AJAX :: Use A Collapsiblepanelextender Inside A Modalpopupextender With Dropshadow=true?

Feb 1, 2011

I'm tryin to use a collapsiblepanelextender inside a modalpopupextender with dropshadow=true.

The problem is that when I collapse the panel,the dropshadow fails to resize and remains the size of the collapsed panel...

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Similar Messages:

AJAX :: ModalPopupExtender With DropShadow = True Causes Position?

May 20, 2010

I have a about 10 modalpopupextenders on one page.The problem is that when I set the property "DropShadow=true", it causes my modal popup panel to move up the screen(IE) and only the bottom 25% of the panel shows.

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AJAX :: CollapsiblePanelExtender With A ModalPopupExtender Window?

Jan 3, 2011

I have a page which consists of a CollapsiblePanelExtender. To be specific, I have placed all my controls inside a panel and specified the TargetcontrolID as this panel and this is working perfect..Now, I just included a ModalPopupExtender control in the same page and specified the PopUpControlID as this same panel. Query1: Can CollapsiblePanelExtender and ModalPopupExtender work together?

I have also specified the CSS for the panel and for ModalPopupExtender. Have attached a part of the aspx page below.


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AJAX :: CollapsiblePanelExtender Collapsed=True Not Working?

Mar 30, 2011

I am using a CollapsiblePanelExtender inside a ListView and aside from one minor, but annoying problem, it works fine. The problem is, when the page first renders, I see all the panels expanded for a short moment before they all get collapsed. There are multiple CPEs because the ListView is databound to about 45 records. I have the Collapsed=True, and based on some not-quite-clear documentation, I also set the CollapsedSize=0 and the panel's Height=0. After that last change (panel height), they are now displaying collapsed except that the gridviews inside the target panel is still showing in a sort of overlapped way. I'd upload a picture so you can see, but I don't think I can in this forum. Since the page looks like this for about a half-second, it's enough to confuse and annoy my users (and myself). Can someone please help me set this up to truly show collapsed when the page loads?

I did also try looking at the code in the AJAX Toolkit's sample website but I still don't quite understand "Collapsed - Specifies that the object should initially be collapsed or expanded. Set this to match your initial size. In this case, we initially set the panel to a height of 0 to match the CollapsedSize property, so when the page first renders, we don't see the panel expanded." If the options are True/False, why does it say to set this to match your initial size? And I did set the panel height to 0 to match the collapsedsize and it's just not working.


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AJAX :: CollapsiblePanelExtender Inside An Asp:Repeater

Mar 23, 2010

I have following code:


So here I just make my repeater and put a custom control in it.


<asp:Panel ID="CommentsPanel" runat="server">

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AJAX :: ModalPopUpExtender Inside ModalPopUpExtender

Sep 3, 2010

I have a modal popup extender with one control (ascx) this control has a label that on onclic method call other popup extender.

It's has other ascx, it's has a button for a search. When I do Click in this button in first time, the event click not fired and there are a javascript error that say "this._activeDRagVisual is null reference".

In the other hand, If a use de second popup inside an asp page the event and control work correctly. The problem is with the popup inside popup.

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AJAX :: Why CollapsiblePanelExtender Crashes Every HTML Editor Used Inside It

Mar 28, 2010

Why CollapsiblePanelExtender crashes every HTML editor used inside it

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AJAX :: Show Repeater Inside Datalist With CollapsiblePanelExtender But Not Working

Jan 13, 2011

i wnat to show repater inside datalist with CollapsiblePanelExtender but not work. this is my code


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AJAX :: Accordion Inside CollapsiblePanelExtender - Internet Explorer Not Working

