Call A JavaScript Method After The RequiredFieldValidator Fires?

Mar 1, 2011

Is it possible to fire a JavaScript method after a form element is considered invalid? Here is my scenario:

There are 2 tabs on the ASPX page. The user has to fill out info on both tabs. The user, while on tab 2 clicks the submit button. However, there is a required field on tab one that needs attention. Do I need to create a custom valuator (either a CustomValidator control or create a new control from the base valuator) to call a JavaScript function to display tab 1 and show where the error is?

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public static string GetStateData(string state)
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function GetItems() {
var variable1= $("#<%=Item1.ClientID %> input:checked");
var variable2= $("#<%=Item2.ClientID %>").val();
return [variable1.text(), variable2.val(), variable2];}

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Below is the function i want to call during page load....


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Now hears the kicker, I am mostly using jqUery as UpdateInsertData() is a jquery Call and works fine. How do I use ValidateNameUpdateable to call jQuery to return the value from the c# method. . I believe this issue is with my jQuery Call as its just posting and I need to do a $.get or something?

function ValidateNameUpdateable()
$(document).ready(function ()

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How to call javascript method in client template (

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Jun 10, 2010

Adding a label control inside of a div will short circuit my image buttons onClientClick method call.

I have an panel control. In that markup I have an image button control. My image button when clicked will not call my Java Script method unless the image button control is wrapped with a div or table <td> tag.

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my Java Script method is not called. So somehow wrapping the label tag with a div or td results in the short
circuiting of calling my Java Script method.

Why is this? I must have my label and image button control on the same line, so that is the requirement.

I tired using a span tag instead of a div, but that does not work. Below is my markup code.


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Call RequiredFieldValidator On Client Before Postback?

Mar 22, 2010

I've inherited some code which breaks a page up into tabs using divs. On the first page there are many required field and regex validators. The problem is a user can switch to another tab, trigger a postback and fail the validators on the first page, leaving things in a mess.

What I want to be able to do is perform the validation on the first page as a user selects another tab, thus preventing them from moving to a new tab until the first page is valid.

<li><a href="#tab1">Tab 1</a> </li>
<li><a href="#tab2" onclick="return isValid();">Tab 2</a></li>
<li><a href="#tab3" onclick="return isValid();">Tab 3</a></li>


Note use of jQuery for cross-browser compatibility with click event. And this only works if there are no validators on other tabs, as per Thomas' answer, I'll need to use validation groups and extra logic in isValid if any get added.

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Web Forms :: RequiredFieldValidator Not Firing After Client Side Script Call

Mar 1, 2011

I have a form that contains controls that have RequiredFieldValidator.

Everything was working fine when I click the submit button that validators appeared on the empty field.

Now, I added a checkbox (chkAcceptTermAndCondition) that call javascript function to enable

the submit button only if the customer had accepted the "Terms and condition".

The problem is that once I check the checkbox, the submit button is enable, I click on it

and it doesn't use the validator even if all the field are empty, no validator will fire.

Here's the javascript:


Code behind:


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May 18, 2010

how do you call code behind button click event or a code behind method
from javascript.

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Web Forms :: Write RequiredFieldvalidator Using JavaScript?

Jan 11, 2011

how to write RequiredFieldValidator using Javascript?

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Without adding any extra code in each method how to achieve this?

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Javascript - RequiredFieldValidator Custom EvaluationFunction Property?

Nov 28, 2010

My custom ASP.Net RequiredFieldValidator renders markup like this...

var af1_ctl00 = document.all ? document.all["af1_ctl00"] : document.getElementById("af1_ctl00");
af1_ctl00.controltovalidate = "af1_af1_txt";
af1_ctl00.display = "None";
af1_ctl00.evaluationfunction = "RequiredFieldValidatorEvaluateIsValid";
af1_ctl00.initialvalue = "";

However, there appears to be no way to set the evaluationfunction property. I need to do this to call some custom script.Ive tried the following methods.Adding a new attribute when the control is rendered and when the attributes are rendered Calling RemoveAttribute followed by Attributes.Add Attempting to reset it via javascript.Nothing seems to work.If I can get a solution that works in the c# code to set the attribute before render that would be the best for what Im doing.

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Web Forms :: Create A Requiredfieldvalidator Dinamically From Javascript

Mar 11, 2010

Is there any way to create a RequiredFieldValidator directly from JavaScript and assing the validation to a new created textbox, also created from javascript? I know how to create a new textbox or input control, but the RequiredFieldValidator is giving me problems.

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Web Forms :: Validations For Textboxs By Using RequiredFieldValidator's And Javascript?

Sep 15, 2010

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if am clicking on submit button only RequiredFieldValidator's are wrking bt java script function is not wrking....

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AJAX :: Call Web Method Inside Other Method

Mar 26, 2016

 $("#Name").on("blur", function() {
if (Name != "" && Name != null) {
var options = {
type: "POST",
url: "ApplyNow.aspx/CheckName",


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Jquery - Delay A AutoPostBack So JavaScript Fires First?

Mar 2, 2010

I've got an odd situation with a text box and an autocomplete setup on my page. I'm using a JQuery based autocomplete on a text box that has AutoPostBack="True". This works perfect if I use the keyboard to select an autocomplete item, which then fires Jquery to fill in the text box, and then when I tab out of the box the AutoPostBack fires. If, however, I click on an autocomplete item, my text box loses focus first and the AutoPostBack fires before the Jquery has a chance to change the text in my text box. Is there a way to delay either the PostBack or the Jquery so that they don't fight each other? I'm thinking it may have to be the PostBack that gets changed, since the JQuery would lose it's state on the PostBack

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