Customise The Url For Different Users?

Feb 23, 2010

i have one site , on which i have to personalize the content of site as Per different user.i want the different url for different user to acchieve personalization,for eg.for user1 user2 let me know which techqique will help me.

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Dynamic Data Website, Foreign Key One To One Relationship, DropdownList, How To Customise

Mar 15, 2010

I'm using Asp.Net's Dynamic Data Website project type.I've created a db that has one to onerelationship between two tables specified using a foreign key, (this could be one to many but I've used the linq designer to change it to a one to one relationship).i.e. I have a table Invoice and table CreditNote that takes an Invoice_Id as a foreign keyI was hoping that when I navigated to CreditNotes/Insert.aspx that it would display the a list of InvoiceIds in a dropdown list. It almost does this - it creates dropdownlist but only populates option value and not the text so I get something like this in the html source (notice only the value is populated - which looks empty to the user):

<option value="someInvoiceId"></option>
<option value="someInvoiceId"></option>

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C# - Administer Website (create New Users, Assign Users To Roles, Etc.) From A Windows App?

Feb 9, 2010

I have an web app that uses forms-based authentication, a SqlMembershipProvider (using an encrypted password format), and a SqlRoleProvider. I need to know if it's possible to administer the users (create new users, assign them to roles, etc.) from a windows application - the powers that be don't want any administrative functionality in the web app itself.

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So, obviously, I have a Sql Server database that contains the users and roles for the web app. I'd like to create a separate windows app that references the web app assembly, and use the configured MembershipProvider, RoleProvider, and machineKey to create users, assign users to roles, etc. If that's not possible, I can duplicate the configuration settings from web.config within the windows app. But I don't know how to do this either.

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Web Forms :: Stop Users Users Using The Browser Back Button And Potentially Submitting An Old Version

Mar 25, 2011

I need to stop users users using the browser back button and potentially submitting an old version of a form.

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If the form is submitted and the user wants to complete a new copy of the form then a new guid is generated both to the session and to the hidden form field. Now, if the user decides to hit the back button a few times to get the old form and tries to submit it again, the page checks the current guid in session against the guid stored in the form field and it finds a mismatch and prevents the form being submitted.

This works as expected in Chrome and Firefox, but in IE6, when the user hits the back button to view the old form, the new guid value appears in the hidden field of the old form! This means the user can submit the old form again, which we definitely do not want.

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Aug 4, 2010

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Active Directory/LDAP :: Retrieve Users From The "Domain Users" Group?

Jul 7, 2010

I want to use the Domain Users group to show all the users in a dropdown box. For some or other reason I cannot return all the users when looking for everyone under the domain so instead I was thinking of using the domain users group.This is part of my code:



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C# - How To Set Relationship Of Users

Apr 2, 2011

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Nov 30, 2010

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MVC :: Different Layouts For Different Users?

Jun 24, 2010

What I'm tryin to achieve now is to apply a different layout dependingon which user is logged. However, I cannot do any of this kind of conditional logic in the page itself. What I was thinking was an action filter that tests the current user, and if they are logged in applies one layout to the view and if they are not applies a different layout to the view.

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C# - Unable To See .NET Users In IIS In .NET 4?

Nov 28, 2010

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Nov 11, 2010

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How To Tell Users What Password They Will Have

Jun 15, 2012

We are about to start letting CONTACTS come into a public facing website to see reports about PARTICIPANTS they are associated with.

These CONTACTS will have limited access once within the system.

We are going to allow CONTACTS access by loading the EMAIL address they have into a USER table - where the password will be stored - simple so far.

What is common practice for telling a person the PW you have setup for them? Is that PW always a "pre-expired" PW? I wasn't planning on letting the contacts change PW's - but I guess if that is required to be nearly best practice I'll have to.

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Uploading File While Being Used By Users?

Apr 27, 2010

I have this concern that I never found out an answer to. If people are on a page on the site that are processing something on that page and at the same time I upload class and/or aspx and .vb page to the server while they are still processing, what happens? Will their data get corrupt? will they be using whatever was there before the new upload until they refresh their page? how does it work?

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Looking To Create Sub Folders For Users

Jul 4, 2010

Not quite sure what you would call these but I am looking to create sub folders for my users eg

What I have done up to this point is make a 404 page that handles unknown pages. It takes the part after the / and looks it up in the database. Then I redirect them to the relevant page.

