JavaScript - Ajax Post Doesn't Work With HTML In Parameters
Sep 24, 2010
After upgrading our project to the .net 4.0 framework (from 3.5), we facing some problems with ajax calls with html in the parameters. As soon as the user enters some html in a text area the ajax call isn't executed anymore. If the user enters plain text only, there is no problem.
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Similar Messages:
Mar 24, 2010
I have put the following method in my master page. It works when I call it on a full post back, but when I call it from a updatePanel's asyncPostBack no alert is shown.
public void ShowAlertMessage(String message)
string alertScript =
String.Format("alert('{0}');", message);
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Key", alertScript, true);
What do I need to do so it works on partial post backs?
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Jun 8, 2010
although I've searched already, but here is the thing:I have a ModalPopup wich have a Textbox, a Button and a GridView inside. The Gridview is binded to a SQLDatasource object, and the Select query is something like "SELECT field_1, field_2, field_3, field_4 FROM Table_Name WHERE field_1 LIKE '%@Parameter_2%'".This ModalPopup is used (or gonna be used) to search for a field, so the parameters received by the Query is the text inside the Textbox, I've linked thid inside the SQLDataSource Wizard.The problem is that everything works perfectly fine... inside the panel WITHOUT the ModalPopup Extender, but whe I add the Extender the filter function doesn't work.Here is my code:
Notes: I have a ScriptManager inside the MasterPage, so I don't have to insert one in every page. Also I've tested the code in a new page (the one I use for testing), and it works fine, it filters and everything, the problem is when I add a ModalPopup to the panel.
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Jan 5, 2010
I had used HTML editor in my application but it doesnt ork in IE7.0 works fine in IE8.0 chrome,safari .
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Feb 1, 2010
I hade a user control in my web application that I had inserted into an update panel.. after doing that the javascript of that control stoped working!
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Apr 22, 2010
I have an UpdatePanel on the page which I'd like to trigger using javascript.First of all my code perfectly works if it's in a website not being inheriting from a masterpage. Now when you put exactly the same code into a website which inherits from a masterpage, the UpdatePanel wouldn't get fired anymore.
Here's the code (.aspx) [Code]....
Here's the code (.cs) [Code]....
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Apr 29, 2010
I have a input of type file and when i try to do a Request.files when the input is wrapped in an update always returns an empty httpfilecollection. Why???
This is the codebehind: (At HttpContext.Current.Request.Files...its always 0 for the count.)
View 1 Replies
Mar 19, 2010
I'm using the following function (found on this forum) to display a popup control from the server-side:
on the server:
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "userInfoPopScript",
string.Format("showPopup('{0}', 2);", targetControlClientId)
, true);
on the client:
this works great for explorer 8 , firefox, chrome but on explorer 7 my page just jumps to the left and doesn't show the popup at all.
If I remove the set__parentElementID call, then the popup is displayed but in the wrong position (of course).
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Aug 18, 2010
I have an asyncfileupload control within a panel control. The panel is initially set to visible=false on page load. After a user clicks a button to display the panel contents however, I set the panel to visible and the user can then use the asyncfileupload. The problem however, is it seems much of the javascript associated with the asyncfileupload, does not function properly when the panel containing the upload control is set from invisible to visible. If I set my panel's "visible" property to "true" initially, then it works fine. My javascript error message is as follows:
"Form contains a file input, but is missing method=POST and enctype=multipart/form-data on the form. The file will not be sent."
Basically within my asyncfileupload control, I have the following line:
In this scenario, my "args" variable is always null (when I set my pane's "visible" property to "true" on page load, the args variable DOES contain data. Any idea why switching a panel from visible=false to visible=true, would cause an error like this?
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Aug 30, 2010
I am trying to go to a view with a speicifed batchId parameter wrapped in a ViewModel, pick a file to upload, get the uploaded file back and store the file data w/ the associated BatchId value in a database.When the form is submitted I don't know how to get back the viewmodel and the PostedFileBase so that I can get the BatchId value.I need the batchId value to associate it with the data I am storing in the database.I have the following Action Method in my Controller to allow adding new customers to the specified batch by means of a file upload and import:
public ActionResult AddCustomers(int batchId)
var viewModel = new AddCustomersViewModel() { BatchId = batchId, //other view
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Feb 4, 2011
I'm trying to redirect a domain to another site, without changing the first URL (users should keep viewing since the new URL would be
I could do this, inserting a frame in the index.htm of the first domain (I know it's not the best practice, but it worked well for now):
<frame name="main" src="">
The fact is that has a login mechanism in ASP.NET. It's OK on Firefox and Chrome, but when we use Internet Explorer 8, it seems that POST doesn't work!
