Web Forms :: Write RequiredFieldvalidator Using JavaScript?

Jan 11, 2011

how to write RequiredFieldValidator using Javascript?

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Create A Requiredfieldvalidator Dinamically From Javascript

Mar 11, 2010

Is there any way to create a RequiredFieldValidator directly from JavaScript and assing the validation to a new created textbox, also created from javascript? I know how to create a new textbox or input control, but the RequiredFieldValidator is giving me problems.

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Web Forms :: Validations For Textboxs By Using RequiredFieldValidator's And Javascript?

Sep 15, 2010

here i have 5 text boxs for 4 text boxs i kept RequiredFieldValidator's and for next text box i am return javascript function....

if am clicking on submit button only RequiredFieldValidator's are wrking bt java script function is not wrking....

View 22 Replies

Web Forms :: RequiredFieldValidator Works Clientside With Javascript... But Doesn't Validate Serverside With J?

Mar 12, 2010

I'm making a website in ASP.NET 4.0 where I make use of the RequiredFieldValidator control to validate a wizardstep.It works perfectly with Javascript enabled, but when I turn it off (in my Firefox) it just goes to the next step.We don't do a Page.IsValid check, but we don't do much on the "next button clicked" event either.Certainly not something that is forcing it to go to the next step.

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Javascript - RequiredFieldValidator Custom EvaluationFunction Property?

Nov 28, 2010

My custom ASP.Net RequiredFieldValidator renders markup like this...

var af1_ctl00 = document.all ? document.all["af1_ctl00"] : document.getElementById("af1_ctl00");
af1_ctl00.controltovalidate = "af1_af1_txt";
af1_ctl00.display = "None";
af1_ctl00.evaluationfunction = "RequiredFieldValidatorEvaluateIsValid";
af1_ctl00.initialvalue = "";

However, there appears to be no way to set the evaluationfunction property. I need to do this to call some custom script.Ive tried the following methods.Adding a new attribute when the control is rendered and when the attributes are rendered Calling RemoveAttribute followed by Attributes.Add Attempting to reset it via javascript.Nothing seems to work.If I can get a solution that works in the c# code to set the attribute before render that would be the best for what Im doing.

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Call A JavaScript Method After The RequiredFieldValidator Fires?

Mar 1, 2011

Is it possible to fire a JavaScript method after a form element is considered invalid? Here is my scenario:

There are 2 tabs on the ASPX page. The user has to fill out info on both tabs. The user, while on tab 2 clicks the submit button. However, there is a required field on tab one that needs attention. Do I need to create a custom valuator (either a CustomValidator control or create a new control from the base valuator) to call a JavaScript function to display tab 1 and show where the error is?

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Web Forms :: Try / Catch Block Won't Write Javascript?

Jun 10, 2010

Since everyone yells at me that MessageBox doesn't work when the project is uploaded to the server, I need to migrate to javascript alert box. As I was changing my MessageBoxes, I tested and found that they weren't being produced. I'm not sure if it matters, but they are in a try/catch block, which is shown here:[Code]....

This all worked before when I had MessageBox - it showed, then the page redirected when I clicked Ok.

I either don't understand how try/catch works, the javascript isn't adding, or Response.Redirect is executed before I can see the alert box and click Ok on it.

(just as a note, everything works fine, but the alert box doesn't show)........if I add the (javascript) code before the try block, the alert box comes up, so it's not something wrong with the writing of the javascript or executing it at least (I think).

View 7 Replies

How To Write JavaScript In Code Behind Using C#

May 17, 2010

how can I write JavaScript code in asp.net in code behind using C#.

For example, I have click button event when I click the button I want to invoke this java script code:

alert("You pressed Me!");

I want to know how to use java script from code behind.

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How To Write Dynamic JavaScript

Apr 9, 2010

how can i write dynamic JavaScript any simple example or any references.


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How To Write JavaScript For Templated Markup

Dec 22, 2010

I've been assigned changes to make to an ASP.NET project. The WebForm I'm working on needs to dynamically display and hide controls in response to user actions.

So far, so good. My approach would be to create a little JavaScript. However, on this page, the markup is part of a template for a Telerik control (which I know nothing about). I'm not sure the ramifications of this. Can I still use JavaScript for templated markup?

