Configuration :: Tools For Detemining Load Speeads On Server?

Aug 26, 2010

I have a web app that delivers a page at .35 seconds on development server.But on production it takes 2.79 seconds.Is there a tools that is cheap that I can use to determine why the page is being delivered so slow?

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DataSource Controls :: Ckeck Sql Query Perform With Load By Using Tools For Create Load?

Feb 16, 2010

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Configuration :: Loading Development Tools On Windows 7 64 Bit?

Feb 18, 2011

Has anyone else encountered issues loading develoment tools on Windows 7 64 bit? I have encountered everything from known issues messages on Visual Studio to straight up errors loading the Oracle 10g ODAC, to Indexing service errors with my CMS system.

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Configuration :: Downloading Files Does Not Load Dailog Box On Deployed Server?

Aug 11, 2010

I have a web site using Forms Authentication that downloads a PDF file specific to the user from a page. On the development server I have it working fine, on the live server it checks to see if the file exists and fails (correctly) if it doesn't, but does not load the Dialog Box to save/open/cancel if it does exist. Any ideas ? There are no events logged, the code is as follows and by the way I have tried various combos of WriteFile/TransmitFile as per other forum posts - many combos seem to work on development machine(!!) but fail on live...

New FileInfo(strReportPath) [code]....
Exception message: The remote host closed the connection. The error code is 0x800703E3.

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Configuration :: Cannot Load Aspx Page On Windows 2003 Server

Mar 20, 2010

I have an application which is used by others on different server without problems. The app was programmed by a programmer who is not available now. It was developed on .net 2.0. The windows 2003 is a new server, is enabled. from iis, I can configure it to use 2.0....,

but, when I load the site, it always show the 404. even after I change the default.aspx to a blank page, it still shows 404. however, if I put a default.htm in the folder, and it can be loaded without problems.

what can cause this? how to fix it? if I installed a vs2005 express on the server, will it fix the problem?

it seems the 2.0 dll is not recognized on server. never had this problem before.

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Configuration :: Server Error In '/' Application. => Could Not Load Type '..control'?

May 24, 2010

I can not figure out what the problem is with my programming. There is no problem working locally, but uploading and making live is where this problem occures.

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Configuration :: Project Build On Web Server / Parse Error : Could Not Load Type 'Namespace.PageName'

Mar 17, 2010

I have an ASP.NET 3.5 website application using C# and SQL 2005 running on a web server. Now the application has the ability to create new aspx pages with content and the relative aspx.cs and design.cs pages needed on the fly and store them in the base directory on the server. Think of it as a crued Visual Studio website on the server for admin to click a few options on a page then the new pages are created for them without the need of a web developer. This all works fine and the code is working 100% (for the moment).

My problem now is the following: When i now navigate to this newly created page i get the following error - Parse Error : Could not load type 'Namespace.PageName'

I've looked into the reasoning and microsoft say "These errors occur if the .aspx page contains a reference to a code-behind module and if the application has not been built." Which now makes sense the application does not realise that these new pages are part of its system even though i can navigate to them.How do i get the system to recognise these new pages and rebuild itself accordingly?Now i cannot rebuild the system localy then reupload to the server, this needs to be accomplished on the server by the system, because the site cannot afford to have down time everytime admin decide to add new pages.

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Getting SQL Server Compact 4.0 Tools CTP2?

Nov 9, 2010

I'm currently trying to install the "new" Microsoft WebMatrix Beta 2 (a web programming IDE). I was trying to use Web Platform Installer for this. But it 404's on the SQL Compact 4.0 CPT2 and it's tools. I was able to get the runtime from the Microsoft downloads page but the tools I am not able to find. I can not install WebMatrix because the tools are a prerequisite.

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SQL Server :: Finding Good Tools For Migration?

Feb 11, 2011

I been googling a bit and not having a clear picture on this. I have a few database now sitting duck in Express and we planning to migrate to 2005 or 2008 enterprise version. Currently, all the sensitive and important data are stored in the Express. We wanna do the migration but we do not want to impact a single column in a table. E.g. some numbers becomes different format like 234E whatever watever. Is there any good tools out there to do the job with the least efforts ?

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SQL Server :: No Compact 4 Tools In Visual Studio?

Mar 19, 2011

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Configuration :: Could Not Load File Or Assembly Or One Of Its Dependencies, An Attempt Was Made To Load A Program

May 10, 2010

My application is running fine locally when I deploy it it is giving me the above error saying

An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

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SQL Server :: Block Database So That No Data Can Be Export Using Third Party Tools?

Mar 8, 2011

I want to block the SQL Server database, so that no data can be export using third party tools and also the specific db can't be restore from old backups

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Configuration :: "Could Not Load Type" When Trying To Launch Web App On Server

May 5, 2010

Although I have seen dozens of forum questions relating to "Could not load type", none of the advice in them seemed to apply to my situation. I wrote a new web application using VB 2005. It is tiny, with just 2 pages, 1 of which has no code-behind. It runs aok in the IDE but when I installed it on my pc (and also when installed on the production server), and tried to run it this error came up:


I checked the web site properties in IIS and the correct version is specified: 2.0.50727. I checked the virtual path and it looks correct too: /EMTTrainingDatabase pageMain source code header looks like:


Some posters suggest that the bin is in the wrong folder or the bin doesn't contain the right contents. I don't have enough knowledge to evaluate this.

