Data Controls :: Load On Demand Data In GridView With Records From Multiple Tables
Jul 17, 2015
In article Load on demand data in GridView you clearly described. but it's not enough when we comes to conditions.
Is it possible to load data on query method?I want to add some field from other table so how to use inner join in this...
Like I'm having a table with userid and want to get user full name from users table where userId = users.userId
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above link for bind GridView with TemplateField and asp control using jquery ajax.
now second link is [URL] for show image and bind when scroll down using json .
i want to add first link code into second link articles .so that we can image bind when scroll down using jquery .
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Jul 22, 2013
I created 3 product table . A,B and c.
I show product of table in different gridview.
Now I am using one search box. but how to search product name with image in one query all of three table....
Simple how to search product from multiple table and show result...
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Jan 14, 2011
I have an inventory page with a gridview that shows 1 item per record, each item starts with a checkbox in the gridview. Currently users can select multiple records and hit the order button and everything has worked well. Now I have multiple pages in my gridview, and if a user selects a few records from the first page, and then goes to the second page, all the records (checked checkboxes) disappear from the first page.
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May 7, 2015
I have several table (car,country,employee,language....) and StoredProcedure (Insert,Update,Delete,Select) for all.
Is it possible in one form ex. TEST.aspx and one grid load data for any table and call all storedProcedure for him.
One GridView for all....
Select work fine, but how adjust (insert,update,primary key) it is possible?
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Jun 29, 2010
I have a .NET 1 web app that is using a Oracle database, the web app has a page of table names that allows the users to select, there are 101 tables listed on the page. When the user clicks on a table name, it takes them to a page that shows user friendly column headers, the table data, etc. Is there a way to use one GridView to do this and show the user friendly column headers instead of creating 101 pages or 101 user controls and show that control based on the table passed into the page?
for example: the user clicks table 22, I want my gridview to look like this
Buyer's Name State City Zip Code Phone Number
if they click table 55 I want them to see this
Product Wholesale Price MSRP Sale Price On Sale (check box)
instead of showing the users
BuyersFullName BuyersState BuyersCity BuyersZipCode PhoneNumber, etc
and so I, I would like to use 1 gridview on one page if possible and build the grid on the "fly", We have the user friendly column headers in a table.
So my questions are:
is this possible, if so, what is the best approach in doing this
from a scalabilty level and maintenance level, would the 1 gridview be worth for all 101 (and growing tables), or would building a seperate user control for each table be better?
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Dec 29, 2010
i have a gridview inside an edittemplate formview control in a master/detail scenario
so in the formview i have some comboboxs/datepicker/..etc corresponding to the master table
and a gridview corresponding to the detail table
in this gridview i enabled multi editing of rows like in this article[URL]
the problem is that even i change the values on the gridview , if i click the update button of the formview the "details table" changes isn't submited to the database
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Oct 13, 2010
my have requirement is to select multiple records from Grid. by checking check box..
Actually i have 10 records in my Gridview i checked only 3 records by using check box . then i click NEXT button i need to show those 3 records only in another Gridview.
below is my code...
<asp:GridView ID="grvStores" runat="server" BackColor="White"
BorderColor="#CCCCCC" BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="1px" CellPadding="3">
<FooterStyle BackColor="White" ForeColor="#000066" />
<RowStyle ForeColor="#000066" />
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Feb 13, 2011
I have the below code snippet i found, but when running the delete command I get an run-time error of: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
For Each row As GridViewRow In InboxGV.Rows
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Mar 4, 2011
I have been trying to make this work for a while, but I have not been yet able to figure this put. I am using VS 2008 and mysql database. I wrote a query and checked to see if it works in database. It does.
I have a gridview, whose select command is that query. But for some reason, I just get all the rows from one table only. I rechecked my datasource and it is ok. I read on some discussions that it is NOT possible to have data from two tables in a gridview. Is that true? If that is not true, how can I have data from multiple tables in a gridview? Or any other web control for that matter.
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Apr 5, 2014
I want make a search by which want find data and display in gridview.
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Jul 12, 2010
Using 2005 and sql server mgmt studio 2005.
