AJAX :: Show Repeater Inside Datalist With CollapsiblePanelExtender But Not Working

Jan 13, 2011

i wnat to show repater inside datalist with CollapsiblePanelExtender but not work. this is my code


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Similar Messages:

AJAX :: CollapsiblePanelExtender Inside An Asp:Repeater

Mar 23, 2010

I have following code:


So here I just make my repeater and put a custom control in it.


<asp:Panel ID="CommentsPanel" runat="server">

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AJAX :: Accordion Inside CollapsiblePanelExtender - Internet Explorer Not Working

Feb 21, 2010

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.IO
Imports System.EventArgs
Imports System.Web.UI.HtmlControls
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal
sender As
ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)
Dim div1, divana
New HtmlGenericControl("div")
Dim lbl
New Label
Dim imgbt
New ImageButton
Dim acp
New AjaxControlToolkit.CollapsiblePanelExtender
Dim aacc
New AjaxControlToolkit.Accordion
Dim aap, aap2
New AjaxControlToolkit.AccordionPane
Dim cnt
New ContentPlaceHolder
Dim pnl
New Panel
Dim pnlana
New Panel
Dim cssUrl
Dim cssLink
New HtmlLink()
Dim i,n,k,p
Dim bag
New OleDbConnection
Dim s
'stylesheet add
cssUrl = Server.MapPath("daban.ccs")
cssLink.Href = cssUrl
'---------- find content
cnt = DirectCast(Me.Master.FindControl("ContentPlaceHolder1"),
divana.ID = "Divana"
divana.Attributes("Style") =
'---- 1. group
div1 = New HtmlGenericControl("div")
div1.ID = "divduyana"
div1.Attributes("Style") =
"padding-bottom:20px;color:#5377A9;font-family:Arial, Sans-Serif;font-weight:bold;font-ize:1.5em;"
lbl = New Label
lbl.ID = "lblana"
lbl.Text ="DUYURULAR..."
'-----1 group end
n=3 ' normally it is getting from database
For i = 1
To n
'---- 2 group start
pnl = New Panel
pnl.ID = "Duy" + i.ToString() +
pnl.Width = 600
pnl.Height = 30
pnl.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center
div1 = New HtmlGenericControl("div")
div1.ID = "divimg" + i.ToString()
div1.Attributes("Style") =
"float: left; vertical-align: middle;"
imgbt = New ImageButton
imgbt.ID = "imgbt" + i.ToString()
imgbt.ImageUrl = "~/image/expand_blue.jpg"
imgbt.AlternateText = "Detaylari Goster..."
div1 = New HtmlGenericControl("div")
div1.ID = "divlblduy" + i.ToString()
div1.Attributes("Style") =
"float: left;"
lbl = New Label
lbl.ID = "lblduy" + i.ToString()
lbl.Text = "lbl_text balabala"
lbl.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Red
' label detay goster
div1 = New HtmlGenericControl("div")
div1.ID = "divlbldet" + i.ToString()
div1.Attributes("Style") =
"float: rigth;"
lbl = New Label
lbl.ID = "lbldet" + i.ToString()
lbl.Text = "(Detaylari Goster...)"
lbl.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Gray
'----- 2 group end
'----- 3 group start
pnl = New Panel
pnl.ID = "Duy" + i.ToString() +
pnl.Width = 600
' accordino
aacc = New AjaxControlToolkit.Accordion
aacc.ID = "Acc" + i.ToString()
k=2 ' normally coming from database
For t = 1
aap = New AjaxControlToolkit.AccordionPane
aap.ID = "Apane" + i.ToString() +
"_" + t.ToString()
aap.HeaderContainer.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl("anyname"))
aap.ContentContainer.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl("anycontent"))
aacc.HeaderCssClass = "accordionHeader"
aacc.ContentCssClass = "accordionContent"
acp = New AjaxControlToolkit.CollapsiblePanelExtender
acp.ID = "acp" + i.ToString()
acp.TargetControlID = "Duy" + i.ToString() +
acp.ExpandControlID = "Duy" + i.ToString() +
acp.CollapseControlID = "Duy" + i.ToString() +
acp.Collapsed = True
acp.TextLabelID = "lbldet" + i.ToString()
acp.ImageControlID = "imgbt" + i.ToString()
acp.ExpandedText = "(Detaylari Gizle...)"
acp.CollapsedText = "(Detaylari Goster...)"
acp.ExpandedImage ="~/image/collapse_blue.jpg"
acp.CollapsedImage = "~/image/expand_blue.jpg"
acp.SuppressPostBack = True
'acp.SkinID = "CollapsiblePanelDemo"
div1 = New HtmlGenericControl("div") ' this is just i add
div1.ID = "divara" + i.ToString()
div1.Attributes("Style") =
"float: left;"
'----3 group end...
<ASPX code is>
title="Untitled Page" %>
tagprefix="ajaxToolkit" %>
there is no error...
code is working on mozzila firefox, like what i want
- collespand 1
-----accordion 1
-------acc pane 1
-------acc pane 2
- collespand 2
-----accordion 2
-------acc pane 3
-------acc pane 4
- collespand 3
-----accordion 3
-------acc pane 5
-------acc pane 6
but when i run this code inside internet explorer any version ...
result became
- collespan1
---acc 1
------ accpane1

all going inside collespan1? what is the problem? why firefox is working ok, internet explorer not. it is a bug or i write something wrong

