Access :: Delete All Records In The Database?
May 17, 2010I am select one mdb database from open dialog box.All records in the database (all table data value)will automatically delete. How to implement this concept.
View 2 RepliesI am select one mdb database from open dialog box.All records in the database (all table data value)will automatically delete. How to implement this concept.
View 2 RepliesI am trying to delete multiple records from an access databse with ASP.NET VB but I'm doing something very wrong .....
Here is my code ...
I would also like to know once I get this working how I would delete, additional tables linked to this table by another field not ID ??
i am trying to create an service where it can delete specific records from the databas, this is by code so far:
View 1 RepliesI have a problem regarding database. I write to the database fine with this code:
When I close the application and view the Database with access.. the records are added ok, but when I start the application the records are deleted. This is what I have in the Form_Load:
I have table in database in which near about 2 lac records are available.
I am using access as database.
How can i get the particular row or records from the database in a minimal time
I want data to be retrieved faster
I have an application that was working fine on my old dev machine that run XP pro and Access 2007. Although I did have problems getting the ACE OLEDB provider to work and so stuck with the old Jet provider.
I was given a new Windows 7 pro computer that also has Access 2007, I had no problems moving my app to the new dev machine. No problems that is until I had to add a new column to one of my database tables since then my app has been very weird when deleting rows (I am using the OleDbDataAdapter to access the database).
Existing data within the database deletes just fine, however if I add new data and then immediately try to delete it nothing happens, no error, no delete, nothing. This is the weird part; if I navigate away from the page I use to maintain the database (i.e. click my link back to the home page) and then revisit the database maintenance page the new data can be deleted just like old data. I add Response.Redirect() into my code to see if that would work but no, only navigating away from the page and then returning allows me to delete the data I had just added.
This problem did not occur until i added the new column to the database table. There is no problem with my code, the same code worked fine on the old machine and on the new machine right up until i added the new column to the database table. My thoughts are that it must be some combination of using Jet and IIS7. Oh and both the app and the database are on the same machine.
Heres my code:
i m developing website using with microsoft access 2003 i have product details along with the images now i want to add this images into database but how i add this pictures what code is use if there are 100 products with 100 images i want to show 10 records per page i need also code of that
View 3 Repliesi m developing website using with microsoft access 2003 i have product details along with the images now i want to add this images into database but how i add this pictures what code is use if there are 100 products with 100 images i want to show 10 records per page i need also code of that
View 17 RepliesI am new to ASP.NET. I have encountered a problem in navigating the database records that is displayed in the web form , the Next and Previous buttons. I have 4 imageboxes and 2 textboxes under each image box for displaying database records.
I am currently using an Access database with a table "Images" and there are 4 columns in it. "ImageID", "ImageDescription","ImageofPicture","Description".
My Code is below:
I am creating an insert statement in my c# code to insert records to an access database table. I am getting the error copied below using c# code. When I copy the generated insert statement from the console and run this on my access database, it succesfully appends a record in the table.Insert statement generated:
insert into [Pet Fish-log 2010] ([Specimen Type], Year, [Lab Number], [Last Name], [First Name], [Middle Initial], Gender, [Date of Birth], [Collection Date], [Date Received], Client, [Tissue Type], [Block Number],
I am trying to create Web Application using ASP.Net via Visual Studio 2010. The Database that I use is Access, with connection Method OleDb
When using the query "Update" or "Delete", the programs shows no errors, but the data in Access does not change.
While for query "Select" and "Insert", the data is displayed and inserted successfully.
The Following code is the sample query "Delete" that I used..
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Partial Class frmTEst
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
[Code] ....
Previously I tried a direct query using AccessDataSource, but the result just the same, Update and Delete can't be done. But the Select and Insert can be executed successfully.
Is there any problem with my Access configuration or whether the problem is in the coding itself..?
-7vf- I write a program by c# to check and retrieve data from database
The problrm:I have one table(1), I want to make update for that table(1) that is by compare the one column in table(2) with the right side from one column in table(1), so if there is any similarity it will retrieve the data and if there is no match just it will make the record empty(null) "the data type of retrieving columns: number 'double'", but the problems is:
I try to retrieve 11 columns, 7 of them are empty .the program run with out error ,but it will retrieve some records with full data 11 columns, but some of records has only 5 columns have data and 7 columns are empty (these records when I run the program did not retrive any columns, it give me empty records!!)
this is the code :
while (or.Read())
{ or.GetValues(field); OdbcCommand oc2=null;
I want to retrive all data which are empty or null and all data
I currently have a datagrid bound to a table with tens of thousands of records. I display the datagrid using the existing 2.0. I show ten records at a time.
My problem is whenever I try to access the next page, I gets all the records again from the database and then displays the ones that are required. This is slowing down the app. Is there feature within .net 2.0 which will help me optimize this issue? I cant use third party controls or ajax.
I cant use SQL to get 10 records at a time as well. Without changing any existing business logic or data retrieval, I want to do this.
