Forms Data Controls :: Button Inside The Repeater Not Firing
Jan 24, 2010[Code]....
Button inside the repeater not firing
Button inside the repeater not firing
I am using Nested Repeater repeater1 and repeater2 in my project . one button is there inside repeater2 but i cant use that button using e.commandname
so how to use that button and how to write code on it.
what changed do I need to make to my code for it to achieve what I'm after.
At the moment I am getting a "cannot cast to type" error message with the below code.
I have also tried calling the ItemDataBound method in with the parent repeater tags and had no errors but when I clicked on the button it would just move back to the top of the page and would not hide or show any data. Also I have made the div style to none but the first record still shows its child but the rest don't.
I'm having some real problems trying to do this. In simple, a table shows a list of rooms with details of the room in each column, extracted from a database. The there is a button in the repeater, which is supposed to tell me what I clicked on in a new label. However the OnItemCommand just doesn't seem to be working.
Right now I'm just trying to get it to work, so that when I press the button, it causes the label to say "It works". But it just doesn't want to work.
i am using link button inside my gridview .
it is firing in IE but not working in mozilla.
i have a repeater that displays data from a SQL Server Database. I also want to display an int from the database for the specific item and allow the user to add 1 to the value of that int by clicking a button (almost like a pole). It would work similiar to a 'like' button on Facebook.e.g.
Name: Bruce Springsteen
Click to like (0 likes)
Name: AC/DC
Click to like (5 likes) [code]....
I have this code
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (!IsPostBack) {
ArrayList olist = new ArrayList() {"visible", "invisible", "visible", "visible", "visible", "invisible", "visible", "visible", "invisible"};
for (int i = 0; i <= olist.Count-1; i++) {
if (olist[i].ToString() == "visible" ) {
[Code] ....
I want to hide the button if records found "invisible".
The output must be like this:
Another question is
I want to get the button index value inside the repeater row, when the user click the button the index value display one Label3
void repbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
Label3.Text = "The button item index that clicked in the repeater is: "; // + irepeater.Items. ;
How can I make a linkbutton inside a repeater open a new browser window on click?
<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton4" runat="server" PostBackUrl='<%# string.Format("~/Products.aspx/{0}",Eval("URL")) %>'>Details </asp:LinkButton>
I want to present a list of delivery options to end users which will be in 3 columns - service description, radio button (to select) and then the price of the service. Also I want to auto postback when the user selects a service from the appropriate radio button - e.g. :
I have set this up using a repeater control and stand alone radio button, plus literals to display the text elements all within a tabular structure which looks OK. I have actually overcome the issue where by default you can select all radio buttons using the prescribed javascript fixes I found when searching. This way offers me control over the formatting which is important.
However it does not seem that intuitive to pickup the selected value of the radio button this way, especially with the auto postback - I am having issues trying to access the selected radio button to interpret what the user wants.
It would seem much more appropriate for a RadioButtonList but I can't work out how to override the default formatting, and also how to insert extra table columns for the price etc to keep it all nicely formatted.
So either I need to crack the interpretation of the current setup or to find out is there a way to hijack the default setup of the RadioButtonList?
I got this problem that I'm trying to repeat an imagebutton inside a repeater so I can add an command argument to it...
But the image butten fails and I can at the most get it to write "Subit Querry" att the fields where I'm trying to get the images to appear. I havent that much usefull code for this after trashing the most in frustrations. but this is what I got.
So what I'm trying to do is put a Imagebutton around my <%#Eval ("img_name") %> so I can get the src from my DB.
I have a repeater control and in its footer temlate is a button (or 2 in the example) and I want to catch its click event but seem to not be able to.
I tried in the repeater itemcommand event and also I tried defining a subprocedure for the 'occlick' event but neither works..
On grid RowDataBound based on some condition i've added imagebutton dynamically. parallelly i want to add event for this button click. here is my code snippet.
protected void GV3_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
TableCell cell = new TableCell();
ImageButton bttn = new ImageButton();
That message popup box comes, but i'm unable to catch that click event. while click on a row i want to delete that row, so want to create event dynamically. for that i've used this following dynamic click event
bttn.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(b_Click);
private void b_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//delete record
but this above code also not working.
I have one repeater control in my web page.
And i want to bind this repeater control from button.
But button is in Update panel in ajax.
And repeater control is outside the updatePanel...
 i'm using a repeater with an hyperlink and i'm displaying some data from a table x and when the link is clicked i want to add some from the displayed data in another table y..I used a datasource for selecting information , should i use another datasource for the insert command or what to do ..
I have an UpdatePanel with a GridView. This GridView has a template column that is a DropDownList. The problem is that the SelectedIndexChanged event does not fire for the DropDownList. Here is the code:
The codebehind:
got an example of a repeater inside a repeater (dataBound) code behind?
View 3 RepliesI have a user control that displays a shopping cart in an ecommerce application.
The main cart display is a repeater that renders as a html table. In one of those table columns, there is another repeater to display people associated with the products int he cart (it's a repeater in case there is a line item >1 with multiple people).
