clicked sub record (I am asking this, because the hyperlink click uses HTTP GET method so no model parameter passed in action method). If no, then how do I retain partial values in the Model over post backs?

Note that each tab data have been kept in individual models, and a main model has a collection member to hold all these individual models together.I thought as the model is binded with the view, it is too binded with controller. But it is allowing easily to access model in variable "Model" for the view but not for the controller.

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