Display A CalendarExtender From Js Code Without Using It As An Extender?

Jul 2, 2010

Is there any way to display a Calendar Extender popup without using it the traditional way? and the also grabbing the value selected?

Some code that I made up to make it more clear:

<td><input type="text"/></td>
<td><input type="text"/></td>
<td><input type="text"/></td>
<td><input type="text"></td>
$('table :text').focus(function(){
function onDateSelected(e){
$(this || event.srcElement || etc..).val(e.dateSelected);

I guess I need some kind of 'hack' here for the js of that Calendar.

PS: I must use the extender or any control that looks and feel like the extender.

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If this makes any difference I am containing the detailsview in a regular panel control which I make visible through a button click.

Here is the code for the detailsview:


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Feb 10, 2011

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This is where I try to set the values:


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Display Dynamic QR Code In Crystal Report In .net Page C# Code-behind

Mar 14, 2011

I'm using CRv9 and want to make use of Google Charts API for generating QR code on fly (in asp .net) and display it in the Crystal Report in a PDF format.I have spent the whole day looking for solution with no luck. The way we output the report is we use .rpt file, feed it with data and use Response.OutputStream to feed to browser. No CrystalReportViewer control hence CSS solution is not an option.

Now, I got as far as added an OLE Object from file with Link, which I would be overwriting every time the new QR code is generated. I apreciate that CR requires it to be a bitmap, so I was planning to download and convert the google's generated PNG file to BMP, that's not an issue. The problem is that Image in the report does not update after I replace the file. Meaning, it displays the original image, which was added as an OLE Object.

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Manipulations with DataSets is not an option either as we're not giving report a datasource, instead we just map the fields with FormulaFieldDefinitions.

sample qr code url: https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=150x150&cht=qr&chl=Hello%20world&choe=UTF-8

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Feb 17, 2010

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Is there another way to obtain the slideshow extender current state? Or am are those name, description label text value should be updated?

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2)How to validate the date in one TextBox with the Date in another TextBox ?

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Mar 9, 2011

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First I get an error: "There is no source code available for the current location"

I click OK on the system alert popup and I get:



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My original code


My code after pressing space between the properties of the Accordion



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Code Snippets Will Not Display

Feb 24, 2010

I have an aspx page which retrieves messages from a database. One message is an instruction to the user to copy some xml from a file. I'm trying to tell the user that they need to copy the code lying between "<?xml" and "</reports>".

The problem is that when the message is displayed to the user the line containing the quoted code is missing. It appears that the page is taking "<?xml" and "</reports>" as instructions to the page and trying to action the tags. I just want to display these characters on the my page. how I can get these code snippets to display?

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Pages Display In Code?

Jan 28, 2011

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Display Popup From Code-behind?

Jun 7, 2010

I wonder how it would be possible to launch a series of popups, containing a form,
from code-behind.

I possess a list of objects 'Products'

and I wish I could change one property (quantity) of each "product".

Here's how I build my list (normally I use a database).

Private List<Product> listProduct;
listProduits = new List<Product>();
Product objProduit_1 = new Produit;
objProduct_1.ref = "001";
objProduct_1.article = "G900";
objProduct_1.quantity = 30;
ProductobjProduit_2 = new Product;
objProduct_2.ref = "002";
objProduct_2.article = "G900";
objProduct_2.quantity = 35;

And I would like displayed popup one after one.

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AJAX :: Modal PopUp Extender Catch Exception Error And Display On Modal Popup

Aug 11, 2010

Modal PopUp Extender Catch exception error and display on modal popup


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Web Forms :: Display Vb Code Within Contentplaceholder?

Aug 13, 2010

is there a way you can make the results of vb code held on an aspx.vb page display within a contentplaceholder on a master page? I've included my code below, there is a textbox and 2 buttons on the aspx page but the code runs in the aspx.vb page. The code basically works, but when run it prints the resulting table above the placeholder rather than within.

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data
Partial Class Software_pc_SearchPC
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page


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