MVC :: Jquery Ajax Post Data Not Visible?
Mar 28, 2010
I haven't used Jquery to post Json data to mvc before, so this maybe a Noob issue.
I've got a really simple form, and am trying to post this data async to an mvc action. Within firefox I can see the data being posted, but I can't see it within the MVC action.
This code all runs through correctly, but putting a debug point in the action method will always show the form collection as empty.
<script type="text/javascript">
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Sep 15, 2010
I have two Repeater controls, each hosted in a user control. Both user controls are contained in the same aspx page. Only one User Control is visible at any one time. The repeaters are comprised of checkboxes, and text boxes for user input.
The aspx page is configured with an Ajax ScriptManager; and contains several Ajax UpdatePanels. These UpdatePanels result in partial page post backs when text is changed in a textbox control in controls on the aspx page (this is not the behaviour for the Repeaters in the User Controls). Through use of several AsyncPostBackTriggers, various controls contained in the other UpdatePanels on the page have their content refreshed in response to the partial page post backs they are configured be notified about.
Depending on a radio button group selection, I set the visible property to true or false - as appropriate for the User control containing a repeater control. The Repeater control is then populated with data using databinding. All of this works.
However, when the Submit button is clicked, the Repeater control contains no data.
Given that I am not dynamically adding the Controls containing the Repeater controls (but using Visible true / false). I would have thought that the State of the fields and the data in the visible control would be preserved during the post back.
The User Controls are contained within the UpdatePanel that contains the Submit Button.
I have explicitly Enabled View state without any effect.
Am I correct in assuming that I should not have to do any explicit handling of data changes the user makes (via client side script and manipulation of an Data Structure Representing the Repeater Data); and the View State should maintain the data I need to access on the server when submitted?
I do not believe that it is the User Control visible state changes that are causing the issue because when the page is initially loaded on of the User controls is populated with dummy rows (so it displays).
I am suspicious that because the visible state of the controls is changed during partial page post back, that the Page View State ends up with no knowledge of the User Control and therefore cannot track its data (or changes).
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type: 'POST',
url: '/Sortable.asmx/UpdateItemsOrder',
data: '{itemOrder: '' + order + ''}',
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type: 'POST',
url: '..serverices/ajaxserver.asmx',
data: 'lname='+ $('#lastname').val()
}); return false;
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Public Function ClosestCities
(ByVal position As MapCoordinate, ByVal citiesCount As UInteger) As JsonResult
The MapCordinate class is:
Public Class MapCoordinate
Public Latitude As Double
Public Longitude As Double
End Class
If I'm trying to send an Ajax POST in jQuery to the ClosestCities action, what should my request look like?
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Apr 9, 2010
i have a website where i provicde a link. On clicking the link a controller action method is called to generate a zip file after creation of zip file is done, i show the link to download the zip file by replacing the link to create a zip with the link to download the zip.
the problem is that after zip file creation is over and link is shown, when user clicks on the link to download the zip file, they are sent to login. After providing correct credentials in the login page they are prompted to download the zip file. they sould not be sent to the login page. In the action to generate zip file i haven't abondoned the session or haven't not done anything that abondons the session.
the user should not be sen't to login page after successful creation of zip file user should be able to download the file without login. i search internet on this problem, but i did not find any solution. In one of the blog written by hanselman i found this statement that creates the problem with the session: Is some other thing like an Ajax call or IE's Content Advisor simultaneously hitting the default page or login page and causing a race condition that calls Session.Abandon? (It's happened before!)
so i thought there might be some problem with ajax call that causes the session to expire, but i don't know what is happening? it's like this after users click on the link to create zip file the zip file is created successfully but the session gets expired. this is not what i want. Why does the session has to get expired after making a jquery post call to controller action to create a zip file? i hope u understand the problem.
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Jan 8, 2011
i have a problem with this snippet:
sepetbos and sepetdetayi are panels. when rowcount==0, $("#sepetdetayi").css("visibility", "hidden") code works. but $("#sepetbos").css("visibility", "visible") part doesn't work. i try for sepetbos display attribute but i didn't work also. i can't show sepetbos panel with jquery in this part.(i set panels' clientidmode=static)
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May 20, 2010
I have a gridview that is bound to a SQL datasource and is filtered via FilterExpression,
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I want a certain button to become visible (btnInsert.Visible=true) when the filterExpression returns no results.
what event should I use? what is the code for that?
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Nov 26, 2010
I cannot pass the result data of to a variable. The result is undefined. [:(]
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Sep 29, 2010
I have a web page that I have a media control player on along with other controls in a table.It's a training video, so the controls are not visible.So the user can advance to the next web page,I thought I would have a button control inside an update panel with a time control so that the user had to watch the video and then the button control would appear after the video completed.I'm setting the button update panel to NOT visible and then turning it one when the time control elapses the same amount of time that the video runs.My problem is that when I set the visible property of the update panel to NOT visible it also makes the media player's panel NOT visible too.They are in two different panels.The medial player in a standard panel and the timer control connected witha separate panel that contains the button for the user to proceed. When I set the visible property to "true" the media player runs but the update panel with the button is visible also.
This is the code for the update panel and continue button that is in a separate table cell.I even split the table and so this is in a completely separate table but I still get the same behavior.
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Oct 3, 2013
I am learning using Visual web developer 2008 express.
I have an image control with the html code below
<div class="Header">
<asp:Image ID="image1" runat="server"
ImageUrl="D:/Master/test.jpg" Width="500" Height="300"
AlternateText="UNRA Fort Portal Intranet"/>
In design view, the image shows but when i run the app, the image is not shown. Only the alternate text is displayed.
The css code code as below.
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May 26, 2010
Cascading html select server control, jQuery does not retain value on post back
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