Javascript - RequiredFieldValidator Custom EvaluationFunction Property?

Nov 28, 2010

My custom ASP.Net RequiredFieldValidator renders markup like this...

var af1_ctl00 = document.all ? document.all["af1_ctl00"] : document.getElementById("af1_ctl00");
af1_ctl00.controltovalidate = "af1_af1_txt";
af1_ctl00.display = "None";
af1_ctl00.evaluationfunction = "RequiredFieldValidatorEvaluateIsValid";
af1_ctl00.initialvalue = "";

However, there appears to be no way to set the evaluationfunction property. I need to do this to call some custom script.Ive tried the following methods.Adding a new attribute when the control is rendered and when the attributes are rendered Calling RemoveAttribute followed by Attributes.Add Attempting to reset it via javascript.Nothing seems to work.If I can get a solution that works in the c# code to set the attribute before render that would be the best for what Im doing.

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C# - RequiredFieldValidator With Custom Control?

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public class WatermarkTextBox : System.Web.UI.UserControl

It looks like working but it always make submit to server. How can i check it only on client side?

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How can I completely render a RequiredFieldValidator to an HtmlTextWriter?

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The user control has public properties named accordingly and the page has protected properties accordingly which I've verified have the desired values.

For some reason the values are always empty strings or 0s in the usercontrol, no matter what the page property is.

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Call A JavaScript Method After The RequiredFieldValidator Fires?

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There are 2 tabs on the ASPX page. The user has to fill out info on both tabs. The user, while on tab 2 clicks the submit button. However, there is a required field on tab one that needs attention. Do I need to create a custom valuator (either a CustomValidator control or create a new control from the base valuator) to call a JavaScript function to display tab 1 and show where the error is?

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Sep 3, 2010

Iam developing a custom checkbox control deriving from the 'compositecontrol' which i need to use it for a composite control purpose.

TngCheckBox :

i have written the required properties which are working fine except the "checked" property. here is my code for 'checked' property. i tried both the below ways (commented one and not commneted) . the problem is the 'checked' value is not setting the value at the get set part of the property.its assigning the value at the design time , but when i check and uncheck its not updating the property value.which is resulting me wrong .


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Custom Server Controls :: Custom Checkbox Control 'checked' Property Is Not Working ?

Oct 15, 2010

Iam developing a custom checkbox control deriving from the 'compositecontrol' which i need to use it for a composite control purpose.

TngCheckBox :

i have written the required properties which are working fine except the "checked" property. here is my code for 'checked' property. i tried both the below ways (commented one and not commneted) . the problem is the 'checked' value is not setting the value at the get set part of the property.its assigning the value at the design time , but when i check and uncheck its not updating the property value.which is resulting me wrong .


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Custom Server Controls :: List Property Of A Custom Control Is Not Persisted?

Mar 15, 2010

I have a custom control, inherited from Button. This is the class definition for the control and 2 properties:


I show you 2 properties, only to illustrate the problem.

as you see Aplicacion property is of a custom type Sistema, and Roles property is of type List<UserRol>.

The Aplicacion property is rendered well, this way:


The problem I have is with List<UserRol>. I couldn't get it to be rendered. I expeect to be rendered this way:


Finally, this is the TypeConverter and Editor definitions for the list:


The UserRol class is a typical class, without any special attributes.

I have discovered that when I use the custom editor for Roles property, the collection is not persisted. When I use the default editor for the collection, the collection is persisted.

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Custom Server Controls :: Need Custom Text Box Control With DataSource,TableName,ColumnName Property?

Nov 26, 2010

I need to create one custom text box control which should be bind with data base.

I am referring following link...

I used DataBoundControl to create my control but i am not able to do it properly.

public class SimpleTextBoxControl : DataBoundControl
private TextBox nameTextBox;
public string DataTextField
object o = ViewState["DataTextField"];
return ((o == null) ? string.Empty : (string)o);
ViewState["DataTextField"] = value;
Description("The text to display on the link."),
public virtual string DataTexValue
string s = (string)ViewState["Text"];
return (s == null) ? String.Empty : s;
ViewState["Text"] = value;
protected override void PerformDataBinding(IEnumerable retrievedData)
if (retrievedData == null)
nameTextBox = new TextBox { ID = "nameTextBox" };
foreach (object dataItem in retrievedData)
if (DataTextField.Length > 0)
nameTextBox.Text = DataBinder.GetPropertyValue(dataItem, DataTextField, null);
DataTexValue = nameTextBox.Text;

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Accessing Property Value Of A Custom Control By Another Custom Control In Design-time

Oct 18, 2010

I created an Extender which has a custom property that drills down a list XML elements from an xml file, where users can select xml elements during design-time. This works perfectly fine. However, my code only has a hardcoded xml filename (source of the xml elements list) and I need to change this by maxing the xml file user-specified.

