Access Membership - Unable To Edit/update The Data With Gridview, Datalist Or Others?

Jan 6, 2010

I made a project to use the access membership provider from and it works. But I need to edit my database but when I configure my database, I cannot see the tabel, I can only see the queries in mdb file. when I select the field from query, I am unable to update it. My code is as follows and I hope it is clear. thanks a lot.


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Access To A Label Value Inside Datalist In Update Statement

Jan 6, 2011

i have the code to test:

Cmd = New OleDbCommand("update TabEntrevistado set EntrevistadoConcluido=true where EntrevistadoCodigo =8", Con)

Now, I need something like this:

Cmd = New OleDbCommand("update TabEntrevistado set EntrevistadoConcluido=true where EntrevistadoCodigo =" + LblInfoEditar.text, Con)

The problem:

The LblInfoEditar is outside the datalist so it works fine. (note: in this label I put a value like the 8)

But I have this label to test because I need to access a label inside datalist:

<asp:Label Visible="false" runat="server" ID="LblNumEntrevista" Text='<%# Container.DataItem("EntrevistadoCodigo") %>'></asp:Label>

The problem is: in this line I've to put something to access this LblNumEntrevista HOW?

I try:

Cmd = New OleDbCommand("update TabEntrevistado set EntrevistadoConcluido=true where EntrevistadoCodigo =" +
ListaPendentes.LblInfoEditar.text, Con)

But of course I don't work because I can't do this...

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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Update Access Data Source

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Here is the code for my page:


For some reason I seem to be unable to update my DB through the datasource. Is there anything obvious as to why this wouldn't be working?

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Web Forms :: GridView To Update (edit) Columns And View Table Without Edit Link?

Jan 25, 2011

I have a user requirement to hav the ability to directly edit the gridview without having to click the edit link. I was thinking of showing dropdown lists for each column-to-row so that the user can select the values for each record. Then the table will be updated accordingly (no update link).

Is this possible or do I still need the edit template and specify the item template with the dropdown list?

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Initially I display all the records in the gridview. Then based on the search I fetch certain records and display it.. When I try to edit any retrieved record, the control automatically tries to edit the first record instead of editing the selected record.. What should I change in the code to make it work?

Here is the code behind




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Here is my gridview:


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in c#

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Oct 11, 2010

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The problem I have is refreshing the gridview after the update. The Update and cancel are still shown instead of the gridview refreshing back to the Edit statement after the update.

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May 25, 2010

I have a simple user control which is nothing but a simple input field with runat="server":

<input id="mySimpleTextBox" type="text" runat="server"/>

My observation so far in the output rendered by a datalist (when I use this user control inside it) is that the value for the name attribute is the same.I want to use this control inside a datalist/repeater such that I'd want a unique value for the input element's name attribute when the datalist/repeater renders. How is this done?

EDIT: My bad obversation. Actually the names are unique. However, when I try to post the page to another web page which outputs the key & value of all the items in Request.Form I don't see the input elements...

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