AJAX :: MaskedEditValidator / Strange Behaviour?
Dec 20, 2010
I am using the MaskedEditExtender and MaskedEditValidator, but have experienced some strange
behaviour. (See code example below). When entering a date into the textbox this is what I see:
1. The mask
2. Entering the date and time e.g. "19-01-1980 10:11:12"
3. When removing focus from the textbox the result is: "19-01-1980 19:01:19"
The six first digits of the date is copied as the time? If entering a day of the month larger than 23 and any given month, year and time (eg. 25-10-1980 12:12:12) the validation fails as the six first digits are copied to the time resulting in a time 25:10:19 which obviously is not valid.
I have downloaded the AJAX toolkit sample code and experience the exact same behaviour. When running the AJAX Toolkit samples from[URL] works fine!
Additinal info: Culture is danish (DateTime format is dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss). Tried changing my systems culture to en-US but same behaviour.
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Jan 12, 2010
Some one can explain me the behaviour i am observing is correct..?
and here is the connection string:
<add name="SecurityDB" connectionString="Data Source=xyz,8000;Initial Catalog=abcd;User ID=abcd;Password=defg" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"></add>
i expect it to fail at 101 iteration as the default max pool size is 100 and i am not releasing any connection after i open(ie., Not closing or Disposing). But the strange behaviour is i can go up to 230 iterations and then it gives me a timeout error, can not acquire new connection.
When i look in SQL Database for number of connections created it is only 100.
My question is : When connection is not released, how is it able to re-use the previously opened connection.
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Nov 13, 2010
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in code behind I'm doing:
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Jun 10, 2010
I'm having a strange problem - probably has a simple answer but, I haven't been able to find it or figure out the cause. I'm hoping someone has had this same problem and figured it out.
Basically - my application works great on the development machine. So I copy it over to the server and it works great. Come back the next day and my GridView is only displaying the first record...I then log into the server remotely and open the web page on the server and all records are returned, so the application works fine on the server. I then return to the local machine and now the application is returning all rows in the GridView. So, weird but, what whatever, it works. Go away and come back again the next day and...
1 ) Only 1 record from dataset is displayed in GridView
2 ) Log onto server remotely and view webpage on server --> all records now display
3 ) Try again on local machine, now application works fine...grr. What am I doing wrong here? Using Visual Web Developer 2008 on Windows XP. Querying SQL Server 2000 (I know, I should switch to 2005 and use VWD 2010 - but ouch, really!) when a text box value changes (Vendor_PO_TextBox.TextChanged)
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Oct 13, 2010
have a C#/ASP.NET web application that contains DetailsView controls that are used for CRUD operations through the EntityDataSource and Entity Framework. Unfortunately I'm not sure which forum would be best to post this under, since I am wondering whether either the MaskedEdit AJAX controls or Entity Data Model could be configured to allow for this.ProblemThe Entity Framework requires time fields to be of time(7) data type, which must be entered as 24-hour time, with seconds (e.g. '09:30:00'). However, I want the time entered in 12-hour time and without seconds (e.g. '9:30 AM'). Is there a way I can configure the MaskedEditExtender and/or MaskedEditValidator to allow for this. What I was thinking is possibly using the AutoComplete portion of this control to fill in the remaining portions (i.e. seconds) that the user does not enter, but which the EF requires. Either that or can the Entity Data Model or something else be configured to allow for this?Existing Code
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Start Time" SortExpression="StartTime">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtStartTimeEdit" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("StartTime") %
View 3 Replies
May 13, 2010
I'm trying to disable a MaskedEditValidator control through JavaScript.
The following approach works for other types of validors (RequiredFieldValidator) but doesn't seem to work for the MaskedEditValidator
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Feb 16, 2011
I have 2 scenarios here for using the MaskedEditValidator for a date field. I'll start with the easier one first.
1) I have a date field. I want to set the MaskedEditValidator's minimum value property to TODAY's date. So for example, if the user enter's a date earlier than today, the AJAX control will show a message stating "you can't input a date earlier than today".
2) I have 2 date fields - 1st one is 'start date' and 2nd one is 'end date'. I want to set the MaskedEditValidator for the end date so that the minimum value property is the date from the 'start date' field. So this way, the user can't enter a date in the 'end date' field that is earlier than what is in the 'start date' field.