What I did is that I created another control (panel) which has a custom property that when clicked (through the ellipsis), it will allow a developer to select the xml file which is supposed to be the source xml file that the Extenders shall use. The filedialog from custom panel's property works perfectly fine.

However, my problem now is that when I drag-drop my Extender, I cannot find a way to get the property value of the custom Panel Control which contains the xml filename. I tried creating a static variable which I thought the custom controls can share but VS2010 is breaking.

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Custom Controls Derived From Existing Controls - Overriding Default Property Values

Nov 15, 2010

I have some (probably very basic) questions about developing custom controls. I am wanting to derive a set of button controls, and the first one I have started on is a "DeleteButton", that has a additional property (DeleteConfirmationText) that is built into the OnClientClick attribute. To get that added, I overrode the Render method as follows:


This all works well. Now, I will add some logic to make sure that there is some text in the DeleteConfirmationText property, but that isn't the intent of my question.
What I am also wanting to do is to override some of the default property values, so I added that to the default constructor:


Now, in the designer in VS2008, and I look at the properties for the control, there isn't a default value shown in the "Properties" section, and the Causesvalidation still shows the underlying classes default value of "True". As well, in design mode, where the GridView control that containse my DeleteButton control would be displayed, there is an error box "There was an error rendering the control. 'Are you certain you want to delete this attorney?' cound not be set on property 'DeleteConfirmationText'. Here's the markup where I am defining the deletebutton control:


What am I doing wrong?

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Add A Custom Property In A File In .Net ?

Nov 29, 2010

There are some .txt, doc and other extension type of files in a folder now i want to add custom properties on all file how to do it ? there are already some attribute like Location, Size, Size on Disk, created on , modify on so i want to add another property like "version".

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Unable To Set A Property On A Custom Dropdownlist

Oct 26, 2010

I'm trying to set a property on a custom DropDownList:

<custom:ReferenceDropDownList ... ValidityDate="<%# Application.CreateDate %>" />

Even though I can see that Application.CreateDate has been set in the Page_Load method on the containing UserControl, the code-behind in the DDL never seems to pick it up.

protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
// this.ValidityDate is always null

This is even the case with ValidityDate="<%# DateTime.Now %>". The property of the DDL is declared like this:

public DateTime? ValidityDate { get; set; }

what is the correct sequence I should be following here. I thought that a DDL would evaluate a cynamic property value like that without too much trouble.

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How To Add A Default Value To A Custom Profile Property

Jun 16, 2010

I know you can add defaultValues using the web.config like this:

<add name="AreCool" type="System.Boolean" defaultValue="False" />

but I have the Profile inherited from a class:

<profile inherits="CustomProfile" defaultProvider="CustomProfileProvider" enabled="true">
<clear />
<add name="CustomProfileProvider" type="CustomProfileProvider" />

Heres the class:

Public Class CustomProfile
Inherits ProfileBase
Public Property AreCool() As Boolean
Return Me.GetPropertyValue("AreCool")
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
Me.SetPropertyValue("AreCool", value)
End Set
End Property
End Class

I don't know how to set the default value of the property. Its causing errors because without a default value, it uses an empty string, which cannot be converted to a Boolean. I tried adding <DefaultSettingValue("False")> _ but that didn't seem to make a difference.

I'm also using a custom ProfileProvider (CustomProfileProvider).

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C# - Get Property's Display Name From A Custom Attribute?

Nov 7, 2010

I am trying to create a minimum length validation attribute which will force users to enter the specified minimum amount of characters into a textbox

public sealed class MinimumLengthAttribute : ValidationAttribute
public int MinLength { get; set; }
public MinimumLengthAttribute(int minLength)
MinLength = minLength;
public override bool IsValid(object value)
if (value == null)
return true;
string valueAsString = value as string;
return (valueAsString != null && valueAsString.Length >= MinLength);

In the constructor of the MinimumLengthAttribute I would like to set the error message as follows:

ErrorMessage = "{0} must be atleast {1} characters long"

How can I get the property's display name so that I can populate the {0} placeholder?

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