AJAX :: How To Get Parameter From Browser In WCF Web Service

Jun 24, 2010

I am new to WCF. I am tring to use extjs grid in my asp.net application. this grid will pass two parameters to my WCF for paging purpose.

My problem is that I could not read those two parameters from my WCF service.

This is my WCF:


In Firebug i see my extjs control post this:


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AJAX :: ContextKey Parameter Not Getting Passed To Web Service?

Jul 1, 2010

I am trying to use the Slideshowexternder control with a contextKey that I've set from a query string. I set the contextKey in the default.aspx.vb Page_Load as I've read in other posts, but I am still getting an error:

The server method 'GetSlides' failed with the following error: System.InvalidOperationException -- Invalid webservice call, missing vaule for parameter: 'ContextKey'


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AJAX :: Invalid Web Service Call, Missing Value For Parameter?

Mar 2, 2010

In a web page, I call a web service (located in the sub folder WebServices) with ajax asp.netHere my aspx code:


My web site uses integrated windows authentication and all works fine.However, my web service doesn't need authentication and in order to not have 2 requests (because of http code 401), I've allowed anonymous access on the WebServices folder. Doing this, I get the folowing error message when I call a web method: "Invalid web service call, missing value for parameter: user"When I look at my body request with Web Development Helper, I can see {"user":"toto"}. So, I don't understand why it's not working.Another weird thing: when I run Fiddler2 instead of Web Development Helper, every thing works fine. I turn off Fiddler2, and it doesn't work any more.

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AJAX :: Web Service Method With Parameter Isn't Calling With Autocomplete Text Box Extender

Feb 22, 2011

web service method(getMainHeads) with parameter is not calling with auto complete text box extender(same method with out parameter is calling fine). My Service is

InvService : System.Web.Services.WebService
ItemMainHeadMsts objItemMainHeadMsts;
DatabaseHelper objDataHelper;
string[] GetMainHeads(string value)
oList = new
objItemMainHeadMsts =
objDataHelper =
objItemMainHeadMsts =
, value);
foreach (ItemMainHeadMst
mainHead in

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Get The Parameter Values From A Web Service?

Mar 1, 2011

I have a web service (an ASP.NET .asmx page), and for debugging purposes I need to log all calls to the webservice, including values of all parameters passed into each call. So basically the first thing each WebMethod should do is log it's state with details of all the parameter values passed in to it.

So far so good. The complication is that I also want an automated way of getting the parameter values - there's quite a few webmethods with different signatures, and some of them have up to ~30 parameters, so manually coding against each specific parameter would likely be massively error-prone. I'd rather be able to call a method that looks at the current Http context and automatically uses that to grab and parse whatever has been passed in by the client.

But I hit a snag. When I look at HttpContext.Current.Request, it turns out that both the Form and QueryString collections are empty.

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Missing Parameter In Web Service

May 20, 2014

'm having some difficulties to consume a Web Service in VBScript. Everytime I try to run it presents some error (Missing parameters / Internal server error / Status 500). I don't know what can be wrong.

Here's my VBScript code:

Set oXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.4.0")
Set oXMLDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
oXMLHTTP.open "POST","

[Code] ....

And here is my Web Service. Very simple:

namespace WebApplication1
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for WebService1
/// </summary>
[WebService(Namespace = "http:// tempuri.org/")]

[Code] .....

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Receive Xml File As A Parameter To A .net Web Service

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My company is currently looking into bringing a new piece of third party software in for online ordering. The software does not handle pricing so they are requesting the pricing information from a web service. Their software is passing an XML file as a parameter, and expecting an XML file as a response. I would think that returning an XML file would be pretty straight forward, but I cannot think of a way to receive an XML file as a parameter.

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.net - Getting The Browser Culture In A WCF Service?

Feb 5, 2010

I have a website calling a WCF service and I want the service to run with the browser culture. I am using the service in ASP.NET compatibility mode. This is working so far - It is possible to set the culture of the WCF service using the culture and uiCulture of the globalization section.

My problem is that enableClientBasedCulture shows no effect. These are my globalization settings for the service:

<globalization enableClientBasedCulture="true" culture="auto" uiCulture="auto"/>

The service ignores these settings and uses the default culture.

