AJAX :: Why Control Toolkit And Custom Script Controls Do Not Work In Webparts

Aug 11, 2010

I am trying to implement a webpart control with some ajax functionality and I just realized that when the webpart is on the page in shared view and the user is not logedin then the webpart/ajax control does not fire the OnPreRender event and so the scriptcontrol does not get registered....

even tried puting a simple hovermenuextender on a webpart control and the same error occurs:

"Extender control 'HoverMenuExtender1' is not a registered extender control. Extender controls must be registered using RegisterExtenderControl() before calling RegisterScriptDescriptors(). Parameter name: extenderControl"

this only happens when a webpart control is on the page in shared view and the user navigates to the page without being logged in....

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Web Forms :: Ajax Control Toolkit And Custom Script Controls Do Not Work In Webparts?

Aug 18, 2010

I am trying to implement a webpart control with some ajax functionality and I just realized that when the webpart is on the page in shared view and the user is not logedin then the webpart/ajax control does not fire the OnPreRender event and so the scriptcontrol does not get registered....

even tried puting a simple hovermenuextender on a webpart control and the same error occurs:

"Extender control 'HoverMenuExtender1' is not a registered extender control. Extender controls must be registered using RegisterExtenderControl() before calling RegisterScriptDescriptors(). Parameter name: extenderControl"

this only happens when a webpart control is on the page in shared view and the user navigates to the page without being logged in....

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AJAX :: Can't Work With Control Toolkit - How To Fix It

Dec 2, 2010

after i got the file AjaxControlToolkit.Binary.NET4, i did all the instructions and imported it to VS2010.

this is my code :


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AJAX :: Trying To Get Control Toolkit To Work?

May 28, 2010

Thought I'd give that AjaxControlToolkit a try, but sadly it doesn't seem to work. Am I missing a step? I followed these instructions [URL] and did the following.

Downloaded the Binary.net3.5 zip to C:Downloads on my pc that uses VS2008 Extracted All Files Added the files to VS 2008 (I see them in the toolbox, and can click/drag them to my sample page.

I build the site, and no "coolness" rounded corners. (this is the first control I thought I'd try).


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AJAX :: Control Toolkit Not Work On Usercontrol?

Dec 19, 2010

I often use Placeholder control to dynamic load the UserControl. However there is a problem when i use, AJAX Control Toolkit not work on UserControl.

I would like for example a specific example as follows:

- This Project has 2 folder as "not use placeholder" and "Use placeholder". In folders have 2 file, default.aspx and uc1.ascx have the same content.
- In the folder "not use placeholder", I add CalendarExtender in uc1.ascx and run normally and in the folder "use placeholder" then CalendarExtender is not working.

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AJAX :: Cannot Get Control Toolkit's Accordion To Work?

Jan 3, 2010

I've practically spent seven or eight hours trying to get the ASP.NET AJAX Accordion to work and it simply will not cooperate. I have been to every imaginable corner of the web to Bing and Google, read post after post on this forum, and done any other thing I could possibly think of to get this to work, yet I still hit this wall.

Here's the code I've been using to get this to work:


As for the Massachusetts/Arkansas bit, I found that on some other forum that said that coding would work (it didn't for me). I'm hosting this failed attempt at [URL]. I do have the Bin folder in the project, so that's not the issue.

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AJAX :: Control Toolkit Doesn't Work - How To Repair It

Feb 24, 2010

i am using VS2008, 3.5 .net and have installed ajax control toolkit and added controls into toolbox, that was fine. But, i can't get any of control to work, nor it renders in design view on my page. Control source is created, page builds without errors but controls don't work. For example:

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

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Visual Studio :: VS10's Ajax Control Toolkit Does Not Work In The Same Way As In VS08?

May 15, 2010

I am using Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate. The problem that am Facing is when I drag a component such as the "AsyncFileUpload" control upon the designer what i get instead of a textbox, as I used to get in VS08 is this chunk of code. I dont see the control working nor the bin folder which was a part of the VS08 Solution Explorer when you use Ajax.


