Configuration :: How To Publish A Project To Hosting Site

Mar 17, 2011

I want to publish an 4.0 project to a hosting site. I uploaded the three SiteMaster files and the three default files. It has an error on the first line of the SiteMaster.aspx. The error message was "Could not load type 'PorjectName.SiteMaster'." What files should I upload?

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Configuration :: Error After Publish The Project?

Aug 18, 2010

i have a web project which runs perfectly. but when i publish and run from localhost i get the following error:

Server Error in '/manpowermarketing' Application. Failed to access IIS metabase. Description:


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Configuration :: How To Publish Project And Put It In Host

Dec 18, 2010

I want to publish my project, and upload it to my host but I don't know how to to do that to convert my codes to .dll to protect it ? to take a copy of my database and upload it to the host and bind it all steps needed to complete that successfully

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Configuration :: How To Publish Site / MVC Application

Dec 30, 2010

I had first build an database and populated it with various information, set some properties related to FTS and other things.

Now, in the MVC application, I am able to add the database ServerExplorer->Connect To Database-> Data Source= MS SQL SERVER->Server name->OpAmp-pc. Now, I was unable to add the database by copying the file in app data folder.

My doubt it how can I share the website+ database with my fellow batchmate or put the whole website online.

Build->Publish Sirte, didn't solved the pupose.

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Configuration :: Web Site Hangs After Publish?

Oct 4, 2010

Developing a website in On the development site all is working fine.We decide to publish the site using visual studio 2008's publish mechanism.The publish goes flawless.When we go to the live site, it hangs anywhere from 2 minutes to 30 minutes before it starts serving pages.All other sites on the same server seem to work fine.If we reboot the server it starts serving pages right away.It is not a programming issue, as once the site kicks in all seems to work fine.VS 2008, .NET 3.5, On both IIS 6.0 and 7.5

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Configuration :: Using Publish Web Site Command?

May 30, 2010

I love the idea of precompiling my web site. In fact, 've never understood why MS didn't consider this important all along. So I tried the new Publish Web Site command in VS2010 and it seems to work well. That is, until I need to make a change to my site!In order to implement the tiniest of changes to my site, it looks like I must run the Publish Web Site command again, which takes forever because it overwrites and copies absolutely everything on my site, including the upload directory where users' images get stored, which is a problem!If I attempt to instead use Copy Web Site, then I get error about how I can't have an App_Code folder, or something along those lines, in a precompiled app.So what am I supposed to do? Is the only way I can have a precompiled site by requiring a complete reset of all content if I need to implement the tiniest of changes?

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Configuration :: Publish Site To Web Host?

Sep 1, 2010

I have set up a development server (Win Server 2003) with IIS 6.0. I have the .NET Framework 2.0 and 4.0 installed. My web host (where my app will run) has .NET 3.5. Will it work for me to set up my development server with 4.0 in IIS, and then create a new website in Visual Studio (2010) that targets the .NET 3.5 framework (aimed at my development server)? want to be able to publish the site to my web host (with .NET 3.5).

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Configuration :: Publish Site With Out Any Registrations?

Sep 15, 2010

1. can i use my system as web server as well as database server and my ip address as the name of the site. with out any registrations are there any free web hosting sites plz let me know.2. for stand alone applications setup file is created how about web applications. do we need to genrate any dll to integrate all the design and code and database.

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Configuration :: Hosting Web Application Project?

Dec 31, 2010

I did a smalll project in C# and Backend in Sqlserver2005.

I want that to upload my project on Internet, I have a domain name and i want to add a link (PROJECT) on clicking this link my project is going alive.

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Configuration :: Web Developer 2010 Publish Project?

Mar 20, 2011

I have created a new project by selecting Web application. I can run the web application in debug mode.

Then I publish the project, where the service URL is localhost. Site/Application is Default Web Site/TestProject.

I go to IIS 7, under sites->Default Web Site, there is a folder called TestProject. I right click and select Manage folder->browse

But I received an error on the browser:

Parser Error Message: It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS.

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Configuration :: How To Publish MVC2 Project To Server IIS 7.0

Oct 22, 2010

I can not publish my MVC2 project on my server.

My configuration is: VS 2010, MVC2, IIS 7.0

I have 6 different service clients in one project and as we all know when I debug the WCF client hosts them and all is working great.

If i publish up to my server the site will run but i keep getting this error after login.

There was no endpoint listening at http://localhost:8731/Design_Time_Addresses/CISS.Services/SecurityService/ that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.

This is suppose to be easy to publish your site correct? what settings do I need in VS 2010 and what is required on IIS 7.0 to get it to work?

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Configuration :: Hosting And Uploading Web Site?

Dec 27, 2010

First time i m doing hosting and uploading of web application.can any one guide about the procedure.

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Configuration :: Hosting The Site On Local Server On IIS 7?

May 4, 2010

I am trying to host a site on my local system and also tried it on my university server but am finding a great difficulty hosting the site. The site is made in ASP.NET C# and also have silverlight application in it. I am not able to configure or wither host the site on the server. I am having IIS 7 and Windows 7 as the OS. I have enabled IIS 7 on it. (I am using the SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and have almost no knowledge on hosting on IIS 7)

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Configuration :: Hosting Site On Internal Server?