Something I am missing? Is enableClientBasedCulture the wrong way to transfer the culture in this scenario?

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How To Access Web Service From Browser

Jun 2, 2014

How to access my webservice below from browser?URL.... I hope it display random no in my browser 8 and URL... I hope it display 8 in my browser

public class WebService1 : System.Web.Services.WebService
[WebMethod(Description = "Get Random Number")]//Description about web method
public string GetNumber() // Declaration of Method
Random RM = new Random();
return RM.Next(1, 100).ToString();


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WCF / ASMX :: How To Debug Web Service Where Dataset As Parameter

Nov 26, 2010

I unable to debug web service as it require dataset as parameter. Im having web application calling to web method of remote web service. I debug my web application up to call for web method but I want to debug web service as well by sending dataset as parameter. How to debug web service in such case?

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WCF / ASMX :: Web Service- Invalid Action Parameter?

Dec 6, 2010

I have created a web service (.asmx) which is working fine locally.Now when a client of ours is trying to access this web servce he receives an error sayinginvalid action parameter.Any idea why this error appears..also will


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ASMX :: Optional Parameter Is Not Working At WCF Service

Jul 27, 2010

I was expecting a parameter will become a empty string value if the parameter is missing, but it turn out to be null. have I done it wrong for the optional parameter?


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WCF / ASMX :: Web Service Parameter Type Changed?

Aug 6, 2010

So I have a class library project, a web service project and a website project.

In both the web service project and website project, I make a reference to the class library project, then in the website project I make web reference to the web service in my localhost.

So my web service project have the below web method

<WebMethod()> Public Function HelloWorld(ByVal tempClass As testSolutionClassLibrary.Class1) As String

Return "Hello World"

End Function

I don't understand why when I try to call the above web method from my website project, the parameter change from "testSolutionClassLibrary.Class1" to "testSolutionWebServiceRef.Class1"? Shouldn't it remain as "testSolutionClassLibrary.Class1"?

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How To Send Browser Cookie To Web Service

Feb 13, 2010

I have a following architecture:

1) client logins to ASP.NET web site (www.site.com) where the session expired in 3000 minutes and cookieless set to false.

2) After some time client opens Activex in browser. Activex connects to Session Enabled Web Service (www.site.com/Service.asmx) through .NET managed classes.

What I need to do is send cookies which browser recieved while authenticated through Web site. and if such cookie does not exist then the user is not authenticated and connection to Web service will be prohibited.

I understand that I need to use System.Net.CookieContainer class, but How do I set this broser cookie to this class?

localhost.WebService1 web = new localhost.WebService1();
System.Net.CookieContainer cookie = new System.Net.CookieContainer();
web.CookieContainer = cookie;

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Passing Custom Object As Parameter To A Webmethod Of Web Service?

May 11, 2010

I have a custom class declared as follows (in vb.net)

<Serializable()> _ Public
Class NumInfo Public n As String
Public f As Integer Public fc As
char() Public t As Integer


What am I doing wrong? For the record I tried replacing char() with string to see if it was the array causing problems but that didn't help either. I'm fairly new to web services. I tried replacing the custom object parameter with a primitive parameter just to check how things worked and it rendered a page with an input field and invoke button.

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How To Pass Parameter Back From Web Service If An Insert To A Database Successfull

Oct 29, 2010

I have a web form and I use jQuery/AJAX/JASON to send objects to a web service using

type: "POST",
url: "SynchroniseCustomers.asmx/synchroniseCustomers",
data: JSON.stringify(customerObj),
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
error: function (xhr, status) {},
success: function (msg) {}

From the web service I want to check if the insert into the database was successfull, return a variable with an ID and pass this ID to a function. In the object I have the ID so I could have

success: function (msg) {deleteCustomer(ID);}

But this only checks if the data was passed to my method in the web service? I have followed this example http://encosia.com/2009/04/07/using-complex-types-to-make-calling-services-less-complex/ and in the class Person I get a message back from the database server telling me if the insert was successfull or not so like

if (successfull)
return ID;

is there a way to get this ID back to the web form and use this in a variable?