I really don't understand what to do with this code. This toolkit was by default present with the VS10 Ultimate Package. The code gets fully compiled but the screen is full of such codes. I am in a middle of completing an application and am stuck due to this .

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AJAX :: Control Toolkit HTMLEditor In Firefox - Copy Paste Doesn't Work

Aug 30, 2010

If i use signs like ë in the HTML Editor, in IE, its ok, and works. But if i use ë in firefox in the same page with the HTML Editor. If i press safe the ë is converted to: � (copy past doesnt work well, but its a square if you put [] to each other). But how is this possible? And how can i solve this problem? In IE its working well, but 50% of the users of the system i build are using Firefox. So it should work in all editors.

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AJAX :: Control ToolKit / Error Using The Numeric UpDown Control From Ajax Control Toolkit?

Dec 8, 2010

I am Getting the following error using the Numeric UpDown Control from Ajax Control Toolkit.
Assembly 'AjaxControlToolkit, Version=3.0.30512.20315, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=28f01b0e84b6d53e' contains a Web resource with name 'AjaxControlToolkit.NumericUpDown.NumericUpDownBehavior.debug.js', but does not contain an embedded resource with name 'AjaxControlToolkit.NumericUpDown.NumericUpDownBehavior.debug.js'.

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Cannot Work With Ajax Toolkit Visual Basic

May 31, 2010

trying to use Ajax Toolkit in ASP.NET page to display a Calendar Extender with this code, but it's not working for me.

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<br />
<br />
<b>Calendar :</b><br />

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AJAX :: Control Toolkit Controls?

Jul 7, 2010

attached the ajax control toolkit to my custom tab into the toolbox(visual studio 2008).now the problem is that the controls are not dreagged over the wb page design view.but when i dragged the control to the source view and cofigure its target control id to the textbox id the following code is generated(the code is not working)..

<asp:CalendarExtender ID="CalendarExtender1" runat="server"

but when i run the project the following error is generated....Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure "AjaxControlToolkit.Properties.Resources.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly "AjaxControlToolkit" at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed.what is going wrong(i think the problem is with toolkit attachmnet.but not getting properly)

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Ajax Toolkit Combobox Doesn't Work In Hidden Div?

Mar 28, 2010

I have a combobox inside a hidden div which I use css display = none to make it invisible, but when I make the div visible by setting display = block, the combobox just show the input and its button and ul list all have css as display = 'none', visibility ='hidden'.

I can tell it is done by combobox inbuild javascript because I tried to use javascript to set the css manually with no luck. It is a bug of combobox. I spent a week to solve this, and our team put a lot trust on the toolkit.

Below is the code to reproduce the bug. When you run it, you can't see the dropdown:

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="WebApplication1._Default" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="asp" %>
<asp:ToolkitScriptManager ID="ToolkitScriptManager1" runat="server">
<div id="d" style="display:none">
<asp:ComboBox ID="ComboBox1" runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>
<div ID="Button1" runat="server" onclick="show();">click me</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function show() {
var d = $get('d');
d.style.display = 'block';

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Installing AJAX To Work With Visual Studio Not With The Toolkit

May 7, 2010

Visual Studio 2008

I've been using AJAX for a while now, and have installed it on a few computers before to run with Visual Studio 2008. I am now setting up a new computer to develop websites using the AJAX control toolkit. However, I cannot find ANY documentation in Microsoft to install AJAX. Everywhere it says "Install Toolkit" all instructions say install toolkit. Howerver, installing the toolkit does nothing it just adds the toolkit then does not work since the ajax extensions are not installed. So you obviously need to install the extensions or whatever first so Visual Studio can work with AJAX. NO where does it say this or how to do it. I'm amazed that any programmer can use AJAX at all, how the hell do I install ajax to work with visual studio, NOT the toolkit!

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AJAX :: Create New Custom Toolkit?

Mar 30, 2011

Is it possible to create any new toolkit? I go through the tutorial for creating an extended control but I want webservice also want to call in that case. Like cascading dropdown.

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AJAX :: Ajax Control Toolkit Not Displaying Controls In VS Tab?

