AJAX :: Highlight Contents Of Textbox With MaskedEditExtender?

Oct 6, 2010

I have a TextBox using the AjaxControlToolkit's MaskedEditExtender, the extender is using the Date mask (99/99/9999). We had modified the toolkit code to support 2-digit year (as seen in this post) which works just fine when the date TextBox initially has no value. But when the date TextBox has an existing date such as 10/04/2010, if I type in say 100409, it becomes 10/04/0910, in other words it doesn't replace the existing year but simply replace the first 2 digits of the year. If I first hightlight the entire field then type then it works. My question is is there a way to hightlight the entire date value of the TextBox upon entering the field?

I tried using javascript code textbox.focus() and .selet() but it doesn't highlight anything, it just places the cursor at the beginning of the textbox.

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Similar Messages:

AJAX :: How To Clear The Textbox Associated MaskedEditExtender

May 24, 2010

the code like below, how to clear tbxDate when input an invalid date use javascript


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AJAX :: TextBox With MaskedEditExtender Looses Value After Postback?

Mar 19, 2010

I have a webform with two textboxes both with maskededitextender with date type, and a button.

When I press the button and the postback occurs the first textbox looses the value and shows the date mask.

What to do so this doesn't happen and the textbox doesn't loose the value.

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AJAX :: MaskedEditExtender Mask Not Showing On TextBox

Sep 26, 2013

I am using the AJAX Toolkit MaskedEditExtender to format some of my web form's textboxes.  When I load the page and start to enter data into the textboxes, the masking doesn't show. I've included my page code below:

<asp:TextBox ID="GrantExpendituresAmount" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("GrantExpendituresAmount") %>'
<ajax:MaskedEditExtender ID="GrantExpendituresAmount_MaskedEditExtender"
runat="server" CultureAMPMPlaceholder="" CultureCurrencySymbolPlaceholder=""
CultureDateFormat="" CultureDatePlaceholder="" CultureDecimalPlaceholder=""
CultureThousandsPlaceholder="" CultureTimePlaceholder="" Enabled="True"
Mask="$999,999,999.00" TargetControlID="GrantExpendituresAmount">

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AJAX :: Creating Custom Control Using Textbox & MaskedEditExtender?

Jul 23, 2010

I want to create a custom control or user control using TextBox & MaskedEditExtender control.

I am going to add this control dynamically. So to avoid setting each property each time I tried to create a custom control like this.


but when user enters value and clicks on submit button I get empty string but in next submit I get the value.

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Web Forms :: C# Get Contents Of Textbox And Set A Label To Those Contents?

Jan 17, 2011

i want to get the contents of a textbox and set them to a asp label for output, we can cause a postback to if that makes it easier, so far i did this and it comes up trumps

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Databinding Int32 To MaskedEditExtender Enabled TextBox?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a master/detail scheme for editing an asp:GridView using an asp:DetailsView. One of my fields is for a phone number of type int64 (always 10 digits). I would like this field to always be displayed as (###)###-####. My issue is the first digit in the phone number is always truncated for my edit item field which I used a MaskedEditExtender to achieve the formatting.

Here is my EditItemTemplate for the details view:

<cc1:MaskedEditExtender TargetControlID="edtPROJ_Leader_Phone" Mask="(999)999-9999" runat="server" ClearMaskOnLostFocus="false" ClipboardEnabled="true" MaskType="Number" />
<asp:TextBox ID="edtPROJ_Leader_Phone" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("PROJ_Leader_Phone") %>' ></asp:TextBox>

When my details view is displayed for editing, the text box displays(_23)456-7890 for the integer 1234567890. Also worth noting that if the property MaskType="Number" is removed, the textbox shows:

(234)567-890_. I would of course have the textbox show (123)-546-67890 after binding.

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Check If Value Of Textbox Extended With MaskedEditExtender Is Valid?

May 19, 2010

Below is my code:

runat="server" />
ImageUrl="~/images/calander.png" />
Enabled="True" />

I've set Culture="auto" UICulture="auto" in @Page directive and EnableScriptGlobalization="true" EnableScriptLocalization="true" in script manager to have client culture specific date format in my textbox.

I also have a Go button on my page on which I will do a partial post back. So, I want to validate the FromDateTextBox in javascript when the Go button is clicked.


I know how to create a javascript click handler. But because masked editor is already validating the date on focus shift, I'm thinking there should be some boolean property (like IsValid) exposed by it which will allow me to see if the text box contains valid date.


I also tried below code and Page_Validators[f].isvalid always returns true even when the date is invalid and MaskEditValidator shows me a red star near the Text box.

function isDateValid() {
var b = true;
for (var f = 0; f < Page_Validators.length; f++) {
if (!Page_Validators[f].isvalid)
b = false;
return b;
$('#GoButton').click(function() {
if (!isDateValid()) {
return false;

View 2 Replies

Can Assign Date Inside Textbox Using MaskedEditExtender

Jun 28, 2010

I am using MaskedEditExtender so that user can enter date inside textbox with specified mask like "DD/MM/YYYY".

i am facing problem when i am trying to assign value within text box from some string variable while when i am directly typing value within text box it's successfully enter like "28/06/2010"

How can i assign value within masked text box from variable. For mask text box i am using MaskedEditExtender of AJAX.

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Web Forms :: Use MaskedEditExtender For Textbox To Accept Time?

Mar 26, 2016

I want to set my textbox textmode="time"

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Web Forms :: How To Highlight A Textbox Content

Apr 23, 2010

I'm trying to highlight the content of a textbox when it gets focus. I make a selection from a dropdown and the focus is moved to the texbox, I would like the current content of the texbox to be highlighted. How is this done?

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How To Programatically Highlight All The Text Within A Textbox

Feb 18, 2010

Just wondering if it is possible to programatically highlight all the text within a textbox.

