Custom Server Controls :: Usercontrol Lose All Its Properties When Dynamically Added By Code

Jan 10, 2011

when I add a custom usercontrol by code like this:


the compiler doesn't accept it at all...

how to access "custom usercontrol's properties" while the usercontrol itsef has been added programaticly by code.

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Similar Messages:

Custom Server Controls :: Creating Properties Dynamically?

Dec 30, 2010

I have created a control with two standard asp controls in (a label and a Textbox).I want to have access to the controls within but also be available from the designer so that the label properties can be prefixed with Label_ etc for example


How can I create a property from this reflection list?

<Bowyer:FormTextbox runat="server" ID="FormTextbox2" required="True"/>[Code]....

View 3 Replies

Custom Server Controls :: Composite User Control Cannot Be Added To TableRow Dynamically

Jan 21, 2011

I have a composite user control consisting of three standard table cells (a legend, an image with a tool tip, and a text field control). If I add these to a TableRow in my aspx page it works fine and produces legal HTML in my source. The below works fine ...


However when I try to do the same programmatically (C#) the TableRow won't accept anything in its Controls collection that isn't a TableCell. I could make my control a nested table in its own right but I lose the alignment of my form items on the page with multiple controls, as each table aligns itself according to its contents. Is there anyway I can make the TableRow accept my control as collection of cells or do I need to do some casting or making my user control inherit some kind of TableCell attributes? I can also dynamically add my controls to a TableCell item which actually displays OK in IE but creates illegal HTML (<td><td></td><td> ... </td></td> - I assume this is illegal) in my resulting source. The code below DOES NOT work ...


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Custom Server Controls :: Accessing Properties Of A User Control From The Inherited Code Page?

Mar 8, 2010

If the answer to this question exists somewhere, I'm no good at searching for it. This is sort of a simple question, the response being two parts: (1) is it possible? (2) if so, how?

I've created a web user control for my site's footer. In my web.config I have it registered like this:


Then, within the pages on my site, I simply insert it like this:


But obviously, that didn't work. I get this error: The type or namespace name 'FooterControl' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

So I'm really not sure what to do at this point. I can put all of my code in the ASPX file and make my life easier, but I would kind of prefer not to.

View 11 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Keeping Custom Properties In GridView Added On OnRowDataBound Event While Sorting

Sep 14, 2010

All of my columns are bound in the Gridview. On OnRowDataBound event, I am adding some custom styles like underlines and colors to the text of the columns. Sorting of data is working fine but I am losing my custom styles when I sort. I am using the generic sorting code for the GridView.

How I can keep my custom styles on sorting that I added during OnRowDataBound event.

View 4 Replies

Web Forms :: Passing Value To A Dynamically Added Usercontrol?

May 3, 2010

i want load a usercontrol dynamically and pass a string to it ho do i do it..

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C# - Controls Added Dynamically Not Visible From The Code Behind?

Jul 7, 2010

I'm adding a dynamically built set of checkboxes to an page from the code behind with something like this in a recursive fashion:


The controls show up fine on the page, but they don't show up when I view source, nor can I access them from the code behind.If I add the controls in the on_init method, they work. But I have some business rules driving changes to the list of controls itself that require I fire the add method elsewhere. Has anyone seen this before? I'm away from work so I can't copy the exact code.

I have two terrible ideas for how to get it working. One involves some jQuery and a set of hidden controls holding a big array of integers; the other is run the method on_init AND on my other events so the controls at least show up. Both smell like ugly hacks.

View 4 Replies

Custom Server Controls :: How To Get The Value Of Readonly Properties Of Server Controls Inside A Custom Server Control

Apr 4, 2010

I have a custom server control inheriting from CompositeControl. It consists of two RadioButtonlist controls that are rendered side by side in an html table. The number of ListItems in each RadioButtonList is not known until runtime. Depending on how many items each list contains, the RepeatColumns property of each list is set differently. To do this in the handler for the ItemDataBound event I need to get the count of ListItems in each RadioButtonList. How do I expose the Items.Count property of each internal RadioButtonList as a top-level property? I tried using a getter to return the count but this generates a compile-time error to the effect that the count cannot be assigned to--even though I have not created a setter.

Similarly, in the handler for the Submit event, I need to get the ClientID of each internal RadioButtonList to pass to a method that checks for data changes. How do I expose the ClientID of each component RadioButtonList as a top-level property?

