AJAX :: Enable A Css Property For The Tab Panel Using Javscript?

Jan 31, 2010

how to enable an css property for the ajax tab panel using javscript

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Similar Messages:

How To Enable Css Property For The Ajax Tab Panel Using Javscript

Jan 31, 2010

i am using asp.net ajax tab container[ which has 2 tab panel] under each tab panel i have an div tag. now by default.i have my Activetabindex="0"

now i need to enable css property for the div tag using javscript so that there is no post back happening. i doing like this css property for the tab panel 1 is not getting applied this is my script what i doing. if i do the same thing in code behind for the ta selected index change it works. but thatcause an post back. now i need t o do it my javscript only


so how to i enable my css property for the div using javascript for the tab panel

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Web Forms :: Setting Panel Enable Property From Javascript?

Feb 17, 2011

I am using a master page and web content forms in my project. I have a panel on my web content page which opens a popup window using window.open. When opening the popup window, I disable the panel on the web content form.

When I close the popup window, I want the panel to be enabled. I am trying to do this using javascript, but I am not sure how can I set the enable property of the panel to true using javascript.

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AJAX :: Enable & Disable Tab Panel?

Jan 9, 2010

I have a tab container and three panels


In my first panel I have a asp:checklistbox, which is dynamically loaded with items ....

Eg: [Code]....

One checkbox item = "Address"

Second checkbox item = "Work Info"

When User selects and clicks on first Checkbox option Address...the second Tab is enabled

When the User Clicks on Sec Checkbox option Work Info then the third Tab is enabled .else the tabs are disabled

I was working to use JQuery and unable to achieve this

My Jquery Part of the code is like above...looks a little too complicated

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AJAX :: How To Enable A Panel On Click Of Link Button

Jul 14, 2010

Suppose i have a panel having other Server Controls like Link Button etc.Initially this Panel is not loaded or not visible.I want to use animation extender to enable that panel, i.e., that panel will pop up with some animation and postbacks can be done by clicking any button in that Panel.

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AJAX :: Enable / Disable And Show / Hide Controls Outside Update Panel During AsyncPostBack

May 7, 2015

I am perform some action in update panel and there is a button to perform that action after perform that action, I want to show a button which is out side of update panel.

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AJAX :: Get The Css Property Updated Along With Update Panel?

Sep 3, 2010

I am using a update panel in my webpage. I am having a treeview in it . The css property of the Treeview before updating is different from after.

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MVC :: When Enable Client Validation The Property Always Gets Flagged As Invalid?

Jun 2, 2010

I have a property like this on my view model:


The date range validates perfectly during model binding. However, . Looking at the client validation code in MicrosoftMvcValidation.js, it appears that the Sys_Mvc_RangeValidator can only handle numeric ranges

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AJAX :: To Press The "Enable" Button Twice To Enable A Disabled ComboBox?

Feb 28, 2010

I have the following code snippet :


With code behind :[Code]....

Why do I have to press the "Enable" button twice to enable a disabled ComboBox ?

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Run Javscript From Code Behind If Some Condition Match?

Nov 22, 2010

i want to run javscript from code behind if some condition match

In page load i have a sub progrme

Private Sub Runscript()
' Execute javascript some condition match
dim i as integer=0
if i=0 then
'execute javascript alert
end if
End Sub
and javascript is
function Alert() {

i am calling this some sub programme Runscript in pageload

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MVC :: How To Call Action Method From Javscript Function

Feb 17, 2010

how to call a ASP.NET MVC controller action from a javascript function in related view.

Particularly I am trying do do this from a recursive timer function like this:

script type="text/javascript">
function ShowTime() {
var dt = new Date();
document.getElementById("<%= TextBox1.ClientID %>").value = dt.toLocaleTimeString();
---> // the controller action call: "/Controller/ShowImage"
window.setTimeout("ShowTime()", 1000);
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<script type="text/javascript">
// a startup script to put everything in motion
window.setTimeout("ShowTime()", 1000);

The action result is an image (JPEG serialized array) for display.

View 8 Replies

Default Button Property In Panel Does Not Work

Sep 16, 2010

On pressing enter key, I want and image button's click event to get fired. So i have placed the textbox and button inside a panel and given the image button's id in 'DefaultButton' property of the panel. But on pressing enter key, the image button's click event does not get fired. The code is pasted below:


Also provide code for search textbox function present in stack overflow website. On entering text in textbox and pressing enter key, the search function should get executed.

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Panel Direction Property - Set From Left To Right (horizontally)

Aug 5, 2010

I add a user control dynamically (which only contains a table) to the Panel:

<asp:Panel ID="panel" runat="server"
ScrollBars="Horizontal" Width="160" Direction="LeftToRight">

when I add e.g. two user controls, they have vertical direction. Why ? I want them set from left to right (horizontally)

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How To Expose A Panel As A Property In User Control

Aug 20, 2010

I have a user control with a panel on it:

<%@ Control Language="vb" CodeBehind="CustomControl.ascx.vb" %>
<asp:Panel ID="myPanel" runat="server"></asp:Panel>

I'd lke to expose that panel as a property that I can use at design time.

