Adding C# Web Form To VB Web Application

Feb 18, 2011

Is there any way to add a C# Web Form to an ASP.NET 4.0 Web Application that is written in VB.NET? I had an ASP.NET 2.0 WEB SITE that I recently converted to an ASP.NET 4.0 WEB APPLICATION. It was mostly written in VB.NET with a couple pages that had C# code behinds. I've read the following article (the end section about mulitple languages): [URL]

1) When I converted my site to an application, it didn't seem to add an APP_CODE folder at all
2) I'm not looking to just write a simple class, I actually want to be able to add a WEB FORM with a C# code behind

When I try to add a new item and I select which type of item I want to add, I am only given to option to add a VISUAL BASIC web form. I have a workaround right now. If I need a new web form with a C# code behind, I take one of my old C# web forms and just copy and paste the form and C# code behind into the project and then rename it and change the class name as well. Then i make my changes and do what I need to do. It seems to work, but I was just wondering if there was an easier way.

You might wonder why want to put C# forms in my VB app. I wrote my app in VB (not well versed in C# but I can read it). I have a programmer working for me that is much more efficient with C#. I don't really have the budget to spend weeks/months getting her up to speed with VB

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/* MasterPage mp = (MasterPage)this.Master;

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Adding MVC Content To An Existing Application?

Jan 31, 2011

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Is such a thing doable? Can we add the necessary files to an ASP.NET web application and thus "upgrade" it to be compatible enough with MVC so that we can start adding routes, controllers, views, etc.?

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Build a new website, somehow auto logon the new site with the same credentials when logging in on the main site, and link between the sites. I see tons of problems with this solution. Integrate ASP.NET MVC 2 into the existing software, adding the necessary files, and starting to add new content in MVC style, only fixing critical bugs in the old files, and over time migrate them over to MVC. Upgrade to .NET 4 and integrate ASP.NET MVC 3, pretty much the rest the same as option 2. Wait until we can schedule a full rewrite, likely to not happen in any foreseeable future. Don't do it, keep web forms.

Note that a full rewrite is out of scope at the moment, so some transitional period is the only option we can do right now.

Option 2 and 3 are the ones we want, the rest are just for completeness.

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