Specifically, I have a text box with validation. If an error is thrown, I set the focus to the specified textbox, but the way it works now the user starts typing and none of the text that already exists disappears. I'm wondering if I can make it so that if the error is thrown, not only is the focus set to the textbox, but the text within the textbox is selected, so that if they simply start typing all of the old text disappears, or they can click and retype a single character if necessary.

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C# - Way To Highlight Text In A Textbox Using Javascript

May 19, 2010

I have an ASP.NET 2.0 webapp (with C#). I wanted to add a button which, when clicked would highlight selected text. By 'highlight', I mean change the CSS properties of the text so that it can stand out. I think this can be done with some clientside JavaScript.I know that you can assign a Javascript function to the onclick event of an HTML input button, but since I'm not very proficient at JS the function itself I have no idea how to write

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Web Forms :: Highlight Certain Text In Textbox?

Feb 1, 2010

I have 2 text boxes.

For example:

textbox1 = "Hello bob, How are you"
textbox2 = "Hello cad, how are you"

I have looped through each text box and know that the area I want to highlight on textBox 2 is between the charaters 7 and 9. How do I highlight only these characters as Bold and with a yellow background?

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Highlight Dropdownlist Value Based On Value Enterd In Textbox?

Sep 27, 2010

I have one webapplication(.net2.0)c#.My page has one dropdownlist which is very huge sometimes it contains many records which is difficult for the users to view the data they exactly looking for.What we want to do now is we want to add a textbox on the top of the dropdown and once user enter any data on textbox we want to select the firstrow in the dropdown which start from the letter they entered in textbox.Can this achieved some way either in c# or javascript.

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Web Forms :: Highlight Search Term In A Textbox?

Feb 9, 2011

I've an aspx page with a couple of textboxes, one of which is populated with text from a sqlserver, is it possible to highlight certain words within the text box that match a search critrea? I've opted for textbox to display the text as that seems to be the only control that will format the text correctly. Incidently I'm using vb.net as my code behind

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Web Forms :: How To Highlight The Textbox Value In Dropdown List

Dec 14, 2010

I have one Textbox, Dropdownlist and a button on web form. When i type one of Dropdown list values in text box and click on "Button" dropdown value should be highlighted. How do i do this?


Assume one of the values in Dropdownlist is "TX-Texas"

If i type same value (.i.e.) TX-Texas in Textbox and click on Button..the value "TX-Texas" in dropdownlist should be highlighted?

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AJAX :: Can Use A MaskedEditExtender With A Combo Box

Feb 23, 2011

I want masked ComboBox, so I use a MaskedEditExtenderwith a ComboBox. The two controls came from the ajax control toolkit. But I got an error: "Unable to cast object of type 'AjaxControlToolkit.ComboBox' to type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox'". Is there a way a can use a MaskedEditExtender with a combo box?

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AJAX :: MaskedEditExtender Multilanguage?

Sep 26, 2010

runat="server" [code]....

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Web Forms :: Highlight And Copy Textbox Text On Click?

May 14, 2010

i wanted to know how i could go about selecting all the values of the textbox in one click, and then auto copying it.

So basically, the textbox is a read only, and has text inside, but when the user clicks the textbox, it will highlight the text in the textbox, and autocopy it.

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Custom Server Controls :: Can't Highlight Textbox Text

Apr 10, 2010

I included an .ascx file into a .aspx file... I am having problem that I cant highlight the text as in select the text in the textbox

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AJAX :: MaskedEditExtender Decimal Values?

May 10, 2010

I am using MaskedEditExtender on my textbox.Set the masktype to number.Now the user can enter decimals also at any place to my textbox.Is it possible for my MaskedEditExtender to still accept that or I have to use custom javascript/ regex for this.

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AJAX :: MaskedEditExtender Gets Focus On Postback?

Sep 2, 2010

I'm having a really strange issue with the MaskedEditExtnder. I've attached some markup for one of the textboxes. I'm using a MaskedEditExtender and MaskedEditValidator along with a CalendarExtender so the user has the option to type the date or click on an image and pick the date.

So, if I enter/pick a date then select a control that forces a postback (usually a dropdownlist but not always) when the page is returned the focus goes back to the textbox I just entered the date in. So what about the MaskedEdit, MaskedEditValidator, CalendarExtender would cause the page to return focus to the control being extended? See markup below - am I missing something??


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AJAX :: MaskedEditExtender Not Functioning Properly

Jun 7, 2010

I'm having a issue with a MaskedEditExtender, I am using it for a datetime field with the sqltable field definition as smalldatetime, I have several error messages such as emptyvalue error message, minimium value error message along with a few others.

Everything works fine until i put a maximium value, on selecting either insert or edit it throws the error even if the date entered is between the minimium value and the maximium value and will not go away. As you are aware smalldatetime has a max value of 06/06/2079 which won't be a issue in my lifetime but for validation purposes I want to make sure the user doesn't accidentally enter a value larger than the max value thus causing an error on insert or edit.

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AJAX :: Strange Results With MaskedEditExtender?

Oct 12, 2010

I've inherited a web project from another company, and I'm having a weird issue with a phone number mask.

If the ClearMaskOnLostFocus is "true", I lose the mask in the edit field (this is a editing screen for an existing record). If set to false, the mask is present, but the leading digit is truncated, and will write back to the DB an incorrect number if submitted, with that leading "_".

True = 8885551212
The DB field a a varchar(20) -- don't ask me why.
<asp:MaskedEditExtender ID="MaskedEditExtender3" runat="server"
learMaskOnLostFocus="true" MaskType="Number"
Enabled="True" Mask="(999) 999-9999"

I'm recently back at work after a long layoff period, and my ASP is a little rusty.

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