Custom Validation Control Of Image Not Firing?

Jul 18, 2010

I have this code:

protected void registerBtn_click(object s, EventArgs e)
bool agencyPictureActive = agencypicture.HasFile;
agencypictureValidator.Enabled = agencyPictureActive;
if (Page.IsValid)

and this control:

<asp:label runat="server">Logo</asp:label>
<asp:FileUpload id="agencypicture" runat="server"/>
<asp:CustomValidator id="agencypictureValidator"
ErrorMessage="some error msg" Text="*"

I want to validate and save the image along with other form value upon "registerBtn_click" , but the custom validation control of the image does not activate somehow... why?

This is my submit control:

<asp:LinkButton id="btnSubmit" OnClick="registerBtn_click"
ValidationGroup="userForm" Text="Submit" runat="server">

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Similar Messages:

Custom Validator Not Firing (No Error Message, But No Validation)

Jan 17, 2011

I have a custom validator:

<asp:CustomValidator ID="QuestionValidator" runat="server" ErrorMessage="Please select an option" ClientValidationFunction="QuestionValidator_ServerValidate" OnServerValidate="QuestionValidator_ServerValidate" ValidateEmptyText="true"></asp:CustomValidator>


When I run the page, there is no validation and no error message. Please can you point out where I am going wrong, I'm suspicious it is at Page.Master.FindControl("form1").Controls.I have previously done such validation by looping through controls via form1.controls but this is unavailable as the page uses a form passed down via the master page.

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Button Click Event Still Firing Even Through Custom Server-side Validation Fails?

May 27, 2010

I am having a problem where my button click event is still firing even though my custom server-side validation is set to args.IsValid = false. I am debugging through the code and the validation is definitely being fired before the button click, and args.IsValid is definitely being set to false once the custom validation takes place, but it always makes its way to the button click event afterwards.

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C# - Calendar Control Firing Validation Controls?

May 21, 2010

I have a set of validation controls on my page, to validate values in textfields. I also have a calendar control on the same page. When I click on the calendar image, the validation control message box pops up. How can I avoid that from appearing when the calendar icon is clicked?

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Custom Server Controls :: Custom Control Causing Validation?

May 25, 2010

I've got a custom control with asp:hyperlinks that's causing validation which I don't want... Is there anyway I can stop this from happening?

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How To Go For Custom Validation Control And When To Do Validation In Javascript

Mar 12, 2010

When to go for custom validation control and when to do validation in javascript? What are pros and cons of each of them?

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Custom Server Controls :: Custom Control Image Not Rendering In Visual Studio Design Mode

Apr 25, 2010

I have a simple HttpHandler that generates a dynamic image based on query string parameters and a custom web control that renders an image tag pointing to the handler as its 'src' attribute. All works fine when run in the web server, but at design timethe control displays as the "missing image" icon (red x in a box). The handler is registered in the web.config with a ".ashx" extension. The RenderContents method in the control looks like this:

output.AddAttribute("src", ResolveUrl(string.Format("~/Sparklines.SparkHandler.ashx?stype=pm&w={0}&h={1}&sv={2}&ev={3}&cv={4}&sc={5}&ec={6}&mc={7}&gs={8}",
Width.IsEmpty ? 100 : Width.Value,
Height.IsEmpty ? 15 : Height.Value,
caleStart, ScaleEnd, CurrentValue,
ColorUtils.ColorString(StartColor, true),

View 5 Replies

Custom Server Controls :: Click Event Not Firing In Rendered Control

Apr 14, 2010

I have a custom control that renders a button. I'm trying to attach a server click event but it isn't firing. My code is:

protected override void CreateChildControls()
btnRangeGo = new Button();
btnRangeGo.CssClass = "divSearchGo";
btnRangeGo.Text = Resources.CORE_Resource.S0C29; // Go
btnRangeGo.Click += new EventHandler(btnRangeGo_Click);
// Tried with no luck:
// this.Controls.Add(btnRangeGo); // Needed so OnClick gets registered
// Page.Controls.Add(btnRangeGo); // Needed so OnClick gets registered

private void btnRangeGo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int i = 1;

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Custom Server Controls :: Extended ImageButton Control's OnClick Not Firing

Oct 21, 2010

I extended an ImageButton control and its image is changing as expected, but its OnClick is not firing.


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Custom Server Controls :: OnItemCommand Not Firing In Templated User Control?

Aug 11, 2010

I have a templated user control with single instance template attribute. It works great for everything except the following scenario:


The folder selector uses a tree view that allows people to select a folder, its FolderSelected event works perfectly and the file selector updates with the files. The file selector has a repeater that lists the files in the selected directory. It has a linkbutton for each of the files so that the user can select a file. The problem is that the ItemCommand event of the repeater doesn't fire when the file name is clicked on. The page performs the async postback like it should, but in debug, the method to handle the itemcommand event is never hit. On the same user control to select files there is a button that the user can add files to the folder. When it is clicked, the event DOES fire and the file is added and the control refreshes in the update panel, everything perfect. It seems that because the linkbutton is already in a templated control (which is in a user control, in a templated control), the event isn't firing correctly. I am confused as to why this should be a problem, especially since all the other events (even the custom ones) fire as long as they aren't in another templated control. Since the code is complicated, I didn't want to post it all here.