Jul 26, 2010

I am building a web application that is used to access and report to and from a database in a small compnay. The company has there own server for their network and design software. What I want to do is use this netwrok to host the website I have built. What im wanting to know is will this be secure? Can use the comapnys server to host the site, and in a sense not put the website online so that just the computers on the server can access the website? Will this be secure?

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Configuration :: Publish Site Into Domain Name Via Local Directory

Feb 27, 2011

I have created a website that has one aspx page. I am using visual studio 3.5. I have created a virtual directory on my local pc and tested the app and it wis working. Now I need to delploy it to the domain via ftp> Here is the website folders:

1. App_Code - contain my classes
2. App_Data - contain the sql express database ... myDb.mdf
3. Myaspx page - a single page
4. Web.config

when I run it , it woks, but when I want to deploy it , the site does not work. Here what I am doing .I am publishing the site to a local folder, then upload the complete folder to the right domain name. Yet, get an error

"Error 1 The process cannot access the file 'B:�0 2011 demoMarchObjectDataSource_CRUD_CSApp_DataRGN.mdf' because it is being used by another process"

How can I fix this error. I thought when I publish the site, the database would also be included in the site folders, but I may be wrong.

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Configuration :: Publish Aspx Form Into Production Site?

Apr 22, 2010

I am new to webpage building.

I have sucessfully created a .aspx form with submit button feature that publishes correctly in my development environment running localhost. I am now attempting to move this form into my public website and it will not render in the public environment, only returning the code of the form.

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Configuration :: Compile And Publish Site - Update .HTM Includes?

Nov 16, 2010

Compile and Publish Site - but i want to be able to update .HTM includes? I have a few pages that have JQUERY sliders and every onces in a while the client wants to update IMAGES, i thought it would be easy if i could access the .HTM file update code instead of doing a recompile! is this even possible? or am i doing it complety wrong?

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Configuration :: Publish All Site Files If Only 1 File Updated?

Feb 16, 2011

I had made a change to the MasterPage and I would like to publish this to my production server at Server Intellect.

I wanted to know, that since I re-compiled the site, and saw the changes locally, do I now need to FTP all of the files?

Or can I just upload the file that I changed- the MasterPage?

Also, Im planning on making a change to a Class. Can I just upload that .cs file by itself?

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Configuration :: Web Hosting - Not Installing IIS In Computer While Developing Project

Oct 24, 2010

I am Rupesh B S. I am going to upload my first project on internet server. I have a doubt on uploading area. In my computer I installed - Visual Studio 2010 SQL Server 2008 No IIS Installed by myself My first doubts is Because of not installing IIS in my computer while I was developing my project and I did not stored Project folder in "inetpubwwwroot" Folder, will it cause any problem on running my project on internet. In My computer, my project is working smoothly Now.

My Second Doubt: Under which folder in server I should upload my project folder. area showing in my hosting server control panel. My Third Doubt: Anything I have to configure such as database for to upload in server b4 uploading my project folder into the server? MY Fourth Doubt: Just upload my project folder as it is as it in my computer - Right?

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Configuration :: Uploading Site With SQL Database To Commercial Hosting Server?

May 11, 2010

This will be my first time trying to upload a ASP.NET site. I would like to upload my site by simply using ftp and transferring the contents of the project directory so that the site will be easy for me to make future updates. Where can I find directions for uploading a ASP.NET site via ftp? I am assuming that I will need to edit the connection string in the web.config file. However, my hosting company told me to just make a full backup of of the database into .BAK file format and upload it via FTP to your the "private" folder. Anyone have any experience with something like this and can tell me how this would affect the connection string? Can I back up the database to a .BAK file from within Visual Studio 2008 or do I have to use Management Studio? I am using Visual Studio 2008 with ASP.NET 3.5, C#, and SQL Server 2008 Express Edition.

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Jun 3, 2010

1. What is the best site to host an ASP.NET Web Application which contains a login page, members area, and specified user accounts?

2. How do I connect my created web site to a hosting site such as or other?

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Configuration :: VS2010 Publish From A Web Site And Enable Check For Application Updates?

Jan 10, 2011

I have a program which I would like to publish to my company's intranet server so that employees are able to implement updates. I am not sure how to go about this but I have done some research on IIS and I was wondering if anyone could clue me in a little more with what I need to do. I have not yet downloaded IIS to give it a try as I'm not sure where I would go from there.

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How To Publish Site From Command Line With Some Publish Profile

Aug 5, 2010

msbuild /t:publish [use PublishProfileName] someproject.csproj

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Configuration :: Add A Project Into Company Web Site?

Jun 3, 2010

Our company has web site as created a project as ORDERS (open it using default.aspx) and boss wants to list it as

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Configuration :: Difference Between Web Site Deployment And Web Project In VS2008?

Jun 7, 2010

Is there a difference between the Web Setup Project in VS2008 and the Web Deployment Project that I keep reading about on this site? More importantly, how much of a help is the deployment project over just using the setup project?

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