Crystal Reports :: Detail Section Coming With Multiple Headings
Feb 1, 2010
I just started playing around with crystal reports. I created a report crystareport1.rpt and from the data base fields section I dragged and dropped empid, empname into details section. I want the report to show
empid empname
1 a
2 b
3 c
Like this . But now it is displaying
empid empname
1 a
empid empname
2 b
empid empname
3 c
Like this how can i get the desired out? One more thing on the button click I wrote
But I am unable to open the report what should I do to see the report?
View 4 Replies
Similar Messages:
Apr 3, 2010
Actually i am creating 1 sofware in which i need to print bill. On that bill my page header (company's name) is constant & on Report footer (companys rule & some more data) is also constant. & my Detail section is varying. On bill if data is short, my footer goes upside.
I need to fixed my detail section so that position of detail section will be maintained.
I need to fixed my footer section so that position of footer section will be maintained.
now which is the solution form above 2? . and how to implement?
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Dec 17, 2010
I have binded crsytal report through dataset. My crystal report is working fine. but when i click on print button, data is not coming on crystal report . the following code i have written. what i am missing out? How to pass parameter when i click on print button? and how to bind data while printing?
On pageLoad
string ReportPath = Server.MapPath("/Reports/CrystalReport1.rpt").ToString();
reportTnaApprovalbyUser.FileName = ReportPath;
protected void BIndReport()
reportTnaApprovalbyUser.SetParameterValue("@Date", DateTime.Now.Date);
reportTnaApprovalbyUser.SetParameterValue("@CompCode", bo.CompCode);
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = reportTnaApprovalbyUser;
protected void ParameterInCrstalReport()
BO bo = new BO();
ParameterFields pF = new ParameterFields();
ParameterField p1 = new ParameterField();
ParameterDiscreteValue pdv = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
p1.Name = "@Date";
pdv.Value = DateTime.Now.Date;
ParameterField p2 = new ParameterField();
ParameterDiscreteValue pdv2 = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
p2.Name = "@CompCode";
pdv2.Value = bo.CompCode;
//CrystalReportViewer1.ParameterFieldInfo = pF;
reportTnaApprovalbyUser.SetParameterValue("@Date", DateTime.Now.Date);
reportTnaApprovalbyUser.SetParameterValue("@CompCode", bo.CompCode);
View 3 Replies
Mar 16, 2010
I have a current scenario where I have a master detail report for a single certain record in table in format
Record 1
detail 1
detail 2
detail n
Currently I have 2 details section with Record data in 1 section and a subreport in other section (details)
Now I want to have report for all records in table like
Record 1
detail 1
detail 2
detail n
Record 2
detail 1
detail 2
detail n
and so on.
How do I structure my report to have master details for all the records in the table ?
View 10 Replies
Mar 17, 2011
This is my image: - Plz checkout
From the above image, i have one group header, Detail A and Detail B in my report.The detail Item and Header is merged and showing one detail A and Detail B item.But, I need the report to look like this ....
Detail A i have placed
Pieces --- Header
I-VI 3/5
5 --- Details Items
--- Details Items
VII-VIII 1/4 0.6-0.8
--- Details Items
Detail B i have placed
CustomerName DateOfIssue Article
John 3/7/2011
John 3/7/2011
John 3/7/2011
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May 7, 2015
"HTTP data inspector Fiddler." what is the use of this and give me any article for how to use fiddler to monitor wcf service in detail
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May 7, 2015
I am new in crystal reports. I want to show main detail relationship in crystal reports like this
Main Records
CustomerID CustomerName ContactNo City
1 Shaiwal 7388898### Varanasi
Detail Records
CustomerID OrderID Quantity UnitPrice
1 1 50 500
1 2 30 1000
1 3 60 700
1 4 80 5000
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Aug 28, 2010
I have an issue while working with a Crystal Report 10.0 I am printing a Students records in a pre-define format. now the detail section is dymaically change beacuse of No. of records for the studentsfor some students there are 8 record ,& for some other students only 2 records are theirbecause i am printing on pre defined format when 2 records comes in the details section it is placing the reords at wrong places
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Jun 8, 2010
I have a report, which has two sections namely Labour and Spares.In labour section no of records per page must be limited to 5 records and the Spares section have to limit to 10 records per page.If either Labour or Parts exceed the max limit the records must be shown in the next page.
Limiting one section by using formulas can be done easily ...but it is very difficult control two sections simultaneously.
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Mar 23, 2010
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Jun 15, 2010
I need to produce a report that will calculate values based on previous record field value and current record field value Can I store a field value say in a variable and then on the next detail line record have it accessed so I can say subtract current field value - previous field value from previous detail line? Where can I define this globial variable ?
