Links In Master Page With Tilde URLs Give 404 Depending On The Page?
Nov 22, 2010
Here's an odd one.
I have a master page with links to other pages in the site. Those links use tilde paths (like "~/dir1/page2.aspx"). On most of the pages in the site that use this master page, there is no problem. The problem only seems to be on a few pages that use the master page, the links are VERY wrong, it tries to use the ~ as part of the link (so they are[URL]. It's as if it is treating the tilde as a literal under certain
I am receiving a Parser Error with all my pages in a particular folder:
Parser Error Message:
The file '/railroad/freightcars/covered_hopper/MasterFiles/Freightcars.master' does not exist. Line 1: <%@ Page Title="Freight Car Photos - CP Covered hoppers -" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MasterFiles/Freightcars.master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="cprail.aspx.cs" Inherits="railroad_freightcars_covered_hoppers_cprail" %>
It seems like the ~ is not resolving; none of my .aspx pages in this folder work. All my pages in several other folders work fine.
I had this problem with another folder when i first published pages to a folder named covered_hoppers. Since i couldn't figure out the problem, i renamed the folder to covered_hopper and re-published.. all worked fine for a couple of months until yesterday. Now i am having the same problem. No problems on my local copy; never had this error with any other folder in my site.
I have a master page with an unordered list that contains items like, Home, Messages etc.
Now I am working on an EditProfile.aspx page and I want the menu to change and have items like Basic Information, Profile Picture etc. Sort of like facebook. What is the best way to accomplish this...
This is the content in the master page as you can see there are 4 menu items i tried to form as sidebar and i tried to inherit in home.aspx(one of the content pages) as follows:
But unfortunately the sidebar is not at all getting displayed. I know i'm doing fundamentally wrong some where. My intention is to have web pages to have sidebar like this. It is a screenshot of my intended page.
I'm fairly new to mvc and I'm just looking for a best practice on hiding action links in the master page depending on the user logged in. Since the master page doesn't receive a model I'm not sure how to pull this off the right (MVC) way.
Only in master file, and only in <link> tag Links.Content.Site_css doesn't work. That is, if I have [Code].... If I put the same thing in <title>; or if I put the same link tag in a regular aspx file; or if I use Links.Scripts.jquery_js - everything seems to be working fine. Is there anything specific for resolving <link> tags in master page? I am using MVC 2 RC2
Not sure if the derived page is actually relevant to the problem here, but ran into an interesting gotcha on some code I'm working through at the moment.
I have a custom masterpage class, which derives from System.Web.UI.MasterPage so that it can be extended with additional useful properties. The page that that uses this masterpage has a declaration at the top (note the Page Title being set).
<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPages/Landing.master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Index.aspx.cs" Inherits="Index" Title="Welcome to the site" %>
In addition, the master page has stylesheet references in the head which are pulled from a CDN that is defined in a config file.
Now the example above obviously doesn't work, because the runat attribute in the head container means that the codeblock in the the link is static text, and renders as is, in the resulting html.
If I remove the runat attribute from head, the CDN works, but now I notice that the Title is no longer being set. If I debug, and try to access Page.Title in the Immediate Window, I get an exception:
// Using the Title property of Page requires a header control on the page. (e.g. <head runat="server" />).
So, is there a way to get the Page Title from the declaration, put my own title placeholder in the head and set it from the master page code-behind, or, is there a better way to dynamically set the CDN domain for the stylesheets? The only way I think I can do that is to build the entire html link tag(s) and append it to the header control, but I thought there might be a more elegant solution, so I'm asking here first.
i want to place a bulleted list with links inside a master page. the problem is that no matter what i do i get an error when i try to press on the link when the link directs me to a page that exists on another folder in my project. (i tried using the ~/some_folder/somewebform.aspx but it didn't work).
I want to be able to sync the footer-links on top level sites and subsites. Currently I have 7 links on top level site and 3 on a subsite and 2 on another sub site. How can I set up the code in my master page so the subsites will show the same footer-links as on the top level site. I know the code has Sharepoint controls in it but it is C#code in a master page. So the concept is still in .NET.Here is the code that I have so far, I am unsure about what should go in this line specifically in the code
I have a simple custom membership provider. And i have a roles table also in my database with 2 roles in, User and admin. I dont think i need to implement the roleprovider as this will be overkill for what i need.
How can i modify the validate user method to route users to one URL and admin to another?
Can i put in a If statement to say If role = admin go here after a user has been validated?
I keep running into problems with URLs and routing. Couldn't find an answer on SO. I would like to manage all of my urls/links in a single place. This is for my C# MVC code and the js/jquery ajax code. These urls are scattered throughout my application. Moving to a production server needs some fixes and I don't like the fact that I need to look for all of the occurrences in the application. I don't mind fixing this once - but I would like to do it only once. how to manage all of these links/urls as a group
Is writing a link this this acceptable?: <a href="/Manager/Items"></a> Should I be using the <% %> tags and code within to retrieve the route name, "Items" in this case?
I have a master page containing a tree and 3 dropdown lists. I am populating a context menu on right click of each node, and when clicked on any item of the context menu, it navigates to required pages.
My problem is after navigating to the required page, the selected values from the drop down lists and the selected node from the tree are getting cleared.
I can set the selected values for the dropdown lists by making some properties in master page. But how do i maintain the selected node?
In my content page, i have got the valuepath of the right clicked node.
Or is there any other way than setting the properties in master page?
I have a master page setup that is used throughout my site that is basically a header with a menu. I recently added a textbox and a button to this master page which is to be a quick search box that is available anywhere in the site. When a user enters text into the search box and hits the button, I need to load the actual content page which is used to search and show search results (which also uses this same master page), and have the text entered available so the search can be triggered automatically. Again, this search text box and button is now in my master page so it could be triggered from anywhere in the app... it serves as a convenient way to do a basic search from anywhere in my app, without having to first navigate to the actual 'search page' that already exists. You can also navigate to the actual search page, which uses the same master page, where there is many more search options.I'm thrown off by the master page arrangement, which I have not used until this project. What do I do?
Is it possible to inherit a sharepoint master page(as a parent) in another application's master page which will be treated as child (i.e. after integrating that standalone application with the sharepoint application)? I am totally new to Sharepoint..
<asp:Content ID="TitleContent1" ContentPlaceHolderID="PageTitlePlaceHolder" runat="Server"> My Page </asp:Content>
This works by placing the content page specific title on the page ("My Page" in this example). Now I want to add a global prefix to the title in my master page for the site name. So I want:
I am using Master page and Content page combination.But how can i access <body> tag and it's event (onload, onunload) of Master page in .aspx page that is not a content page.
I have a master page homeMaster.aspx and many content pages. However the situation is I have few .html pages. Now when a user clicks on a link the html page should get loaded.inside the master page. The problem is these are .html and not content page with .aspx.
Per different user mode, some pages should not be accessible by users unless they have a valid session key.In your opinions -- would it be better to have a list of acceptable pages in the master page, and check if the current page is valid for the current user? Or handle this on every child page?I'm thinking master page, just want to hear what your input would be.
I wrote a page Page method in my aspx page. in web service method I need to call FindControl method return textbox and get text box value. But my findControl will take MasterPage object to iterate.
code.<script type = "text/javascript"> function ShowCurrentDateTime() { $.ajax({ [code]....
But I am getting compiler error when use Page.Master: Reference to non-shared member requires an object reference
How to pass Master Page object or Page to Page method?. So I can use in Sared method.Is there any way I can access Textbox value directly in Page method? I need access couple of controls in Page Method.