Changing Page Title Dynamically Depending On A Databinding Result?
Oct 26, 2010
I have a page to show a thread content, it take the ID of the thread from the query string.
depending on the ID, I show the content using the FormView control.
how could I then change the page title depending on the databinding result?
I've figured out that I can do that before the databinding in the Page_Load event, by querying the title of the thread depending on the ID from the QueryString object, but I'm wondering if I can achieve my goal during the databinding!
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<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MainContent.Master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="AboutUs.aspx.cs" Inherits="AboutUs" %>
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GridView1.HeaderRow.Attributes.Add("style", "font-size:10px")
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End If
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<asp:SiteMapPath SiteMapProvider="rootSitemap" ID="SiteMapPath1" runat="server"></asp:SiteMapPath>
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(i) Generics
(ii) LINQ
2 ) Find the odd one
(i) DB2
(ii) Oracle
(iv) Sql Server
(v) Javascript
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Items Text="">
<Item Text="" ImgPath="./../images/home.gif" Url="" Value="Home" />
<Item Text="" ImgPath="" Url="" Value="Time Entry" >
<Item Text="" Value="Our Clients" ImgPath="./../images/oc.gif" Url="~/OurClients.aspx" />.....
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Nov 22, 2010
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I have a master page with links to other pages in the site. Those links use tilde paths (like "~/dir1/page2.aspx"). On most of the pages in the site that use this master page, there is no problem. The problem only seems to be on a few pages that use the master page, the links are VERY wrong, it tries to use the ~ as part of the link (so they are[URL]. It's as if it is treating the tilde as a literal under certain
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Aug 26, 2010
My master page looks like:
<head runat="server">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="PageTitlePlaceHolder" runat="server" />
Content pages look like:
<asp:Content ID="TitleContent1"
ContentPlaceHolderID="PageTitlePlaceHolder" runat="Server">
My Page
This works by placing the content page specific title on the page ("My Page" in this example). Now I want to add a global prefix to the title in my master page for the site name. So I want:
<head runat="server">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="PageTitlePlaceHolder" runat="server" />
However, when I do this content pages are still rendered without "" in the tile, it's like it's ignored.
Why is this happening and how can I achieve this?
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Jan 29, 2010
if there is a way to dynamically change the session ID from the context of a SessionStateStoreProvider (or some other customizable module) in C# for ASP.NET.
I am implementing a custom SessionStateStoreProvider, and I was thinking about augmenting the session ID to tell the store provider where to go look for a session. I've implemented a custom SessionIDManager, which lets me augment newly created session IDs with the required tag. The problem is that the desired value of that tag might change during the life of a session. For example, the session may be read from one location, but may need to written to a different location. In this instance the ID would have originally been tagged for location A, but on writing the store would want to write to location B. The tag should be updated to reflect location B for the next session read.
So, from the context of SessionStateProviderBase override...
public override void SetAndReleaseItemExclusive(HttpContext context,
string id, SessionStateStoreData item, object lockId, bool newItem)
... is it possible to change the session ID? I know that the HttpContext.Session.SessionID property is not settable. Is there some other way to feedback an update like this? Or is there a more appropriate to carry state like this across calls?
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