I am querying sql server db and returning unique records, no duplicates when I return the records in sql server mgmt studio.
However when I bind the dataTable that I return it is showing multiple duplicates, meaning I see each record appear 8 times in the gridview, has anyone seen this or know what I'm doing wrong?
My code below:
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Nov 22, 2015
I have datatable like
Name Sub
abc x
dfe y
abc z
I need the out put as
Name sub
abc x
abc z
Name Sub
dfe y
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How to program Sending of “Mail to Multiple Users” Using Checkbox within Gridview in C# ?
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Mar 15, 2011
I would like to let user to select multiple records from a gridview and then click a print button to print a report (*.rdlc).
In the report, there will be a table to list the selected records row by row.
(there is no insert/update/delete for selected records, just selected to print report.)
how to select multiple records to print on a report ?
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May 7, 2015
I have storedprocedure which returns four or more dataset!
example here
How load and display all data in Default.aspx....
dataset 1
dataset 2
dataset 3
dataset 4
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Feb 5, 2010
In my page I would like to load multiple gridview one by one (with or without update panel). Once the page loads I want gridview one to start loading then the next one load and so for the other gridviews.
While the gridview is loading the gridview should show loading gif.
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Aug 24, 2010
I have a textbox and a gridview which is bound to a table what I want to achieve is a solution where lets say there are two records - e.g. "1. Book and 2. Red", i want a user to type in those words and the gridview shows the results as followed;
1. Book
2. Red
I have set up the sql data source and everything and my like operator is this.
LIKE '%' + @record + '%'
how can I solve this problem?
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Mar 12, 2010
how to use a multiline text box that i could copy data into. Lets say addresses one on each line and then click submit and have it display those records in the database (SQL) in a gridview?
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Apr 7, 2014
This has reference to the article on ASPSnippets "Load data while Scrolling Page down with jQuery AJAX and ASP.Net".Records repeat after scrolling (e.g. Records 1-10 repeat after 10th record)
I verified that the pageIndex gets incrimented after the scroll by setting breakpoints at the point where the cmd.parameters value is being set(could not verify that further from hereafter though).
The stored procedure is able to fetch records e.g. 41-50 correcly affter excution in standalone mode by passing pageIndex=5 and pagesize=10 parameters etc. etc. etc.I also verified the code(line by line) from the site but, could not resolve the issue in more than a day's work.
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Jan 25, 2014
I a problem defining the variable @Bestilling in the codeBehind for adding the record to the database using a single form page. The database design with corresponding form are as below:
private void GridView1_BindData()
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connStr);
SqlDataAdapter dAd = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT kart_DemoOrder.OrderID,
I get error in the method: "GridView1_AddNewRecord".
Must declare the scalar variable "@BestillingID". Is there a way to use only one Add Method and not two as I did?
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Aug 20, 2010
i would like to find out how to go about displaying data from multiple database tables on the same page. What i mean is it would look like the feeds on the facebook home page where you can see the information like newply uploaded photo or a new post.
I have two tables, and i want to display any newly created row on my home page from either table in the same control. Currently, i have two gridviews, but i want the data from both tables be displayed together.
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Dec 27, 2012
i have a details table which include detailid, custname, address, classification , pincode, telephone, remarks and classification table contain classification id & classification.i want to insert detailid & corresponding classificationid to a new table detail_classification. How to write stored procedure for that?
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Jan 22, 2010
I have a listview that shows the user the details of the members who have sent friendship request. The table from which the data come has two fields namely, sender_id[id of the one who sends friendship request] and receiver_id[id of the one to whom the request is sent].
There will be two columns in the listview. The first would show the pic and the name of the user. The problem is that how am I going to show the pic and the name if the table from where the data come does not contain these info. I know that the sender_id can be used to fetch the pic and name of the sender, but how should it be done?
Earlier I would do something like <%#Eval("fieldName")%>. But in the above described scenario the field is not present in the current table but the other one.
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May 7, 2015
I have to display records from two tables where foreign key table contains many values for a primary key column how to get the data using linq query???
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