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MVC :: Modelstate Validation For Custom Control?

May 11, 2010

I am creating a custom 'control' which is simply made of two html inputs [type=text] but can't figure out how the validation will work on the view end.

I want to treat these 2 inner controls as asingle control so when a error is added to modelstate both of these inputs are highlighted in the view and a single validation message is shown.

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C# - Custom Control Doesn't Fire Validation

Jun 4, 2010

I've written a custom control that descends from LinkButton and overrides the Render() method. I'm using it to replace ImageButtons in the site I'm working on so we don't have to have an image for each button. This control works fine, does the required post-backs etc., however it doesn't fire the validators in its validation group. This is obviously an issue. The code for the control is (condensed) as follows:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

public class CustomButton : LinkButton
public string SpanCssClass { get; set; }
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
if (!Visible)
writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Name, UniqueID);
writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Id, ClientID);
writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, CssClass);
string postback = string.IsNullOrEmpty(OnClientClick) ? "javascript:__doPostBack('" + UniqueID + "','');" : OnClientClick;
writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Href, postback);
writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, SpanCssClass);

Does anyone know why this would not be causing the validators to fire? I was under the impression that leaving all the other methods in LinkButton un-overridden would leave all the other functionality the same.

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C# - Create A Control With ValidationGroup And A Custom Validation?

Oct 8, 2010

I want to make panels Visibility true or false based on a result of a Func.I have a page with controls as in the following code:

<asp:Panel ID="Panel2" runat="server">
<asp:Panel ID="Panel3" runat="server">
<c:PermissionPanel ID="P1" runat="server" ValidationGroup="Val1">


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Web Forms :: Custom Validation Only Works For FileUpload Control

Oct 12, 2010

I have 2 custom validator controls on my page but for some strange reason the Custom Validator for FileUpload control works and the custom validator for TextBox control does not work. Here is the aspx code:

<asp:FileUpload ID="_fileCv" runat="server" Width="500px" /><br />
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="_rfvFileCv" runat="server" ErrorMessage="Resume; " ControlToValidate="_fileCv" SetFocusOnError="True" ValidationGroup="APPLY">
<img src="images/mandatory.gif" alt="Required" /></asp:RequiredFieldValidator
<asp:CustomValidator ID="CustomValidator1" runat="server" ControlToValidate="_fileCv"
ErrorMessage="Max file size for documents is 4MB." OnServerValidate="CustomValidator1_ServerValidate" ValidationGroup="APPLY"></asp:CustomValidator>
<asp:TextBox ID="_txtHealthComments" runat="server" TextMode="MultiLine" Rows="5" Width="500" />
<asp:CustomValidator ID="CustomValidator2" runat="server" ControlToValidate="_txtHealthComments"
ErrorMessage="Kindly enter health Comments ." OnServerValidate="CustomValidator2_ValidateHealth" ValidationGroup="APPLY"></asp:CustomValidator>

Here is the code behind:
protected void CustomValidator1_ServerValidate(object source, ServerValidateEventArgs args) {
if (_fileCv.FileBytes.Length > 4194304) {
args.IsValid = false;
} else { args.IsValid = true; } }
protected void CustomValidator2_ValidateHealth(object source, ServerValidateEventArgs args) {
if (_rdoHealth.SelectedValue == "1" && _txtHealthComments.Text == "") {
args.IsValid = false; } else { args.IsValid = true; } }

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C# - Add A Validation Support To DropDownList By Creating A Custom Control?

Feb 2, 2011

I'm trying to add a validation support to DropDownList by creating a custom control inheriting from DropDownList:

public class MyDropDown: DropDownList, INamingContainer
private const string ValidatorID = "Validator";
private RequiredFieldValidator _validator;


My class implements INamingContainer because I wanted to avoid naming conflicts. Unfortunately when I try using this control I get the following exception:

Unable to find control id 'MDD' referenced by the 'ControlToValidate' property of 'MDD_Validator'

This is happening beause for INamingContainer FindControl(NamingContainerId) returns null.

When I remove INamingContainer implementation and set validator ID in the following way:

_validator.ID = String.Format("{0}_{1}", ID, ValidatorID);

Everything is working fine, and id given to Validator is the same as it would be inside Naming container.

But is there a way to accomplish this WITH INamingContainer ?

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Custom TextBox Control With Built-in Client-side Validation?

Jan 30, 2011

I have a textbox in my application which has multiple validation on it e.g. RequiredFieldValidator, RegexValidation and CustomValidation. My page has several similar textboxes. So I just copy-paste and change id and controltovalidate properties and it is working.

