AJAX :: How To Display Holidays In Red Color In CalendarExtender

Mar 18, 2014

I want to display Calender Control in my website & it must how all Govt Holidays with red color with tool tip sjowing holiday Name.

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May 27, 2010

Is it a simple way to set default date as today on alendarExtender?

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AJAX :: Calculating Age From CalendarExtender And Display In Other TextBox

Sep 5, 2013

I have one problem.. I have two TextBoxs. 1 textbox for CalenderExtender and other textbox for displaying age from calenderextender. I display the from calenderextender but when i click a button(clientside code for navigation tabpanels in tabcontainer) it will be 0. 

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My question first I use ajax calender in  textbox1 and i want only month and year to other textbox2 from texbox1 automatically ...

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I have holiday manage screen (a date can be assigned with holiday)...so when user click on calendar I need to mask the days which are allocated with holidays...how to acheive this..

If possible can we show the title as holiday name when user mouse overs on date in the calendar

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AJAX :: Highlight Specific Dates (holidays) In Calendar Control

May 7, 2015

I haveto use a calendar control to block the schedules of a trainer and have to mark the days in red color if it is confirmed otherwise yellow..So i was wondering which calendar control would be the best for this.. Should i go for Jquery calendar control or asp.net calendar control.

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Display A CalendarExtender From Js Code Without Using It As An Extender?

Jul 2, 2010

Is there any way to display a Calendar Extender popup without using it the traditional way? and the also grabbing the value selected?

Some code that I made up to make it more clear:

<td><input type="text"/></td>
<td><input type="text"/></td>
<td><input type="text"/></td>
<td><input type="text"></td>
$('table :text').focus(function(){
function onDateSelected(e){
$(this || event.srcElement || etc..).val(e.dateSelected);

I guess I need some kind of 'hack' here for the js of that Calendar.

PS: I must use the extender or any control that looks and feel like the extender.

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AJAX :: Cannot Find An Explanation Of The AJAX CalendarExtender's Attribute Animated

Apr 26, 2010

Cannot find an explanation of the AJAX CalendarExtender's attribute animated.

What does this do exactly?

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AJAX :: What Happens When Using CalendarExtender

Jun 2, 2010

when using CalendarExtender with a TextBox, when i press mouse into the TextBox, a Calendar pop-ups. I want to know, does here asynchronous communication took place for bringing this calender from server to the browser ? or initially at the time of page load itself that calendar was loaded in the browser ?

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AJAX :: Why CalendarExtender Is Not Working

Mar 20, 2010

I am having a very weird problem with 'CalendarExtender' as Ajax control in my application.

I added this extender to one of my textbox controls, but when I run the application and click on the textbox nothing happens. It does not show any errors either.I have added all the necessary references:

'AjaxControlToolkit.dll' & 'System.Web.Ajax.dll' to the project, but it des not work for some reason. Here is and the problematic piece of code:


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AJAX :: How To Use Requiredfieldvalidator For Calendarextender

Jan 21, 2010

i have a follwing code:


basically wot i m doing is to validate the textbox that having the date but nothing happen as i dont select the date, textbox is only readonly, can any one assist me in this matter?

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AJAX :: Validate Both Of CalendarExtender?

Feb 24, 2010

ASP.NET Ajax toolkit has a CalendarExtender control which is very cool as associate the CalendarExtender to a a TextBox. here am using two Ajax toolkit has a CalendarExtender controls with two textboxes but i want to validate of both CalenderExtenders ....... 2nd CalenderExtender Date should Greater Than 1st CalenderExtender Date.

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DataSource Controls :: Count The Number Of Holidays Between Two Dates?

Jul 22, 2010

I want to calculate the number of HOLIDAYS between two given dates. For example, to count the number of 'Fridays' and 'Saturdays' and any other holiday (can get from another table) in between two given dates.

For example,

Start Date: 16/07/2010
End Date: 22/07/2010
Holiday: 19/07/2010

OUTPUT: 3 Holidays (Since there are only two Fridays and Saturdays and one Holiday)

do also note that it must include count if the starting day or ending day is a holiday.

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AJAX :: Unable To Get Culture On CalendarExtender ?

Oct 1, 2010

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Mar 12, 2010

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Dec 15, 2010

When I set textbox readonly property true I'm getting textbox.Text empty value on postback




How to get value for CalendarExtender from readonly textbox

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AJAX :: Download File When Use CalendarExtender?

Dec 24, 2010

I m facing one problem whenover I use ajax calendar i m using this code at the time of file download

TargetControlID="TextBox1" & TargetControlID="TextBox2" is associated from ajax CalendarExtender
string abc = "CPCB_" + TextBox1.Text + "_" + TextBox2.Text;
Current.Response.Buffer = true;


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AJAX :: CalendarExtender Not Being Updated On Click?

Sep 23, 2010

Strange problem with CalendarExtender


The text box is updated correctly if it is empty or if the date is invalid e.g. 9/292010.

If the current text is 9/29/2010 and a different date is clicked then the calendar stays open with the previous date selected. I get the following error message "e.getDateOnly is not a function".

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AJAX :: CalendarExtender Not Filling In Textbox?

Jun 9, 2010

I have the following calendarextender connected to a text box (TextBoxDate). When I choose a new date, I can see that the textbox is updated. However, when I call the text box in a vb script, run when I click a button, the text box is null. The script worked fine when I would enter the date by hand. The failure began when I added the calendarextender.

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBoxDate" runat="server" style="text-align: center" Width="93px"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:CalendarExtender ID="CalendarExtender1" runat="server"
PopupButtonID="TextBoxDate" TargetControlID="TextBoxDate"

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AJAX :: Execute Method With CalendarExtender?

Jan 12, 2010

my question is if anybody know how to execute method when select some date in calendarextender because i need get some information when i select the date

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AJAX :: Calendarextender Not Showing With Masterpages

Jan 26, 2010

`I'm working with masterpages and after reading a lot of answers I can't find why my calendarextender doesn't appear Here is my code

<%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="DefaultAlumno.master.cs" %>
<head runat="server" id="Head1">
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<table style="background-color:#3366FF" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="0" height="80%">
<tr height="20px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 100px">...................

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AJAX :: Set_selectedDate=null For CalendarExtender?

Jul 8, 2010

If the date selected (in the calendarExtender) is not in the allowed range, I want to reset the selected date to null in the "OnClientDateSelectionChanged" event. Dont know how.

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AJAX :: Maximum Date Of CalendarExtender?

Mar 8, 2011

Is there a way to set a maximum of a CalendarExtender? Like it can't go farther than '2079-06-06' (This is the limit ouf SqlServer SMALLDATETIME). Or the only way to block the user from entering a date that is out of range is to verify manually?

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AJAX :: CalendarExtender Does Not Conform To Format?

Jan 11, 2011

I have two calendar controls where format is set to "d-M-yyyy". When the corresponding textboxes are filled (from calendar control or typed) i do acallback with the new value. When value from first textbox > value from second textbox I swap the values. This part works... However if i try to set the values by using calendar.set_selectedDate(value) - where value is a string in the same format as the calendar should accept - then calendar produces output in the format "MM-dd-yyyy" which is not correct!

As a result, I'm now setting values for the text-fields, which does not update the calendar..

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AJAX :: Toolkit:CalendarExtender In An Xslt ?

Mar 4, 2010

how to use/call ajaxToolkit:CalendarExtender in an xslt as I have an xslt control that renders data to my page but I am using ajax for the site now and I have to update a few xslt pages so that I can use ajax controls.PS : I don't understand xslt's much but do understand that they use standard html/javascript controls.

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