Accessing Controls Dynamically From JavaScript?
Jan 22, 2011
here's what I mean:
I have a few controls, for example,
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlDate1" runat="server" />
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlDate2" runat="server" />
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlDate3" runat="server" />
in my javascript, I want to do something like this:
for (i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
something[i] = document.getElementById("<%= ddlDateRange" + i + ".ClientID %>");
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I tried this:
foreach (Control child in panel.Controls)
"test1" and "test2" dont show up in my page. That means something is wrong with this logic.
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Member.ascx page:
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Now when I click the upload button I can access the PostedFiles server side, but I also have radio button lists that I've created dynamically as well with no runat="server".
If I were to .setAttribute("runat","server") for the radio lists I create, is there a way to access that client-side created server control, from the server side?
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Here's my code:
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Jan 28, 2010
I am writing a survey generating system in i asked an ealier question about the best way to create controls that can be passed about as variables. This was problematic with user controls so i was advised to use custom controls and a quick way to do this was to inherit from the panel control and just add a bunch of standard controls the the controls collection by overriding the CreateChildControls method. This way i could create my "survey" controls,which are basically Questions in the survey. THe question controls are then dynamically added to the page. This all works well but know i have come to the point that i want to try and retrieve the values from these controls and i seem to be lost in a nether world of of viewstates and page lifecycles. I can ensure that the dynamically added text boxes have a known ID, however even if i add the parent control in the page init handler the CreateChildControls method does not run until after until after the viewstate is loaded. I cannot work out how to retreive the values from these text boxes.
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Dec 20, 2012
I have it setup so that when a user selects an item from a DropdownList, that some DropdownLists are dynamically created, based on the results from the Database that are returned after selecting the item in the first DropDownList.
Then, I have a button that takes the data and saves it to an object I've created for this, and I try to iterate through the Controls of the Placeholder that I added the DropdownList controls to.
However, the Placeholder says there are no controls in it, when I press the button, but I can obviously see them there.
Here is some code:
When a "Pilot" is selected, I get all of the Upgrade Types that that "Pilot" has access to, then I create a DropdownList for each type of Upgrade with all the actual Upgrades of that Type:
VB Code:
For Each u As UpgradeTypeList In upgrades
Dim lbl As New Label
Dim ddl As New DropDownList
ddl.AutoPostBack = False
[Code] ....
Then, when the "Add Squad Member" button is pressed, I am trying to iterate through the controls, pick out any DropdownLists and get the values from them and add them to a List Of in an object for the Pilot info:
VB Code:
Protected Sub btnAddSquadMember_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnAddSquadMember.Click
For Each c As Control In rowUpgrades.Controls
If TypeOf c Is DropDownList Then
Dim DoesExist As Boolean = False
[Code] ....
But, the controls supposedly don't exist and no values get added to the List(Of).
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Oct 23, 2010
Is there a way to add server side control dynamically on the webpage without causing postback. Like can I add a calender control dynamically on a button click and handle calender events to do some other work....
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May 8, 2010
I have a page where i am creating a number of <span> elements using clientside code.
I am creating the elements using jquery like this
But this returns a null object everytime. I have tried this code on a span that is on the page at the beginning and it works so i guess its something to do with how im creating the control dynamically.
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Aug 2, 2012
I've tried creating checkboxes, literalcontrols and textboxes. I need to generate checkboxes dynamically, depending on how many types of <whatever> the user has put in. I know how to do this (I think), but the problem is the controls don't work as they should.
If I create server controls, then for some reason I can't change the value with javascript. If I create client controls, then something appears to happen with the id so the server can't fetch the value (it doesn't recognize the id, allthough it's there in the html)
I can't use a regular checkbox with autopostback because there is to much happening at page load. On other pages on the site, this works, but on those pages the controls are not created dynamically.
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May 10, 2010
I have ArrayList in my Model and want to iterate through it in my javascript. I am using following code but its giving me error : CS0103: The name 'i' does not exist in the current context
for(var i=0; i <= <%=Model.KeyList.Count%>; i++)
How to get rid of this?
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Nov 10, 2010
I want to assign array of photos to imagearray but the following script is not working. i cant able to access variables a,i,cnlink etc in new fadeSlideShow() .how to access this outside the function and assign it to imagearray
<script type="text/javascript">
var i; var a; var cnLink; var cn;var cnSplit;
var photos = new Array();
var photoslink = new Array();
function x() {
a = document.getElementById('HiddenField4').value;
cnLink = document.getElementById('hdnLink').value;
cn = document.getElementById('HiddenField3').value;
cnSplit = cnLink.split(';');
while (i < cn) {
photoslink[i] = cnSplit[i];
photos[i] = b[i];
var mygallery2 = new fadeSlideShow({
wrapperid: "fadeshow2",
dimensions: [568, 313],
imagearray: [
//<--array of images!
displaymode: { type: 'auto', pause: 2500, cycles: 0, wraparound: false },
persist: false, //remember last viewed slide and recall within same session?
fadeduration: 500, //transition duration (milliseconds)
descreveal: "always",
togglerid: "fadeshow2toggler"
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Mar 8, 2010
How to maintain view state for the dynamically added html controls to a table using javascript(Below is the javascript which I am using to add HTML Controls Dynamically"). Because during the postbacks if I found any error while validating the data present in the dynamically added html controls, the controls are loosing their state and again I need to start adding rows and add data.
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Feb 2, 2010
I have a small form with some static elements that I am able to access with javascript the bring up a popup. 4 textboxes are generated and attached to a updatepanel. I've been trying various methods of validating the contols without generating postback.
I found anytime i registered a javascript to the scriptmanager the page must refresh.
Is there anyway it can be done?
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Oct 6, 2010
How can i execute a C# method in a java script function? Is it possible?
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Apr 24, 2010
Datagrid is in content,When trying to access client side function for the cells in the datagrid,its always showing at 0 position suppose i have 10 rows,for each row "Test button" i should invoke the client side java script. For each row "Test button" client side script is displaying message at first row only.
in datagrid i am binding the description and button to every row in datagrid
so i have added Testbutton.attributes.add("onclick","return javascriptfunction();"); in datagrid_itembound.Iam showing one div in client side function but that is working only for one row,when iam trying to click test button in second row,itsshowing that div in first row instead of second row
i want similar functunality like displaying of flag button in stackoverflow.
View 1 Replies
Jan 6, 2011
I'm working on an ASP.NET app.I'm using a UserControl for a year calendar.This UserControl has 12 calendar controls (for the 12 months of a year)
I'm trying to build a jscript function that can access to one (or more) of the 12 month calendar, but I can't access them.
"<asp:Calendar ID="CalendarJanuary" runat="server"></asp:Calendar>"
here's my function
function SetCalendar(controlId) {
document.getElementById(controlId+'_CalendarJanuary').VisibleDate = somedate
but this is allways throwing an error:'Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'document.getElementById(...)' is null or not an object'
it seems is not finding the calendar and I'm sure i'm passing the right controlID
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