Web Forms :: How To Make Asp:menu Tabs With Round Top Corners

Oct 19, 2010

I am using asp:menu control to display horizontal menu.I need to display tabs with rounded top corners.

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Web Forms :: Can Style Vs2010 Tabbed Menu With Round Corners And / Or Utilize Tab Images

Apr 8, 2010

I need to style the asp:Menu so the navigation buttons have rounded corners.

I have a javascript-based navigation menu (not asp.net) that uses images to simulate rounded corner navigation. However, I think I have to use an asp:Menu for my asp.net 4 website instead of a static page navigation menu.

I also plan to use Dynamic Data on multiple tabbed pages.

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Web Forms :: Menu Control Rounded Corners?

Jul 26, 2010

Yet another post regarding rounded upper corners on an ASP.NET 3.5 horizontal menu control. I've done a day and a half of Googling.Found this link http://forums.asp.net/p/1582204/3989473.aspx. It looked promising but didn't pan out.I got pretty close with some experimenting but it isn't quite there. Could really use some insight or a general agreement that it just can't be done within our constraints.The project is an ASP.NET 3.5 web app. For reasons that are too lengthy to go into here, theoption of using the AJAX tab container has already been examined and rejected. Due to the customer's requirements, we will need to proceed with a menu control set to horizontal display with 2 levels showing. The customer would like to see rounded edges on the top of the menu elements so they have the appearance of tabs. In our corporate-controlled environment, we have as our options the AJAX Control Toolkit, css,


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Feb 9, 2011


Can't make a button round cornered using RoundedCornersExtender

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Web Forms :: CollapsiblePanelExtender Menu In Left Side - Sub Tabs

Oct 21, 2010

In my page I have CollapsiblePanelExtender Menu in left side. In that I have sub Tabs.

*Main Menu

Like that. When i click on any Tab,it displays concern page in Right Side(ie.. in that page only.no new page)

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I really nead any appropriate function to fix it.

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Web Forms :: Setup The Page To Make It Look Like You Can Select Different Tabs With A MultiView

Mar 24, 2011

I've been looking for the best method to add "Tab Views" to my .ASPX web pages. I read about one method on the internet and actually remembered the other possible method from a control in the default VS2010 toolkit.

I like the <asp:MultiView> control because its so easy to use. The only thing is that it requires the page to be posted back. The second method would use CSS + JavaScript to essentially emulate tabbed views in the same webpage by changing the styles of <div> elements based upon the users tab selection, making the selected tab appear visible and the other tabs appear invisible.

I like the ease of implementation of the <asp:MultiView> but I dislike the fact that it requires the page to be posted back and resent. Also, I haven't even tried this myself yet but Im assuming there is a way to setup the page to make it look like you can select different tabs with a MultiView. Can anyone confirm this?

I like the CSS+JavaScript method of "Tab Views" because no page postback is required but it is a little more work to code. No big deal really though once its done.

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Oct 28, 2010

I have Menu in my page that it works with linqdatasource.it binds through linq and I created this menu using datalist,and I use linkbutton to show MenuItems.I want to show these items in my page through tab.but I need to display each item in different tab.whenever I click on an item new tab create,and when i click an onother item the previous one stayed open and the current one open in new tab.

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Jun 16, 2010

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AJAX :: Make Tabs Dynamically Generate Faster?

Feb 12, 2010

I am using the tab control and basically I have 4 buttons. Each button will load a seperate ascx control into a brand new tab. After about 4 tabs, since it has to regenerate all 4 tabs, the speed in order to add tabs just becomes too long for my tastes. Is there any way to remedy this and make it go faster?

EDIT2:Using Internet Explorer 7.0 and 8.0

EDIT: Some Code, I store the i in viewstate and loop through this every time for each panel per regeneration

private void BuildNewTab(int i)
TabPanel newPanel = new TabPanel();[cod]....

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Aug 27, 2010

in Telerik ASP.NET MVC TabStrip, I want the page to remember which tab was selected last and persist the selection through multiple page requests.

What I have is a partial view that shows in multiple pages and it contains the TabStrip. With SelectedIndex the set tab always get selected, which nullifies user's selection.