View 6 Replies

AJAX :: Click Event Of Image Button Inside DataList Placed Within UpdatePanel Not Working

May 7, 2015

ImageButton inside Datalist inside update panel is not firing in my asp.net web page. what should i proceed??

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Forms Data Controls :: Show / Hide A Div In A Nested Repeater By Clicking On A Button Inside Parent Repeater?

Nov 12, 2010

what changed do I need to make to my code for it to achieve what I'm after.

At the moment I am getting a "cannot cast to type" error message with the below code.

I have also tried calling the ItemDataBound method in with the parent repeater tags and had no errors but when I clicked on the button it would just move back to the top of the page and would not hide or show any data. Also I have made the div style to none but the first record still shows its child but the rest don't.


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AJAX :: CollapsiblePanelExtender Not Working?

Feb 2, 2010

I have 4 components in my website .

1.) A.aspx
2.) B.aspx
3.) c.ascx
4.) d.js

here is the sample code of my c.ascx



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AJAX :: Display CollapsiblePanelExtender But It's Not Working?

Dec 5, 2010

I am using this to display CollapsiblePanelExtender but it's not working ad I dont know why? there is no error and it workes when i set theCollapsed to True or False but not working when I run and want the user to click roCollapsed or Expand?

<asp:CollapsiblePanelExtender ID="collapsibleSkills" runat="server" Collapsed="False" TargetControlID="panelSkills" CollapseControlID="lblSkills" ExpandControlID="lblSkills" CollapsedText="[+] Skills :" ExpandedText="[-] Skills :" TextLabelID="lblSkills"

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C# - Way To Set Repeater Inside Datalist

Mar 26, 2011

I have a Repeater control inside a Datalist controlI need to hide (Visible="false") the Datalist, if there are no records in the Repeater

DataListItemCollection Items = ddlmain.Items;
for (int i = 0; i < Items.Count; i++)
//binding here
if (Repeater.Items.Count == 0)
datalist.visible = false;

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AJAX :: CollapsiblePanelExtender Doesn't Show All The Contents Of Panel?

Jan 11, 2011

I am using CollapsiblePanelExtender and there are few controls within the panel which need to be shown on expanding the panel. Controls are in three different div within the panel.


On expanding panel, IE page scroll bar position doesn't go down upto third div and i can see the controls upto second div. I have to scroll down the page to see all the controls.

Is there any way if i can see all the div controls on expanding panel instead of manually scrolling down the page?

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AJAX :: Use A Collapsiblepanelextender Inside A Modalpopupextender With Dropshadow=true?

Feb 1, 2011

I'm tryin to use a collapsiblepanelextender inside a modalpopupextender with dropshadow=true.

The problem is that when I collapse the panel,the dropshadow fails to resize and remains the size of the collapsed panel...

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AJAX :: Why CollapsiblePanelExtender Crashes Every HTML Editor Used Inside It

Mar 28, 2010

Why CollapsiblePanelExtender crashes every HTML editor used inside it

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AJAX :: CollapsiblePanelExtender Not Working With Response.write?

Feb 28, 2011

i am using CollapsiblePanelExtender and button to open pdf document using response.document in same form. CollapsiblePanelExtender works fine before i click button to open pdf document using response.write and once i click on button CollapsiblePanelExtender does not work.

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AJAX :: CollapsiblePanelExtender Collapsed=True Not Working?

Mar 30, 2011

I am using a CollapsiblePanelExtender inside a ListView and aside from one minor, but annoying problem, it works fine. The problem is, when the page first renders, I see all the panels expanded for a short moment before they all get collapsed. There are multiple CPEs because the ListView is databound to about 45 records. I have the Collapsed=True, and based on some not-quite-clear documentation, I also set the CollapsedSize=0 and the panel's Height=0. After that last change (panel height), they are now displaying collapsed except that the gridviews inside the target panel is still showing in a sort of overlapped way. I'd upload a picture so you can see, but I don't think I can in this forum. Since the page looks like this for about a half-second, it's enough to confuse and annoy my users (and myself). Can someone please help me set this up to truly show collapsed when the page loads?

I did also try looking at the code in the AJAX Toolkit's sample website but I still don't quite understand "Collapsed - Specifies that the object should initially be collapsed or expanded. Set this to match your initial size. In this case, we initially set the panel to a height of 0 to match the CollapsedSize property, so when the page first renders, we don't see the panel expanded." If the options are True/False, why does it say to set this to match your initial size? And I did set the panel height to 0 to match the collapsedsize and it's just not working.