Feb 21, 2010

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.IO
Imports System.EventArgs
Imports System.Web.UI.HtmlControls
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal
sender As
ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)
Dim div1, divana
New HtmlGenericControl("div")
Dim lbl
New Label
Dim imgbt
New ImageButton
Dim acp
New AjaxControlToolkit.CollapsiblePanelExtender
Dim aacc
New AjaxControlToolkit.Accordion
Dim aap, aap2
New AjaxControlToolkit.AccordionPane
Dim cnt
New ContentPlaceHolder
Dim pnl
New Panel
Dim pnlana
New Panel
Dim cssUrl
Dim cssLink
New HtmlLink()
Dim i,n,k,p
Dim bag
New OleDbConnection
Dim s
'stylesheet add
cssUrl = Server.MapPath("daban.ccs")
cssLink.Href = cssUrl
'---------- find content
cnt = DirectCast(Me.Master.FindControl("ContentPlaceHolder1"),
divana.ID = "Divana"
divana.Attributes("Style") =
'---- 1. group
div1 = New HtmlGenericControl("div")
div1.ID = "divduyana"
div1.Attributes("Style") =
"padding-bottom:20px;color:#5377A9;font-family:Arial, Sans-Serif;font-weight:bold;font-ize:1.5em;"
lbl = New Label
lbl.ID = "lblana"
lbl.Text ="DUYURULAR..."
'-----1 group end
n=3 ' normally it is getting from database
For i = 1
To n
'---- 2 group start
pnl = New Panel
pnl.ID = "Duy" + i.ToString() +
pnl.Width = 600
pnl.Height = 30
pnl.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center
div1 = New HtmlGenericControl("div")
div1.ID = "divimg" + i.ToString()
div1.Attributes("Style") =
"float: left; vertical-align: middle;"
imgbt = New ImageButton
imgbt.ID = "imgbt" + i.ToString()
imgbt.ImageUrl = "~/image/expand_blue.jpg"
imgbt.AlternateText = "Detaylari Goster..."
div1 = New HtmlGenericControl("div")
div1.ID = "divlblduy" + i.ToString()
div1.Attributes("Style") =
"float: left;"
lbl = New Label
lbl.ID = "lblduy" + i.ToString()
lbl.Text = "lbl_text balabala"
lbl.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Red
' label detay goster
div1 = New HtmlGenericControl("div")
div1.ID = "divlbldet" + i.ToString()
div1.Attributes("Style") =
"float: rigth;"
lbl = New Label
lbl.ID = "lbldet" + i.ToString()
lbl.Text = "(Detaylari Goster...)"
lbl.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Gray
'----- 2 group end
'----- 3 group start
pnl = New Panel
pnl.ID = "Duy" + i.ToString() +
pnl.Width = 600
' accordino
aacc = New AjaxControlToolkit.Accordion
aacc.ID = "Acc" + i.ToString()
k=2 ' normally coming from database
For t = 1
aap = New AjaxControlToolkit.AccordionPane
aap.ID = "Apane" + i.ToString() +
"_" + t.ToString()
aap.HeaderContainer.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl("anyname"))
aap.ContentContainer.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl("anycontent"))
aacc.HeaderCssClass = "accordionHeader"
aacc.ContentCssClass = "accordionContent"
acp = New AjaxControlToolkit.CollapsiblePanelExtender
acp.ID = "acp" + i.ToString()
acp.TargetControlID = "Duy" + i.ToString() +
acp.ExpandControlID = "Duy" + i.ToString() +
acp.CollapseControlID = "Duy" + i.ToString() +
acp.Collapsed = True
acp.TextLabelID = "lbldet" + i.ToString()
acp.ImageControlID = "imgbt" + i.ToString()
acp.ExpandedText = "(Detaylari Gizle...)"
acp.CollapsedText = "(Detaylari Goster...)"
acp.ExpandedImage ="~/image/collapse_blue.jpg"
acp.CollapsedImage = "~/image/expand_blue.jpg"
acp.SuppressPostBack = True
'acp.SkinID = "CollapsiblePanelDemo"
div1 = New HtmlGenericControl("div") ' this is just i add
div1.ID = "divara" + i.ToString()
div1.Attributes("Style") =
"float: left;"
'----3 group end...
<ASPX code is>
title="Untitled Page" %>
tagprefix="ajaxToolkit" %>
there is no error...
code is working on mozzila firefox, like what i want
- collespand 1
-----accordion 1
-------acc pane 1
-------acc pane 2
- collespand 2
-----accordion 2
-------acc pane 3
-------acc pane 4
- collespand 3
-----accordion 3
-------acc pane 5
-------acc pane 6
but when i run this code inside internet explorer any version ...
result became
- collespan1
---acc 1
------ accpane1

all going inside collespan1? what is the problem? why firefox is working ok, internet explorer not. it is a bug or i write something wrong

View 6 Replies

AJAX :: ModalPopupExtender Inside UpdatePanel?