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How To Access To SQL Server Express Database To A Specific User With Visual Studio 2008 Tools

Mar 18, 2011

I'm trying to access an SQL Server Express database out of an ASP.NET HTTP request handler. The handler is run under ASPNET account and uses "integrated security" in the SQL connection string and so I get an error message saying that login for ASPNET account failed and so I can't access the database. This seems to be a very common problem and most answers say "grant access to you database to user ASPNET".

I only have Visual Studio 2008 and I can't find how to change access permisssions for a database. Specifically I use Tools->Server Explorer and I can see all the tables in the database but can't find how to change access permissions. How do I change access permissions to my database using tools shipped within Visual Studio 2008?

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Installation :: SQL Server 2008 Express Edition / Rule "SQL Server 2005 Express Tools" Failed

Jan 25, 2010

i have installed SQL server 2005 Server & Clicent in My PC. now i want to install SQL server 2008 Express Edition.

when i try to install it it gives an Error as below.

Rule "SQL Server 2005 Express tools" failed.

The SQL Server 2005 Express Tools are installed. To continue, remove the SQL Server 2005 Express Tools.

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Configuration :: Could Not Load File Or Assembly

Apr 27, 2010

I have writen a simple App to display stats in the call center I work in. I was working fine until yesterday afternoon when i started getting the following error

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. The server is only running windows 2000 teminal so can only run .net 2.0. I am using Visual Studio 2008 Express to write the code and have set the Target Framework to .NET Framework 2.0 under the Properties page and hit the F5 key and it ran fine.

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Configuration :: Can Not Load File Or Assmebly?

Nov 25, 2010

I have writtedn a web allpication. I used Crystal Reports and Microsoft reports for reporing purposes. I encounter the following error when I deploy my project:

"Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified"

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Configuration :: Unable To Load DLL 'sqlceme30.dll'

Sep 8, 2010

I have created a web site and using System.Data.SqlServerCE dll.

I added this dll from the path:"C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8Common7IDESystem.Data.SqlServerCe.dll"

And I run the web site in MS visual studio 2005 and all work fine and no error.

I created a virtual directory and deployed my web site to the server. Then tried to browse the page.

But when i tried to Browse the page on the Virtual Directory from server i got this error :.

Unable to load DLL 'sqlceme30.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

I though i have missed out some dlls on server , so i tried to run my web site on the same server using Visual Studio 2005 but it still works perfectly. I dont know why when i deployed to the virtual directory then it become not working...

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Configuration :: Load Balancing Fail Over?

Nov 9, 2010

We are developing an ASP.NET eterprise level application. Customer wants to support for load balancing and fail over. Also customer need that if one server pc fails, end user should not notice that. is this possible? Will there be a timeout for the end user?

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Configuration :: How To Load System.Data.DataSetExtensions Dll Although It Is In Bin And In Gac

Nov 9, 2010

In our web site project we need to reference the assembly System.Data.DataSetExtensions, So we added a reference to it in the webconfig, but we are getting the following error on build:

error CS0012: The type 'System.Data.TypedTableBase`1<T0>' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'System.Data.DataSetExtensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'. We added the dll version in the bin folder of the site just in case. At first in gac there was only version of this dll, but we installed the version via gacutil.exe. Now when we check with "gacutil.exe /l" the correct assembly version ( appears to be loaded in gac, but we can not see it in the windows explorer in windows/assembly folder (there is only version And we are still getting the same error. Obviously we missed something, but the question is what ?

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Configuration :: Blogengine Shows Error 404 On The First Load?

Dec 21, 2010

I uploded the blogengine on th web server.On every first load it give me error oops page not found (404).

after i refresh it it works fine.

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Configuration :: First Page Load Incredibly Slow?

Sep 3, 2010

The first time that my page loads (this is after it has been deployed), it is terribly slow.

My guess is that it is still compiling dynamically, and not precompiling.When I publish through VS2008 I have "Allow this precompiled site to be updatable" unchecked and "Use fixed naming and single page assemblies" checked.Could I be missing something in my web.config file?

I can post the URL of the site if you would like to view it, but it takes 10+ seconds to load upon first visiting, and then less than 1 second to navigate the site.

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Configuration :: Unable To Load One Or More Of The Requested Types?

Nov 2, 2010

Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.i was searching a way to catch the exception to see exactly what was generating this problem... later, i was able to catch the exception and this is the message that theReflectionTypeLoadException catch:ould not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file spec

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Configuration :: WebResource.axd Not Found Over The Load Balancer

May 16, 2010

I have published a website and installed it on my local machine and it works fine, but when i install it on the both servers who controlled from the load balancer i got an error like the WebResource.axd not found. how can i resolve this problem? i have checked the IIS for axd mapping, the "Check that file exists" is unchecked for both servers.

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Configuration :: MySQL - Could Not Load File Or Assembly

Sep 17, 2010

I have an website application that uses MySQL as the database. It has been working just fine until... I updated from MySQL version 6.1.3 to version 6.3.4. Prior to updating, I uninstalled 6.3.1. I changed my web.config file to reference the new version as well as the machine.config. It works fine on my development machine. I publish the website to the production server and when I browse to this site I get an error:


I have searched the entire server for any text corresponding to "" but nothing found. It appears like there is something in some configuration reference that has not been updated to the new version of MySQL.

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