Web Forms :: Return Back To Same Page Number

Oct 22, 2012

I am using Gridview to display data on MyPage.aspx. I am using gridview paging if i have more than 20 recrods. if i am going to page no 3 and clicking on Edit of a record then it is going to UpdateMyPage.aspx. After edit if click on Submit then after update it is returning  back to First page no of Mypage.aspx. It is not returning to the page no. 3 of MyPage.aspx. What i should do to return back to the same page no from where i have clicked it. 

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Return Back To A Specific Page In A Gridview List

Aug 22, 2010

I have a gridview with paging. So for instance, I'm on say the page number 10, and I open the form details on a specific record_id (link). After I update/submit the form, it returns to page number 10. But, if I go to another page, for instance page 5, and submit the form, it returns to page 10.

I've tried some things, for instance history.back(), but it returns to the first page I went to, in this case page number 10 (or whatever the first page I go to).


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Web Forms :: Back Button - Action To Return Back To 2 Pages Before On Single Click?

Oct 15, 2010


I have created a back button on my asp page. However, I would like this back button a a sinlge click to return the user to the page 2 pages before. I have tried to enter the history.back(2) but with no luck it does not work.

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AJAX :: Is It Possible To Use A Classic Asp Page To Return Parameters Back The Same As A .NET Web Service

Jun 2, 2010

I have site that I need to have a vendor send an Http Post to us, using querystring parameters, then I have to look up some data and return a few results and parameters back to them. Can this be done using CLASSIC ASP? I ask this because I am still in a learning phase with .NET and have limited resources available to set up a web service.

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$.getJSON Back Button Showing Jason Return Data Not The Page?

Jan 10, 2010

I have a little issue with my site. I have a page that hosts a google map. However the map does not get shown until the user clicks a button. It then call $.getJSON to get the addresses that i need to show on the map...

$.getJSON(theurl, function(json) {

It all works fine. However if the user then moves to a different page and then clicks the Back button they get the data from the $.getJSON call displayed, not the page itself. It's as if the call to get the addresses has become part of the browsing history. If the user hits refresh when the data appears the full page then gets displayed.Can anyone tell me how to stop this from happening.I'm using the googlemap in an ASP.Net MVC site.

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AJAX :: How To Return Back Back To Code Behind File After Cascading Dropdown Calling

Aug 29, 2010

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JQuery-AJAX Calling Page Method / How To Return Value Back To JQuery

Jan 31, 2011

If I use jQuery AJAX to call a specific ASP.NET page method how to have that method return a value back to the AJAX method that called it?


My situation is I have an existing web application with many existing methods. I would like to be able to use jQuery to execute some of these methods and then update the UI with the results. My mandate is to stay away from ASP.NET AJAX and stick with jQuery. Management is concerned about continued development and support with ASP.NET AJAX from Microsoft. I agree with them.

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Forms Data Controls :: Display The Current Page Number And The Total Page Number In The Report Footer?

Aug 10, 2010

I have a web user control with DataList control in it. In my .aspx page, I have a report header, an empty panel as a place holder, a report footer.In my .aspx.vb file, I'll loop through a list of departments. Within each department, I'll load a label to display the department name and the user control for the data, and add both the label and user control to the panel. So there are two variables:
the number of departments and the number of records in a user control.

Now I need to display the current page number and the total page number in the report footer. Is it doable? How? I'm thinking of this approach: declare a page variable count, count the number of department name labels and the number of records in a user control. When the total count reaches a number, such as 20, I'll break the page. This way, I can get the the page current number and the total number of pages. But how to add a page break to an asp.net page?

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Web Forms :: LoginStatus Return URL Modification / How To Keep The Id Number (1008) In The ReturnURL

Jan 20, 2010

I have a loginStatus control, if user click "Login", it will go to the login page, and usually followed by "ReturnUrl": for example:

Before I hit the "Login", the page is:


After I click the "Login", the URL is:


As you can see the parameter value 1008 is gone. Have searched for a while, one article mentioned:

"ASP.NET's login controls use a ReturnUrl, but don't keep the parameters in this URL".

How can i keep the id number (1008) in the ReturnURL? or have other way to get around this? can I write my own returnURL? say once user clicks the "Login", I create my own return url, myReturnURL=ReturnUrl=/Books/CodeInBooks.aspx?id=1008

View 2 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Return Number Of Rows In A Dataset?