Jan 25, 2010

I've got an issue where I'm unable to view Ajax controls within the Visual Studio toolbox section What makes this issue even more bizzare is that I'm able to view the controls of the .dll (AjaxControlToolkit.dll) in a test website. I can see Visual Studio iterate through the controls and add them to the tab in one project and absolutely nothing in the other. I've already checked to see if another tab has my controls and done multiple Toolbox resets. Obviously, I need consistency with this and for me to be able to easily add controls to my target website...Does anyone know why one VS2008 project displays controls correctly in one place but not in another project?

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Reuse CSS From The Ajax Control Toolkit Controls?

Mar 23, 2011

I'm developping an ASP.NET 4.0 application with several controls from the Ajax Toolkit Control.I need a tooltip component, so I use the HoverMenu (displays a Panel when hovering something) and I really like the design used by the ValidatorCallout.So I copied the HTML generated by the framework and added that to my panel.The problem is that it seems that the Ajax Toolkit controls dynamically load the CSS part they need. So it doesn't display anything as there are no ValidatorCallout on the page.I would be really annoyed if I had to add that control only to get the CSS.My solution so far is to also copy the CSS from the ASP.NET website, but I'm looking for a nicer way to reuse the existing Toolkit CSS.Is there a way to load the parts I want "manually" ?

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AJAX :: Control Toolkit Controls Not Working With URL Routing

May 7, 2015

After applying URL Routing, Ajax controls stopped working..

void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void RegisterRoute(RouteCollection rc)


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How To Change Ajax Control Toolkit Controls Button Text

Jan 10, 2010

Ajax Control Toolkit provides too many useful control and I've use them in a multi language application, nothings bad and everything's fine.

the question is that , How can I change the Ajax Control Toolkit Buttons Text, for example in Confirm Button Extender and vice versa

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AJAX :: Handle Control Toolkit Controls Clientside Events?

Feb 17, 2011

Is there any way to handle clientside events for Ajax Control Toolkit controls? for example, is there any way to handle HoverMenuExtender's onmouseover event, make some operations, and let the control to continue it's execution?

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AJAX :: Control Toolkit + Tabcontainer: How To Set Values In Controls Using Javascripts

Dec 31, 2010

am trying put values using javascript function but for some reason that is not working and the values are lost :(what i am trying do?, from the tabchanged event I ask if the user want return to the last loaded tab and go to the functionNavigateToLastLoadedTab


after to run this method i don't know how the browser is cleaning the values from the control :(.

var tabs = $find('<%=Tabs.ClientID%>');

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AJAX :: Web Page Loading Slowly Due To Control Toolkit Controls

Jun 16, 2015

i have used some Ajax control toolkit in my web project. but the problem is that my web pages are loading very slowly because of ajax control toolkit, when i remove this web pages are working very fine and fast. I am using vs 2012 and framework 4.5..

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Custom Server Controls :: .NET Menu Custom Control With Ajax Is Not Working?

Jan 13, 2010

When I implement Custom web control inheriting ASP.NET Menu Ajax is not working. I try to Override Render method and generate Li's rather than table.I try to use Control Adapters, but when I am not using adapters for some pages ithe base adapter is generating just hyperlinks with span. I do not want this way. So I can not use these.

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Custom Server Controls :: Category Attribute Of User Control Property Does Not Work Correctly In Categories Tab

Aug 19, 2010

I have a User Control (ascx) and a property which a want to display in my categories tab in Visual Studio in the category named "Styles".


And here is the problem: Actually I do not need a get, because I only have to set the property (write only property). But when I omit the get, the property is displayed in the "Misc" category in the categories tab in Visual Studio. Only when I code the get as well, then the property is displayed correctly in the "Styles" category in the categories tab in Visual Studio.

Does anybody know why? How can I display the category correctly only with set?

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Web Forms :: Looking For Custom Code To Create Webparts?

Feb 2, 2011

I have few ASPX pages and I am planning to have some webparts on these pages.

a) Looking for custom code to create ASP.NET webpart (code samples, webcasts or samples would be great)

b) Once I have webpart created, I would like to know how I can refernce them in ASPX pages.

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