I can of course index the Controls collection of the composite control to access the child control and read its properties--but that defeats the whole point of making a complex, independent custom server control.

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Custom Server Controls :: Custom Control And Properties Window?

Jun 1, 2010

I have made a composite control that has 1 Label Control ,1 TextBox ,1 button and 1 Panel Control. Below is my code:

namespace ServerControl1


The above code compiles without any error. Also I can drag and drop this control from the Toolbox of my Project on my web form. However I am unable the change the value of my fromLabel control.It allows me to change the value in the properties window.But when I run the form it always shows me its default value which is "From". I want it to be flexible so that any one can change the value in the properties window.

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Custom Server Controls :: Why Custom Gridview Control Not Render HTML Properties Under Properly In Visual Studio 2005

Mar 5, 2010

Why custom Gridview control not render html properlies under <Columns> properly in Visual Studio 2005?

For example:


View 1 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: UserControl Within Gridview Loses Properties When Usercontrol Events Are Trigered

Jul 17, 2010

This is page load

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
{ [code]...

But in my ascx.cs when IButton1_Click is trigered My name is null

private string _sname;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ [code]...

View 2 Replies

Web Forms :: Dynamically Load UserControl, Access Properties In Parent Page Without Recreating In PostBack

Nov 15, 2010

I have several usercontrols which are loaded based on business logic.However, all of them have webcontrols whose selected/entered value needs to be accessible in parent page on an event.Since there can be any combination of UserControls, I do not want to load all the UserControls in the Parent Page, since they are heavy.

I would like to load only those controls which are supposed to appear on the page, yet access the value from the usercontrol which caused the postback. (I would rather not access using Request.Form) (ViewState is open, but unsuccessful to store value in parent page's viewstate in onClick)Here is a sample scenario

Page: Home

Dynamically Loads: UserControls1

UserControls has TextBox tb and Button btn, causing onClick

When btn is clicked, I want to get value of tb in parent page on PostBack, Page creates UserControl2

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Custom Server Controls :: Create Server Control (dll File) From Scratch, To Added In ToolsBox?

May 11, 2010

DI want ask about how to create server control (dll file).

From Scratch, to added in ToolsBox

for example :

create TextBox,Button and Label ; when press on Button the Label show text inside TextBox

Please I need Detailed description

View 4 Replies

C# - Accessing Data From A Dynamically Added Custom Control?

Jan 28, 2010

I am writing a survey generating system in i asked an ealier question about the best way to create controls that can be passed about as variables. This was problematic with user controls so i was advised to use custom controls and a quick way to do this was to inherit from the panel control and just add a bunch of standard controls the the controls collection by overriding the CreateChildControls method. This way i could create my "survey" controls,which are basically Questions in the survey. THe question controls are then dynamically added to the page. This all works well but know i have come to the point that i want to try and retrieve the values from these controls and i seem to be lost in a nether world of of viewstates and page lifecycles. I can ensure that the dynamically added text boxes have a known ID, however even if i add the parent control in the page init handler the CreateChildControls method does not run until after until after the viewstate is loaded. I cannot work out how to retreive the values from these text boxes.

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Custom Server Controls :: Custom Control's Constructor / User To Set That variable In The Properties Window After They Drag The Control Onto A Form?

Mar 4, 2010

I have a custom control which inherit from the Table class and in the constructor, it takes a an integer as an argument. There is no empty constructor.

Is there a way for the user to set that variable in the properties window after they drag the control onto a form.

I know some .NET controls, you can set the source for the parameter to different things like another control's property, QueryString using just the properties window.

Right now, I have to create the control dynamically. I read the query string and then created the object.

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Use Resource Files Added To Resources Folder

Aug 27, 2010

I have added .CSS file in Resources folder of the project.In the same way i can add Images or any other files.But i am unable to use those files in Server Control Project.How to apply CssClass property to any predefined server control to the css file that is stored in the Resources folder ?

how to use those Resource files .

View 6 Replies

Custom Server Controls :: How To Use A Custom Server Control That Is Defined In Inline Code In The Same Page

Oct 22, 2010

I have to use inline code for an aspx page and I need to use a custom server control that is defined in the same aspx page but the control does not get processed as a server control. it gets returned as is as static html tag.

View 3 Replies

Web Forms :: Provide Server Side Validation For The Dynamically Added HTML Controls Using Javascript?

