AJAX :: How To Return Back Back To Code Behind File After Cascading Dropdown Calling

Aug 29, 2010

I have a cascading dropdown. After the dropdown is populated(it is in another file) i would like to return back to the original form where the control is placed. is there anyway of doing it

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Similar Messages:

AJAX :: Cascading DropDown Reload On Post Back?

Feb 21, 2011

I add cascading drop down in a place holder during page load. When i submit the entire form, i found out that my drop down list is reload and my selected value is not selected.

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AJAX :: Cascading Dropdown Not Posting Back Even Though Autopostback=true?

Oct 7, 2010

I have the following code:

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlCountries" AutoPostBack="true" runat="server">


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JQuery-AJAX Calling Page Method / How To Return Value Back To JQuery

Jan 31, 2011

If I use jQuery AJAX to call a specific ASP.NET page method how to have that method return a value back to the AJAX method that called it?


My situation is I have an existing web application with many existing methods. I would like to be able to use jQuery to execute some of these methods and then update the UI with the results. My mandate is to stay away from ASP.NET AJAX and stick with jQuery. Management is concerned about continued development and support with ASP.NET AJAX from Microsoft. I agree with them.

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Web Forms :: Back Button - Action To Return Back To 2 Pages Before On Single Click?

Oct 15, 2010


I have created a back button on my asp page. However, I would like this back button a a sinlge click to return the user to the page 2 pages before. I have tried to enter the history.back(2) but with no luck it does not work.

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AJAX :: Cascading Dropdown Not Calling Webservice - Super Simple Example Just Not Working

May 25, 2010

I ultimately need to show countries in one drop down then states/provinces drop down of the previously selected drop down. I'm sure everyone has seen this many times. My page shows the countries but does not show values in the province/states drop down. It's as if the webservice is never run. I've tried removing and adding the ajaxtoolkit reference. The tableadaters run simple working sql code. I'm really at a lose here.

<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="ajaxToolkit" %>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" />
<%--Dropdown to display countries--%>
Country:<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlCountries" runat="server" DataSourceID="ods_Countries"
DataTextField="country" DataValueField="abbreviation">
<%--data source for the country drop down list--%>
<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ods_Countries" runat="server" OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}"
SelectMethod="GetAllCountries" TypeName="countryDataSetTableAdapters.CountriesTableAdapter">

View 8 Replies

Web Forms :: Scroll Back To Drop Down List After Auto Post Back In Code Behind?

Feb 22, 2011

Using Vb.Net 2003 Asp.Net 1.1

I have a dynamic data bound drop down list, when the user selects thier selected item I have to use the autopostback feature.

Problem is: when the page comes back it is at the top of the page not where i have the control.

I don't really need it to focus back on the dropdownlist but to scroll to it, I want to do it in the code behind.

Any "New" ways to do it, I mean new as in code from like 2010 instead of old code from the early days.

I really don't want to use Page.Register new Script...... code if I can avoid it.

What would be cool is a ScrollToControl() Function for my code behind that worked but didn't register script.

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Javascript - How To Return Data After AJAX Postback Back To The Client

Feb 4, 2010

I have a simple question - I use update panel with custom server control inside. I call __doPostBack from javascript and RaisePostBackEvent on the server fires (I implement IPostBackEventHandler).This is client to server call. Could I return data back to the client (after this partial postback)? What is the best way to achieve this?

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AJAX :: Is It Possible To Use A Classic Asp Page To Return Parameters Back The Same As A .NET Web Service

Jun 2, 2010

I have site that I need to have a vendor send an Http Post to us, using querystring parameters, then I have to look up some data and return a few results and parameters back to them. Can this be done using CLASSIC ASP? I ask this because I am still in a learning phase with .NET and have limited resources available to set up a web service.