View 1 Replies
Jul 20, 2010
I think I need to drop in some escape characters, but I'm not quite sure where. Here is the javascript function I'm attempting to call:
function setData(associateValue, reviewDateValue) {
var associate = document.getElementById("Associate");
var reviewDate = document.getElementById("ReviewDate");
associate.value = associateValue;
reviewDate.value = reviewDateValue;
Here is the asp .net mvc line where I'm attempting to create a Radio button with a click event that calls the above function and passes data from the model as javascript parameter values.
<%= Html.RadioButton("Selected", item.Selected, new { onClick="setData('<%=item.Associate%>','<%=item.ReviewDate%>' )" } )%>
The above throws a bunch of compile issues and doesn't work. A call such as the following does call the javascript, but doesn't get the data from the model.
<%= Html.RadioButton("Selected", item.Selected, new { onClick="setData('item.Associate','item.ReviewDate' )" } )%>
<%= Html.RadioButton("Selected", item.Selected, new { onClick="setData('item.Associate','item.ReviewDate' )" } )%>
<% String functionCall = String.Format("setData('{0}','{1}')", Html.Encode(item.Associate), Html.Encode(item.ReviewDate )) ; %>
<%= Html.RadioButton("Selected", item.Selected, new { onClick=functionCall } )%>
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Mar 7, 2010
i am using Html.ValidationMessage
this is the code i am using
bus when i clicking on create button this code dosn't work.
View 8 Replies
Oct 16, 2010
How can I put the C# code into the htm file ? Then following code does not work. How can I make it work?
-------------- begin RSSTable.htm ---------------
ProductId = <%= Request.Params.Get("ProductId") %
-------------- end RSSTable.htm ----------------
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Jun 7, 2010
I am using in my page and tried to set the iframe height 100%, But its does not work.
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Aug 10, 2010
I used this,
<a title="Logout" onclick="javascript:document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_LbLogout').click();" href="#" class="logout">Logout</a></li>
<asp:LinkButton ID="LbLogout" runat="server" style="display:none"
onclick="LbLogout_Click">Sign out</asp:LinkButton>
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Oct 7, 2010
i'm trying to make this work for several days but it just doesn't work.
this is my code:
aspx page:
this was downloaded from this website.
the problem is that the page loads fine but no autocomplete occurs.
View 5 Replies
Sep 30, 2010
I put common(for all my content pages) js to head section at my masterpage.
<head runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript" src="../Scripts/jquery-1.4.1.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../Scripts/jquery.corner.js?v2.11"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../Scripts/jquery.timers.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
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Dec 15, 2010
is possible to send an AJAX post with parameters and not querystring information? I have some sensitive information that I am not comfortable sending in a querystring.
Also, how does that change the deserialization of my data? Will I still be able to use code similar to below:
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Apr 27, 2016
I am currently using this example [URL]. I am getting errors adding an additional parameter to the data portion.
I want to add this
var value = $("#Hidden1").val();
to this
type: 'POST',
url: '/Sortable.asmx/UpdateItemsOrder',
data: '{itemOrder: '' + order + ''}',
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
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Mar 16, 2010
I wrote a simple page with few controls and a function in Javascript that make input validation.
The javascript function is called on button click event. I use Windows Mobile 6 Classic emulator, and the javascript doesn't work at all.
I saw few posts on this forum saying that IE mobile works just with jscript and doesn't work with javascript.
Is it correct ?
Is that mean I have to change my javascript code to jscript code ? I always thought they are the same.
Is there newer versions of ie mobile that works with javascript ?
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Jun 9, 2010
I searched all day a solution to my problem.I worked with MVC 2 with visual studio 2010.I want to bind dropdownlists according to the value selected in an other dropdownlidt (but the datas are not linked in the database).In fact, I have a function in a controller and I tried to call it thanks javascript. But during the debug, it never goes in this function.If I'm not clear, ask me some question.
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May 11, 2010
I am a new to WCF. I have written ajax to use a web service before, but on this project I am trying to use ajax to WCF.After I build the project and wcf using ajax, I receive the return successfully. But, 10 or more minutes later I don't get a return, the ajax calls the error function, and the fiddler returns nothing.
If I rebuild the project without any source modifying, I receive the return successfully again.
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Mar 24, 2011
I'm having a problem with this code:
The thing is that, the first if statement works fine and the 'javascript' shows an alert and close the window, but in the second if statement the javascript shows the message but doesn't close the window.
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Oct 11, 2010
I have a new web application. I've setup the application and it's working on one server(xxx) but it's not working on another(yyy). I changed the web.config file(checked throughly and I've changed the connection string and appsettings).
What could be the error?
The login page is working but when I proceed a Javascript error occurs...
(Line: 48 Error: Object doesn't support this property or method)
Here's the code
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