Data Controls :: Save All Records From GridView To Database On Button Click

May 7, 2015

As I am creating a asp page with database values.And I am showing in addition I need checkbox for each row. When I mark checkbox the row values to be stored in another table.

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Similar Messages:

Data Controls :: Save All Records From GridView To Database On Button Click?

Mar 9, 2014

I am creating a asp page with database values.And I am showing in addition I need checkbox for each row. When I mark checkbox the row values to be stored in another table.

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Data Controls :: Save Gridview Row Data To SQL Server Database On Button Click

Jul 26, 2012

I have a from in which upon pressing submit button all the data were appear on the grid.But i want to do one thing over here which is that at the end of the gridview there was a button upon clicking on that button  all of the data were go  directly to the database...

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When Click On Save Button, Use Jquery To Save Form Entity In Database?

Jul 28, 2010

one button i use to save form entity.and other is to navigate to next pagwhen i click on save button i use jquery to save form entity in database. and form remains as it is

<script type="text/javascript">

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Web Forms :: Save One Master And Multiple Detail Records On Single Button Click

Feb 18, 2013

i am working on project  where i have one master table "PURCHASE_ORDER" with fields

order_no  as primary key

and i have a detail table called "PURCHASE_ORDER_DETIALS" with fields 


i am supposed to create a master detail form 

where i am supposed to accept an order from an vendor with multiple items.

i.e the form shoud accept one master record and multiple detail records and then either save all  of them or discard all of them(both master and multiple detail records).

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Checkbox Value To Database On Button Click?

Jun 12, 2010

I am posting this in the webforms section as I don't think I was clear on my last post. I am trying toinsert a gridview checkbox value to a database when I click the submit button. I have looked at dozens of examples but can't seem to put it together and I know this must be pretty simple.

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Data Controls :: Update Value Of CheckBox Inside GridView To Database On Button Click

Jan 27, 2014

Below is my database structure

1manojdevelopingcheck box
2munatesting check box
3kanakadatabase check box
Here I want to assign the above database work to my team members. When I check the above check box and press assign button ,it shows in another page means the gridview selected row shows in another grid in another page .
And once i check any check box and assign , automatically the checked row vanished from my grid view.

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Forms Data Controls :: Database Updates But Gridview Doesn't After Custom Button Click Event?

Feb 8, 2010

So I followed Scot Mitchell's tutorial from on adding a checkbox column to be able to select multiple entries and delete them with the click of a button. When I make my selection and click the button it works on the database end, as the desired entries are deleted. However, the entries remain on the page after it reloads. if I refresh the page it's updated properly but I'd like it to automatically update after the button is clicked.

Also, I tried his method for adding check/uncheck all buttons to the top of the gridview and they don't seem to be working either.

Here's the code behinf from the gridview page:


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Web Forms :: Save GridView Records To SQL Server Database

Dec 8, 2011

I want to insert multiple rows of data from a gridview to database table in a single button click event.

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Data Controls :: Show Only Top N Rows In DataList And All Records On More Button Click

Jul 25, 2012

As we use datalist it will shown all the data which is on my data base. But I want to show only 5 row and rest of my data will be show on the button click so how can i do it...

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Forms Data Controls :: Print Records On Formview1 Or Gridview1 With Button Click?

Apr 6, 2010

How can I Print Records on my Formview1 or Gridview1 with button click

using visual web 2008 and vbcode

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Data Controls :: Insert (Save) Records To GridView Without PostBack?

Sep 20, 2015

I am using link button in updatepanel and click on asp:linkbutton it refereshes all page. to stop _dopostback on link button click.or any alternative to use linkbutton.

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Forms Data Controls :: Datapager Control Doesn't Return Records Click On Next Button?

Apr 29, 2010

I got a datapager control with four buttons First, Previous, Next, and Last. The datapager control is set up so it returns ten records. When I open the web app with the browser it returns ten records and the datapager controls buttons; however when I click

Code for the pager control:
<div style="padding:10px;text-align: center;">
<asp:DataPager ID="DataPager1" runat="server"
ShowLastPageButton="True" />

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Forms Data Controls :: Preview Gridview1 Selected Records On ReportView By Button Click?

Apr 30, 2010

How can i Preview Gridview1 Selected Records on my ReportView By Button Click


First I select Gridview1

Second: I click Button1. When I click button1 my report show gridview1 selected records

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Save Listview Contents On A Button Click

Jan 6, 2010

i have a listview which contains a text box and a drop down control (which makes it kind of a layout ...a text box along side a drop down control in each row). there can be any number of rows in the listview depending upon a user entry (an integer).

after i have filled all the text boxes and changed the drop down controls to their associated values (for each text box), i want to save everything that i have filled. i have a SAVE button OUTSIDE the listview, and i want to (probably) iterate through all the rows of the listview and save all the contents in the textboxes to a collection object, where each collection item will be a row with textbox's text and dropdown's selected index value.

