Architecture :: Folder Opens On Visual Studio But Not Running On IIS?

Dec 28, 2010

I have to open a folder in my application, I have specified its path in a process -

string loadPath=Server.MapPath("~//VMS_Docs");

The window will open in Visual studio but not opened in when I tried to create a virtual directory on IIS.

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Visual Studio :: IE Always Opens In The Background When Debugging?

May 6, 2010

Whenever I start a debug session for my Silverlight 4 app, IE first opens on top, then disappears behind VS 2010. It does this regardless of whether there are any breakpoints set or not and it's starting to get very annoying. Is there a setting to stop this happening?

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Visual Studio :: One Project In Solution Opens As Website Not Web App?

Feb 24, 2010

this seems to be a problem only on my new PC, not my prior PC or my coworkers PCs. But, as far as I know, I have installed VS2005 the same way, including the VS80-KB915364-X86-ENU.exe and WebApplicationProjectSetup.msi additions.

I have a VS2005 Solution called 'Intranet' made up of several web projects. One of those web projects is also called 'Intranet'. All of the projects should load as Web Application Projects, which they did on my prior PC.

Now, the 'Intranet' project seems to be opening as a Web Site project. The name of the project in the solution now shows as "C:...Intranet" instead of just "Intranet" and is not recognized as being part of the SourceSafe project(no lock icon shows). If I right-click this project, "Build Web Site" is one option.

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Visual Studio :: .dbmdl File Is Changing Each Time When Project Opens?

Jul 14, 2010

I have installed Visual Studio 2010.

I converted my 2008 Web Projects to 2010 Projects, so the database project also converted to 2010 and changed the project file extentions.

Even though i didn't change anything in database project, each time when i open the project in Visual Studio the .dbmdl file is changing, i can't see what is changing in side it, i have to commit this change each time into Source Control.

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Visual Studio :: Folder Conflict With Visual Studio And Plesk?

Mar 5, 2011

I signed up with a new hosting company that uses Plesk. I use Visual Studio 2005 It appears that my rootfolder must be named httpdocs, which means every website I create would have the same name. If I do nothave my aspx files stored locally in an httpdocs folder, then I cannot synchronize with the server when I usethe copyweb dialog. Also Visual Studio 2005 creates a folder using the website name in the C:Documents and SettingsuserLocalSettingsApplication DataMicrosoftWebsiteCache for storing website settings, but cannot have multiple folders of same name, i.e., httpdocs, so this seems to be a conflict with Plesk. What can I do to resolve this?I talked with support at the hosting company, but they do not know Visual Studio at all. I am thinking I need to switch to

View 2 Replies - Running A Website In Vs2008 Opens In Other URL

Feb 24, 2011

In Visual studio 2008, if I run a website, then the website is running in other url. But it is running perfect in visual studio 2005.When I click the configuration setting itself, the url is redirected into someother webserver.

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Get App_offline To Be Ignored When Running In Visual Studio?

Dec 3, 2010

I have a web app that has an app_offline.htm file, this file is stored in source control along with everything else.

The problem I have is that each time I (or any other developer) do a get latest on the source I get the app_offline.htm file and then when I try to run the app all I see is the app_offline rather than the actual web site.

Is there way that I can stop this from happening?

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Visual Studio :: Running Web Application?

Jan 6, 2011

my os : win XP service pack 2my website was developed in 2.0(visual studio 2005) and then i converted into 3.5(visual studio 2008). and i added one page. it was,while i am running my website,output should be like this 'http://localhoast:8799/mypage.aspx'but at first it tries the above url and then it is automatically changes the url into like this ''.
i am facing this problem only in firefox as well as google chrome.but i am not facing this problem if the browser is internet there any problem with my IIS? or in the browsers?

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Visual Studio :: Possible Running Vs 2008 Under Different Platforms?

May 19, 2010

I am taking a couple C# classes at school and I finally got VS set up on my home computer. I am having one issue that I'm not sure where to go looking.

At school, the program is installed on XP Pro.

At school, I can read, output, and create files that are saved on my hard drive. I know any code I have used is correct because I can open up the files my code creates with other applications without issue.

At home, I have the program installed on Win 7. (I just upgraded my home comp so I'm still figuring out this new platform honestly.)

At home, everything runs, etc, but it will not create files. I can see the drives working, but nothing is written. I have tried several drives - all failing.

I'm assuming this is a flag or an environment setting somewhere on my installation but I have no idea where.

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Visual Studio :: Running Service Based App?