I tried to insert some existing JavaScript in the page. The first problem I have is my use of <%= ControlName.ClientID %>, which produces an error because the name of the control in the template is not seen to exist by ASP.NET.

Is there another way to do this, or am I just going to run into more problems?

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How To Write Ajax Request In JavaScript

Jan 19, 2011

i would like to update follow div with ajax request written in javascript method.

asp.mvc view:


it schould work without any controller action.

method for FeedUpdating is written in HomeModel.cs / GetAllFeeds() and it works. I need just call it from javascript

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Write / Create Cookies In JavaScript

May 25, 2010

I know how to write/create cookies in JavaScript.

//Create the cookies
document.cookie = "Name=" + Name + ";expires=Friday, 31-Dec-2011 12:00:00 GMT; path=/";
document.cookie = "Surname=" + Surname + ";expires=Friday, 31-Dec-2011 12:00:00 GMT; path=/";
document.cookie = "Number=" + Number + ";expires=Friday, 31-Dec-2011 12:00:00 GMT; path=/";
document.cookie = "Email=" + Email + ";expires=Friday, 31-Dec-2011 12:00:00 GMT; path=/";
document.cookie = "Country=" + Country + ";expires=Friday, 31-Dec-2011 12:00:00 GMT; path=/";
document.cookie = "Company=" + Company + ";expires=Friday, 31-Dec-2011 12:00:00 GMT; path=/";
document.cookie = "Title=" + Job + ";expires=Friday, 31-Dec-2011 12:00:00 GMT; path=/";

But how can I read each one of them in JavaScript because I want to populate the text boxes next time the user come to the form? I have tried this but it does not work:

var cookieName = ReadCookie("Name");
document.getElementById('txtName').value = cookieName;

Edit with Answer:

I used this code.

<script type="text/javascript">
function getCookie(c_name)
if (document.cookie.length>0)
c_start=document.cookie.indexOf(c_name + "=");
if (c_start!=-1)
c_start=c_start + c_name.length+1;
if (c_end==-1) c_end=document.cookie.length;
return unescape(document.cookie.substring(c_start,c_end));
return "";
function checkCookie()
Name = getCookie('Name');
Surname = getCookie('Surname');
Email = getCookie('Email');
Company = getCookie('Company');
Title = getCookie('Title');
if (Email!=null && Email!="")
//Populate the text boxes.
document.FormName.txtName.value = Name;
document.FormName.txtSurname.value = Surname;
document.FormName.txtEmail.value = Email;
document.FormName.txtCompany.value = Company;
document.FormName.txtjob.value = Title;

And called the checkCookie() function like so from the window.onload

<SCRIPT TYPE='text/javascript' LANGUAGE='JavaScript'><!-- //
window.onload = initPage;
function initPage()

View 3 Replies

How To Write / Code Javascript (mouseover Event) Using C# Methods

Jan 24, 2011

yes client side must be java script but my qustion is not that.i am asking that can i use c# language to implement "actions" fired on "click side events" such as mouse over the reason for this question is that i remember some syntax of registering functions for particular events of formview, which are call when the event occurs (yes there ispostback involved" is something like the above possible for client side events using c# or even vb.net

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label3.Text = "this is label three";
Label3.Attributes.Add("OnMouseOver", "testmouseover()");
protected void testmouseover()
Label4.Text = "this is label 4 mouse is working!!";

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Response.Write() With JavaScript Doesn't Work Properly

Mar 24, 2011

I'm having a problem with this code:


The thing is that, the first if statement works fine and the 'javascript' shows an alert and close the window, but in the second if statement the javascript shows the message but doesn't close the window.

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C# - HttpModule To Write Out JavaScript Script References To The Response

Mar 11, 2010

On my page in the Page_Load event I add a collection of strings to the Context object. I have an HttpModule that will fire EndRequest and retrieve the collection of strings. What I then do is write out a script reference tag (based on the collection of strings) to the response. The problem is that the page reads the script reference but doesn't retrieve the contents of the file (I imagine because this is occurring in the EndRequest event). I can't fire the BeginRequest event because I won't have access to the Context Items collection.

I tried to also registering an HttpHandler which Processes the request of the script reference but I can't access the collection of strings in the Context.Items from there.


