Data Controls :: How To Save Record Radio Button Inside ListView Into Database

Aug 8, 2013

I have a save boutton outside the listview And How to save All Record /value bu using lable and radiobutton of listview at row by row in databace (sql server)..for Example

<asp:ListView ID="ListView1" runat="server" DataKeyNames="Idq"
DataSourceID="quDataSource" GroupItemCount="1">
<td runat="server" />


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Forms Data Controls :: ListView : Save Any Edited Record Even If The Update Button Is Not Clicked?

Feb 24, 2010

I am using ListView for the first time. I have a requirement that in a listview if I Edit a record and before clicking teh Edit button of tthis record if i click on the "Edit" button in other record, my first record should be saved and second record should open in Edit mode.

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Data Controls :: Add CheckBoxes Inside ListView Control And Save Selections To Database?

Dec 4, 2012

i want to know how to add checkboxes in listview (e.g: Approve / Dissapprove) and save it to database. i need to submit today

here is my code:
For Each item In ListView2.Items
Dim chk1 As CheckBox = item.FindControl("CheckBox1")
Dim chk2 As CheckBox = item.FindControl("CheckBox2")


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MVC :: Refresh Radio Button - Save Value In Database

Feb 3, 2011

One of my radionbutton has to be checked for the first time . let user check depend on ( on OR off). And then save the value in the database. After save, when page refresh radion button will be checked its depend on which one user choose. I am struggling for that.

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Forms Data Controls :: Save Radio Button Selection

Feb 17, 2010

How do you save a radio button selection to a DB (within the .aspx page)? I have 5 sets of "yes/no" radio buttons (1 for yes/ 1 for no). Do I just add each radio button as a field into the DB and if its not selected, leave it NULL (or whatever the default value is)... this does seem very efficient.

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Forms Data Controls :: Radio Button List Inside Gridview - Push A Button To Submit The QuestionID

Jul 24, 2010

I have a databound Gridview (with a LINQ datasource). The gridview displays questions from the SQL DB to the user. I've inserted a radio button list into the gridview with 3 horizontal radio buttons with fixed values of 1,2,3 for the user to select. I have a question ID, a tempuserID, and AnswerValue columns set up in the database. It all works nicely.

After the user selects radio buttons, I would like for them to push a button to submit the QuestionID, the associated Radio Button Value (AnswerValue) and their tempUserID into the DB. How do I do this? I'm not sure what to do next and what VB/LINQ code to put in the code behind file in the button click event handler. I'm also not sure on what to use for the tempUserID, can I use the sessionID? I'm using VB and here's my code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Radio Button Inside A Repeater Or RadioButtonList?

Jun 3, 2010

I want to present a list of delivery options to end users which will be in 3 columns - service description, radio button (to select) and then the price of the service. Also I want to auto postback when the user selects a service from the appropriate radio button - e.g. :


I have set this up using a repeater control and stand alone radio button, plus literals to display the text elements all within a tabular structure which looks OK. I have actually overcome the issue where by default you can select all radio buttons using the prescribed javascript fixes I found when searching. This way offers me control over the formatting which is important.

However it does not seem that intuitive to pickup the selected value of the radio button this way, especially with the auto postback - I am having issues trying to access the selected radio button to interpret what the user wants.

It would seem much more appropriate for a RadioButtonList but I can't work out how to override the default formatting, and also how to insert extra table columns for the price etc to keep it all nicely formatted.

So either I need to crack the interpretation of the current setup or to find out is there a way to hijack the default setup of the RadioButtonList?

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Forms Data Controls :: Single Selection Of Radio Button Inside Gridview

Mar 4, 2010

I am developing an application using ASP.NET 3.5 with C#. In my application I have a gridview control and inside the template field of gridview I have placed a RadioButton. When I run the application and when I try to select a single radio button, it allows multiple selection of radio buttons. I have to select a single radio button.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Save Listview Contents On A Button Click

Jan 6, 2010

i have a listview which contains a text box and a drop down control (which makes it kind of a layout ...a text box along side a drop down control in each row). there can be any number of rows in the listview depending upon a user entry (an integer).

after i have filled all the text boxes and changed the drop down controls to their associated values (for each text box), i want to save everything that i have filled. i have a SAVE button OUTSIDE the listview, and i want to (probably) iterate through all the rows of the listview and save all the contents in the textboxes to a collection object, where each collection item will be a row with textbox's text and dropdown's selected index value.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Save / Delete A Record Based On Button's In Gridview Rows

Feb 3, 2011

Type: 28978 into this site: [URL]

Students have to chose a subject in a row. This will be updated in the table above.

I use this Stored procedure:


I would like my button to Insert/Delete records in the table. How can a button in a GridView row choose parametres form the right row?

My code...


View 9 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Image Upload In Gridview - Save Multiple Record Into Database

Feb 18, 2010

I have another problem is that I have Placed a file upload control in Empty template of Gridview to have multiple record insert. I have used viewstate to save multiple record into database. But problem is that I am able to find the control but it not giving any value.I have following code.


in above code


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Forms Data Controls :: Insert Radio Button Selection  into Sql Server Database  using Parameter?

Nov 7, 2010

how to insert radio button selection into sql server database using parameter.

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Forms Data Controls :: Button Event Inside ListView Is Not Triggering Correctly?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a ListView (table inside) and it's first row are some TextBoxes for filtering actions.

In the last column I have a button that calls my Search function and filters the records according to the inputs.


My Search function for now only displays a text inside a Label at the top of the page.

When I load the page, I'm using ListViewPesquisa.DataBind() so it shows it's EmptyDataTemplate, but when I click the button inside the event isn't called at all. If I do put some data (any data) in the ListView and it shows it's LayoutTemplate instead, the event is called properly.