Since similar tbxs are going to be used on another page as well, I think it would be nice to create my own custom TextBox control with built-in validation.

Here are two approaches I have found and tried:

1: Implement from IValidator perform my custom validation in Validate Method. As shown here: Self-Validating TextBox But it does not show how to implement client-side validation.

2: Create custom control that derives from TextBox and add built-in validators I need. As shown here:Custom TextBox. I tried the code and it works server/client side.

I like the first approach but don't know how to implement client-side validation. I know I need a client-side js function. I can do that. I know how to include my js file using Page.ClientScript class but don't know how to integrate all together and make it work.

I can create a UserControl or the second approach above but for now I am specifically looking to learn and implement client-side validation from custom control.

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C# - How To Make XHTML Validation Happy When Using Custom System.Web.UI.Control

Aug 28, 2010

I am sure this question has been asked and answered; but I haven't managed to find it...

I am creating a very simple custom System.Web.UI.Control that has a few properties. I can define in my ASPX page the following tag and everything is happy:

<ns:MyControl runat="server" MyProperty="Value" />

However, if I want to have one or more "child" properties, like so:

<ns:MyControl runat="server" MyProperty="Value">
<Element AnotherProperty="AnotherValue1" />
<Element AnotherProperty="AnotherValue2" />

what I need to do to make the XHTML validate. I always have

Content is not allowed between the opening and closing tag of element 'XXX'

Element 'XXX' is not supported

The name contains uppercase characters, which is not allowed

The code actually runs as expected, but I haven't manged to find a good example on how to do this correctly so that everything validates. In terms of implementation of the Custom Control, I just have all properties stubbed out at the moment, and looks something like:

public class MyControl : Control[code]....

Ultimately, Element is intended to build up a collection of Elements. Any insight on how to do this properly and have the XHTML validate

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Web Forms :: Custom Login Control In Masterpage With Coded User Validation?

Jan 17, 2010

I have a little doubt about creating a login control in the master page within a contentplaceholder.

What i want is to create my own login control in the masterpage, using a loginview inside a contentplaceholder. The code is the following:


So far so good, but now i want to create the logic to do the actual login. In a regular aspx page i'll do it in the cmdlogin click event, but as i'm in the masterpage, i'm not sure if i can do that. I actually tried to do it in the code behind of the masterpage, but it didn't work. What can do?? do i ahve to use the login control?

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JQuery :: .Net Custom User Control Buttons (events) Not Firing In Jquery Modal Popup?

Oct 28, 2010

I have a custom control, that has takes some information from user and submit to the database. it is working fine in normal aspx pages. but when i display that custom user control in jQuery modal popup. The events does not fire or lets say the data is not submitted to the database.

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Web Forms :: Validating Input In A Custom User Control Using Jquery Validation Plugin?

Jun 18, 2010

I have a custom user control with some input fields and a submit button. I need to validate the fields using the jquery validation plugin when the submit button is clicked. (The function of the submit button is to create another custom control which displays the data entered in the above mentioned control)

Bt as far as I knw, validation plugin works only with form validation ryt? And my custom control does not contain a form tag as I am using master pages. The custom control is present in one of the content pages and the master page already contains a form tag with a runat=server attribute. And I guess one page can contain only a single form tag with runat=server attrib ryt?

So how do I get it to work?

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AJAX :: Created A Custom Validation Control That Compares Two Textboxes And Verifies Their Content?

Jul 19, 2010

I recently created a custom validation control that compares two textboxes and verifies their content. When I use this control in a detailsview I have no problems but, when an updatepanel is added the validation control no longer works.I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and .net 3.5 framework.

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Custom Server Controls :: Use Image Inside Custom Server Control?

Aug 12, 2010

I want to use an image inside a Custom Web server control! Do I need to use Web.resources ? if so , how to do ?

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C# - Image Embedded In A Custom Server Control?

Aug 12, 2010

How to use image in Custom Server Control ?

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AJAX :: AsyncFileUpload Control File Extension Validation Does Not Work With Image Preview

Jan 9, 2013

this is my compelete code for validation type and display image with AsyncFileUplaodI'd like to upload only png, jpg, gifI can upload Image and have its preview successfullyand when try to  upload another type It prevents and fortunately I can see this message"Upload a valid file with extension png, jpg, gif."but UnfortunatelyIt shows a message box with this errotUnhandled Exception: this._innerTB is null what's my mistake? 

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="cc1" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<title>Validation in AsyncFileUpload Example</title>


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MVC :: Register Client-side Validation For Custom Validation Attribute?

May 19, 2010

I am trying to create a custom password validation attribute which has these requirements

1. cannot be empty.

2. doesn't contain space or other special chracters, which I'll define later.

3. length is between 6 - 12


it works fine on the server-side but I'd like to make this work on the client side as well, so I created a PasswordAttributeAdapter class


and in global.asax I added


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