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AJAX :: Set Selected Value Cascading Dropdown From The Code Behind

May 24, 2010

Bit of a strange request but is it possible to set the selected value of a cascading dropdown in code? I have 2 dropdowns, the second is populated using the value of the first. Heres my markup:

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlApplication" runat="server" CssClass="form"></asp:DropDownList>
PromptText="[select an application]"
ServiceMethod="GetUserApplications" />
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlDelegate" runat="server" CssClass="form" />
PromptText="[select a user]"
ServiceMethod="GetApplicationUsers" />

Basically I want to set the selected value of ddlApplication, then populate the ddlDelegate, then I want to set the selected value of ddlDelegate.

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Web Forms :: Referencing Page Controls From Code Back File?

Feb 16, 2011

How to I reference say a text box from my code back file? I am having issues with trying to execute an sql query from the click of a button and then place the result into that text box...

View 9 Replies

Web Forms :: Cascading Drop Box Holds Old Value If Empty On Auto Post Back?

Sep 3, 2010

I have 3 drop boxes: 1.) Choose Operation 2.) Choose Site 3.) Choose Area. All three of them are linked to an SQL server database which has 3 tables following the same heiarchy of order. I.e. Areas belong to a Site and Sites belong to an operation. And there can only be one operation per site, or one site per area.

First you select an operation, then the page auto postbacks to filter the sites. Then you pick a site and again it autopostbacks to filter the areas. The issue I am having is that when an associated operation has no sites underneight it, and therefore no areas under that, the previous values that were in the boxes are displayed and the user can't click on the boxes anymore. I think this is kind of cheap looking and would like a way to make it so the boxes are clear (i.e. nothin in them). Is there anyway to check if they are going to freeze like that and assign them blank values?

View 12 Replies

JQuery Calling Webservices With Parameters And Getting Data Back?

Feb 25, 2011

I have a JQuery template, and I want to call a webservice and populate the fields in it. The issues I am having are, I'm not sure how to pass parameters in my $.ajax call (ideally, I want to pass a dictionary so I can pass as many or few parameters as I want). I tried data: { Key : Value } but get a 500 server error saying something about not a valid JSON primative.

Once the webservice is called, how can I get my data back in a JSON string that is compatible with a JQuery template? My webservices usually get a List and my jquery template works with a JSON object.

The problem is basically the format of data between client and server. My webservice call works fine, it's simply a problem of JSON and data. Edit: I have succeeded in calling the webservice with a dictionary, I am now trying to figure out how to get the data back. I'm getting a circular reference error.

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AJAX :: File Upload Control Does Not Maintain Their State After Post Back?

Jan 24, 2011

I am using file upload control and the captcha.After fulfill the form and upload the file , if user enter the wrong captcha test and click on button the uploded file being disaaper .I know this is the shortcoming of file upload control but client required thatIt needs to not clear the photo Plz help me out so that i can maintain the uploaded file state and have to capable so that user does not need to uploaded file again.

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AJAX :: Page Is Posted Back Due To Asynchronous File Uploader Control ?

Nov 22, 2010

I am using Asynchronous File uploader ajax toolkit control.I want to get knowledge of whether page is posted back due to File uploader or not in Page_Load event of my aspx page.

For that i tried to use Page properties IsAsync, IsCallBack but even page is posted back on responce of File Upload these properties are false,only IsPostback property is True.

Why IsAsync and IsCallBack properties are false ?

I was thinking that since this control upload files Asyncronously, so atleast on File Upload IsAsync property should be True.But that is also false .

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Web Forms :: Return Back To Same Page Number

Oct 22, 2012

I am using Gridview to display data on MyPage.aspx. I am using gridview paging if i have more than 20 recrods. if i am going to page no 3 and clicking on Edit of a record then it is going to UpdateMyPage.aspx. After edit if click on Submit then after update it is returning  back to First page no of Mypage.aspx. It is not returning to the page no. 3 of MyPage.aspx. What i should do to return back to the same page no from where i have clicked it. 

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Javascript - Get Callback Info Back To Original Calling Function?

