Data Controls :: How To Show Only Newly Uploaded Files In Gridview
Aug 5, 2012
Now I am able to upload files in folder and showing in gridview. but suppose i am going to upload new files so that time in page previous files is showing in gridview. i want that when i am uploading new files so after that uploaded new files only should show in gridview old files should not show in gridview.
Showing thumbnail of uploaded media files (pictures, videos etc..) I tried to extract thumbnails from thumbnails.db using Microsoft Shell Controls And Automation (Interop.Shell32.dll). I followed [URL] PROBLEM: I tried it in WPF application and it worked. Then i used the same code in ASP.NET WebForms website and it works for pictures but doest not work for videos. I also tried the same in clean console application but it doesn't work as well. But in wpf it works! the same assembly. Assembly is from Window 7, but neither WinXp's Interop.Shell32.dll works for videos in websites. It throws an exception NotImplementedException whenn I call IExtractImage.Extract(ref IntPtr phBmpThumbnail); Can you explain this behaviour? [URL]
after a DetailsView (DV) 'Insert' (triggered by a DropDownList (DDL)) the DV shows the first record (in the DDL)!Are there VS2008 means to keep / show the just entered data - again ready with the command row "Edit/Delete/New" enabling me to e.g. "Edit" the just entered data?This DDL/DV scenario works just fine but to show my just entered record I have to leave this page and start calling this .aspx page again in order to see the name in the DDL and, hence, in the DV.I.e. I'm looking for a kind of automatic 'postback' bringing my just entered data back
i want to create the sperate gridview where a show most downloadable file and this girdview i show in my main naats aspx page.......can any 1 tell me how it is possible to do that...visit this website for more understanding
If the file uploaded to a folder. How to create at table dynamically so that mant files are being uploaed and as many files are uploaded row are being created in this way
1) file name on the 1st coloumn 2) path of the file saved and once it is clicked it is downloaded (e.g., pptx)
Recently i am working in VS2008 installed in windows xp SP2. In the toolbox i added a new tab and added some third party controls in the toolbox, by using "Choose Item" dialog.. I also added Ajax ToolKit to the tool box. It worked fine and i could drag n drop controls.
But then if i restart VS2008, all the tabs i created and controls in it goes off and disappears ncluding Ajax Toolkit. Each time i restart it, I have to have add those controls newly?
Is this a Bug?? or Is there any solution for this?
i did this code to upload file and displaying it in the image:
the code works good. the file is uploaded under my website here in the solution explorer: now after uploading the file,the newly uploaded file is shown in the image(since there were a few more images present in the same location but they were not shown by the image) i used this url to the imageurl:
which returns me this:
now my question is why the newly uploaded image is shown in the image? there were several other images present at the same location and even i have not used something in my code that tells to show only the newly added image from my website into the image.
How to add watermark to uploaded doc (pdf or image files).The workflow will be-User register at portal -> user upload some required document (like financial proof or some kind) -> When saving them to database -> a watermark (predefined by admin at backend in admin panel as - Logo or Text) will be added to those uploaded document on top and bottom or wherever possible on the uploaded document.
So in future when admin views the document uploaded by him in his account, it will be displayed with stamp or the watermark. It will prove that the document is uploaded to server by user or whatever. Now, this we have found way to do in jpg, but in case of pdf its quite tough..
i used your application multiple file upload like gmail that is fantastic.but what i want when it's uploaded in the folder it should show in gridview with file name just like gmail.
I create a new class FileUpload for my web page. In onload method of page, i create a new object of that class and after file uploaded, i fill some information of file to that object(name, size, extention,type). I create a method in class to delete that file. But When i use it, the error "The process cannot access the file 'D: emp25.jpg' because it is being used by another process." is appear. I thinks the object is using the file uploaded and i can't delete file.What's the problem and how can i solve it? I need to delete file.
My system Uploads files to an IIS server and then i manipualate them and after finished doing every thing, i need to delete the original file, the problem is that the IIS "grabs" the file and i can't delete it, when i close the procces i can delete it manualy from the server, but until i close the procces i can't even do that...
