Build Headered Control?

Feb 14, 2010

Currently I'm working on a extensive form, which I'd like to organise by grouping input fields in groupbox-like panels. These panels have an header, a minimize and pin icon. Also inner controls should be able to perform two-way binding to the FormViews datasource.

I can't find any builtin control that does the job. What is the best way to accomplish this feature request? Any examples available on this (can't find a decent one)?

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<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
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<Tab Label="Tab3" PanelId="pnlTab3"/>

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- Shared/
- Images/
- App1/
- App2/
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VS 2005 Manually Build A Button Event From Inside A Gridview Control?

Sep 21, 2010

I'm a new developer here, working in VB. Have a question that is stumping me as well as some others.

I have a gridview control built. I am not using an <sqldatasource> tag, so I can't use it's autoGenerateSelect/Update/Delete functionality. I have built a template field that has an "edit" link button in it, and by clicking it will fire the grdName_SelectedIndexChanged event of the gridview.

Now, it's in this event where I'm having trouble. I have it coded so that when this event fires, it will build a textbox and button control. Code:

Protected Sub grdResults2_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles grdResults2.SelectedIndexChanged

Dim row As GridViewRow = grdResults2.SelectedRow
Dim cell As TableCell = row.Cells(6)
Dim txtSeq As New TextBox
Dim btnUpdate As New Button

'build the textbox in the Search_Seq cell
txtSeq.ID = "txtSeq"
txtSeq.Width = Unit.Pixel(20)
txtSeq.Text = row.Cells(6).Text
'build the "update" button in the Search_Seq cell
btnUpdate.ID = "btnUpdate"
btnUpdate.Text = "Update"

End Sub

So the textbox and button populate perfectly. I can run it in the browser and it works fine.

How do I go about setting up the event for this button now? Because it's being manually built here in the gridview event, there is no button for me to "double_click" on in the design view to auto-build this event. There are some properties that need to be set on this button to link it up to a new event....and that's where I'm lost.

Hopefully I don't leave any additional information out.

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I need to build web application that will do:1 - build web pages. 1a - build template for page. 2 - add module(by module I mean ContacUs form, Search, Billing System...). Each module can be constructed by submodules or diveded to submodules 2a - build module(add form, textbox, button...) and that all
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Jan 29, 2010

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Build Tracing Log In Mvc?

Apr 14, 2010

Is there an easy way to generate a log file that will trace at runtime the path through the code? I would like to see every controller, action, and view that was executed as my program runs. Can this be done without having to add logging code to every controller, action, and view?

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Need To Build Web Application?

Jan 16, 2011

I need to build web application that will do:

1 - build web pages.
1a - build template for page.
2 - add module(by module I mean ContacUs form, Search, Billing System...). Each module can be constructed by submodules or diveded to submodules
2a - build module(add form, textbox, button...) and that all entered data by user could be saved in dbDB structure that will contain it allI looked some cms db, but it's NOT, don't ask why I mess with it. I just need to build it.

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How To Build Web Services In .net

Jan 30, 2010

some books for a beginner to build Web services in .NET?

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MVC :: How To Build A Menu Bar

Feb 4, 2011

I have project using MVC and I have created a menu bar using the <div> tag just below my header.

These items would be ones like; Contact, Home, FAQ, Search, Clients, About Us, Our Services

I have a single homecontroller displaying the main content in its view and I have a .master file displaying the header, menu bar, and footer. I have created a navigation controller which will call the code below in Site.Master

<div id="Menu">
<%Html.RenderAction("Menu", "Nav"); %>

In my Nav controller where I'm going to get a list of menu items, how should I do this? Should I hold the item list in a db or is there a better way?

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