C# - What Could Be Causing Different Behaviour Remotely On .net Site

Jan 25, 2011

I have a site that i have developed in asp.net. On debugging the site now hosted using iis7 i noticed a bug, i cannot reproduce this when i run it locally in vs, meaning i can't see the error. The bug occurs on the check box changed event of a devexpress check box. It connects to the database using devart.postgres sql component and linq. However, this is the same connection as anywhere else in the project. The same code works elsewhere in the project. The error i get is:

the requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found.

part of my code is in an if statement that checks if a textbox is blank if so it does not run the code within the if statement, interestingly enough if the text box is blank the code runs, so it must be in the if statement? i commented out all of the code and tried again and it still would not run. B

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Security :: Authenticate Against The Active Directory When The Site Is Hosted Remotely?

Mar 25, 2011

I am trying to develop a internal corporate portal that will be hosted external either on company leased decicated server or by hosting service like godaddy. The company portal is going to have links internal and external resources like Outlook Web Access and Sharepoint, Great Plains, our CRM software, etc, etc. I am basically creating intranet site for the company but the intranet is going to be hosted externally.

How do I authenticate user against the Active Directory, when the intranet site is hosted remotely?

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Not Able To Execute Web Service Function Remotely When Site Hosted Even Web Service Ip Addresss Is...

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I have asp.net 2.0 site which is calling web services hosted on another server. When i have an xml file from where web service ip for eg. www.mysite/webservice1/myservice.asmx is given. When i call the same server from developer machine using local networkit works fine.But the same is when hosted remotely and from client end when services is called reading xml fiile from client machine it given a message 'remote server not connecting'.

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Openfire Fastpath Chat Causing Site To Load Slowly?

Jan 13, 2010

We are adding openfire fastpath chat to our site. It will determine and indicate when live chat is available or not and display an appropriate image to indicate the current status and links for each state.

The javascript call hit's a function that is on another box and this function uses document.write to output the html to the page. I know there is a delay because it is making the request to another server and waiting for a result to be returned. The pause here is about a half second, but causes the rest of the page load to be held up.

Has anyone experience a similar issue or offer any tips for getting this to load synchronously somehow. I tried putting this into an aspx ajax panel, but that seemed to cause other issues.

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Web Forms :: Enter Key And Submit Behaviour

Aug 31, 2010

I have a chat application I've developed which sits inside a master page. When the user presses enter inside his/her chat input field, I want that to trigger the submit chat behaviour (same as clicking the 'submit' button under the chat input field), but because there is another submit button inside the master page and higher up the page (a search function), that is what gets triggered. So if the user hits enter, s/he gets sent off to the search page.

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Odd Behaviour Javascript, Checkbox, Table Row?

Jun 2, 2010

am having trouble with some javascript that isn't working as it should. I have a table with 6 rows in it. There are 3 rows with a checkbox in them and 3 rows with a dropdownlist. The order is cb ,ddl, cb, ddl, cb ,ddl. The ddl rows are all hidden in th beginning using style="display: none;". When the user checks a checkbox, the ddl row below should appear. But this is not happening, instead it happens when i uncheck it.


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Iis - Very Weird IIS6 .net Website Behaviour

Feb 19, 2010

Recently I got a strange behavior, the website hangs and just doesn't reply unless I go to iis and restart either app pool or whole IIS - BUT what is the most strange thing is that in case I go to remote desktop of the server and try to access it locally it DOES work just fine. I read couple threads about deadlocking and hanging because of memory leaks and non closed sql connections BUT why it still does work from the local?In case there is something wrong with the code - why does it still work from locally?

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AJAX :: MaskedEditValidator / Strange Behaviour?

Dec 20, 2010

I am using the MaskedEditExtender and MaskedEditValidator, but have experienced some strange
behaviour. (See code example below). When entering a date into the textbox this is what I see:

1. The mask

2. Entering the date and time e.g. "19-01-1980 10:11:12"

3. When removing focus from the textbox the result is: "19-01-1980 19:01:19"

The six first digits of the date is copied as the time? If entering a day of the month larger than 23 and any given month, year and time (eg. 25-10-1980 12:12:12) the validation fails as the six first digits are copied to the time resulting in a time 25:10:19 which obviously is not valid.

I have downloaded the AJAX toolkit sample code and experience the exact same behaviour. When running the AJAX Toolkit samples from[URL] works fine!