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AJAX :: CollapsiblePanelExtender Control Always Expand And Show The Panel On The Left Margin?

Jan 6, 2011

I have made a user control using CollapsiblePanelExtender control. I am getting a small issue, that the panel that expands is not relative to the control. It always open on left side of the page. My control is in different location in different pages. How can I make sure that the expand and collapse is with respect to the control? I see "left: -36px" in the style attribute of "SettingsContentPanel". How can it be relative and doesn't break the code.


View 4 Replies

Place A Asp:datalist Inside A Repeater Control And Databind It?

Mar 31, 2010

Can I place a asp:datalist inside a repeater control and databind it for each time its repeated? Using VB.NET btw..

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Use DataList Inside Repeater To Accomplish

Feb 2, 2010

The select and show details do not meet my requirement, I need them on the page all together.Is there a simpler approach then datalist inside repeater?

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Forms Data Controls :: Datagrid Or Repeater Inside Of Datalist

Nov 3, 2010

I am trying to follow this tutorial(out of date) but the simplest I can find and understand to put a repeater or datagrid inside of a datalist.http://www.tutorialized.com/view/tutorial/DataGrid-inside-a-DataGrid/13926I get hung up in the cs part. Can I just add a sql datasource to the aspx page then call it from the cs like this somehow...my

sqldata source ID= VehNames
protected void dgParents_ItemDataBound(object sender, DataGridItemEventArgs e)

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How To Change Label Text/visibility When Inside A Datalist Or Repeater Using VB

Mar 19, 2010

aspects of some controls in Code Behind (VB) with controls inside a datalist and/or repeater. I have read a lot of stuff on using some tricks but none seem to work so far. I am new to ASP.net so some of the explanations are too cryptic as well. Below is a section of code that I am trying to change. This example is attempting to make the label visible if the dataitem is true and hidden if false. No matter what I seem to do I cann't reference this label to change. I also want to change the text on some other controls in this dataitem if the returned value is a certain value.


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Data Controls :: Apply JQuery Accordion To DIV Inside Repeater - DataList Or GridView

May 7, 2015

I need Apply  Acordion fot Multiple  Divs With in the DataList ..

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Data Controls :: Populate Microsoft Chart Inside GridView / Repeater Or DataList Control

May 7, 2015

How to bind chart in datalist dynamically in asp.net c#.

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Telerik Radcalender Inside Repeater - Events Not Working?

Jan 25, 2011

I am using Telerik Rad controls in my project. I have a Rad Calender inside a Repeater.

<asp:Repeater ID="ResultRpt" runat="server">
<telerik:RadCalendar Style="width: 191px; height: 123px" ID="RadCalendar1" runat="server"


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How To Hide And Show Div In A Nested Repeater By Clicking On A Button Inside Parent

Nov 12, 2010

the output I am getting at the moment, is my parent data displays along with my child data. However when I click on the button to toggle the views i am getting a "cannot cast type error"I have also tried to put the itemdatabound event in my parent repeater tag, that worked but when I click on the buttons it just keeps moving to the top of the page and won't hide or show any of the child data except for the first child of the first parent.

<script runat="server">
Dim ds As DataSet, divdtls, btnview, repeat
Sub ItemDataBound

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C# - Hide/Show Panels Inside The Repeater Item Template Using JavaScript?

Nov 29, 2010

I added a (Read More...) Div to my repeater's item template, that doesn't contain any information.

I want to add a text button or an anchor to my item template..when it's clicked it should call a javascript method that writes information to the Div and it will take the content to write as a parameter, the content will be passed as an Eval method, for example it will eval("education")...and when it's clicked again it will hide the Div

I tried various and near approaches but it all worked outside the repeater and item template tags, but if I placed the identical code to the repeater and my javascript to the head tag it won't function!

I don't want to post my code, because I'm sure it's an easy and essential trick for any developer...so I was hoping for an original example not an edit to my test code(beginners logic)

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Forms Data Controls :: ImageURL Syntax Inside DataList - How To Show Images

Apr 26, 2010

Having problems with the syntax of my ImageURL inside DataList ItemTemplate want to show images that I have stored in a database.

<asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" ImageUrl='showimg.aspx?ImageID=<%# Eval("id") %>'/>

Makes the img syntax look like this.

<img id="DataList1_ctl00_Image1"
src="showimg.aspx?ImageID=<%# Eval("id") %>"
style="border-width:0px;" />

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Forms Data Controls :: Repeater Item Function Inside Tag Not Working

Jan 17, 2010

I've done things like

<%# somefunction("string") %>

before in my asp code, calling some public function in the codebehind. But now I'm trying to do this from within a repeater item. The message I receive from the compiler is: "The name 'somefunction' does not exist in the current context." Error 97 The name 'getclass' does not exist in the current context 169

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