<ParseChildren(True), PersistChildren(False)> _
Partial Public Class CustomControl
Inherits System.Web.UI.UserControl
#Region "Members and Properties"
<PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)> _
Public Property SomePanel() As Panel
Return myPanel
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Panel)
myPanel= value
End Set
End Property
#End Region
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
End Sub
End Class

And then bring the control onto a page like so:

<ucl:CustomControl runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="lblText" AssociatedControlID="txtBox" runat="server"></asp:Label>
<asp:TextBox id="txtBox" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

When I run the page, HasControls is true but nothing is rendered. What am I doing wrong?

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How To Align Grouping Text Property Of A Panel

Sep 15, 2010

I have a asp:Panel where Grouping text is equal to "string".Now this string comes on the left hand side on the upper half of panel border.I want this grouping text to come in the center as in a title of the panel.

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Javascript - Serverclick Event Is Not Fired When Onclick Javscript Returns True

Dec 22, 2010

I have a html input button like this

<input type="button" id="send_button" class="form_button" value="Send" onclick="return validateTextBoxes();" runat="server" />

And also I have javascript


And I am also calling this server click event in the code behind fil this.send_button.ServerClick += new System.EventHandler(this.send_ok);

So here is the problem when javscript returns true its not firing the serverclick event.

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Vb - Changing Panel Visibility Property On Radiobuttonlist Selection?

Feb 4, 2010

On my .aspx page i want to be able to show and hide certain panels depending on user selections (radiobuttonlists).

For example in my aspx page i have;


But when I try to run the code I get;

"Object reference not set to an instance of an object" on this line If RadioButtonList1.SelectedItem.Equals(3) Then

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Web Forms :: Panel Default Button Property Is Not Working In Firefox?

Jan 22, 2011

I have a panel inside a usercontrol i adjusted default button property to btnsave for this panel this property is working in IE but it doesnot working in Firefox, in Firefox another button is executin when i press enter


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AJAX :: Decrease Loading Time Of Update Panel On Panel Bar Item Click

Jan 2, 2010

I have a panel bar..each time I press panel bar item I display ascx control with in update panel..but it lakes update panel loading time lot..how I can decrease that loading time?

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AJAX ModalPopup Update Panel Contents Based On Change In Panel Controls

Aug 30, 2010

I have an AJAX Modal Popup panel that contains a RadioButtonList, 2 labels and 2 DropDowns. I want to update the Labels and DropDowns when a radio button is selected. My attempt at this posts back which causes the ajax popup to disappear.

aspx called on image click:
<asp:Panel ID="pnlModalContainer" runat="server">
<asp:RadioButtonList ID="rblTest" runat="server" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" OnSelectedIndexChanged="rblTest_SelectedIndexChanged">

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AJAX :: Collapsible Panel Extender / Close Automatically Whenever A Link Inside The Content Panel Has Been Clicked?

Apr 14, 2010

I am having trouble wiht my AJAX collapsible Panel Extender. I have the CPE opening a panel that contains the Table of Contents of a document being displayed on the page. A user clicks on the link for a certain part of the document, the event triggers a C# function that gets the file that particular section is contained in an displays the section. Right now you have to, of course, click on the TitlePanel to open and to close the CPE. What I want to do is have it close automatically whenever a link inside the content panel has been clicked. I have tried placing this.cpeTOC.Collapsed=true; in the functiion that gets the files but it does not work. I have also tried the autocollapse property of the CPE and it just collapses whenever someone moves thier mouse from the titlepanel.

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AJAX :: Load Accordian Panel On Click Of Header Tab Of Panel

May 5, 2010

I am using Ajax Control ToolKit's Accordian Control with 5 Accordian Panel. Contents of Accordian Panel are UserControl. Currently I have added all in the design mode, But it making my page slow because it loads all the content at a time. So, I want this to be dynamic. When User Click on Header of Accordian Panel, It loads the user control dynamically and also asynchronously.

I tried to put the user control under UpdatePanel which I placed under Accordian Content Panel but this is not working. Also I want to display loading images if getting slow response from server. how can I achieve it. It will be better if you provide an example.

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AJAX :: Update Panel - Asp Panel Not Working Properly

Jun 8, 2010

I'm new to the world of Update Panels and i'm having a hard time figuring out how to use them properly.

I have a form that has a table(TABLE1)...and inside TABLE1 i am linking to a sql data source....at the bottom of the table i have a 'Add' button.

When the user clicks the add button...a modal popup appears (POPUP1) and inside the POPUP1 the user can click a link that can add a user...when the link button is clicked...a panel within POPUP1 is set to visible = true.

I have one update panel around the whole table and the add button...when i click add and then click the link to add a user....the modal popup disappears.

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AJAX :: Panel Out Of Update Panel Should Be Made Invisible

Jul 17, 2010

i have a panel out of update panel.i have to make it hidden while navigating through different tabs,i tried these codes

Panel1.Attributes["style"] = "display: 'none';";

Panel1.Attributes.Add("style", "DISPLAY:none;");

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AJAX :: Get ID Of Panel When Button Inside Panel Is Clicked

Jan 6, 2014

three div tag having three button i have clicked a button i want to find which button clicked on which tag in asp.net

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