Apr 16, 2010

here's my issue. I'm trying to run service based applications from Visual Studio. My previous workstation died, and I got a replacement, and I can no longer run the service based apps from Visual Studio, so obviously there's something that I neglected to reload. The specific error I'm getting is:

Cannot start service from the command line or a debugger. A Windows Service must first be intstalled ( using installutil.exe) and then started with the ServerExplorer, Windows Services Administrative tool, or the NET START command.Going through debugger, I eventually get the error "Service <appname> was not found on computer .."The DOS environment does not seem recognize the installutil.exe command.

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Visual Studio :: Running Or Debugging A Page?

Jul 28, 2010

Is there any way to debug, or just simply run an ASP.Net page or project without using Local Host? F5 or Ctrl F5 sometimes load the page fairly fast and sometimes it just does not happen. (At least not within my span of patience.) It seems that when it stalls, if I close the browser or click Stop Debugging, and then try again, it happens! But it is never consistent and usually frustrating.

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Visual Studio :: Debugging - Running Twice Or Crashing

Nov 13, 2010

i have 2 problems with running&debugging my web projects using visual studio 2008 pro :

1.when choosing to run without debugging , IE is being opened (which is ok , since i chose it to be the default one to be opened via VS ) , and yet when i close IE , it is being opened once again .

2.when choosing to debug , visual studio crashes and IE is being frozen (can only be killed via task manager) ,even when i don't have the "debugger;" string in the javascript code.

i've tried to re-install VS , and also uninstall it and then re-install it, but it didn't help. i have windows xp sp3 home edition 32bit. what should i do? EDIT:about #1 , it seems that from some reason, VS didn't install "Microsoft Visual Studio Web Authoring Component" , and this is also why i had another problem of not being able to use the design/split mode . after installing this component, it seems that IE doesn't run twice anymore. however, i still have crashes of VS when trying to debug (problem #2) ,even thogh script debugging is enabled on IE. the weird thing is that on maxthon2 , which uses IE engine, debugging works just fine.

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Running Visual Studio Project On A Mac With Parallels 6?

Dec 17, 2010

I use Mac as my primary OS, but I often work on ASP.NET MVC projects. I want to use the same file system for them, and not virtual OS image.

The reason for that is because I want to integrate the projects with Mac OS (i.e. upload them to the server via Transmit, a Mac OS FTP app).

But the problem here is that ASP.NET can't really work with projects located on network drives. So when I try to run a site (either with VS 2010's built in web server or with IIS 7), I get

Error Summary HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.

And this is a common mistake but no solution that I could find worked for me.

If I create a project on Parallel's virtual C: drive, everything works fine.

P.S. I hear that VMWare has better network drives support, but is it as smooth as Parallels? Parallels 6 runs extremely fast for me, and my Mac Mini doesn't even get warm with VS 2010 and several other Mac apps open.

P.P.S. I also heard about using DropBox and/or Windows Live Mesh. Is clouding a good idea in this case?

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Visual Studio :: Get A Debug Running Remote Web Application

Jul 10, 2010

Debugging running remote web application

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Visual Studio 2010 - Error When Running Asp 4 Application

Sep 19, 2010

I am getting this error, and cant figure out what the issue is.

Server Error in '/' Application.

Parser Error
Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: 'JobManager.Contact' is not allowed here because it does not extend class 'System.Web.UI.Page'.

Source Error:
Line 1: <%@ Page Title="Contact" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Site.master" AutoEventWireup="true"
Line 2: CodeBehind="Contact.aspx.cs" Inherits="JobManager.Contact" %>
Line 3:

Source File: /Contact.aspx Line: 1
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.0.30319.1

The code behind syntax is:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
namespace JobManager
public partial class Contact : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

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Visual Studio :: Running Project With VS Development Server?

Feb 25, 2011

I'm attempting to run/debug an ASP.NET MVC project under .NET 4.0 using VS2010's Dev Web Server. The server appears to spawn successfully and an instance of IE Explorer opens. However, the browser never seems to find the page. The browser just "spins" showing only a white error message.VS is configured to randomly select a port, although I get the same results when configuring numerous static ports.The ASP.NET project is the start-up project.

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Visual Studio :: Running VS2008 And VS 2010 Parallel To Each Other?

Feb 28, 2011

I've got about 30 projects in VS 2008 and we are finally starting to upgrade to 2010. I get change requests pretty regularly so I'm likely to have to make changes to projects that are still in 2008 after VS 2010 is installed. Is it possible to intall VS 2010 without messing up the VS 2008 install? If so is there any particular trick to it so they live side by side or do they automatically do parallel install in different directories?