I can get around this issue by moving the filter line out of the table, but I'd like to know why is that the button inside the EmptyDataTemplate doesn't work.

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Data Controls :: Insert Record To Database When Enter Key Is Pressed Inside TextBox In GridView

May 7, 2015

I am using gridview with some columns few are :

<asp:templatefield headertext="Title Description" sortexpression="Description">
<asp:Label id="Description" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Description")%>'></asp:Label>
<asp:textbox id="Description" runat="server" CssClass="form-control" text='<%# Bind("Description") %>' />

[Code] ....

Now this AddGridAddBTN Temporarily adds a data row to a grid but won't submit that data to database, however AddGridSubmitBTN Submits the data to DB through foreach loop .

Now my query is i want to provide user a functionality that when he gets focus on Abbreviation Text Box OR Description Box and he after typing some data Press ENTER KEY , This ENTER KEY would provide funcionality as a AddGridAddBTN Button , and when he presses SHIFT + ENTER , It works like AddGridSubmitBTN Button , also i want to make Abbreviation and Description Field to be filled must ! 

Moral is that :

ENTER KEY WOULD DO : Generate a temporary row with holding previous values as it is actually doing on AddGridAddBTN Button.

SHIFT + ENTER WOULD DO : Enter the whole grid data thorugh foreach loop as it is actually doing on AddGridSubmitBTN Button.

I don't want to refresh my page on enter or shift enter pressing . This grid is binded through SQL DATA SOURCE ...

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Forms Data Controls :: Get The Value From Textbox Inside The Gridview And Save To Database?

Jan 26, 2011

how to get the value from textbox that is inside the gridview and save to database.. this is my code:


View 25 Replies

Data Controls :: Save Checked Checkbox Values Into Database Which Is Inside GridView

Dec 23, 2015

I have a gridview inside which there are 4-5 checkboxes. In that gridview, I have 10 rows too. So, Now what i want is.

IF I check, 2 checkboxes and don't check remaining checkboxes. how to save the value of the checked checkboxes value as Y and unchecked checkboxes value as N into the database.

Below is the HTML of the checkboxes here:-

 <cc2:Grid ID="GrdRights" runat="server" FolderStyle="../Styles/Grid/style_12"
AllowSorting="False" AutoGenerateColumns="False" AllowColumnResizing="true" AllowAddingRecords="false"
AllowMultiRecordSelection="true" OnRowDataBound="GrdRights_RowDataBound" ViewStateMode="Enabled"
<ClientSideEvents OnClientSelect="FunMonthList" />
<ScrollingSettings ScrollHeight="400px" />

[Code] .....

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Data Controls :: Save And Retrieve Data Of CheckBoxes Inside Repeater To Database

Feb 3, 2014

When user upload new documents then this document goes for approval to supervisor and for this i use dropdowns ...when I use dropdown the exact result not occur and now i wat to approve/reject through checkboxes...

Here is code:

<table class="CSSTableGenerator" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="results">
<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater2" OnItemCommand="Repeater2_ItemCommand"
runat="server" onitemdatabound="Repeater2_ItemDataBound">

[Code] ....

Now I want to use checkboxes, how I replace dropdown checkboxes in html and also in ....

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Forms Data Controls :: Created A ListView And Attempted To Delete A Record Using The Delete Button And Native Procedures?

Sep 14, 2010

I created a ListView and attempted to delete a record using the delete button and native procedures. It failed and threw an error.Pass in a valid dictionary for delete or change your mode to OverwriteChangesIn researching this issue, it appeared there is a problem with the list view when deleteing and
ConflictDetection is set to










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Data Controls :: Save All Records From GridView To Database On Button Click?

Mar 9, 2014

I am creating a asp page with database values.And I am showing in addition I need checkbox for each row. When I mark checkbox the row values to be stored in another table.

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Data Controls :: Save All Records From GridView To Database On Button Click

May 7, 2015

As I am creating a asp page with database values.And I am showing in addition I need checkbox for each row. When I mark checkbox the row values to be stored in another table.

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Data Controls :: Save Gridview Row Data To SQL Server Database On Button Click

Jul 26, 2012

I have a from in which upon pressing submit button all the data were appear on the grid.But i want to do one thing over here which is that at the end of the gridview there was a button upon clicking on that button  all of the data were go  directly to the database...

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Datbind A Listview Which Is Inside Another Listview InsertItemTemplate

Sep 30, 2010

I try to datbind a listview which is inside another listview InsertItemTemplate.


I'm binding the listivew in the parent listview onitemcreated events. I receive the error Databinding methods such as Eval(), XPath(), and Bind() can only be used in the context of a databound control.

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Forms Data Controls :: Listview Inside Listview?

Feb 17, 2011

How to handle the itemcommand event for the inner listview, here is my code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Radio Buttons Are Not Mutually Exclusive When Used In A Repeater (or ListView)

Feb 15, 2011

"Radio Buttons Are Not Mutually Exclusive When Used in a Repeater" according to KB #316495 This bug also exists with ListViews, and I am having a hard time developing a workaround. Is there a solution or workaround available? I'm using Visual Studio 2010.

(Here is my ASPX. I want rbGroupedSession and rbFees to be mutually exclusive. Databinding and setting controls visible attribute to true/false is done in the code-behind. I'm also setting the RadioButtons "GroupName" property correctly in the code-behind, but it gets changed when rendered in the browser -- which is bug KB #316495)..


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Web Forms :: Radio Button List Selection Inside Gridveiw

Jan 12, 2011

I have my design of radiobutton list as follows
But when I run my application if I select a list item from a row and if I select the other from the other both are getting selected how to [URL] solve this.

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