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Web Forms :: How To Make Menu Rtl

Apr 26, 2010

i got a menu from the tool box (in vs 2008)it's all working nice ... but now i want to make it open right to left .... i change the style property " direction = "rtl" " it didnt worked well ... the father menu item is rtl and the son menu item is rtl but the grandson is ltr !!! still ..... how can i convert the hole menu (especially the grandson menu items to RTL RTL RTL !!! )

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Web Forms :: How To Make Navigation Menu

Jul 11, 2010

I'd like to make navigation menu like one in [url=http://www.eveonline.com/]here[/url]. I thought about using TreeView, but I couldn't make "collapse" indicators to disapear. If I set ShowExpandCollapse property to "false" those indicators disapear, but tree becomes expanded and static. That's not what I want to achieve.

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Web Forms :: Make Menu Manually By Defining Items?

Jan 7, 2010

i am just trying to make a menu "manually" by defining menu items, i am also using css adapter for easy styling. I am facing a problem on postback, i am not getting the selected item (there is no item with class AspNet-Menu-Selected), even without css adapter i think. My menu is simple, there is master page, a couple of pages, the menu is on master page. why, and how can i solve this.

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Web Forms :: Make Area In Drop Down Menu Clickable?

Dec 20, 2010

I'm using the asp.net menu control. It's working great, but I'm trying to figure out how to make the area around the text in the menu clickable? You see, some words in the menu are much longer than others, and I don't like it that the user has to move their mouse to the left to be able to click on the word in the menu just because it is shorter. Is there a way to make the entire menu item clickable? My menus are across the top of the page Left to Right, and then they drop down. And it's in that dropdown menu that the text length varies.

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Web Forms :: Navigation Menu / Unable To Make The Drop Down?

Mar 7, 2010

I am using ASP.net Menu. The problem is, i am unable to make the drop down solution1,solution2 center align and same width as its parent

Here is the code


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Web Forms :: Make Operations Menu In Administration Panel?

Aug 11, 2010

I'am refactoring a website administration control panel code, wich is made afcourse in ASp .NET WebForms with C#.

Now I have implemented View, Edit, Delete, New operations on every managerPage.

For example if I have userManager page first I see List with option Show (view).

On details page a have Edit, Delete options on the bottom of page.

Now I want to implement some kind of generic OPERATIONS BAR like this: But I need a way to implement that efficiently. I want to implement it like encapsulated userControl.

I thinking something like IBaseView interface wich is implemented with
specifically page (view).

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AJAX :: Tabs With JQuery Carousel / The First One Displayed On The Page Always Works. But Any Other Tabs Dont Work When I Select The Tab

Feb 14, 2011

I have been adding different JQuery Carousels to AJAX Tabbed Panels - the first one displayed on the page always works. But any other tabs dont work when I select the tab. I have about a dozen different carousels.

Can anyone recommend one that works in AJAX Tabs or how I can go about rectifying this?

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MVC :: Jquery Tabs - Second And Third Tabs Do Not Fire Any Event On Button Click?

May 24, 2010

I have created an asp.net applications in which i am using jquery tabs to show say profile modifications information. I want user to see his profile info as well as he will be able to edit his details and save the information. for this purpose i have created an aspx page "MyProfile.aspx" and 3 ascx pages

say "page1", "page2" and "page3".

When i run "MyProfile.aspx" i can see all 3 tabs showing correct information. But problem is when i edit contents and try to save them back to the database. Contents on page1 are stored correctly. But page2 and page3 doest not fire any event. In all 3 pages I am using ajax n jquery to save data to database. and when i try to save contents of page2 and page3 nothing occurs.I am showing 3 tabs there of which first tab edits save the details but second and third tabs do not fire any event on button click.

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Web Forms :: Make Mega Dropdown Menu Using Navigation Control?

May 7, 2010

how can i make a mega dropdown menu using asp net navigation control

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Make A Menu Selection Programmatically?

Jan 21, 2010

I have a page on my website that displays certain ASP charts based off the selection made in a menu control. I'm trying to implement functionality now which will allow me, in certain cases, to make hyperlinks in the columns of the chart control which will result in the current page reloading with specific data. So there are two ways to get certain charts to display: one through the menu, two through another chart's hyperlinked data point.

I would like to handle the hyperlink situation without the use of query strings (if that's possible) becuase functionality already exists for a menu selection plus I'd rather not have to handle user input necessary with any query string. Is there a way to programmatically set the ValuePath property of a menu control which I could (hopefully) do in a Chart_Click event?

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