Additinal info: Culture is danish (DateTime format is dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss). Tried changing my systems culture to en-US but same behaviour.



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AJAX :: Custom CalendarExtender Behaviour?

Jun 18, 2010

I am trying to accomplish the following.I am displaying records from a database query that include a datetime value. If the datetime value is before the year 2000 (the database defaults to either 1753 or 1900), I want the textbox associated with the CalendarExtender to display nothing. So I created a control library, made a new class 'DateTextbox' and inherited from TextBox.I added the following code:

public class DateTextBox : TextBox

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Security :: Unexpected Login Behaviour?

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After login, user get redirected to other page than destination page.actually i used asp.net2.0 login control and there set a destinatuion page url but after login user get redirected to same page or home page.

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How To Receive An Image Remotely

Mar 18, 2011

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VS 2010 MasterPage Weird Behaviour With Session?

Mar 23, 2011

I have a web site coded with VB + MS Access database (VS2010). I'm using one MasterPage to manage both public and users area. I'm facing loss of session variables when a user is logged in. I can't figure out what is wrong and I need your help, tips and tricks.

When a user is authenticated (thru the Login.aspx), I create a SessionID, store his credential in session and load user's page by Response.Redirect(~/users.aspx). Here is what I did:Code:

Dim MyLink As String = Session.SessionID & "other variables"
Session("MyLink") = MyLink
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(TextBoxEmail.Text, False)

My logic is this: when the web site is launched, MasterPage + Default.aspx load. So Session("MyLink") is empty. If the user's credentials are correct, I create the session so that it can be available for MasterPage.

In the code behind of the MasterPage, I try to check (everytime a link is clicked/page requested) whether the user session (SessionID, credential in session) is available. If so, the user is still logged and get access to all the menu. If no session is available, it means the user is logged out or not logged in yet and few menu are shown. Here is the code

Dim MyLink As String = Session("MyLink")

If MyLink Is Nothing Then
'Only show MenuPublic

My default menu is:MenuPublic1, MenuPublic2, MenuPublic3

When a user is logged in, I add to the MenuPublic some reserved Users' menu like below.
MenuPublic1, MenuPublic2, MenuPublic3, Menu_Users1, Menu_Users2, Menu_Users3

In local, everything works perfectly fine. Now after hosting my website, from time to time the MasterPage loss the Session variables. When it happens, the page still shows that the user is logged in by displaying Logout and Welcome Username beside it.

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C# - Disable Default Behaviour Of Internet Explorer?

Feb 17, 2010

I am using asp.net C#.

I have one html input field, and 3 image buttons (asp.net controls)

ImageButton 1 = perform delete operation
ImageButton 2 = perform Edit operation
ImageButoon 3 = perform duplicate operation

My problem occurs when the user presses the enter key when the input field is in focus. When he presses the enter key the browser automatically fires by default the next button. In my case it is the delete operation.

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AJAX :: Add Animation Behaviour To Menu Control?

Aug 7, 2010

Can we apply asp.net ajax Animation behaviour to the asp.net Menu Control ?

Suppose on mouse Hover on the menu items ,i want its submenus to pop out in an animated behaviour.

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Web Forms :: Duplicating Behaviour From A Classic Asp Page

Jun 2, 2010

Many years ago I built a website for a customer in classic asp that uses RomanCart as the payment gateway. This has worked very well, but ive now been given the task of rebuilding the site under .net 3.5 the old site used a submit button that set the action to the romancart url and setup some hidden field values. I want to duplicate this behaviour in the .aspx page from the onclick event of a button. Heres the origianl code from the classic asp page.Can Anyone give some some pointers in converting this to c#?

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Web Forms :: Overwriting Linkbutton Behaviour For Href?

Mar 22, 2010

whenever we work with linkbutton then we always found linkbutton href="__dopostback(...)" but i want to overwrite this when i add linkbutton.attribute.add("href","myfunction") then i saw two href is there in source code. so i want to stop this. i want only my function will be there when i will write the code like linkbutton.attribute.add("href","myfunction").

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DataSource Controls :: Cache Behaviour In SqlDataSource?

Jan 14, 2011

I have SqlDataSource in 2 pages: Page1.aspx and Page2.aspx. I setup all SqlDataSource with EnableCaching is "True" and CacheDuration is "Infinite", same setup for all 2 SqlDataSource as below:


When visitor access Page1.aspx, the SqlDataSource in Page1.aspx will access SQL server to retrieve database and cache the database.

