I've set Culture="auto" UICulture="auto" in @Page directive and EnableScriptGlobalization="true" EnableScriptLocalization="true" in script manager to have client culture specific date format in my textbox.
I also have a Go button on my page on which I will do a partial post back. So, I want to validate the FromDateTextBox in javascript when the Go button is clicked.
I know how to create a javascript click handler. But because masked editor is already validating the date on focus shift, I'm thinking there should be some boolean property (like IsValid) exposed by it which will allow me to see if the text box contains valid date.
I also tried below code and Page_Validators[f].isvalid always returns true even when the date is invalid and MaskEditValidator shows me a red star near the Text box.
function isDateValid() {
var b = true;
for (var f = 0; f < Page_Validators.length; f++) {
if (!Page_Validators[f].isvalid)
b = false;
return b;
$('#GoButton').click(function() {
if (!isDateValid()) {
return false;
I have a collapsible panel on my page that has been working up until yesterday. I have no idea what changed, however, it is no giving me the following error.
Microsoft Jscript runtime error: 'Sys.Extended.UI' is null or not an object.
Below is the code for the Collapsible Panel, however, I don't think it has anything to do with it since it has always been working.
I have a master/detail scheme for editing an asp:GridView using an asp:DetailsView. One of my fields is for a phone number of type int64 (always 10 digits). I would like this field to always be displayed as (###)###-####. My issue is the first digit in the phone number is always truncated for my edit item field which I used a MaskedEditExtender to achieve the formatting.
When my details view is displayed for editing, the text box displays(_23)456-7890 for the integer 1234567890. Also worth noting that if the property MaskType="Number" is removed, the textbox shows:
(234)567-890_. I would of course have the textbox show (123)-546-67890 after binding.
I am using MaskedEditExtender so that user can enter date inside textbox with specified mask like "DD/MM/YYYY".
i am facing problem when i am trying to assign value within text box from some string variable while when i am directly typing value within text box it's successfully enter like "28/06/2010"
How can i assign value within masked text box from variable. For mask text box i am using MaskedEditExtender of AJAX.
I have a TextBox using the AjaxControlToolkit's MaskedEditExtender, the extender is using the Date mask (99/99/9999). We had modified the toolkit code to support 2-digit year (as seen in this post) which works just fine when the date TextBox initially has no value. But when the date TextBox has an existing date such as 10/04/2010, if I type in say 100409, it becomes 10/04/0910, in other words it doesn't replace the existing year but simply replace the first 2 digits of the year. If I first hightlight the entire field then type then it works. My question is is there a way to hightlight the entire date value of the TextBox upon entering the field?
I tried using javascript code textbox.focus() and .selet() but it doesn't highlight anything, it just places the cursor at the beginning of the textbox.
I am using the AJAX Toolkit MaskedEditExtender to format some of my web form's textboxes. When I load the page and start to enter data into the textboxes, the masking doesn't show. I've included my page code below:
I am using ASP.NET Panel to set Default Button for some Controls like TextBox but it seems to not work due to AJAX Control Toolkit's AutoCompleteExtender.
A long running background process creates a text file to indicate the completion of the process. From the frontend, I'd need to check every few seconds if the text file has been created or not.
I am doing this check from http://DomainA.com However the file is created in http://DomainB.com/Mytext.txt
write a jquery script that checks for a file across domain?
PS: Currently, I am doing a ajax postback that executes a WebMethod in ASP.NET that creates HttpWebRequest. This works functionally, but I have major performance problems. So, I need a light weight way of finding if a URL is valid or not.
I'm using ASP.NET Membership and Form Authentication and before redirecting to the returnURL I wanted to validate it. For those unfamiliar with the workflow, basically if you request a page that requires that you are authenticated, you are redirected to a login page. In the URL string you'll see a parameter called returnURL, e.g. [URL]
Whether you use this in a redirect such as Response.Redirect(returnURL) or indirectly through the FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage method, it passes without validating returnURL.
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage does have a security check that it is isn't leaving the domain, but that still doesn't stop someone from putting enough random characters to cause an error.
I tried using System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(returnURL)) but given enough illegal characters it cause Server.MapPath to error.
Note: URLEncoding doesn't work because we are not cleaning a parameter, but the primary URL.
I have a form that when submitted shows a busy animation and disables the submit button.
Anyone know how to query Microsoft's Sys.Mvc.FormValidation to see if the form passed it's test so I can prevent the busy animation showing if the form hasn't actually been submitted? Or even some other work-around? In case it's relevant - I'm using Data Annotations for my validation.
At present my client side javascript looks like this:
i have a textbox where the user needs to type in his phone number and the submit the detials but if the textbox is les than 8 caracters and he or she clicks the button
then it must stop that button doing a post back and refresing the page
Now I know this works.. but what is the right way to have this? I don't want to be checking something twice instead of just having it written out once.
I am createing user dynamially with the below code; string MyPassword = Membership.GeneratePassword(8,0).ToString(); Membership.CreateUser(TextBox7.Text, MyPassword, TextBox8.Text); but before I start creating, I would like to check if the user name is used before or not.
I have a FormView that allows a user to register for a company event. I want to do a couple of things with this form.
1. I need to write this data to a MS SQL database
2. I need to send an email confirmation of their registration to their email.
I know how to do both of these things, but i am having trouble doing both at the same time.
It would be nice if I could do it in one click, but I coded it into two pages to try to help simplify it.
The first page allows the user to input their information into a formview and when they click the submit button, it places those answers into session variables:
The Second page confirms the users information by taking those session variables and placing them into labels:
However, after I place information into the formview on the first page, it throws up this error:
"Conversion from type 'TextBox' to type 'String' is not valid".
How me can validate a email textbox to take only valid email address if error occur it show the error message in this textbox or as a tooltip. because in the form there is no space to show error message.
I am having trouble formatting the date on a textbox I get the error above if I don't enter the date in MM/DD/YY format in the textbox. I am also using this in a FormView so I can't format it or don't know how to in the code behind so if there is a way to format it in design view that would be preferable. Does anyone have any ideas on how I would do any of this.