Apr 15, 2010

I have a menu of buttons inside an UpdatePanel (UPD_Menu) so that buttons can be enabled/disabled without refreshing the entire page. When a user signs in, the Sign Up button is disabled and the Profile button is enabled. Likewise, when the user signs out, the Sign Up button is enabled and the Profile button is disabled.

Inside this UpdatePanel (UPD_Menu), along with the buttons, is a ModalPopupExtender that is fired by the Sign Up button (TargetControlId="BTN_MenuSignUp") that pops up a dialog Panel (PNL_SignupProfile) that contains yet another UpdatePanel (UPD_SignupProfile) that contains a Submit button as well as a Cancel button (CancelControlId="BTN_SelectCancel").

The behavior I am getting is when the user clicks no other button than the Sign Up button, the dialog (PNL_SignupProfile) pops up and is modal. The Submit button closes the dialog and makes the once-hidden panel appear under the menu of buttons. This is not good as only the inner UpdatePanel (UPD_SignupProfile) should be updated without affecting the outer UpdatePanel (UPD_Menu). The Cancel button works as it should by simply closing/hiding the dialog.

If a user clicks any other button in the menu first, nothing happens ( no codebehind yet) but when the dialog (PNL_SignupProfile) is shown, the Cancel button causes the hidden Panel (PNL_SignupProfile) to appear under the buttons. I've tried many different things to no avail...including putting the dialog panel in different places and even controlling the ModalPopupExtender from code.

The only code I have so far is for handling the signin/signout and enabling/disabling the signup and profile buttons based on user signin. There is no code yet to handle the menu of buttons nor the submit button of the popup dialog.

Here is the code:





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AJAX :: ModalPopupExtender Inside The Gridview?

Jan 10, 2011

I have an gridview which contain a link button. When I click the linkbutton I need to populate a Panel which is out of the gridview. Its showing an error.Here my code is,


View 6 Replies

AJAX :: How To Use DropShadow Extender Properties

Jul 27, 2010

I want to validate username and password using the extender properties but i don't know where to put code performing validation on it:-

i have tried putting code in Authenticate Event, LoggedIn Event,LoggingIn event.

I just want to know exactly what to do.

using it's id property- Login.Username=StrUsername,

Login.Password=strPassword where Login is the extender.

View 2 Replies

AJAX :: ModalPopupExtender & RoundedCornersExtender Inside UpdatePanel?

Jan 20, 2010

I have recently updated ajax control toolkit from 30512 to 30930 (same applies to latest version of ASP.Net Ajax Library) and came across a reproducable problem.For a long time I used to have a control with ModalPopupExtender & RoundedCornersExtender which was placed inside of an UpdatePanel and everything worked great up until recently.

Now I'm getting "Microsoft JScript runtime error:Sys.InvalidOperationException:
Two components with the same id 'rce' can't be added to the application." during an async postback.Click on button "Wait" and error comes up every time.


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AJAX :: Selected Value Of Dropdownlist Inside ModalPopupExtender Is Always Default Value

Jul 8, 2010

I have a form in which I have a gridview with a LinkButton culumn in which when the user clciks a modal popup extender shows up. In the modalpopup I have a dropdownlist which is filled from DB in code behind. but when the user clicks on Add button in modalpopup panel, the selected value of the dropdownliast is always its default value.


here is my code behind:


I traced my code behind, the fillData() which fills up dropDownList is called only once in page load's first time.

PS. I understood the problem exists only when the modal is poped up by linkbutton click of gridview. when It is poped up by a button outside the grid it workes fine.

View 5 Replies

AJAX :: Open A ModalPopupExtender From A HyperLink Inside Of A GridView?

Jul 13, 2010

Is it possible to open a ModalPopupExtender from a HyperLink inside of a GridView??

I have this code:


See this line:


I am trying to open the ModalPopupExtender when this is clicked.. But i get this error:


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AJAX :: Using CalendarExtender Inside ModalPopupExtender Modal Popup?

Jul 17, 2015

how to get modal popup value in current webpage from modal popup access.

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AJAX :: Modal Popup W/ Dropshadow Giving Fits?