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AJAX :: How To Write Page URL (request.querystring) In Javascript

Mar 16, 2010

I am write code in java script


when I am search college then display url


if I am overwrite url in Addressbar

after My url ---


I want when I am search any another college then show my url

http://localhost:1682/FinalTest/searchcollege.aspx?CollegeId=20&id=3&cid=5 means only change my CollegeId=25 to 20 and other parameter is not change. Use only javascript.

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Javascript - How To Write An NPAPI Plugin With Functionality Of WScript.Shell

Sep 2, 2010

I am very new to Web development, and have been writing some javascript that makes use of WScript.Shell via ActiveX. I am aware that browsers other than IE don't support ActiveX though.

After doing some digging through Google, I have discovered that I may be able to do something similar on all web kit based browsers via NPAPI. I have no idea where to even begin when it comes to this though. Is it possible to do what I am after via NPAPI? If so, where would I begin?

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Write And Execute Textchange Event Handler In Javascript And Code Behind?

Dec 22, 2010

in my asp.net website, i have textbox control inside datagrid control. I would like to add textchange event in javascript where i need to sum the values inside textboxes in datagrid and show that addition in lable outside grid. I would also like to do same addition in codebehind(*.cs) But codebehind only execute when browser not support javascript. It means when browser support javascript only client side javascript should execute not server side code

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AJAX :: JavaScript Generated Output Using Document.write Does Not Appear In UpatePanel?

Oct 5, 2010

I have a ListView (in an UpdatePanel) connected to a LinqDataSource. When the page loads and/or I navigate through Postback, the code snippet (below) will display the following output:

[email.gif] someone@adomain.com [email.gif] www.adomain.com

However, when I use a few DropDownLists (also in the UpdatePanel) to filter the results (reset the DataSource to a Linq query and call DataBind), the same Contact is displayed like this:

[email.gif] [email.gif] www.adomain.com


If the parameter is a URL, the FormatEContact method will return:


So, after spending some quality time with Bing and Google, I've learned that the above js code is treated as just text and not evaluated. Therefore, the most often recommended solution is to eval() it. Unfortunately, I can't figure out exactly how, when or where to call eval().

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Web Forms :: Write In Chunks / Parameters Are Not Supported For The Write Method

Mar 29, 2011

I am reading in a file into a string. Then I am writing this string to a stream. I know this code works fine.

The only problem that I have is with the line that write the data in chunks where the parameters is not supported for the Write method.

The line that has the problem is this line. What do I need to change here?

OutPut.Write(buffer, 0, Math.Min(to_write, WRITE_CHUNK));


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JQuery :: Write JavaScript Code To Onunload Event ( In A Ascx Control)?

Dec 16, 2010

I am working on a feature to throw a warning message if the user has unsaved values in a form. I can see that in the next post there is a explanation about how to do that [URL]now the problem is that i need to do the same but using a ascx control and i don't know where put the next code in my ascx control.

<body onunload="checkSave()">

NB: I'm working on dnn so that i don't have any change to add this code in the parent page of the control.

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Web Forms :: RequiredFieldValidator Not Working?

Mar 10, 2011

I create a new website in VS 2010 (VB .Net). I add a table, within it i add a textbox, a button and a RequiedFieldValidator. I set the RFV ControlTValidate property to the textbox. When i move(click or tab) away from the textbox, the RFV doesnt kick in the error message that i have set.

The RFV code is
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator1" runat="server"
ControlToValidate="txtEnterName" ErrorMessage="RequiredFieldValidator"
InitialValue="0" ForeColor="#FF3300"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
<asp:TextBox ID="txtEnterName" runat="server" Width="221px"></asp:TextBox>

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Web Forms ::use A RequiredFieldValidator At Runtime?

May 11, 2010

I have following tag, I want to validate requirefieldvalidato runtim whenever user click on "Submit" button btnSubmit_Click event, how can I do this? Actually on my form I have 3-4 submit button for different purpose.On each buton I have set CauseValidaton=false,because some of the fields are initially hidden and depending on button click fields are visible.


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Web Forms :: RegularExpressionValidator Always Need RequiredFieldValidator?

Jan 13, 2011

Does the RegularExpressionValidator always need a RequiredFieldValidator?I see that when there is no input the RegularExpressionValidator is not working. Correct?

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Web Forms :: How To Use RequiredFieldValidator With TextArea

May 7, 2015

How to apply required field validator for<textarea> in html

Not the textbox<asp:textbox mode="multiline">

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