I am having a few issues with this and to be honest am not to keen on handling it this way.

Does anyone have an alternative method for achieving this.

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Two Different Users Seeing The Same Session Variable?

Dec 6, 2010

It has been reported to me that a user logs into our web application and after supplying the correct credentials for themselves, are taken to the next page where they see a different customer's name at the top of the screen.

All the data at the top of our web pages is stored in session variables. The login page executes a Session.Clear statement in the Page_Load event. The user enters a username and password which is validated against our supplied database via an SQL statement. Once the user is proven to be valid, session variables are set to hold the Customer's name, as well as a few other details about them.

This is a fairly simple application, consisting of only of about 10 different pages. I am only tracking about 5 session variables per user. The session variables are initialized to either 0 or "" in the global.asax file in the Session_start routine. Upon clicking a "log out" link on any page, the login page is displayed again (executing the Session.Clear statement).

We have roughly 400 users logging into this site about once or twice a week each. The site is hosted on a server running Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard and IIS 7.

Of all 400 users, this strange session behavior has only been reported to me on a couple of occasions.

I have tried to duplicate this behavior and have not been able to. Has anyone ever heard of this? Where should I be checking for solutions? I have already checked my SQL statement and database for user authentication to make sure it is working correctly.

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How To Search Users Across The AD And To Add To A Group

Jan 25, 2010

I created a distribution group in AD and now wish to search for an user and to add the user to that group. I have written the following code to add a group:


objGroup = root.Children.Add(strGroup, "group");
objGroup.Properties["groupType"].Value = ActiveDs.ADS_GROUP_TYPE_ENUM.ADS_GROUP_TYPE_GLOBAL_GROUP;

Now I need to search for an user and to add the user to group if exists.. I have AD user id . Problem is that users are across the OU and I don't know the OU of each and every user. So i need to search for user across the AD and then to add to group... Need a code to do that..

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Sign Out Every Users To Relogin

Jan 4, 2011

I have a question, when I compiled my c# web application and transfer the ".dll" file to my hosting server which is godaddy. What happened was, all my users that used to show "online" all appears offline at once. I query db to get that online status of a column called "LastActivity" I guess, when that happens, I would like to sign out everyone so that they can relogin? How can I do that? I'm using form authentication.

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How To Add Users In IIS Manager For 4.0 Application

May 30, 2010

I have installed an ASP.NET 4.0 Web forms application in IIS 7.5. If I set the application pool to DefaultAppPool (.NET Framework 2.0) I get the icons for Providers, .NET-Roles and .NET-Users displayed on the configuration page for the application in IIS Manager and I can manage users and roles within IIS. (I'm using Forms authentication.)

But if I set the application pool to ASP.NET v4.0 I get a problem: Double clicking on the icons for Users or Roles in IIS Manager throws an error telling me that I cannot use these features since the providers could not be determined as trusted. If I set in administration.config in the trustedProviders section allowUntrustedProviders="true" and double click again on one of the icons I get the error that the assembly System.Web, Version, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a could not be found. If I restart IIS Manager the icons disappear completely.

.NET Framework 4.0 is definitely installed. So this is all quite confusing. I know that .NET 4 uses another GAC than the old one for .NET 2-3. Could it be possible that IIS Manager is not able to find the new GAC for .NET 4? Do I have to add perhaps some of the new 4.0 assemblies to administration.config? Is there another way to add users and roles instead of IIS?

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How To Retrieve Created Users Name

May 3, 2010

I am using visual studio 2008 and from toolbox i have used create user wizard. I am able to create users and when a user is created it says successfully created a user.

how can the created users "name" be retrieved. I want to use this name for updating my local database.

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Redirecting Anonymous Users IIS 7?

Sep 22, 2010

I am working on an internal application... i setup IIS 7 to use windows authentication since its behind the firewall and on the domain.. there is a "public" side.. and an "internal" side... if your not part of IT.. you should get the public side.. this is just informational.. my problem is that there is 1 or two pcs that are not on the domain and nobody is logged into them.. how can i just redirect anonymous users to another site?

everything i read says you can't use anonymous AND windows auth.. so my thought was to just redirect the anonymous users to another site.. how can you do that?

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