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Installation :: Running Server Application From Outside Visual Studio?

May 26, 2010

I am a programer really new to all ASP applications and stuff. I have a server application done with VS, wich run correctly from there, but I need it to run from outside VS. I guess It has something to do with the IIS, and I already added it to the windows components, but I still have no clue how to run it.

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Visual Studio :: White Screen On Running Project?

Jan 25, 2010

When I build me C# web app in VS 2008 I am presented with a white screen. Internet exporer shows that it is 'Done'. This happens no matter which Form of my project I run and will not display even the directory screen.

I recently copied and pasted controls from one form to another and after this it seems to have stopped working. I have tried deleting the newly created controls and then eventually the Form.

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Installation :: Visual Studio Has Detetcted That The Specified Web Server Is Not Running?

Apr 28, 2010

I was working with very old version of .net 1.1 . I need to compile the solution. So when I try to open the solution using visual studio 2003.I am getting below error.visual studio has detetcted that the specified web server is not running version 1.1. You will be unable to run ASP.NET applications or services.To resolve this problem, change the status of ASP.NET 1.1 to Allowed in the Web Service Extension list in IIS 6.0. To do this, follow these steps:

Click Start, point to Programs, and then click Control Panel.

Double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Internet Information Services (IIS).

Click Web Service Extensions. In the details pane, click ASP.NET v1.1.4322 in the Web Service Extension list.

Click Allowed to change the status from Prohibited to Allowed

But I am using IIS5.1 where there is no web services extensions property ( it was introduced from 6.0)

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Visual Studio :: Running A Web Site Or Web Application Project?

Mar 16, 2010

So I have seen the items about the differneces between web application and web site projects. My big question is - how can I tell which one I am running in the RC of VS 1010?

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Visual Studio :: Running Web Developer 2008 Express Edition On Mac?

Jan 28, 2010

it is possible to run Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition on a Mac computer.

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Visual Studio :: Is It Possible To Determine At Runtime When Site Is Running In The Debugger

Sep 22, 2010

Is it possible to determine at runtime when my site is running in the debugger? I want to use one setting for production and another when I'm running in the debugger.

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Visual Studio :: 2010 Hangs After Running First Cloud Project?

May 2, 2010

I installed VS2010. Then The Azure toolkit. I created a new solution, with one webrole in it. I added 'HelloAzure' to the default.aspx, and then pressed f5 to run it.

It runs! I see my text 'HelloAzure' in IE8. Yeah!

Now, when I close IE8, it seems that VS2010 simply hangs, is frozen. It accepts no input from mouse/keyb. Nothing moves ... you know ... it hangs.

Taskmanager is required to get out if this state.

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Visual Studio :: The Agent Process Was Stopped While The Test Was Running?

Oct 11, 2010

I have a solution that was originally created using VS 2008. I have quite a few unit tests that all passed when ran in VS 2008.

Yesterday I opened this solution in VS 2010 and converted it using the wizard. The solution built just fine, it runs just fine, BUT now all tests that access the db fail. I get the same error on every test (below).

"The runtime has encountered a fatal error. The address of the error was at 0x5b3b5ad7, on thread 0x19a4. The error code is 0xc0000005. This error may be a bug in the CLR or in the unsafe or non-verifiable portions of user code. Common sources of this bug include user marshaling errors for COM-interop or PInvoke, which may corrupt the stack."

In test classes that use ClassInitialize() and ClassCleanup() methods, all the tests fail. All tests fail with the same error, "The agent process was stopped while the test was running." Tests in test classes that do not utilize ClassInitialize() and ClassCleanup() (these tests do not hit the database) all pass.

When this was a VS2008 project all 153 tests passed. No changes have been made to these tests, other than converting the project to a VS2010 project.

I've been playing around with one test class. I commented out the ClassInitialize() and ClassCleanup() methods. I rewrote one test method and mocked everything. I tried running just that one test. I still got the "The agent process was stopped while the test was running" error.

Visual Studio 2010, version 10.0.30319.1 RTMRel

Test framework: integrated VS 2010 MS Test

Mocking framework: Not using mocking, I have a db that is destroyed and recreated in MyClassInitialize(), it is populated with known values. Yes, I know I should be using mocking, but this is an older app and it has not been updated with all of the new bells and whistles yet.

DB Framework: NHibernate

Target Framework is 3.5 for all projects in this solution except for the test project.
The target framework is 4.0 for the test project. I tried changing it to 3.5, it will not let me.

"Attempted re-targeting of the project has been canceled. You cannot change the specified .NET framework or profile for a test project."

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