Custom Server Controls :: Click Event Not Firing In Rendered Control
Apr 14, 2010
I have a custom control that renders a button. I'm trying to attach a server click event but it isn't firing. My code is:
protected override void CreateChildControls()
btnRangeGo = new Button();
btnRangeGo.CssClass = "divSearchGo";
btnRangeGo.Text = Resources.CORE_Resource.S0C29; // Go
btnRangeGo.Click += new EventHandler(btnRangeGo_Click);
// Tried with no luck:
// this.Controls.Add(btnRangeGo); // Needed so OnClick gets registered
// Page.Controls.Add(btnRangeGo); // Needed so OnClick gets registered
private void btnRangeGo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int i = 1;
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May 27, 2010
I am having a problem where my button click event is still firing even though my custom server-side validation is set to args.IsValid = false. I am debugging through the code and the validation is definitely being fired before the button click, and args.IsValid is definitely being set to false once the custom validation takes place, but it always makes its way to the button click event afterwards.
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Aug 20, 2010
i am new to technology so go easy on this post according to what i read from web there are 3 type of custom server controls 1 superclass2 composite 3 renderedi found video tutorial for superclass custom server control but couldnt find video tutials for other forward me link for composite and rendered custom server controls video tutorial
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May 10, 2010
My CompositeControl creates dinamically several RadioButtonLists according to the DataSource information. These controls are added to the Controls list and rendered in CreateChildControls event.
I need to create a LinkButton that clear a specific RadioButtonList selection and do a postback, to load the DataSource information again (some selections changes the data that need to be loaded from the database). For each RadioButtonList, I've put a LinkButton and assigned the Click Event to a method inside the same CompositeControl, to do the RadioButtonList cleaning.
Unfortunatelly, the LinkButton doesn't trigger the Click Event. In HTML code, the link has the "onclick" attribute setted with the event, but when clicked, nothing happens.
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Aug 20, 2010
according to what i read from web there 3 types of custom server controls
1. composite
i found video tutorial to create and use superclass custom control in your project (extending dropdown control functionality)
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Feb 10, 2011
I am trying to create a custom GridView with a header toolbar at the top that will contain icons to export the grid view to different formats like excel, word, etc.. The problem is, I cannot get the method to fire that is assigned to handle the click event for the corresponding Image Button. The page posts back, but the code I have in the method to handle the click event does not fire. I have followed examples in other posts and from what I can tell I have followed what others have done. Can somebody take a look at see if they can find something that I am doing wrong.
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Feb 11, 2011
I have a DetailsView control bound to an ObjectDataSource within a User Control (.ascx). It appears that the DetailsView.OnDataBound event is being fired on every page load or postback.
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Mar 1, 2011
I have a gridview called gvResults. In the gvResults_RowEditing event I add a row below the one selected. In that new row, which spans all columns, I insert a user-control. There are two buttons and some textboxes in the user control.
My problem is that when I click one of the user-control buttons it never gets to the button event handler, I think because the user control is not recreated on the page postback. How can I have the user-control events fire before the parent page events fire?
I tried using an update panel, but I still get the parent posting back before the user-control events.
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Jun 7, 2010
I'm creating a next/previous function for my repeater using pageddatasource. I added the link button control dynamically in my oninit using the following code.
LinkButton lnkNext = new LinkButton();
lnkNext.Text = "Next";
lnkNext.Click += new EventHandler(NextPage);
if (currentPage != objPagedDataSource.PageCount)
So I am incrementing the cookie I am using to track the page number and then rebinding the repeater.
Here is the main issue. The first time I click Next, it works, it goes to Page 2 without any problems. When on Page 2, I click Next, it goes back to Page 1. Seems like the Next event is not wiring up properly.
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Oct 21, 2010
I extended an ImageButton control and its image is changing as expected, but its OnClick is not firing.
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Aug 11, 2010
I have a templated user control with single instance template attribute. It works great for everything except the following scenario:
The folder selector uses a tree view that allows people to select a folder, its FolderSelected event works perfectly and the file selector updates with the files. The file selector has a repeater that lists the files in the selected directory. It has a linkbutton for each of the files so that the user can select a file. The problem is that the ItemCommand event of the repeater doesn't fire when the file name is clicked on. The page performs the async postback like it should, but in debug, the method to handle the itemcommand event is never hit. On the same user control to select files there is a button that the user can add files to the folder. When it is clicked, the event DOES fire and the file is added and the control refreshes in the update panel, everything perfect. It seems that because the linkbutton is already in a templated control (which is in a user control, in a templated control), the event isn't firing correctly. I am confused as to why this should be a problem, especially since all the other events (even the custom ones) fire as long as they aren't in another templated control. Since the code is complicated, I didn't want to post it all here.