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How To Pass Null To A Nullable Parameter Of A .NET Web Service Method Via Javascript

Aug 24, 2010

public class Quotes : System.Web.Services.WebService
public void Calculate(int param1, int? param2)

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SQL Reporting :: How To Determine Static List From Querybased Parameter Using Web Service

Apr 28, 2010

how to determine a report parameter is static list or query based list usinSSRS web services.

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SQL Reporting :: Determine Static List From Querybased Parameter Using Web Service?

Jan 7, 2010

how to determine a report parameter is static list or query based list using SSRS web services.

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AJAX :: Dropdown List In Javascript Using Ajax Service But Unable To Get Its Selected Value In Button?

Apr 6, 2010

I am using ASP.Net 3.5. I have fiiled dropdown list in javascript using ajax service but unable to get its selected value in button click event on server side.

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AJAX :: Unable To Make Wcf JSON Ajax Service Work Through Http Like Asmx?

Jun 22, 2010

I am new to WCF, I was using web service asmx before. I have trouble on making my wcf JSON ajax service work through http like asmx.Could you help me see what wrong in my code?My WCF services are defined in my website application folder. My aim is to call this service in my aspx page java-script code and return complex object back as JSON to my javascript. I have no problem on doing this through classic asmx web service.

When I try to test it through my browser by type this in the URL , URL-http://localhost:3849/WebServices/Account/WCFCompanyService.svc/GetAll. it return "Method not allowed."

But if I type just this URL-http://localhost:3849/WebServices/Account/WCFCompanyService.svc, it return this:

WCFCompanyService Service

You have created a service.To test this service, you will need to create a client and use it to call the service. You can do this using the svcutil.exe tool from the command line with the following syntax:

svcutil.exe URL-http://localhost:3849/WebServices/Account/WCFCompanyService.svc?wsdl

This will generate a configuration file and a code file that contains the client class. Add the two files to your client application and use the generated client class to call the Service. For example:


class Test { static void Main() { HelloClient client = new HelloClient();


This is my Ajax-enabled WCF service code:


This is the web.config service model setting


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AJAX :: Null Or No Value Parameter?

Feb 20, 2010

I have a simple web-service and want to invoke it from a client. this service has a parameter but when I invoke it from client and send to it a parameter , in server side service run successfully but always parameter has no value and is null ( depend on parameter's type ex if it's string , value will be string and if it's int , value will be zero ) here is server and client code:


there was server and cliend ( proxy class code ) but when I run it and trace in server side always parameter that I send to it has no value.

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Accept An Out Parameter In Ajax?

Dec 20, 2010

I have a static function in the aspx page with this signature:

public static bool UserNeedsToBeAlertedPwdReset(out DateTime dtExpires)
DateTime dt = DateTime.MivValue;
return true;

So I want to call this function from the client side, using the jQuery Ajax. How do I get a hold of the out value? Edit Alternatevly I could check for nulls if this is possible with Ajax + jQuery like that:

ublic static DateTime? UserNeedsToBeAlertedPwdReset()
return null;
return DateTime.Now;

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AJAX :: Send A Parameter With In DataNavigateUrlFormatString?

Aug 9, 2010

I have two pages: Default.aspx and Edit.aspx.In Default.aspx, there is a tabcontainer control and there are 5 tabs in it. In each of these tabs, there is a gridview. And in each grid view there is a hyperlinkfield field called "Edit". I want that when a user clicks the "edit ", the page will redirect to Edit.aspx page with the current activetabindex of the 5. How do I write the DataNavigateUrlFormatString

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MVC :: OnComplete Ajax.ActionLink Parameter Not Json In MVC 3?

Jan 27, 2011

I posted this on Stack overflow [URL] but have not had a solution, just completely different way of doing it without using the Ajax.* helpers so I'm wondering if anyone has an Ajax.* solution here?I'm using MVC 3. I have a method on the controller that returns a Json object, according to this question it should be returned to me as Json, but I am finding that is not the case[URL]
here's the code that I have:

And the controller:
The first message box displays the response text which is:{"Success":True, "objectId":"testing"}
the second message box displays undefinedSo it is coming back to the client correctly, I'm just not sure how to get it out?...Stefan

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