I have a issue where I am trying to pull some records from an Access 2007 DB that has linked tables from a SQL 2005 Server. When I go to do this the browser IE8 just sits there and does nothing. THe little progress bar at the bottom moves about half way then that is it. It will sit there and show no errors or do anything. I have experience with connecting and manipulating Access and SQL server DB's but not through Access with linked tables from SQL Server. Here is test code below:
This does not produce an error or anything. The browser just sits there and sits there. Is there something I am missing?
I want to know how to Update / delete the table records in ASPNETDB.MDF in single update / delete query ?
View 1 RepliesThe website is over half way done and the functionality for the blog is (except for adding posts) is already implemented and working correctlyI have a SQLExpress 2008 backendBlog posts are rendered on the page with full HTML markup within a label control.
All of the above is done and working. Though I am essentially new to creating websites with ASP.NET, CSS and SQL, I am sure that I could simply carry on and make a login page with some controls that would allow me to add records (blog posts) directly to the database on the host server. However, I am fearful of doing this because I know that malicious code can be passed in this way. Also, because of my lack of knowledge, the only way that I know of to pass the code from a control to the database is to disable validation for the page the control is on. Without a doubt I do not want to do that.
So what are my options for getting blog posts into the database? Is it safest for me to fully create the post in html and update a copy of the database that resides on my local machine? If I do it this way, how can I merge the records from the database on the local machine with the records on the remote server?
I am using jquery for delete confirmation box in mvc using linq to sql..I need to delete a records of my particular id.I can do my delete operation.I am getting an issue like this, if i am deleting the 5 th record of my database my first record gets deleted.I couldn do my deletion from downwards but i can do vise versa.
Here is my code..
In view page:
<script type="text/javascript">
I have a SQL database. I am getting a datatable from SQL. In SQL Query the table is having null values in the output. But when it is coming to the front end, the null values are replaced by empty values.
So in the front end in the datatable i am having empty values in some cells. I am trying to insert this datatable into access. For this i am using following code...
OleAdpData.InsertCommand.Connection = OleConn; // OleConn is the OleDbConnection
OleAdpData.Update(dtData); // dtData is the datatable
It is inserting the datatable to access database. But it is inserting the empty spaces as present in the datatable. I want to insert NULL into the cells in access datatable where the cells are empty. Where should i add my logic for this.
deleting selected records of jqgrid in c# for the following code
<script type="text/javascript">
var x = screen.width;
$(document).ready(function() {
url: 'griddata.aspx/DepartmentData?id=1',
datatype: 'json',
mtype: 'GET',
colNames: ['Department', 'Dept Code', 'Contact Person', 'Contact Phone','Contact Email'],
colModel: [
{ name: 'Department', index: 'Department', width: 55 },
{ name: 'Dept Code', index: 'Dept Code', width: 90 },
{ name: 'Contact Person', index: 'Contact Person', width: 40, align: 'center' },
{ name: 'Contact Phone', index: 'Contact Phone', width: 40, align: 'center' },
{ name: 'Contact Email', index: 'Conatct Email', width: 40, align: 'center' }],
pager: '#pager1',
rowNum: 15,
rowList: [10, 20, 30],
sortname: 'Department',
sortorder: "desc",
loadonce: true,
loadtext: "Loading....",
shrinkToFit: true,
multiselect: true,
emptyrecords: "No records to view",
width: x - 40,
height: 230,
rownumbers: true,
caption: 'DepartmentTable'
jQuery("#table1").jqGrid('navGrid', '#pager1', { edit: true, add: true, del: true });
hope to delete all records in DBPrograms, is the following code correct?
DBContext db = DBContext(PublicDBPar.ConnectionString);
im using checkboxes in gridview and trying to delete (one or more )records from db Everything is ok and no runtime errors.. getting the message "records deleted " but when i check the db i reilaize that record still exist.
I use this code to delete records in datagridview
// Iterate through the Products.Rows property
bool atLeastOneRowDeleted = false;
foreach (GridViewRow row in grdMessages.Rows)
if (((CheckBox)row.FindControl("chkMessage")).Checked == true)
atLeastOneRowDeleted = true;
But I encounter this message;
The varialbe 'atLeastOneRowDeleted' is assigned but its value is never used
and the 'atLeastOneRowDeleted' return False result even if i check a checkbox on the grid
I have Revision column in Quote table with time stamp (MySql table) now i am viewing the entire date and time my end user want to view only Date he doesnot want to see time how can i pull only date.i am displaying revision column in two ways one in grid view and another one in field value
Query in my Grid view
Dim query As String = "SELECT QuoteNumber,Revision,Vendor,PartNumber,status,Customer,Requestor from quotes"
On select check box in grid view, filed values will be loaded with data.
field value
txtRev.Text = dt.Rows(indx)("Revision").ToString()
How to Edit/Delete multiple records in MVC3 either by using JQuery or Razor syntax
View 3 Repliesi am new to this linq concept,
i have used the following code to delete multiple records in my table,
but when i hit the button insteading deleting multiple records only one record is getting deleted
below is the code
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)