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Aug 17, 2010
I have two buttons in my page.If i make button cause validation false then am able to
fire button click event on server side but not able to validate text box values(but i need to validate text boxes) using required field validator.
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Jun 9, 2010
Here is what i am trying to do I have a multiview and two views in it so based on click event the link the views change
apparently they are not firing on first try. The reason i am doing this is the two views have tables with different images to be used in building my menu.
What am i doing wrong? or why is the click event firing on second try?
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Sep 16, 2010
im creating a button control in page int and im assing a click event for the button control. here the click event is not firing for the first time. here is my code.
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Aug 2, 2010
I'm working on a custom serverside control and faced to a weird issue.
The control's client-side markup should look like:
But my control renders following markup:
As you can see, attributes for the first <li> element is not rendered.
Here's the Render method:
items collection is filled correctly. Debugging the code showed that AddAttribute is called for first Li element, but the output is rendered incorrectly.
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May 8, 2010
I am facing one strange problem,I have a gridview in which the last two columns have checkboxes and on those checkboxes click event I am doing some database operations.I also have one checkbox that is outside the gridview which actually shows or hides some of the gidview columns.This was all working well but now I have shifted that grid to a user control because I have to use it in two pages.The problem now is,When the page first loads and I click the check box or any control in the page that is outside the grid then it works perfectly.But once I click any of the check box within grid view column then its behavior chages, now even if I click the checkbox that is outside the grid then also the checkbox_CheckedChanged event of the checkbox that is whithin gridview is fired.That checkbox event then behaves something like a page_load event that is called for every page load and for every event with in the page after it is called once.
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Feb 28, 2011
I've created a custom control in ASP.NET for showing a pop-up message box. In my MessageBox class, I have a Content property as ITemplate like the following:
public ITemplate Content { get; set; }
I used my custom control in my page like this:
<cc1:MessageBox ID="MessageBox1" runat="server">
<asp:Button Text="Save" runat="server" ID="B_Save" />
Even I set the the Content property's TemplateInstance to Single, I still can't have access to the Button control.
All I want to do is to handle the click event of the button. When I assign an event handler to the button control and run the project, it throws a NullReferenceException.
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Feb 6, 2011
Below dynamically control "Click" event is firing only this is in page load event, i want this fire in btton click event, how its possible?
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Jul 22, 2010
am creating a custom server control and there are textbox and button.
I want to add event button to let user execute his/her own code.
I mean my event must show in Events menu at VS (like Property)...
the following image show :
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Jan 10, 2011
I am using frames in my one of the frames i have a menu control whose items are database driven.when click on the menu item, i want another page to be displayed in other frame.
now i want to pass the the selected menu item text to the other page using session variable which is in the menu item click event method.but the thing is when i click on the menu item, the click event is not firing.
is there any better way to pass the selected menu item text to the other page?
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Apr 9, 2014
On grid RowDataBound based on some condition i've added imagebutton dynamically. parallelly i want to add event for this button click. here is my code snippet.
protected void GV3_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
TableCell cell = new TableCell();
ImageButton bttn = new ImageButton();
That message popup box comes, but i'm unable to catch that click event. while click on a row i want to delete that row, so want to create event dynamically. for that i've used this following dynamic click event
bttn.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(b_Click);
private void b_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//delete record
but this above code also not working.
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Mar 16, 2010
I have an ASP.NET 3.5 web application. There is a Master page with lots of client script and some simple server side controls. I have a user control that has a modal popup extender inside an update panel and some client script as well. When I add this user control on the Master page inside a new update panel whose update mode is set to conditional, and I add a link button whose click will initiate a method of this user control, the Master page's behaviour changes in a strange manner. All the buttons and link buttons start to fire their Click even on the second click. Nothing happens on the first click. As soon as I remove this user control from the Master page, everything seems to get back to normal and Click event fires on first click as it should. I hope I have clearly mentioned the problem here. I have already spent quite a long time trying to find out the reason for this but of no use.
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Jan 3, 2011
Hope this is the correct forum for this question. I am using VWD 2010 an have a web project and get the following error upon execution:
Parser Error Message: Unknown server tag 'custom:AjaxValidator'.
My code is as follows in the .cs file:
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Jan 17, 2011
I have an 2.0 c# site.
In that site, I have a drop down list which allows the user to select from a number of forms with AutoPostBack set to true. I have a OnSelectedIndexChanged event on the dropdown which loads the correct control depending on which option is selected. See below:
Now, that works correctly and loads the form as expected, but the server side onclick event within each ascx control now doesn't work. Is there some problem with button events when controls are added this way? When I add the control in manually to the page it works fine.
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Jun 5, 2010
I have a webfrom on which I have some textbox controls, validation controls and button controls. When I click the button is validating the form but when I fill the text boxes with valid data and click the button nothing is happening i.e. the page is not posting back and button_onclick event is not firing. Below is the markup.
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