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Feb 5, 2010
I have the following tables:ACTNUM in ACT1 and ACT2 is linked to ACTNUM in ACT0. I am using ACT0.ACTNUM for grouping (I want to display all MEMOTEXT and all Desc for each ACTNUM). the poblem is that I am getting duplicate values in the details section although the dataset is being filled without those duplicate values.
View 1 Replies
Oct 29, 2010
Order Table
Order No Date Product Qty Customer
A101 10-Oct-2010 Mac Book 10 John
A102 10-Oct-2010 I-Phone 25 Smith
A103 10-Oct-2010 I-Pad 40 Kallis
Here Order No is primary key
Order Detail Table
Order No Date Product Qty Customer Batch No
A101 10-Oct-2010 Mac Book 03 John B01
A102 10-Oct-2010 I-Phone 05 Smith B02
A103 10-Oct-2010 I-Pad 10 Kallis B03
A101 10-Oct-2010 Mac Book 02 John B04
A102 10-Oct-2010 I-Phone 07 Smith B05
A103 10-Oct-2010 I-Pad 15 Kallis B06
Here Batch No is primary key
The above table is just a sample table.
I have more than 1000 Order in my table. And for each Order there are at least 12 Order Detail is available in my Order Detail Table. It uses to take long time on loading the report for the first time. So, I thought to select Top 20 records from Order table. I have used the below query in crystal report command
Select Top 20 O.OrderNo, O.Product, O.Date, O.Qty,OD.Unit,OD.Rate from Order O
inner join Order Detail OD on O.OrderNo = OD.OrderNo
1. After execution of above query, I would like to know whether all the records from Order Detail Table will be checked during execution (OR) only matching Top 20 records of Order Table will be checked in Order Detail Table and executed?
2. How to use stored procedure in Crystal Report command?
3. What are the steps I need to take, to load Crystal report fast during first time page load?
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Feb 1, 2010
I want to pass a string to textbox at report header section. how to do this? Devlopment plateform is C# ASP .net. (VS2005)...
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Jun 2, 2010
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Mar 17, 2011
I have requirement that have to add header and footer into 50 over reports. So I dont want to change one by one.
Is there a way to create master page header and footer and used it in multiple reports?
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Aug 31, 2010
Is that possible to open three reports in the same window ? Can be using the group tree or the tabs beside the MainReport.
The reports used to be open in excell and the file has three worksheet, now we want to change them for Crystal Reports, thats why were created three reports, but it must be open the same was the excell format, with three worksheets.
We are developing the in VS2010 with the CR2010.
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Aug 5, 2010
When i run the application locally it works fine but when i publish it n access from it it gives the error asEither the Crystal Reports registry key permissions are insufficient or the Crystal Reports runtime is not installed correctly.
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Jun 13, 2010
I'm new to Visual Studio.NET . I need to integrate the crystal reports into an ASP.NET application. I generated Crystal report with the help of crystal report XI developer edition(Stand alone version and NOT from the one which comes from visual studio).
How to integrate this report with the web application.
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Jul 16, 2010
We have quite a few reports which were developed earlier in Crystal Reports 8.5. We are now planning to use these reports in our web application developed in VS 2008 (C#).
What dlls are needed for calling 8.5 in the application and how should they be added to the application while shipping it to the client?
They are also struggling to get the code running. Would also need the code to call the report with parameters.
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Mar 10, 2011
Iam working on a banking web application developed in 3.5 and MS SQL Server 2008.My problem is to create reports including some pre-formatted reports,summary reports and some detail reports.I want to know what is the best technique to create these reports.I don't want to use third party reporting tools as they have to be configured on the web server and some times they takes lot of time in generating reports due to their complex structure.Since its a web application having large recordsets so i need a consistent solution keeping in mind the performance and complex nature of the reports which might be demanded by the banks.Can anyone help me please in this regard?
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Apr 6, 2010
I have already generated crystal reports but i've made them static. but now i want to make the user to select the criteria for generating the reports. for eg., in one of them i want to show monthwise data so user should be able to select the month and year and that would be passed as parameter and compared to the existing data. provide me with proper exact code that can be used for giving parameters in such a report using C#.
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Nov 25, 2010
I have a report displaying the data for an employee. If I wish to generate report for 2 employee, how I can do to make a single report contains both the data? (e.g.: 1st page display data for 1st employee; 2nd page display data for 2nd employee and so on) I need them to be in the same report/pdf file.
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Nov 28, 2012
i designed one crystal report for printing payslip for an employee
when i give the enployee id and month as input the payslip will be printed
how to print payslip for all employee at a time.
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May 7, 2015
parameter field {?country}: string
allow diffrent values: true
selection record: in {?country}
when i pass one parametrs it's works fine.
rd.SetParameterValue("country", DropDownListSalle.SelectedItem.Text);
my question is how can i passing multiples values (tokyo,usa,india,...) ?
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