Data Controls :: Display GridView Row Delete Confirmation Using Bootstrap Modal Popup
May 7, 2015
I would like to add a confirmation modal after the click of delete in gridview.The problem is that with this addition the delete takes place only for the first row of the gridview even if I try to delete another row.I have the code below inside a gridview itemtemplate
I have a bootstrap modal pop up that contains Last Name, First Name and Middle Name. And it is inside the update panel alse the button submit. The button submit is triggered as Asynchronous Postback. But when I click the submit button the background of modal pop up is still there.
How do I reference the delete button to add the delete confirmation box when I have both the Edit and Delete buttons as the last two columns in the Gridview control. The following code works fine without any issues when I have the delete button only:
protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if (e.Row.RowType != DataControlRowType.DataRow) return; int lastCellIndex = e.Row.Cells.Count - 1; Button db = (Button)e.Row.Cells[lastCellIndex].Controls[0]; db.OnClientClick = "if (!window.confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this record?')) return false;"; }
But, when I have both the Edit and the Delete buttons, I get the following error when I click the edit button while the delete button works fine.
Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: index
How do I reference the delete button so the edit button is not affected in this case?
An error occurred during the processing of . System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataControlFieldCollection must have items of type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataControlField'. 'SharePoint:DeleteItemButton' is of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.DeleteItemButton'.
Which I found useful to create gridview with dropdown filter. What my gridview differs from your one is based on ID, a modal is loaded. E.g. there is a column called "review" and in that column there is image that when clicked it loads a modal with details. My question is, how do i do this using the code provided by you. So ID is passed back to code. (So backend knows which row is clicked).
I have both a details view and gridview with deleting enabled. I'm concerned about users accidentally clicking delete, and poof, the record is gone. Is there a setting to get a confirmation message before the delete is actually done?
I have a gridview (gridview-a) with a link button when the user click on this link button it opens a separate modal pop up extender with another grid view (gridview-b) (working fine) I added a close button inside the panel. When the user click on it the modal pop up is getting closed. Excellent.
Now my problem is When I add Edit,Save and Update buttons to the gridview-b ( i.e. Present inside Popup) when ever I click on the edit , or save or update buttons it is going to the gridview-a. How can I avoid that? Do I have to keep the gridview inside a update Panel and make the update mode conditional? If thats true how can I edit , save and delete the rows ( I need to call stored prcedures and all row-databound functions to do that)
I am trying to get a modal popup inside a modal popup?, also i want to fire the modal popup on a condition in a text change event of a textbox? this possible and can anyone give me directon on this
I am interested in building an intranet document management system to be used from Internet Explorer using,, and MS SQL Server but have no experience in doing a project like this. Supported file types would be txt, pdf (from scanner or imported from file system), or jpg. What concepts I should look at researching/learning about to build the system in a way that files will be stored as small as possible, retrieved and displayed quickly, and secured. The users would be spread out over a regional area covering 4 states.
I want to make an conformation dialog on auto generated delete button in detail view that when user press delete dialog or conformation box appear that u sure u want to delete how can i do this?
I need to display a gridview control in a modal popup on the webpage. I need to have a textbox and a button along with the gridview control so the user can enter a name to search for. My problem is when they click the button to search, I imagine the modal popup will go away?
I thought of maybe putting an update panel inside the modal popup panel and see if it stayed on the page but I must be doing something wrong. Can someone tell me how I can make the search work with updating the gridview while keeping the modal popup there?
I have a datalist that displays all records from table but i have a button select on the datalist and i want to use the button to select each record of the column and display it on is my code
GetPost2(username); } } public void GetPost2(string username) { // int followerid;
By including the modal popup extender in the gridview itemtemplate,have made modal popup visible using row command event but the events in the button modal pop extender are not raising.
In SqlDataSource ( <asp:ControlParameter>) I am adding the value and based on that id i'm binding the gridview, bur it returns empty gridview in the modal popup window.
Is there any way to do like when we are displaying records in grid view only 5 links we showed in that gridview in below we provide one link click for more when user click that link we display all links in grid view in pop up control is there any way to do like this.
I have a Gridview in my form(c#) and used Textbox to Bind values to gridview cells.i need to Show One of the coloumn value which is in textbox in Popup.while click the cell the popup should show the cell value.