AJAX :: Is It Possible To Use A Classic Asp Page To Return Parameters Back The Same As A .NET Web Service

Jun 2, 2010

I have site that I need to have a vendor send an Http Post to us, using querystring parameters, then I have to look up some data and return a few results and parameters back to them. Can this be done using CLASSIC ASP? I ask this because I am still in a learning phase with .NET and have limited resources available to set up a web service.

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JQuery-AJAX Calling Page Method / How To Return Value Back To JQuery

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If I use jQuery AJAX to call a specific ASP.NET page method how to have that method return a value back to the AJAX method that called it?


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My question is that I need the 'page' variable to increment each time someone presses the form button which is contained within the partialview.

How do I keep track of that variable?

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Get Parameters Out Of An Ascx Back To Main Aspx Page?

Jun 15, 2010

I've got an aspx page that renders an ascx page with filtering capabilities. Inside the ascx page, parameters are passed as follows:

<td class="label">Plataforma</td>
<td class="field lookup"><%= Html.Lookup("s.Site", null, Url, "Sites") %></td>
<td class="label">Data</td>
<td class="field date"><%= Html.TextBox("s.Date", DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) %></td>

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$.getJSON Back Button Showing Jason Return Data Not The Page?

Jan 10, 2010

I have a little issue with my site. I have a page that hosts a google map. However the map does not get shown until the user clicks a button. It then call $.getJSON to get the addresses that i need to show on the map...

$.getJSON(theurl, function(json) {

It all works fine. However if the user then moves to a different page and then clicks the Back button they get the data from the $.getJSON call displayed, not the page itself. It's as if the call to get the addresses has become part of the browsing history. If the user hits refresh when the data appears the full page then gets displayed.Can anyone tell me how to stop this from happening.I'm using the googlemap in an ASP.Net MVC site.

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Oct 15, 2010


I have created a back button on my asp page. However, I would like this back button a a sinlge click to return the user to the page 2 pages before. I have tried to enter the history.back(2) but with no luck it does not work.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Return Back To A Specific Page In A Gridview List

Aug 22, 2010

I have a gridview with paging. So for instance, I'm on say the page number 10, and I open the form details on a specific record_id (link). After I update/submit the form, it returns to page number 10. But, if I go to another page, for instance page 5, and submit the form, it returns to page 10.

I've tried some things, for instance history.back(), but it returns to the first page I went to, in this case page number 10 (or whatever the first page I go to).


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Classic .NET : Make Multiple Async Calls, Return When All Complete?

Sep 14, 2010

I need to gather information (via GET) from several other websites (not under my control), do some processing (specific to each source) on the data returned, and then print all the info out to the user.

Right now I'm making the GET request to website A, waiting for it to return, processing it, then calling website B, and so on... Obviously this is too damn slow. I'd like to make async requests to A, B, and C, then process each response as it comes back, and once I have all the responses, print it all out to the user.

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JQuery AJAX Not Hitting Web Service When Passing Parameters?

Jul 28, 2010



I put a break point inside MyWebMethod. When I invoke this call on the page, the break point never gets hit. It works fine when I remove all parameters from MyWebMethod's signature and pass in '{}' from JS as parameters. Once I try to pass in a string parameter, it stops working.

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Jquery Ajax Call To Web Service - Can´t Pass Parameters?

Nov 6, 2010

I´m using jQuery to make the ajax calls to web services. I´m not using json, I want the information in XML. If I don´t pass parameters and I make the WS parameter less it works but if I want to pass a value as parameter (I tried int and string) it doesn´t work. Here is my code:

jQuery: [Code]....

The web service


The error that I get from firebug is an exception System.InvalidOperationException and it says that the parameter region_id is missing.It can´t be very difficult because it works without parameters but all the information I find in internet

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WCF / ASMX :: How To Return XML Structure From A Web Service In Page

Mar 24, 2011

I have a problem to connect my ASP page with a Web Service.

I'm going to explain the situation:

VB: WEB SERVICE: service1.asmx.vb (http://localhost:1234/Service1.asmx)



I have not any problem to receive the string from the SECOND function

However, When I call the FIRST one I receive an error:

"Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800A01C2) the wrong number of arguments or invalid property value argument"

I use this object: recXML = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")

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AJAX :: Use Return JSON Object From Web Service As A Declared Type?

Jan 3, 2010

I just hit the following issue: I am calling a web service that returns a serialized JSON object let's say: __type, FirstName, LastName (.net object Person with properties FirstName and LastName). __type's value is Test.Person

I have created a JS object using Type.registerNameSpace/registerClass called Demo.Person and it is registered on the page using the ScriptManager. Everything is working fine; I am able to get data from the server on the call back.

Is it possible to make the returned object from the web service be an instance of the declared JavaScript Demo.Person class? The idea would be to call a method like result.getFullName() on the client side without having to copy all the properties. This is just a simple scenario for more complex objects.

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AJAX :: Passing Return Value From A Web Service To A Label In A Form View?

Mar 17, 2010

I am using JavaScript to call a web service. The JS is correctly receiving and passing the web service information.

At the moment, the web service returns a country name as a string to a JavaScript alert pop up box as follows:


I want to change this so that web service returns the country name to a label inside an insert item template of a form view.

Is there a way to pass in the label variable to the OnComplete function signature and still account for the variable args?, such as:


View 10 Replies

AJAX :: Pass Multiple Parameters To Wcf Service Using Auto Complete Extender?

Feb 10, 2011

I have a wcf service and method returns a string array as follows


How can I pass required multiple parametes (name, cuo, year ) to this service using ajax AutoCompleteExtender.

If I could not use autocopleteExtender what would be the best way to achieve this.