Are these 2 scenarios possible? Or should I try another option (Javascript, Jquery, etc...)?
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Mar 16, 2010
I have a panel, with several textboxes and an ImageButton inside of it. One of the textboxes has a MaskedEditExtender and a MaskedEditValidator associated with it. When I hit enter from any other textbox besides the one with the MaskedEditValidator the defaultbutton that is defined in the Panel's DefaultButton property handles the enter key.However, when I am in the textbox with the MaskedEditValidator, the first button on the form is receiving the enter key. Now, if I take the MaskedEditExtender off of the page, and just leave the MaskedEditExtender, everything behaves as it should.Can anyone offer any insight into how I may get this to work properly, or is this a known bug?I tried searching the forums and found a similar post, but no conclusion was ever reached.
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Feb 6, 2010
I have text box to enter a phone number. I'm using AJAX MaskedEditExtender and MaskedEditValidator to validate the phone.I have no problem with mask but the problem nothing happen when I enter for example only 3 number then lose the focus but as soon the focus on I will see the error message and it will disappear as soon as I write one number.
all what I want to get the error message if the user did not enter 9 numbers after lose the focus.
here is my code: <asp:TextBox ID="txtHomePhone" runat="server" ontextchanged="txtHomePhone_TextChanged"></asp:TextBox>
<cc1:MaskedEditExtender ID="txtHomePhone_MEExt" runat="server" TargetControlID = "txtHomePhone" Mask = "(999)999-9999" MaskType ="Number" AutoComplete="False"
View 4 Replies
Sep 7, 2010
I have the following tabpanel (it actually contains a bit more content, but that content doesnt influence my issue):
When I remote the MaskedEditExtender and MaskedEditValidator, it doesnt show that (undesired) behaviour anymore.Is there something special these controls do that cause them to refresh? Is there a workaround for this?
View 1 Replies
Jul 8, 2010
Something "weird" is happening with my ASP.NET application. I have a MasterPage with WebForms, and inside one of them, I have an ASP TextBox which is controlled by the MaskedEditExtender/MaskedEditValidator couple. Underneath, I have a GridView with 2 columns, an Edit ASP Command Field, an ItemTemplate which contains an ASP ImageButton with a Delete CommandName linked to a GridViewDelete Event through the OnRowDeleting attribute. The GridView is binded with SQL Server data while the page is loading.
It appears that once the page is loaded, if I want to delete a row by clicking on the ASP ImageButton, nothing appears. I have first to do something else with the GridView (raise an Edit Event for example), then it's accessible. I try different stuff to catch the source of the problem, and the "weird" part appeared when I deleted the MaskedEditValidator, just keeping the MaskedEditExtender : the Delete ASP ImageButton worked since the page loads!
View 2 Replies
Feb 19, 2010
So basically when i open the page i get the error above.
I've removed-added the toolkit toolbox.The error occurs p.e. in MaskedEditvalidator when i remove the mask from
MaskedEditExtender.Ok i know that it probably needs a mask and it crashes but what the hell is the
C:UsersswaltherProjectsAspNetAjaxReleases30930AjaxControlToolkitSourceAjaxControlToolkitMaskedEditMaskedEditCommon.cs ?? I don't even use c: for any project.Who is swalther?WTH?
And is there a MaskedEditCommon.cs in the toolkit?I did not find any MaskedEditCommon.cs in whatever, version library or whatever i downloaded.
Error:[ArgumentOutOfRangeException: StartIndex cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: startIndex] System.String.InternalSubStringWithChecks(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length, Boolean fAlwaysCopy) +7490863 System.String.Substring(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length)
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Jun 18, 2010
I am trying to accomplish the following.I am displaying records from a database query that include a datetime value. If the datetime value is before the year 2000 (the database defaults to either 1753 or 1900), I want the textbox associated with the CalendarExtender to display nothing. So I created a control library, made a new class 'DateTextbox' and inherited from TextBox.I added the following code:
public class DateTextBox : TextBox
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Aug 7, 2010
Can we apply asp.net ajax Animation behaviour to the asp.net Menu Control ?
Suppose on mouse Hover on the menu items ,i want its submenus to pop out in an animated behaviour.
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Oct 12, 2010
I've inherited a web project from another company, and I'm having a weird issue with a phone number mask.
