Crystal Reports :: Display Sum Of Time In "hh:mm" Format?
May 20, 2010
i have a field in my report looks like this hh:mm i want to get total of this field
eg Delay Time
02:03 //hh:mm
total 09:20
i want some help to get this total my field name is DelayTime and it's type is string
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Select name, address, designation from emp where empno = '0001'
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Apr 10, 2010
In our program, we are exporting crystal report (ExportToStream method) in html format and sendind via email body contents.
The email is showing correct format i.e same format as like format showing in crystal report viewer.
But when the user, farwarding the same email to any other person, the format is totally collapsed. All lines are moving up and text parts showing down with out proper alignment.
How to resolve this issue?
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May 19, 2010
I'm having a weird problem:
I have a button in a form that generates a crystal report in a popup window
[Code]....And in the the popup aspx page:
So this works with no problem, it's been deployed onto a client's server and has been running smoothly, for the first few weeks, until they complained that the report can't be displayed. I logged onto the website, and clicked on the View Report button, and it pops up a blank page instead. No error logs generated despite my try catch blocks.
I did a iisreset, and everything works fine again, until about 3 months later, same problem occured, did a iisreset, works fine. So far this has happened twice, any idea what maybe wrong? It's only the viewing of the crystal report that seems affected, people are still able to login and out normally of the website.
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