Jan 14, 2010

I'm using a table adapter to perform my queries. I'm sure I'm missing something really easy, but I can't figure out how to return the number of rows returned from a query to a dataset used for a GridView.Basically, I want to display a message "No records exist for your selection" by testing for ReturnedRows = 0.

Excerpt of C# code:

handoutDSTableAdapters.handoutTableAdapter handoutsAdapter =
new handoutDSTableAdapters.handoutTableAdapter();
gv_Handout.DataSource = handoutsAdapter.GetDataByDoctor(Int32.Parse(ddl_MD.SelectedValue));

View 4 Replies

Web Forms :: Redirect Loggedout Users Back To Login Page When Back Button Is Pressed

Jul 7, 2012

i m having problem with logout code in asp.net with c#. this logout code should end session, disable browser's back button and and if somebody try to login by paste the url of any user account page.i used this code in login page

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Session["name"] = TxtUserName.Text;

and in logout i used this

protected void logout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

nothing happening back button is still visible

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Web Forms :: Back Button That Goes Back 3 Pages And Refreshes The Page

Jan 24, 2011

I am trying to see if it possible to create a back button that goes back 3 pages and refreshes that page. The make up of my page is a little complex. The Home page has a password prompt that enables a multiview to be visible with a gridview of information. The gridview has a details link that has a 2 querystrings that gets sent to the details page. The details page has the ability to be edited and updated. this is why I wanted it to go back 3 pages. The code I am using to go back is

<asp:Button ID="Button2" runat="server" CausesValidation="False" OnClientClick="javascript:history.go(-3);return false;" Text="Back" UseSubmitBehavior="False" />

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C# - How To Return Number Of Members From User Controls In 3.5

Feb 15, 2011

Which class member can I use to return the number of members, that have signed up for an account? (I'm using the built-in membership/profile/log-in stuff..)

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Return Of Sequential Number On User Input?

Oct 19, 2010

I'm new to this forum and just as new to asp

I have been tasked with what on the surface seems a simply problem. I need to provide users with a method of entering an order number and in return they are given the next sequential number (seeded from a resetable number). As each order number is entered and sequential number is returned and a list of all entries/outputs is maintained.

user 1 enters a number, returns 1

user 2 enters another number, returns 2

user 3 enters any number even a repeat of previous number, returns 3

A text file or similar is maintained with results




etc etc

I was going to do this with PHP but its no longer an option, I have IIS available so can be done via web form / asp / sql.

Would anyone be able to give me some pointers?

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Javascript - How To Return Data After AJAX Postback Back To The Client

Feb 4, 2010

I have a simple question - I use update panel with custom server control inside. I call __doPostBack from javascript and RaisePostBackEvent on the server fires (I implement IPostBackEventHandler).This is client to server call. Could I return data back to the client (after this partial postback)? What is the best way to achieve this?

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SQL Server :: Trying To Return The Right Number Of Records Using Left Outer Join?

Aug 5, 2010

I have 9 tables i need data out of.. 8 of those tables will always just return 1 row of fields that i need. the 9th table can contain many records.. So what i need is a few fields out of each of the 8 tables and then ALL records from the 9th table.. so i know that because there will be multiple records in the 9th table returned, that the fields i pull from the other 8 tables will contain duplicate information and thats fine since i will be displaying the individual records from table 9 on their own page..So everything could be for the same vendor, except for the date in the 9th table that contains specific dates and details about each record returned.When i review the execution plan im getting an yellow exclamation icon on a nested inner join and has this message as the warning: No Join Predicate

Here is what i have, but is returning incorrectly, way to may records, seems to be stuck in a loop.. then below that, i have one that returns the correct number of records, but everything except one column is duplicate, all the TR columns should be unique in the values stored in them.. the rest should all be duplicates, just because its the same vendor, so all the other information will be generic information about that record.


This FROM and WHERE return the correct number of records, but the fields are all duplicated except the last column with is transaction_date, seems that the 3 TR fields are being populated with the first records data or something.. not sure.


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DataSource Controls :: SQL Query Return Incorrect Number Of Rows?

Mar 29, 2010

I am working on a small project. I ran the query below to get the maximum userid and increase it by 1 to create a new userid. However, when I run the query, it does not display the values that I enter into the database using insert statement. For example, if I open the table called login, I can see there are three records. If Irun the select statement, it only return one record which is the one that I enter manually when I first created the table. If I run the same select statement and give it a user id that I created, it returns the correct result.