If the ClearMaskOnLostFocus is "true", I lose the mask in the edit field (this is a editing screen for an existing record). If set to false, the mask is present, but the leading digit is truncated, and will write back to the DB an incorrect number if submitted, with that leading "_".
True = 8885551212
The DB field a a varchar(20) -- don't ask me why.
<asp:MaskedEditExtender ID="MaskedEditExtender3" runat="server"
learMaskOnLostFocus="true" MaskType="Number"
Enabled="True" Mask="(999) 999-9999"
I'm recently back at work after a long layoff period, and my ASP is a little rusty.
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Sep 30, 2010
I have found an odd bug in my application. I have a dropdown status which is bound to my gridview. On selecting a status from the dropdown the selectedindex then fires and binds the results to the gridview.Now the strange behaviour in firefox and not IE:If I have a dropdown open and an ajax update fires on my gridview the option is selected from the dropdown (just by hovering my mouse over it rather than selecting it) and the results bound to the gridview. This does not happen in ie as you should have to physically select an item from the dropdown rather than firefox selecting it for you because you happened to hover over an option when the update event fires.
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Feb 6, 2010
I've got a user control that is displayed via a PopupControlExtender. The user control is a GridView that dynamically adds columns to the control to display the results of a SELECT statement. The PopupControlExtender correctly displays the control and the control displays the neccessary columns. However, when the control is first displayed, the column widths are ignored, despite that they are explicity set. If the control is displayed and then hidden, the column widths are acknowledged the next time the control is displayed.
Here's the user control when first displayed
Here's how its display after the first time
View 4 Replies
Feb 4, 2011
The following setup seems to work fine on the client side, however when I post back and check Page.IsValid, the value is false. I also looked at mevDate.IsValid and it's false. It seems that setting the CultulreName on the MaskedEditExtender is sufficient to get the MaskedEditValidator to emit the correct JavaScript, but on the server side of things it doesn't work. When I flip CultureName to "en-US" everything works as expected.
View 3 Replies
Feb 20, 2010
Well i cannot find a solution,so..
I will post my code.The problem is that whatever date i try (i use greek d/m/y but i also tried m/d/y) it gives me the "error!" tooltip.
I've tried complex code,simple code, ValidationExpression,Globalization,no globalization.Nothing works.
Anyway to it's simplest form:
View 10 Replies
Mar 14, 2011
I want to use MaskedEditExtendor and MaskedEditValidator togather to perform validation for USA phone number.
My aspx code is below.
View 4 Replies
Jun 12, 2010
I am currently using a maskedEditValidator to do some validation checks in a field, everything works great until I attempt to insert a maximium value. My current maskededitvalidator looks like this:
When I add the maximium value into it, it pops up on the details view and will not go away thus not allowing for the new record to be entered. From what I have seen through various other post is that this is a know bug in the maskededitvalidator, and that if I want to do this to do it in a custom validator. My problem is I have no clue as to how to do this in a custom validator.
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Mar 11, 2011
I am Using "MaskedEditExtender" along with "MaskedEditValidator" in my page with a textbox. it is not working and showing the NullReference exception. the call stack showing the following details
[NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.]
AjaxControlToolkit.MaskedEditValidator.OnPreRender(EventArgs e) in C:UsersswaltherProjectsAspNetAjaxReleases30930AjaxControlToolkitSourceAjaxControlToolkitMaskedEditMaskedEditValidator.cs:384
View 3 Replies
Aug 31, 2010
I have a chat application I've developed which sits inside a master page. When the user presses enter inside his/her chat input field, I want that to trigger the submit chat behaviour (same as clicking the 'submit' button under the chat input field), but because there is another submit button inside the master page and higher up the page (a search function), that is what gets triggered. So if the user hits enter, s/he gets sent off to the search page.
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Jan 25, 2011
I have a site that i have developed in asp.net. On debugging the site now hosted using iis7 i noticed a bug, i cannot reproduce this when i run it locally in vs, meaning i can't see the error. The bug occurs on the check box changed event of a devexpress check box. It connects to the database using devart.postgres sql component and linq. However, this is the same connection as anywhere else in the project. The same code works elsewhere in the project. The error i get is:
the requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found.
part of my code is in an if statement that checks if a textbox is blank if so it does not run the code within the if statement, interestingly enough if the text box is blank the code runs, so it must be in the if statement? i commented out all of the code and tried again and it still would not run. B
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