Question-1: After accessing Page1.aspx, then the visitor access Page2.aspx. Will visitor access again SQL Server database in Page2.aspx?

Question-2: One cache at one SqlDataSource is for one page and for one user? Or, one cache at one SqlDataSource is for multiple pages and for one user? Or, one cache at one SqlDataSource is for multiple pages and for multiple users?

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How To Acess Microsoft Access Remotely

May 28, 2010

I am writing an application on my PC to insert record on a Microsoft Access database on another pc that has static ip address remotely.I can ping the remote address of the PC that I want to access without problems. The access database is in the folder c:inetpubwwwrootdb.mdb.

I have the code below but when I run it I am getting the following error:

error on ther server the object model couldnšt be found

OleDbException 0x800a2011
<%@ LANGUAGE = VB Debug="true" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Net.Mail" %>
<%@ Import Namespace= "System.Web.UI.WebControls.Menu" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<script Runat="Server" language="VB">
public sub button_click(s as object,e as EventArgs)
dim ssql as string
dim strconn,objconn,rs,dbcomm
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim da As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter
objconn=new oledbconnection("Provider=MS Remote; Remote Server=; Remote Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=\db.mdb;Persist Security Info=False")
objconn.open ()
dbcomm=New Oledbcommand("employee",objconn)
dbcomm.commandtext="insert into employee values ('mostafa',7,'tanzania')"
dbcomm.Connection = objconn
objconn.close ()
end sub
<form Runat="Server">
<asp:textbox id="t1" Runat="Server" text="type" />
<asp:button id="b1" Runat="Server" onclick="button_click" text="clickme" />

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Display Control Only If Not Viewing Remotely?

Mar 30, 2011

Is there a way to show a control on a page ONLY if the page was requested over the local network?

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Configuration :: Is It Possible To Accessing Web Application Remotely

Sep 27, 2010

I have to Pc, A is Server and B is client ,On server machine windows server2003 And iis is installed.i have developed asp.net application on server machine and its is executing perfectly on server like [URL]

but this page is not accessing on client Pc (B)

how can i access this page or Application on pc B(client).

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Configuration :: Can't Access Mvc Application Remotely

Sep 9, 2010

have deployed an mvc 2 app to a local iis server. It works fine when i go to http://localhost/MyApp. However when i insert my ip address in the place of localhost and try to go to it i get an 'oops google chrome can't connect'. I have all firewalls disabled. I can view the default web site at, just not my mvc app at

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Configuration :: Access Database Remotely In .net?

Dec 17, 2010

I create a project in ASP.NET and my sql database and query procedure are stored at other system. i remotly access this file and i want to do access this database on my project

can it access from webconfig connectionString?

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C# - Creating / Managing Users Remotely?

Mar 31, 2011

I've put my site online and I'm looking to add/change user membership. From Visual Studio, I can access the Website Administration Tool WSAT and it's great if you just want to add users manually. Is there a similar way to change users once the site is hosted on a remote server?For the moment, I change the user information through the WSAT and re-FTP the mdf file; it's pretty painful.

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Attach Custom Behaviour To A Double Click In JsTree?

Sep 9, 2010

I'm using the jsTree jQuery plugin and want to execute code when the user double clicks a node.

I can't seem to get it to work. I found some documentation on a ondblclk event but it doesn't fire.

plugins: ["themes", "json_data", "ui", "cookies"],
ondblclk: function (node, tree) {
if (!thisReportBrowserthis._isFoldersOnly) {
var f = node;

How can I handle double click events with jstree?

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DataSource Controls :: Strange Behaviour With Connection Pooling

Jan 12, 2010

Some one can explain me the behaviour i am observing is correct..?


and here is the connection string:

<add name="SecurityDB" connectionString="Data Source=xyz,8000;Initial Catalog=abcd;User ID=abcd;Password=defg" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"></add>

i expect it to fail at 101 iteration as the default max pool size is 100 and i am not releasing any connection after i open(ie., Not closing or Disposing). But the strange behaviour is i can go up to 230 iterations and then it gives me a timeout error, can not acquire new connection.

When i look in SQL Database for number of connections created it is only 100.

My question is : When connection is not released, how is it able to re-use the previously opened connection.

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