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WCF / ASMX :: Accessing Service From Classic ASP

Jun 4, 2010

We have a big portal with a lot of code written in classic asp + asp.net 2.0 + JavaScript. We are planning to slowly migrate to .net 3.5 framework with WCF Services. Currently the ASP.Net code is using some business layer to access the database. But most of the Classic ASP is using the old ADO code and directly accessing the data in the page itself. Now, we decided to add a WCF layer between the UI and Business which will be easier to implement with ASP.Net + 3.5, compared to Classic ASP. And we can't invest a lot of Man Hours in converting the Classic ASP pages to asp.net just yet. So we decided to Add a COM layer between Classic ASP and WCF services. So it will be like

Classic ASP -> COM -> CCW (COM Callable Wrapper - Interop) -> WCF -> Business for now.

Later on when we slowly convert the Classic asp pages to asp.net, the COM layer will be removed by default. But for now we are atleast pulling the Business code from Classic Asp pages. We are following this approach because we are not sure how to go about accessing the WCF Service directly from the Classic ASP code.

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AJAX :: How To Send Parameters To Custom Complex Business Object To WCF Service Using JQuery

Jul 23, 2013

I am trying to call web service from jquery..trying following way but i am not able to pass to complex type parameter to WCF service.My wcf function is as follows

<Web.WebGet(UriTemplate:="/GetData?strErrMsg={strErrMsg}&chrErrFlg={chrErrFlg}", ResponseFormat:=WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle:=WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped)> _
Function GetData(ByRef strErrMsg As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String), ByRef chrErrFlg As String) As String
strErrMsg is System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)

I am trying to call as follows

var Type;
var Url;
var Data;
var ContentType;
var DataType;
var ProcessData;
var parameters;


And I am able to call other methods in same way having string and integer parameter.I have gone through this but didnt get anything. URL...

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Forms Data Controls :: Back Color Striping - Translate A Classic Asp Component To A 3.5 Chart Control

May 6, 2010

I am trying to translate a chart from a classic asp componant to a 3.5 chart control. I have two problems so far:

1) (hopefully easy) For the XAxis and YAxis titles (not labels), how do you make these titles bold?

2) (seems impossible with .net) How can I break up the background color so that certain parts of the background are different colors? In the legacy control, the original programmer could drill down control to the y-axis lines for coloring the background.

Example in a Y-axis with lines from 0-100 with 10 intervals:

a) 0-50: the background color would be BLUE
b) 50-80: the background would be GRAY
c) 80-100: the backgound color would be RED

As far as I can see, with the .net chart control, you can only have a single color or a single gradient of two colors, but not striped as I am trying to describe above. It seems that if an old classic asp componant has this striping functionality, the .net control has got to have it somehow.

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Possible To Return Large Data From WCF Service To Web Service

Feb 3, 2010

we have console-hosted WCF Service and ASP.NET WEB Service (on IIS).
After some tough operation WCF Service must return some data(large data) to ASP.NET Web Service for next processing. I tested on small results - everything is ok.
But after testing on real data(serialized result object is near 4.5 mb) error occurs on ASP.NET Web Service (which is client in wcf-client-server communication).

Messages size are configured by next binding (on server and client):
NetTcpBinding netTcpBinding = new NetTcpBinding();
netTcpBinding.TransactionFlow = true;
netTcpBinding.SendTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 4,0, 0);
netTcpBinding.Security.Mode = SecurityMode.None;

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Return Parameters From Function

Mar 28, 2011

internal static void GetUserData(int userId, out string userName,
out string userEmail, out string userPassword)
using (SqlConnection con = Util.GetConnection())
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("usp_UD_SelectById", con))
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@UD_ID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = userId;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@UD_UserName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@UD_Password", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@UD_Email", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
userName = Convert.ToString(cmd.Parameters["@UD_UserName"].Value);
userEmail = Convert.ToString(cmd.Parameters["@UD_Email"].Value);
userPassword = Convert.ToString(cmd.Parameters["@UD_Password"].Value);

and the call

string userEmail;
string userName;
string userPassword;
MemberHelper.GetUserData(userId, out userName, out userEmail, out userPassword);

Sometimes I need to get just one parameter from the out parameters, how can I call the function when I want to get just one:

string userPassword;
MemberHelper.GetUserData(userId,"","",out userPassword);

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MVC :: ActionLink Return An Url With Parameters In Querystring?

Jan 17, 2010

I try to have an URL like this /Forum/Index/2 for url I have a route {controller}/{action}/{page} in my global.asax

If i test the above url with the Route Debugger it corresponds to the above route ( and some other but this is the fist one in the list ) but if I create an url with the ActionLink

( like this : [Code]....

this methode return me this URL /Forum/Index?page=2 Is there a way to a have an url with nothing in querystring with the ActionLink methode ? Gauthier

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C# - Return One Record From Model Based On Two Parameters?

Jul 22, 2010

I pass two parameters to my repository to return one record

I am strugling to wite the code to return one record.

Here is my repository-

public Classifieds_Ads GetUserClassifiedDetailsToModify(int classifiedid, Guid UserGuid)
return context.Classifieds_Ads.Where(c => c.User.Id == UserGuid && c => c.CatID == classifiedid);

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SQL Reporting :: Return Missing Value When Try To Set Reportviewer Parameters?

Jan 20, 2010

I have a Business Intelligent project with many reports and I would implentent that reports in a ASP.Net page in server processmode.

I create a master page, and a normal page for this master page with report to view:

<rsweb:ReportViewer ID="ReportViewer1" runat="server" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt"
Height="500px" ProcessingMode="Remote" Width="100%" >
<ServerReport ReportPath="/reportServer/simpleReport" ReportServerUrl="http://localhost/reportserver" />


But i get back this error

The 'Gender' parameter is missing a value This problem is in only one report, this report have a multiview parameters.

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