Bad Request 400 Error - Leaving URL
Jan 4, 2011
Why leaving following URL leads to bad request error: [URL] It happens both - if I redirect to, say, ~default.aspx programatically (response.redirect("~Default.aspx"), and if I simply press to asp:hyperlink with URL="~Default.aspx" AND If I try to repeat this error on VS Dev.Server - it doesn't happen. If I try to repaet it by browsing IE on my server machine - it doesn't repeat! It happens only if I browse from dev. machine to uploaded website.
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May 14, 2010
I have a session variable which contains a list of elements. The user defines filters, which are sent to the Database, which fills the object with the elements that match. Then, that list is shown in a table. The code goes something like this:
Inside that page there is a button, which sends the request given the user filters. The Server creates the object and the session variable is assigned a value.
It works when the user sets the filters. However, given that once done it, the session variable has a value, I don't understand why if you navigate to other pages, the table doesn't appear when you return, given that:
1. It works when you perform the query and reload the page
2. The Session variable should be set for the rest of the session
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Dec 23, 2010
I created a WCF. The web.config is as follows,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<compilation debug="true" />
<directoryBrowse enabled="true" />
The following can be seen in the service.svc file,
class AppServiceHostFactory : ServiceHostFactory
protected override ServiceHost CreateServiceHost(Type serviceType, Uri[] baseAddresses)
return new WebServiceHost2(serviceType, true, baseAddresses);
This is the method in the service.svc.cs,
[WebHelp(Comment="Sample description for GetData")]
public SampleResponseBody GetData(string i, string s)
// TODO: Change the sample implementation here
// if (i < 0) throw new WebProtocolException(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "param1 cannot be negative", null);
return new SampleResponseBody()
Value = String.Format("Sample GetData response: '{0}', '{1}'", i, s)
The following is the webservice url. It returns data if it's run through the engine but throws bad request when run from IIS. I added the following entry in the web.config but no use. it still fails.
<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="1500000" executionTimeout="180"/>
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Jul 28, 2010
I'm experiencing a really confusing error. Exactly every other time the page returns
ERROR [23000] [DataDirect][ODBC Progress OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver][OPENEDGE]Integrity constraint violation:uniqueness constraint violation (7518)and else it works nicely.
Here's the SQL:
SELECT SlsOrder.Orderdate, SlsLine.LineNum, CASE WHEN SlsLine.AllDelivered = 1 THEN 'X' ELSE '0' END AS 'AllDelivered', Item.ItemName, Item.TechName, SlsLine.IntDlvDate, SlsLine.OrderNum, SlsLine.ItemCode, SlsLine.Version, CEILING(SlsLine.Qty) AS 'Qty',
Item.QtyUnit, ROUND((SlsLine.Price*SlsLine.Qty),2) AS 'rowSum', ROUND(SlsLine.Price,2) AS 'Price', IFNULL(SysText.InfoText, '-') AS 'InfoText' FROM PUB.SlsLine INNER JOIN PUB.SlsOrder ON (SlsLine.OrderNum=SlsOrder.OrderNum) INNER JOIN PUB.Item ON (SlsLine.ItemCode=Item.ItemCode)
LEFT OUTER JOIN PUB.SysText ON (SlsLine.SlsLineKey=SysText.SysTextKey) AND SysText.NoteType = 'OrdConfRowE' AND SysText.ConsTxt = '' WHERE (SlsLine.OrderNum = '" & o & "') ORDER BY SlsLine.LineNum
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