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Go Back To The Previous Page On Click Of Custom Back Button?

Aug 25, 2010

I am using an image button and on click of it i want to go to visited page.

Now i am using - Response.Redirect(Request.UrlReferrer.ToString()),

It is going to previous page, but when i am in a page of some user details where the link is looks like - users.aspx?userid=25 and i visit some other page and click back(image button) i want to see the same serdetail page. How to track that.

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DataSource Controls :: Return Number Of Rows Affected For Multiple Queries In One SQLCommand?

Feb 22, 2010

I am accepting query/queries from user (our support team) in a text box where user can enter only one query or multiple queries. I need to display result of all queries entered in the textbox. If it is SELECT statement then result of that statement in grid which is done. If UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE then total number of rows affected which is also done but if only one UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE statement is entered in the textbox.

If user enters 2 UPDATE statements and then a SELECT statement then how can I get number of rows affected for individual UPDATE statements just like SQL Server Qury Analyzer displays messages in its result pane.


(6 row(s) affected) -- first UPDATE statement

(4 row(s) affected) -- second UPDATE statement

(16 row(s) affected) -- for SELECT statement (grid will also be displayed along with these messages).

I tried almost everything, SqlDataSource (returns count of first statement only), SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery and DataAdapter.Fill (returns count of last statement only).

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DataSource Controls :: Filter A DataView To Return All The Rows Whose Column X Starts With A Number

Jan 29, 2010

I'm trying to filter a DataView to return all the rows whose column x starts with a number: The following works in SQL Server:

select *
from dbo.Page
where Name like '[0-9]%'

However, when I try this:

dataView = new DataView( someDataTable, "Name LIKE '[0-9]%'", "Name ASC", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);

I get "invalid parameter [0-9] with Operator Like" error message. What is the correct syntax to achieve my goal?

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Even After Loging Out Can Go Back To The Home Page Using BACK Button?

Feb 5, 2010

I am using ASP.net with C#.After I logout its possible to go back to pages using back button.I could fix the prob for the login.I have prob with the logout.I am using the inbuilt login page provided by the asp editor.Should I use sessions?

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Forms Data Controls :: To Return From OrderDetails Page To The OrderList page And to Set The Gridview pageindex

Feb 19, 2010

I am using a gridview on an OrderList page to present data from a database. Paging is enabled on the gridview.

Each row provides a link to an OrderDetails page which is used to display/edit data for the selected order.

I want to be able to return from OrderDetails page to the OrderList page and to set the gridview pageindex.

What is the best way to do this?

Can I have multiple paramaters with NavigateURL (i.e. the orderid and the pageindex)?

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Web Forms :: Position Page At Bottom After Post Back Ignoring Focus() Further Up Page?

Jun 7, 2010

I have a page that I am adding user controls to the bottom of the controls each postback. The User Control has a textbox in it and the focus needs to be on this newly created control textbox each time. It all works almost perfectly however when there are too many controls to fit on the page, because I set the focus to the textbox the bottom of the page is set to the textbox that has focus not the very bottom of the page. I have a submit button below this which ends up below the page limit. How can I set focus to a textbox but still scroll to the every bottom of the page to show the submit button.

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Web Forms :: How To Disable Browser Back Button In Index Page Or Login Page

Sep 25, 2012

am creating a web application in using c# with asp.net.

in that am using login page only as normal aspx page. other pages are using masterpage.

when i click logout button in masterpage. page will redirect to login page. after that if i click browser back button it was moving to previous page. how can i prevent this.

am using this following code in master page aspx page. And My log out button code is below.

<%if (!Page.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
{ %>
<script type = "text/javascript" >
function preventBack() { window.history.forward(); }
setTimeout("preventBack()", 0);
window.onunload = function() { null };
<%} %>

But exactly what i need is once if login page loaded or logged out then it wont go to previous page.

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Web Forms :: Page Back Option And Edit Content Of That Previous Page

May 13, 2010

i am having three pages.first of all i fill register page it will redirected to next page .again i will fill this pageto move to next page. in this time i want to go back to previous page and want to edit content of that prevoius page.in this time i got one problem like"Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_Skills'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.Skills'. The statement has been terminated." how can i solve this problem.i am not having any primary key in my database.

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