I've added an ImageButton that I want to use to change the person associated with the item. At first, when I'd click on it I was getting this error:
Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using <pages enableEventValidation="true"/> in configuration or <%@ Page EnableEventValidation="true" %> in a page. For security purposes, this feature verifies that arguments to postback or callback events originate from the server control that originally rendered them. If the data is valid and expected, use the ClientScriptManager.RegisterForEventValidation method in order to register the postback or callback data for validation.
So as an experiment I disabled EventValidation on the page (not the control it's self) and now I do not get an error, but I also do not ever hit the breakpoint I set in the innermost repeater's ItemCommand event.
So I wonder how I might do this without disabling EventValidation, because this control will show up on multiple pages and we don't want to edit them all. Also, I'll need to know not only the repeater containing the control's row that the event came from but also the row index of the repeater containg this one. Is this possible?
I have repeater in which I have 2 hyperlink in the footer of the repeater and I want that the hyperlink can navigate from the page_load
View 2 RepliesThe postback occurs, but the event doesn't fire.
<asp:Repeater ID="rpProducts" runat="server" OnItemDataBound="rpProducts_OnItemDataBound" OnItemCommand="rpProducts_OnItemCommand">
View 7 RepliesI have a repeater which contains a hidden link button that fires when I click a row in my repeater.
Here is the markup for my repeater:
<div id="divResults" style="height: 290px; overflow-y: auto;">
<asp:Label ID="lblNote" runat="server" Text="Note: select a row to edit."></asp:Label> [code]...
Here is the javascript thats added to each row in the rptLocations_ItemDataBound:
"javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$mainContent$rptLocations$ctl0" + (e.Item.ItemIndex + 1).ToString() +
When I click the repeater row it fires the SetLocationControls method. As you can see my repeater is wrapped in a DIV of height 290px. When the are more than 9 rows in my repeater you have to scroll the div down to view this row. When I click this row it does the postback but doesn't fire the SetLocationControls method. I've had a look in the source it's created the click event to the repeater row like all the other rows. why this method isn't firing on the rows that aren't initially visible in my DIV?
I have a dropdownlist in a repeater and it's firing the SelectedIndexChanged event but in teh event handler I can not get the dataitem associated with the row that the DDL is in. Here is the code:
View 2 RepliesI´m using a Repeater to generate Items out of a Database. Each ReapeaterItem should include an UpdatePanel, because i have to Update the Controls inside the UpdatePanel and do not want to reload the complete page. Inside these dynamically generated UpdatePanels (each RepeaterItem has one) i´m adding up to three Checkboxes dynamically (based on the Database). These Checkboxes need to fire the "CheckedChanged" event, because on some conditions i want to enable/disable/check/uncheck Checkbox1, 2 or 3 based on business logic. ... Hope you got this so far. I´m adding all Controls and have the EventHandler Added. But the generated Code does not reflect the Event Handler. I tried OnItemDataBound, OnItemCreated, PreRender, ... Events to add the Eventhandler too, but i was not able to find the CheckBox-Control with the ID.
I´m totally lost with this and on the way to use Buttons instead of Checkboxes. From what i read so far is that with Buttons i can use the CommandName from the Button and the ItemCommand-Event from the Repeater to get a workaround, but then i need to reflect the "Check" on the Page in some way. btw, every Repeater (8) sits inside an ajaxtoolkit-accordion control. Here i give you some Code:
<asp:Repeater ID="RepeaterAccordionPane2" runat="server">
HTML Stuff<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Header")%>HTML Stuff<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Beschreibung")%></td>
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel2" runat="server" UpdateMode=Conditional>
HTML Stuff
Here is the Page_Load Part
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
dvAlleArtikel = new System.Data.DataView(...Database...);
[... some other code here ...]
RepeaterAccordionPane2.DataSource = dvAlleArtikel;
//RepeaterAccordionPane2.ItemCreated +=new RepeaterItemEventHandler(RepeaterAccordionPane2_ItemCreated);
//RepeaterAccordionPane2.PreRender +=new EventHandler(RepeaterAccordionPane2_PreRender);
int nUpdatePanelIndex = 0;
foreach (Control crInRepeater in RepeaterAccordionPane2.Controls)
if (crInRepeater.GetType() == typeof(RepeaterItem))
foreach (Control crInRepeaterItem in crInRepeater.Controls)............
<asp:Repeater ID="rpt_subject" runat="server">
<div class="div-group-dash-border">
i have 2 time selector in repeater now how to save value of  TimeSelector in database
I've got a button inside the gridview that isn't firing the onCommand, ONLY when I uncomment some seemingly unrelated code having to do with session in the page load.
Code Behind:
Now here is the odd thing. If I comment out the If Not Session block in the works and deleteUser will fire upon a button click. If I leave it uncommented as won't work.
The weird part is when I step through the code in debug, upon clicking the remove button, it still registers that as being clicked and runs page_load, etc again. But won't run deleteUser.