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DataSource Controls :: Update Query To Edit Records And Save To Database?

Feb 22, 2010

I am doing update query to edit my records and save to my database...I am getting the query expression exception...syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'WebLogin=krish'.

string strUserName = Request.QueryString["UserName"].ToString();
DateTime dateTimeNow = DateTime.Now;
string ConnString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Data"].ConnectionString;[code]....
I am getting the exception syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'WebLogin=krish'.

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Data Controls :: How To Save Record Radio Button Inside ListView Into Database

Aug 8, 2013

I have a save boutton outside the listview And How to save All Record /value bu using lable and radiobutton of listview at row by row in databace (sql server)..for Example

<asp:ListView ID="ListView1" runat="server" DataKeyNames="Idq"
DataSourceID="quDataSource" GroupItemCount="1">
<td runat="server" />


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Forms Data Controls :: Pager On Repeater Not Working / When Click Next Link Records Stay Same It Wont Changing For The Next 10 Records?

Feb 27, 2011

im tryin to create repeater from code behaind using C#. The data bind is working good, im tryin to put some pager. the pager is half working. i can see the pager links at the bottom, i can see the the code split the records to 10 lines each page as i set it but when i click the next link the records stay the same it wont changing for the next 10 records. my code


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DataSource Controls :: Display Records In ListView On Button Click?

Jul 1, 2010

I have a button and a few filter fields (dropdownlists, text fields etc.) and I'd like the ListView to display records once the user clicks on the button. I am using the ObjectDataSource control with a Listview. I am setting the TypeName and SelectMethod values in the Page_Load when page is postback-ing so that the ListView does not populate on Page Load. On the ObjectDataSource_Selecting method, I'm setting the filter fields' value's in a class object and at the end I'm setting the InputParameter as that object, something like this


However, this assignment cannot be done as-is and I'm not sure how I should "cast" it to make it work.

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Web Forms :: Open Save Dialoge From Button Click To Save Including CSS?

Feb 4, 2011

My page (which basically contains a pair of Repeaters) renders and is displayed to the user.I'd like to have a "Download" button on the page which, when clicked, will propmt the user to save the page locally as an html file without losing any of the CSS formatting.

My CSS files are linked to via a Master Page.Currently, I have the button linked to some javascript that open will the Save As dialog, but all of the CSS formatting is lost, and it saves the page .I'm assuming that the button will need to open a new page which will re-create the data for the Repeaters and then save using StreamWriter, but I'm not exactly sure if that's right or how best to do it.

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Data Controls :: Get URL From Database And Redirect On Button Click

May 7, 2015

I have implemented this Article. [URL]....

Cascading dropdown is works fine but i need to assign a url in Go button based on the second dropdownn selection.

I have two dropdowns. First one has product category and second one has brands. Each brand has seperate html page. So i hve added one more column urls in sql server table. but i dont know how to assign those url in GO button.

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Forms Data Controls :: Modal Popup - Store Data Temporary Until User Click Save In Parent Gridview

Nov 5, 2010

I have one parent gridview where each record will link to its details page (another child gridview in modal popup). May I know how do I store the values of the child gridview temporary (maybe in session) and repopulate the data into the parent gridview? Current problem is: once I click save in the child modalpop gridview, it binds the parent gridview before the child gridview data is stored in session. I want to store the data temporary until user click save in the parent gridview.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview With Save Button - How To Tell If A Row Changed

Feb 1, 2011

I have a Gridview with about 6 templated columns hooked up to SQL, with a Save button below the grid.

When save is clicked, I loop through each row, and write each row back out to SQL.

Can you recommend a good way for me to tell whether the row has changed so I can avoid re-writing the row when nothing has changed?

This is not only for performance, but I also have a request to write out a "Last Modified Date" along with each record. So for that, I would need to know whether the row has changed.

I saw someone mentioned that the Gridview.RowState could be used for this, but I don't see how.

One alternative I see is to re-read each row from the database first, to see if anything changed. Another alternative might be to set a dirty-bit on each Textchanged, SelectedItemChanged, etc, for the row, but I'm not sure where to store that.

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Data Controls :: Search GridView Records In Database Using JQuery AJAX

May 7, 2015

Great work found on [URL] ....

but it says only how to search data which is on  <asp:BoundField /> .

How to search data on gridview from a database using jquery.

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Data Controls :: Displaying Database Records As Columns Instead Of Rows In GridView

Oct 17, 2012

I have Gridview Structure Like

CustId    EmailId  CheckBox(select) .. I want to display 10 records after that i want to display next to that records

CustId    EmailId  CheckBox | CustId    EmailId  CheckBox CustId    EmailId  CheckBox |

How can I display vertically..

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