Access :: Navigating Database Records To The Next Page In Web Form?
Dec 28, 2010
I am new to ASP.NET. I have encountered a problem in navigating the database records that is displayed in the web form , the Next and Previous buttons. I have 4 imageboxes and 2 textboxes under each image box for displaying database records.
I am currently using an Access database with a table "Images" and there are 4 columns in it. "ImageID", "ImageDescription","ImageofPicture","Description".
My Code is below:
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Jan 25, 2014
I a problem defining the variable @Bestilling in the codeBehind for adding the record to the database using a single form page. The database design with corresponding form are as below:
private void GridView1_BindData()
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connStr);
SqlDataAdapter dAd = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT kart_DemoOrder.OrderID,
I get error in the method: "GridView1_AddNewRecord".
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May 22, 2013
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<asp:TextBox ID="txtCustomerID" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("customerID") %>' />
<asp:TextBox ID="txtCustomerName" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("customerName") %>' />
like in this tutorial
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Feb 21, 2011
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Here is my code ...
I would also like to know once I get this working how I would delete, additional tables linked to this table by another field not ID ??
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I am using access as database.
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insert into [Pet Fish-log 2010] ([Specimen Type], Year, [Lab Number], [Last Name], [First Name], [Middle Initial], Gender, [Date of Birth], [Collection Date], [Date Received], Client, [Tissue Type], [Block Number],
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Aug 10, 2010
-7vf- I write a program by c# to check and retrieve data from database
The problrm:I have one table(1), I want to make update for that table(1) that is by compare the one column in table(2) with the right side from one column in table(1), so if there is any similarity it will retrieve the data and if there is no match just it will make the record empty(null) "the data type of retrieving columns: number 'double'", but the problems is:
I try to retrieve 11 columns, 7 of them are empty .the program run with out error ,but it will retrieve some records with full data 11 columns, but some of records has only 5 columns have data and 7 columns are empty (these records when I run the program did not retrive any columns, it give me empty records!!)
this is the code :
while (or.Read())
{ or.GetValues(field); OdbcCommand oc2=null;
I want to retrive all data which are empty or null and all data
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Jun 10, 2010
I have a issue where I am trying to pull some records from an Access 2007 DB that has linked tables from a SQL 2005 Server. When I go to do this the browser IE8 just sits there and does nothing. THe little progress bar at the bottom moves about half way then that is it. It will sit there and show no errors or do anything. I have experience with connecting and manipulating Access and SQL server DB's but not through Access with linked tables from SQL Server. Here is test code below:
This does not produce an error or anything. The browser just sits there and sits there. Is there something I am missing?
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May 15, 2012
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Using IIS 5.1.
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Mar 23, 2011
Im using Visual Web Developer 2010 Express and have put together a custom form using ASP controls and labels.
I now need to update an access database with the data that is captured on the form. I have added an AccessDataSource but do not know how to link the fileds to the fileds within the database so that when I click submit it updates the table.
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Jun 8, 2010
I'm new here and really, new to except the very basic things.
I am trying to create a very simple (I think simple) web form with five textboxes and three dropdown boxes and one submit button. The user enters information in the textbox fields and selects from the dropdown lists (which are populated from the database), hits enter and the database runs the query and returns information on a separate page (or can it return to the same page via panels?) The original page returned to a separate page using server transfer.
I have this page already existing in asp but feel that it would be much better served in
Can someone point me to a post where I would guess this has been answered many times?
How do I submit the new data to the database, update the records and return the query?
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