I'm using:File.Delete(Server.MapPath(OriginalFileVirtualPath)); to delete the file.
p.s. for now i'm using the .net server, not a full active IIS, but i don't think that the problem is over there...It even make some sence that when i upload a file to the sever, it won't let to delete it strate away, but i'm sure there is a work around... I added another fileUpload in the Sending E-mail Method as following: if (FileUpload1.HasFile && FileUpload2.HasFile) { FileUpload2.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("NewFolder1") + "/" + User.Identity.Name.Substring(7) + "FB.gif"); FileUpload2.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("NewFolder1") + "/" + User.Identity.Name.Substring(7) + "SP.gif"); "How can I use these two files that uploaded (Server.MapPath("NewFolder1") ) as attachments in the Attachment Method??" I tried with this code:
My app has file upload capability, I need to store uploaded files (ie. .tar, .zip, .doc, tif .. etc) into a dataset before they being stored into mysql db..
In my website I have upload control that I use to upload files and all the links of uploaded files saved to sql database on the server of hosting company.then I have a grid view filled from database with the links of the uploaded files, how to delete some files that I uploaded to the server by code from the gridview
I'm trying to use an asp:FileUpload Control to allow users to upload files (.doc, .gif, .xls, .jpg) to a server that is outside of our DMZ and not the Web Server. We want to have the ability to look at these files for viruses, structure, etc prior to saving them into another directory that would allow access to outside users. From what I have read about this control is that it will allow for files to be uploaded to the web server. Can this control be used to upload files to a server other than the web server? If it can be done where should I look for this type of functionality or how do I force it to go to https:servernamefolder name (Where server name is not the web server)? Would I have to read the file then write it to the other server?
In nested gridview, i am finding some problem, i want to show child Grid headers in Parent Gridview. Can anyone tell me that how it is possible? Its very urgent. Waiting for quick response.
I just inherited an ASP.NET WebForms web application that I was tasked with refactoring. One of the features is a file upload and while debugging I noticed that as soon as a file is posted to a certain page/handler, it is automatically uploaded to the root directory of the application. The file is then moved to the proper location. I can't seem to figure out whats causing this automatic upload of the file. Is there something I'am overlooking in ASP.NET WebForms that allows this to happen? Is it an IIS configuration or something?
I recently published my website locally and then uploaded the .aspx files to the root directory of the host server and then uploaded all of the compiled files into a new "bin" subdirectory. But, when I accessed my website through my domain name, I got an error message that said that my Default web page has not been compiled.
The service that I am using is an ASP.NET hosted server called JodoHost. But I noticed that, besides the new "bin" subdirectory that I put all of my compiled files into, there was also subdirectories named aspnet_client, cgi-bin, and images. I assume that my problem stems from not placing my compiled files into these. Is this correct? If so, what should I be placing into which directories?
InnerException: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory.This is often an indication that other memory is System.Runtime.InteropServices.CustomMarshalers.EnumeratorViewOfEnumVariant.MoveNext()
I am getting this exception few times a day in our website.The page that create PDF file from the uploaded image files result in above excption.
I have a page that loads a two different files that the user uploaded during page_load. The code is an example I used from the aspsnippets site. The files are stored in a server folder while the location is saved in the database. The code below gets all files in the folder and binds them to a gridview.
Dim filePaths() As String = Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath("~/Uploads/2012/emp/")) Dim files As List(Of ListItem) = New List(Of ListItem) For Each filePath2 As String In filePaths files.Add(New ListItem(Path.GetFileName(filePath), filePath)) Next gvEmp.DataSource = files gvEmp.DataBind()
What I want to do is to get only one file per user as the fileID along with the location is saved in for every user. I ran a query to get the fileLocation and pass that location stored in the database instead of the current server path but I can't figure out how I would do it.
I've got a FormView control on a page. Its default mode is insert, since the intent is to have the user enter a record, save it, and then do something else. I've written a stored procedure to insert all of the data into 5 tables. 1 of the columns inserted is default, in SQL Server 2005, as an INT column, which is an IDENTITY column. After it inserts the record into the primary table, using a secondary stored procedure, it retrieves the newly created INT value, and then the primary stored procedure inserts records, using the new INT, into the other 4 tables. This is working fine. The primary stored procedure, which is called by the SqlDataSource on my .aspx page, defines this parameter as an output parameter:
In the FormView's ItemInserted event I'm trying to get the value from the FormViewInsertedEventArgs e parameter like this: [Code]....
However, the result returned is 0. Huh? That cannot be, because the new INT value created is something like 145000. Why am I then seeing a value of 0?