AJAX :: How To Use DropShadow Extender Properties

Jul 27, 2010

I want to validate username and password using the extender properties but i don't know where to put code performing validation on it:-

i have tried putting code in Authenticate Event, LoggedIn Event,LoggingIn event.

I just want to know exactly what to do.

using it's id property- Login.Username=StrUsername,

Login.Password=strPassword where Login is the extender.

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Mar 26, 2010

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CollapsedImage=" [path to image] "

I do not know how to do it this way:

CollapsedImage=" [method call] "

I have tried this:

CollapsedImage="<%# Eval( Namespace.Class.GetHelpImage() ) %>"

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// this method call does not return the text for a path
// so I am not even doing this correctly either.
public static string GetHelpImage()
return "[known path to image]";
// Image to test getting text from GetHelpImage() method call
<asp:Label ID="TestGetImagePathLabel" runat="server"
Text="<%# Eval( GetHelpImage() ) %>"/>

I'm doing this all wrong. Where's a blogged example of how to populate the control using an expression?

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Apr 26, 2010

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Object doesn't support this property or method


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Feb 22, 2010

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AJAX :: Unable To Access Control Properties Using JavaScript

Mar 9, 2010

I'm able to change the mask value and mask type for ajax MaskedEditExtender using java script in run time but when I try to change the ValidationExpression and TooltipMessage for ajax MaskedEditValidator.

simply my code will call ChangeMask() function to do these changes when the check box change.

when you run my code the mask will work ok but not for MaskedEditValidator.

Here is my refrence for this code:


here is my code:


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