Mar 5, 2010

I have a page with a table and two button with the names (Submit and Add Rows) When I click on Add Row a new row will be added to a page(This is achieved using javascript), when I click on submit button I will be doing server side validation. If I found any error the error will be displayed on the page. During this process the controls which were added by me were loosing its state. As a result I need to add the rows once again and need to fill the data and click on submit button. Can any one let me know how to avoid this and see that the controls donot loose their states. So that there is no need for me to create rows once again if any validation fails on the server side.

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Custom Server Controls :: Passing Querystring To A Usercontrol?

Feb 26, 2010

I have a particular scenario and I would like to know how I can implement it in the most efficient way. I also have some queries related to this. The application is a AJAX 1.0-Enabled ASP.NET 2.0 Web application.

I have a link, which when clicked I need to show a pop-up div. The contents of the div will be displayed using a usercontrol. The usercontrol will display the contents based on a query string value.

I would like to know:

1. How can I implement this in the most effecient way. I don't want to use a separate page on which I will have the usercontrol and then display the page in the div.

2. Suppose I call a JS function ShowDiv() on the click of the link, to display the pop-up div. Say, I call the function this way ShowDiv('querystring'). Now how will I pass the value 'querystring' to my usercontrol.

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Custom Server Controls :: Embedding Resource In UserControl

Feb 16, 2010

I want to embed some image and java script file in usercontrol and extract them with code like this


i tried similar code that use this technique in custom controls , and it works ...

but i want use this technique in usercontrol ,

can any one put a sample source code or explain how can i use this technique in usercontrol ?

View 5 Replies

Custom Server Controls :: UserControl With ListView To CustomControl?

Jun 16, 2010

I have created lots of UserControls, but never tried CustomControl.Recently i created a Photo Gallery UserControl using Listview & Visual LightBox.Now i want to publish it as CustomControl.Here is my UserControl's code :

<link rel="stylesheet" href="LightBoxGallery/css/vlightbox.css" type="text/css" />
<style type="text/css">
#vlightbox a#vlb


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Custom Server Controls :: Composite User Web Control - Properties - Best Practice

Jan 12, 2011

I would like to ask you what is the best practice for developing composite user web control with multiple controls inside from the stand point of dealing with properieties. In my situation I would like to use header menu bar with logos, buttons, java baset visible/hidden menus itc as web control. I was successfull in implementing new control in my project.

But my question goes to issue of properties for ALL OF controls. I know how to hard code all required properties like: text, visible, enable for all controls. It's a lot of work. ( This is the very edge of my comprehension ) Is there a more elegant way provide an access to controls's properties without hard coding seperatelly?

View 12 Replies

How To Dynamically Add Usercontrol Through Code Behind?

Jun 9, 2010

i have created web usercontrol, and i want to add it dynamically when user click on the button jst like we create dynamic button as,
dim objbtn as new button,i have add that uesr control and code for it is as follows,

dim objUC as clsUC=loadControl("hotel/UCRest.ascx")

and it get added but problem is that, using this code i got only design of the usercontrol not all functionality mean there are combos in it and i wrote code to fill that combos at page load event but using above code it adds combos,but they are empty. and there is also a checkbox and code written on click of checkbox will not get execute.

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Custom Server Controls :: Handling Events In Dynamic Usercontrol?

May 27, 2010

I created a customDropdown usercontrol with Events and It worked fine.

Now I stored the path of the ascx file in the database table and i want to Load the ascx file and handle the Events dynamically in an aspx page.

To Load the usercontrol and access the public properties and method, I need to know the object i am trying to load, right?

For Example

FeaturedDDL c = (FeaturedDDL)Page.LoadControl("~/FeaturedDDL.ascx").

But I dont want to hardcode objectType "FeaturedDDL", coz i dont have that stored in my Database field.

Since I am loading the usercontrol by getting the path and name of the usercontrol from the database table,how will I know the ObjectType at that time?

How to accomplish that and also how to handle the events for these type of situation?

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Custom Server Controls :: Can't Pass Data From Usercontrol To Page

Jan 25, 2011

I tried both, loading the usercontrol when needed and I also tried adding it directly into the aspx.

Nothing worked. With the second one (what's meant to be the easiest option) I tried with delegates and events (but can't access de usercontrol event from page) and tried with properties (I can access properties but they're always empty)

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