Dec 23, 2010

I have a modal popup extender on a panel that displays a small form for adding and removing purchased items. These items are displayed in a table. Adding and removing these items causes the size of the table, and therefore, the size of the panel, to change. When I add an item, the panel resizes and the dropshadow is redrawn. But when I remove an item from the list, the panel resizes but the drop shadow does not, and this causes too large of a dark area to be drawn beneath the panel. I suspect this is happening because of the way I have to remove the rows in javascript, but I'm not sure what to do about it.I have tried turning the dropshadow on the mpe off and using a drop shadow extender instead, and it trashed everything, so that's out.

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AJAX :: Display IFRAME Inside ModalPopupExtender Modal Popup

Sep 20, 2015

In my First Page i have a text box and button.

When i click button a new pop with grid view data should open.

After selecting the row in grid view the selected row value should be display in text box and modal should be closed.

I can open the grid view with data but can't able to close and get the value to my text box.

Code for opening popup:

<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Fill Form in Popup" OnClick="Button1_Click" />
<cc1:ModalPopupExtender id="mp1" runat="server" popupcontrolid="Panl1" targetcontrolid="Button1"
cancelcontrolid="Button2" backgroundcssclass="Background">
<asp:Panel ID="Panl1" runat="server" CssClass="Popup" Style="display: none">

[Code] .....

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C# - Gridview Inside A ModalPopUpExtender Causes ModalPopUpExtender To Close

Apr 4, 2011

I have a gridview inside a ModalPopUpExtender, the grid view have the button add delete and edit when i clic one of the button of the gridview the popup is closed. I wont to close the popup when the close button is clicked.This is the asp.net part:

< cc1: ModalPopupExtender ID="NamePopup" runat="server" PopupControlID="OptionPanel" TargetControlID="btnD" BackgroundCssClass="mpBg" DropShadow="true" OkControlID="btnSavePopup" CancelControlID="btnPostCancel" >
< / cc1:ModalPopupExtender>

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Data Controls :: Display GridView Row Details Inside AJAX ModalPopupExtender Modal Popup

Sep 20, 2015

I saw guide on here [URL] .... 

Which I found useful to create gridview with dropdown filter. What my gridview differs from your one is based on ID, a modal is loaded. E.g. there is a column called "review" and in that column there is image that when clicked it loads a modal with details. My question is, how do i do this using the code provided by you. So ID is passed back to code. (So backend knows which row is clicked).

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State Management :: Update Panel Inside User Control Inside Modalpopupextender?

Apr 9, 2010

I've created a multiple uploadfile user control - upload_multiple_files.ascx:


which has an update panel ID = up_upload_multiple_files this user control will be placed inside a modalpopupextender. My question is when I click in any button AddFile, RemvFile, Upload there's a postback so the page is reloaded and the modalpopupextender disapears Is there a way to to troubleshoot this?

View 8 Replies

AJAX :: ModalPopupExtender / Datalist Original Image Come In Modalpopupextender After Click

Apr 14, 2010

I have a DataList that contains some Thumbnail Image(Image Button).

Now I want when i click on any Item in datalist the original image come in modalpopupextender.

How I can do this?

<ItemTemplate> <table
ImageUrl='<%# Eval("Img_URL") %>'
</table> <br
my panel that shows as modalpopu

Now where I can to write code that when i click on item in datalist Original Image show in modal popup extender?

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AJAX :: ModalPopupExtender -- Fetch Data In Modalpopupextender

Apr 7, 2010

I would really appreciate if someone can find out what's wrong with this code.

Here is my question. I have textboxes in a modal popup extender (City, state, zip) and there is an image button search for searching the address from the database. All this functionality is within a control (.ascx file). This control is added to the page where it needs to be displayed and is being displayed when a user click the Address button (the code for it is not shown here). The method ShowAddressSearch() in the control is being called from the page and it displays the popup.

When the user enters any of the 3 values and hits search a server event is fired up and the result should be displayed in a grid. What is happening is, when the user hits the search button the server call is made and the data fetched from the db but the modal popup closes itself here is the code for this. I would really appreciate if someone can find out where and how popup is getting closed.


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AJAX :: CollapsiblePanelExtender Not Work In IE?

Jun 9, 2010

in DotNetNuke module,i tried CollapsiblePanelExtender, it work fine with FF,it alway explan with IE?

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AJAX :: CollapsiblePanelExtender And Iframe?

May 8, 2010

when i put Collapsible panel extender inside iframe(html control) i get this error: Sys.ArgumentException: Value must not be null for Controls and Behaviors. Parameter name: element iam using VS 2008

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