May 7, 2010

Let's say you have a Javascript function that calls a web service method. So that webservice completes and calls a callback function, which has the result.

How do I get that result back into the original function that called the web service method? Essentially, I'm trying to "synchronize" an asynchronous call.


This is what I'm trying to do. I'm validating based on the return value of a web service.


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Security :: Sign Out Link / Click The Back Button On Browser, Still Go Back Into The Site?

Jun 24, 2010

I've created a Sign Out link on my page, just like the one you see on the top right hand corner of this forum.

This is the code i use :

<asp:HyperLink NavigateUrl="~/Login.aspx" ID="hypSignOut" runat="server" Text="Sign Out"></asp:HyperLink>

However, after signing out, I click the back button on my browser, I can still go back into the site. How do I prevent this?

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Web Forms :: Redirect Loggedout Users Back To Login Page When Back Button Is Pressed

Jul 7, 2012

i m having problem with logout code in asp.net with c#. this logout code should end session, disable browser's back button and and if somebody try to login by paste the url of any user account page.i used this code in login page

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Session["name"] = TxtUserName.Text;

and in logout i used this

protected void logout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

nothing happening back button is still visible

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Forms Data Controls :: Back Button Doesn't Go Back When Canceling / Updating Edits In Gridview?

Mar 31, 2010

I have a gridview bound to a sqldatasource with editing enabled. If I click Edit, then either Cancel or Update, the update or cancel occurs and the Edit button reappears. However, I cannot then click the browser's back button without having the Update and Cancel buttons reappear. A second click of the back button takes me to a state where the Edit button shows again, *then* another back button click will take me to the referring page (the one before the one with the gridview on it.) IOW, it looks like the postbacks are cached. How can I prevent this and have the back button go straight to the referring page?

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Web Forms :: Back Button That Goes Back 3 Pages And Refreshes The Page

Jan 24, 2011

I am trying to see if it possible to create a back button that goes back 3 pages and refreshes that page. The make up of my page is a little complex. The Home page has a password prompt that enables a multiview to be visible with a gridview of information. The gridview has a details link that has a 2 querystrings that gets sent to the details page. The details page has the ability to be edited and updated. this is why I wanted it to go back 3 pages. The code I am using to go back is

<asp:Button ID="Button2" runat="server" CausesValidation="False" OnClientClick="javascript:history.go(-3);return false;" Text="Back" UseSubmitBehavior="False" />

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Go Back To The Previous Page On Click Of Custom Back Button?

Aug 25, 2010

I am using an image button and on click of it i want to go to visited page.

Now i am using - Response.Redirect(Request.UrlReferrer.ToString()),

It is going to previous page, but when i am in a page of some user details where the link is looks like - users.aspx?userid=25 and i visit some other page and click back(image button) i want to see the same serdetail page. How to track that.

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Web Forms :: Prevent Back From Browser Back Button After Logout

Jul 25, 2013

When I click Logout page redirect to Login page but when click to browser arrow back then it will goes back, I want to after Logout cannot going to back page...

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Even After Loging Out Can Go Back To The Home Page Using BACK Button?

Feb 5, 2010

I am using ASP.net with C#.After I logout its possible to go back to pages using back button.I could fix the prob for the login.I have prob with the logout.I am using the inbuilt login page provided by the asp editor.Should I use sessions?

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$.getJSON Back Button Showing Jason Return Data Not The Page?

Jan 10, 2010

I have a little issue with my site. I have a page that hosts a google map. However the map does not get shown until the user clicks a button. It then call $.getJSON to get the addresses that i need to show on the map...

$.getJSON(theurl, function(json) {

It all works fine. However if the user then moves to a different page and then clicks the Back button they get the data from the $.getJSON call displayed, not the page itself. It's as if the call to get the addresses has become part of the browsing history. If the user hits refresh when the data appears the full page then gets displayed.Can anyone tell me how to stop this from happening.I'm using the googlemap in an ASP.Net MVC site.

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