DataSource Controls :: Count The Number Of Holidays Between Two Dates?
Jul 22, 2010
I want to calculate the number of HOLIDAYS between two given dates. For example, to count the number of 'Fridays' and 'Saturdays' and any other holiday (can get from another table) in between two given dates.
For example,
Start Date: 16/07/2010
End Date: 22/07/2010
Holiday: 19/07/2010
OUTPUT: 3 Holidays (Since there are only two Fridays and Saturdays and one Holiday)
do also note that it must include count if the starting day or ending day is a holiday.
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Jan 8, 2010
i am using sql 2005 db and visualstudio 2005. i have created a table called attendance where i store employee attendance, i want to separate number of absence for a particular employee and particular month. It have to show number of absence of a particular employee and particular month. Also i have to count no of absence.for eg: if an employee absence for two days for a particular month, it have to display2 count.. how to do this? also how to write the store procedure for this? I have to display the number of count from db to form..I have display the number of absence from db to form using label or text box.. please forward some coding regarding this..
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